L — ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ | THE LOCAL FIELD | £ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Horseshoe Camp No. «06 W.O. W. come. - rhopiHT» wel­ O. V. Mytrs.l .C. K. B. W attkrs , Clerk. M ill Grace Apple i» vUiting in ^c*° with Mrs. R. W. Gill. Miss Hazel Robertson loft Wednes­ day for a visit with relatives at Kugene. Thomas Irons of Lyons was a busi­ ness caller in town Tuesday. E. P. Shott of Sublimity was in town a few days ago. Anyone wishing to connect with the city water works, call on .lac. tjpauiol. Born Sunday July 19th to wife of 1. O. Alsuian of West Stayton a son. Use DeWitt s Little Early Risers, pleasant little pills that are easy to take. Sold by Stayton Pharmacy. gentle horse, that will drive single; weight between 1100 and 1200 lb s;« to 9 years old. W a n t e d — Good 24-tf. U. W h itn ey . Interest Shown In high School. macy. Gets Hand Maimed. A new side walk is being put in front Arnold Funk who is employed by of the Christian church and other the Stayton Chair Company met with improvements made. a painful accident a few days since. Henry M. Miller who resides near While clearing some rubbish from be­ Aumsville was one of our callers Sat­ low the cut off saw the young man urday. He reports good crops in his in some way had his hand thrown in section. contact with the saw resulting in the Our new photographers report good flesh being torn from the middle patronage and may remain with us if finger and a severe cut on the little business remains good in their line. finger on one hand. There is little The new concrete building erected doubt but that his injured fingers will by Mr. Roy is going stedily ahead and remain stiff but he is fortunate iu not by the middle of next week the finish­ having lost his hand. ing which is in charge of Charles C I I K I ST I A N C H I U C I I , Stokes of Lebanon will be well under J. Colvin from one mile west of Aumsville was a visitor in Stayton recently. He reports much interest in the proposed electric line. Aums- vfflo is certainly digging to bed rock for they too want an electric line. W . F . Chan«*, M l n l u t e r . Sunday Services; Preaching 11 a.m. Subject “ The Law of Forgiveness.” 8 p. m. Subject “ Bone or Gristle, Which?” The public most cordially invited to attend. Good music Rev. Chase will sing at evening service. Leo Rund and family of Jordon Valley were business visitors here early this week. Also Mr. Sheldon of Jor­ don Valley was buying supplies in town a few days ago. Albert Gerking, of Portland, son- in law of J. J. Hardin of this place whilt visiting relatives here was stricken with appendicitis. He was taken to St. Vincents hospital Sunday and under went an operation the same evening. The last reports state he is doing nicely. Mr. Ringo prop of the Stayton Undertaking Parlors accompanied the editor to Turner Monday en route Portland. Mr. Ringo remained in Salem until Tuesday where he was met by the editor who had gone to the metropolis for extras for T hk M a i l . Job type labor saving rule and wood furniture are being added to the plant. A new Milburn wagon was sent out by Korinek A Mielke recently. They report a splendid business this year. A ll our merchants are enjoying good patronage and we trust we will be nblc to show 1908 to have been the banner year for Stayton. John Mielke met with a slight in­ jury while setting up a wagon recently. Mr. Korinek and Mr. Mielke were raising an axle to insert the spindle in the wheels but in some way Mielke failed to protect one of his fingers which sustained a very severe bruise and is very painful Mr. Matt Spaniol prop of Grand Central Hotel, Ktayton has made great changes in his hostelry now having a very attractive dinning room and the room occupied with the bar has been fitted up for a sample room for travel ers. Miss Hullie Shelly was bitten by a spider Friday evening and as a result is suffering with a badly poisoned arm. F kki >G. C onley , Headquarters for Vegetables, Strawberries , Oranges , A sparagus, Bananas , Lemons , Cabbage , Onions , Radishes , Pineapples , Etc. In Fact A nything to Eat || W. E. Thomas & Son. WOULD ASSIST ELECTRIC LINE TO MILL CITY. On Saturday one member of the soliciting committe on railroad bonds called upun a Mill City resident who is so enthused over tho prospect that he gave hi. word that he individually would give ten thousand dollara toward the electric line if it would be extended to Mill City. It haa not been the pleasure of the new editor to visit Mill City but it is indeed gratifying to know that Mill City people too are energetic in their efforts ¡to secure the electric line. With such hearty endorsements from other points in this part of the county there can he no failure in securing quota of bonds in a short time. Now is tho time for there is no time like the present. A railroad for Stayton means an outlet for all surplus pro­ ducts. I Have Just Received A Large Variety Of New And Seasonable SHOES Childrens Shoes O f M any Styles. M ens Hunting, Fishing, Dress And W o rk Shoes. Come In And Look A t Th em . Yours T ru ly . V . P. Lancefield. Church. Lester M. Molson, of Naples, Maine, says in a recent letter: “ I have used Dr. Kings New Discovery many years, for coughs and colds, and I think it saved my life. I have found it a reli­ able remedy for tbroat and lung com­ plaints, and would no more be with­ out a bottle than I would be without food.” For nearly forty years New Discovery has stood at the head of throat and lung remedies. As a pre­ ventative of pneumonia, and healer of weak lungs it has no equal. Bold un­ der guarantee at Brewer's drug store. W .H . Cooper, one of our energetic 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. business men, while at Am ity met a gentleman who promised to conic here in the interest of a milk condenser. New Train Service on C. & E. He bus installed several plants, all of Commencing June 22 and until which are in a flourishing condition further notice the following train ser­ and there is no better location tor a vice will be in effect on the line of the C. & E. R .R . between Albany and T a ­ condenser than in Stayton. quina, daily except Sunday: There will be preaching in the Baptist Church next Sunday at the usual hours of service, morning and evening. Prayer meeting on Satur­ day evening at eight o’clock to which everybody is cordially invited. Also Sunday school and Young Peoples Society at the usual time. We have some new books to sing iu, comfort­ able seats, good services and Gospel preaching. Come and worship with us. A. H. C arman , Pastor. Auction Sale. Train No. 1« Train No. 2 Mixed Passenger Leave Albany 7:45 a .m . 12:40 p.m . Ar. Yaquina 1:30 p. in. 5:30 p. in. Tiain No. 15 Train No. 2 Passenger Mixed Leave Yaquina 2:15 p.m. 7:00 a. m. Arrive Albany 7:00 pm. 11:55a.m. On Sundays the service will be as follows: Leave Albany 7:35 a. ni. A r ­ rive Yaquina 11:40 a.m. Leave Y a ­ quina 0:00 p. m. Arrive Albany 11:30 A t my home one block south of Baptist church in Stayton, Oregon, I will offer at public auction Friday, July 31st, all of my household goods including No. 8 Bridge Beach range, air tight heater, bed steads, carpets 3 rocking chairs, full set dinning room chairs, lounge, chefTonier, cooking p. m. utensils etc., some canned fruit, also empty jars, kitchen cabnet, commis­ sary and side board combined. Terras cash. Sale will be called at 2:00 o’clock p. in. on said date above mentioned. M rs . J. H . D avidson . Petition. We Hie unl Vinous Liquors in less quantities than One Callon In Horeb Precinct Marion County State of Oregon for the period of Twelve Months and In duty bound your Petitioners will ever pray James Welch, 8 II Thacker, II W Harris, L T Dike, Henry Joosli. O W Anderson, Thos. J. Winter-, G L Raudem, V. C Hester, J K Mor­ row. Wallace llachard, K A Hester, II Winkley, I W .lfa ll.G I. Savage, K S chase, 8 c Horensn, Henry carmady,Grant Hintlh, Conrad Miller, It II -liier, Charles \\ Thomas, J II Chureh, Charles Gonzales, John Johnson, RJoo*h,W N Thomas, HO Pierce, I. A Harris II Barto». NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that T B Riggs will on tie 3rd day of September 190S Apply to the Honorable county Court of Marlon County Stall: ol Oregon for License to sell spiritous Mult and Vinous Liquors in less quantities than one Gallon in Horeb Precinct Marion County State of Oregon for the period of Twelve Months. T. li. It loos. SO-30 Thomas Grocery Editor. T h i n k * I t S a v e d 111* L i f e . Ha| »ti»t Several fishing parties went up the Santiam Sunday returning Monday and among their number were Messrs Babcock, of Salem, T. J. Smith, of Stayton and an Oregonian represent­ ative from Portland. They report a good catch. SERVICE. Outside Han. DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve is good suitable high school building when the voters decide to do so for cuts, burns, bruises and scratches. Great interest was shown by the I t is especially good for piles. Rec­ voters and all concerned. ommended and sold by Stayton Phar­ way. UNION An all day Union Service is being planned by the several churches of this city to be held in tin' City Park | Both Propositions Defeated. the first Sunday in August. Look for A t the special election held Friday further announcements. in school »listriot No. 77 both prop­ ositions before the people were defeat­ ed. A total of 99 votes w as east and IS of these were in favor of ereeting a Beginning with this week $«000 high school building while fil and continuing untill further were east in opposition. The other notice J. II. Blakely will bo proposition of raising the present the authorized outside man school building and adding more rooms for T iik M a il . H o is author­ polled a vote of 31 for and «5 against. ized to take subscriptions or The matter must now bo given up jobwnrk subject to appoval at for the present for it will be impossible the office, collect for sub­ to give sufficient notice to the voters scriptions, deliver and collect or to erect a suitable building before for jobwork, gather news the opening of the fall term of school. items, etc., in fact he will he There are several pupils hero who the all-round outside man for are high school students but will T hk M a il . Help him all have to attend elsewhere for the pres­ you can and the editor will ent. With the completion of an greatly appreciate it. More electric road to Stayton many more news and subscribers is what residents will come here and it w ill we want. T 11F. M A 11 be easier upon all parties to erect a W m . M c M crray , If for any reason you are dissatis­ fied with your old trading place, let us demonstrate to you that we ap­ preciate your trade and confidence. Paint the trunks of your fruit trees with Carbolineum. ¡t will keep off insects of all kinds. Shakes for sale, $6.50 per thousand. B. PRANGE, Sublimity, Or. The Time is Here Gen. Passenger Agent. pooT E a s p F O R T IR E D A C H IN G FEET. REST TH E FEET AND YOU REST TH E BO D Y. O ur foot in To our original motto: “Good Stock, Prompt and Fair Dealing,’’ we add another one: “ Live and Let Live.” the powder dusted shoes prevents friction, relieves tired, ten­ der, sweaty, smarting sore feet, absorbes all moisture. KEEPS T H E FEET DRY AND CO M FO RT­ ABLE. P R IC E 25C. FOR SALE AT STAYTON PHARMACY Bank Building. ./ to have your Mowers and Binders repaired. C all on us ¡f you need re= pairs of any kind. We carry a full line. > % Besides carrying a full line of implements, we run a Black­ smith and M illw right shop, and don’t believe in cut prices. PHILIP MEIER, Sublimity. 0