THE STAYTON MAIL \, It y THUD O. CON LBV. A T h ir t e e n t h Y e a r . We are proud of the fact that the lowii« of Marion county have no gloriously ml lied to the support of their com mu n ¡tie« in ruisiog the re* quim l mini for the assurance of nn electric line to connect with Portland A h we go to prcaa we have not re­ ceived totala from all the towna hut Auniaville, Turner, Sublimity, Htay- ton and otliera in thia aection have heen loyal to their conimunitiea but we have been greatly surprised to learn that the town of Hnlcm rained Icaa than |3,OUO. It ia an eaay matter to nay a certain thing can be accompliahed hut the bent of all in the acconipHahment it* aclf. Yea we are proud of our sister towna who have atood with their shoulder to the wheel pushing ateadily onward the great auliecriplion paper which rueaua an electric line for Stay ton and Houth eaalern Marion county. Mill City in anxioUH for an electric line and one individual ha* ottered $10,000 toward the advancement of the present enterprise if it lie |M>s*ible to get an agreement with the electric people to continue to Mill City. Perseverance accomplishes all things and our |H*ople have the lot) per cent pure article. ANOTHER CONCRETE BUILD A N S u b s c rip tio n , f l. 2 S P t h ANNUM O R O A N N u m b e r 26 Thercs a day that seems like Christmas, or perhaps Thanksgiving time: S m all Change It’s when the preacher comes to visit us And when mother spreads the table and gets down During tlie Harveat Season the silverware, And slicks up everything Dints in a muss. there Is a threat demand for And pa takes out his razor from the upper bureau drawer SILVER A N D SM A LL CHANGE Makes some lather with the soap and take* a shave, Tells me not to eat to quickly, and lie sure and use W e are prepared to supply my fork, your wants in change To show tho preacher how well 1 behave. BIO OK SMALL. Mother fs the first to see him as he turns the When you corner road Then she tells pa to he quick and change his clothes; when you need money or have money deposit--- COME and low------ I am thinking of the dinner f suppose. Mother hurries to the kiteben, puts TO TH E Stayton State B a n k . her baking apron on, Lights the fire and -calls me to get more wood, I’m glad to see the preacher, not because I love him much, Hut when lie comes here ma hakes tilings awful good. ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦ m a m « ♦♦♦♦ «♦ ♦ • «♦ «♦ The Inst time we had chicken, apples, nuts and pump­ Wouldn't You prefer to have your House Decorated by an experianced Painter and Paper Hanger. and pam; I want to be a minister when f grow up to be a man For a preachers job is one that’s hard to beat; They never to work, W. F. C. I And be Convinced. Guarantied. Workmanship W A T T E R S & Q U EEN ER Painters and Water Street* Twine I I Give Us A T r ia l worry ’bout their soul, and seldom have And they're always sure to have good things to eat. 5 A l l Things B e in g E q u a l kin pie That afternoon I had the stomach ache. BEGINS. to t wash my face and comb my hair, and whistle soft He prayed that God would keep us from sickness, grief I’lan* are being prepared for another concrete building for third atreet to he erected in the near future. The con ­ tract has lieen let for the concrete blocks and the ground will be (ire- pared soon for the foundation. The new building is to lie erected by \Y. K. Thomas and will be occupied by him with hia grocery store now- located near the |>o*t office. These new improvement* mean much to our city and all improvenent* now under way are quite substantial. 1908. W hen The Preacher Comes. The preacher asked to bless things for our sake, INQ CONTEMPLATED. , Stayton, Oregon. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ « m « « « « « « « « « m « ♦ ♦ ♦ « « m « m » « « « « « « « m « Twine * * Press The Button * * * * * * I nut II n t r a . The teachers county institutes for Oregon this year w ill lie held as follows: Coos County, Myrtle Point, Aug. 18- 19-20-21; Wallow county, Enterprise, Aug. 26-27*28; Wasco county, T h e ’ Dalles, Oct. 6-7 8, Columbia county, j Rainer, October 6-7-8; Washington county, October 12-13-14; Polk county \ D.illns, October 14*15-16; Klamath county, Klamath Falls, Oct. 21-22-23- 24. The annual county school s u | h t - intendent's convention will he held at Balem, Septemlicr 10 and II. Our Specialty. Korinek & Mielke. and lo, you have a light. Can anything be nicer for the home? “ Costs but little too.” S ta yto n E le c tric L ig h t Co. Harvest Supplies KerberBros. burial of our beloved w ife nod mother. | H A R D W A R E & F A R M IM P L E M E N T S A •f * * * <* * * * A * * See What You Buy! Do not depend upon printed de­ scriptions. There are only a cer­ tain number of adjectives in the language anyway and they are For Our Customers * apt to be used many times when a fellow is trying to convince of Tho Presidential Postmasters’ Ass’n ! of Oregon will meet in the Conven | something on paper at long tion Hall of the Portland Commercial & M A C H I N E range. O I L The result is you do not Club Aug. 7 and 8, ami have invited T W I N E tho Fourth (’ lass Postmasters to meet know what you are getting after witli them. The commercial bodies of When you buy any of the above goods you should tho state have joined with the Post- j you are all through reading. consider Q U A L IT Y as well as PRICE. It masters in inviting Postmaster Gener­ al Meyet to attend and arrangements Cut This Out and come here does not pay to buy a poor article because it is cheap have been made for meetings in Wash­ and see what you buy. It costs ington and California, so that tho for it is a W A S T E of T IM E and M O N E Y . Postmaster General may attend all nothing to look, and even if you three with the least possible loss o f 1 Our goods have the quality and always give satisfaction. buy and are dissatisfied after- time. Sec Us Before You Buy. Card Of Thanks. wards, return it and get your Yours for business, We wish to thank onr many friends money back. No complaint and neighbors for having so kindly either. assisted us during the sickness and Carl Schaefer and children. l PaperHangers, Twine T od a y marks the beginning of the threshing season in south eastern Marion and north eastern l.inn county. Frank Pietrok started his big outfit at John Brauns. The wheat yield is up to average in nil sections hut near Mt. Pleasant the yield is a little less than last year. While threshing has commenced nil grain is not yet harvested, John Sand tier, Adam l.ulny and Dave Aergerter started harvesting on the 27th inst at Mt. Pleasant. W. N. Thomas of Jor­ don is also busily engaged in wheat harvesting. Count) N O T S T A Y T O N , M A R I O N C O U N T Y . O R E G O N . JU LY * i , Stayton Leads. THRESHING N IC W S I’ A I'IC K , Gehlen Pros.