The Farmer’s W ife U very nar«ful uUmt h«r chum. Hha »raid* It tlii>rniiKlily afl«r using, and give» It a sun bath to Hwcoion It. Klin know* that If lt<*v ( burn lit sour It will taint the butter that I* Iliad« In It. Tim stomach 1« a ahum. Ill tlm stomach and digestive and nulrlllvn tract» am performed pro* CMM which am ulinoat exactly Ilk« tlm churning of butter. 1» It not apparent then that If this stomach-churn Is foul It makes foul all which Is put Into It? Tlm evil of a foul,stomach Is not alone the bad tnsl« In tlm mouth and tlm foul breath caused by It, but tlm corruption of tha pura current of blood and the dissem­ ination of disease throughout tlm body, lir. Pierce’» <¡olden Medical Discovery makes tha sour and foul stomach sweet. It does for the stomach what tlm washing and sun bath do for tlm churn—absolutely removes every tainting or corrupting «la- umnt. In this way It cures blotches, pimples, aruptlons, scrofulous swellings, sores, or o | m - ii eating ulcers nnd all humors or diseases arising from bad blood. If you have bitter, nasty, foul taste In your mouth, coated tongue, foul breath, are weak and easily tired, feel depressed and d«e|iondciit, have frequent headaches, dizzy attacks, gnawing or distress In stom­ ach, constipated or Irregular bowel», sour or bitter risings nfler eating and poor appetite, these symptoms, or any consider­ able numlter of them. Indicate that you nrn sufieriim from hlllousne-», torpid or lazy liver with the usual accompanying Indi­ gnation, or d> -ptjpaiu and their attendant derangements. DEATH WAHOS HIM IIKKLH. Jesse p, Morris, of Hkipper, Va., liuti a dose call in tlm spring of HMHi lie says: "A .i attack ol poeti moina left ln« an weak anil with such a (earful covgli that my friends declared consumption hail me, ami dentil was on my heels. Then I persuaded to try Dr. K ing’s I Now Discovery. It help' d me Immedi­ ately, and after taking two and a half liotth-s I was a well man again. I founp out that New Discovery is the latst rem­ edy for coughs, lung disease in all the world." Sold under guarantee it t Brewer’s drug store. 60c mid 1001 TripI houle free. . _____imonarsiuL^o itt.«;» ji.xffiwiMu VI' * r** im C'imLiiiiL'd E n g In piscovi|,y. TIiat Tha this Is abs«DL NEW DISCOVERY KING OF COUGHS 4“D GOLDS CURES si THROAT «'LU N G for THROAT , Financial Expedient. Hhoehlack Khlne. sir? Four sous? I ’usserhy—No, thank you. Shoeblack— Tw o sous? I'asserhy—No. Shoeblack— For nothing, then? I’asserhy — All right. If you like. Shoeblack (after having finished one shoe)—It'« 0 sona to denn the other, sir.—No« Lolslra. ---- t' _____ Best Cigars AT DR. KING’S AND DISEASES LUNG REM­ EDIES 8AVED HER SOM’S U FE My son Rex was taken down a year ago with lung trouble. We doctored tome months without improvement. Then I began giving Dr. K ing's New Discovery, and I soon noticed a change for the better. I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my son ia perfectly well and wforks every day. MRS. SAMP. R IP P E E , Ava, Mo. SOLD A N D GUARANTEED BY BREWER DRUG 50c AND $1.00 COMPANY Our Language. An Intelligent foreigner Is said to have expressed himself after the fol­ lowing fashion on the absurdities of the English language: “ When I dis­ covered that I was quick. I was fast; i If I stood firm, I was fast; If I spent too freely, I was fast, nnd that not to eat was to fast, 1 was discouraged. But when I came across the sentence, ‘The first one Won one $1 prize,’ I was tempted to give up English aud learn some other language." Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrti|>— the cough Syrup that tastes nearly as A W O M A N T E L L S HOW TO R E ­ good as maple sugar and which child­ L IE V E R H E U M A T IC P A IN S . ren like ko well to take, Unlike near­ I have been a very great sufferer ly all other cough remedies, it does from the dradful disease, rheumatism, not constipate, hut on the other hand for' a number of years. 1 have tried it act» promptly on the bowel» through many medicines but never got much which the cold is forced out of th e , relief from any of them until two years sy»tem and at the »aim- time it allayy ago, when 1 bought a bottle of Cham­ inflammation. Always u»e Kennedy« berlains Pain Balm. 1 found relief be­ Laxative Cough Syrup. Sold by Stay- fore I had used all of one bottle, but kept ou applying it and soon felt like ton Pharmacy. a different woman. Through my ad­ vice many of my fiiends have tried it Too Healthy. and can tell you iiow wonderfully it “ Do you Itcllevo that mosquitoes car­ lias worked.— Mrs. Sarah A. Cole, 140 ry malaria?” S. New St., Dover, Del. Chamberlains “ Not the mosqult'tes around here," Pain Balm is a linament. The relief answered Farmer Corutossel. “ They from pain which it affords is alone couldn't itosslhly do it and be so worth many its cost. It makes rest healthy.” — WashIngton Star. and sleep possible. For sale by all druggists. A T W E N T Y Y E A H S E N TE N C E . “ I have just, completed a twenty A Little of Everything. year health sentence, imposed hy Huck- “ The weather u^ed to be la four acts leu's Arnica Salve, which cured me of —spring,, summer, autumn and win­ bleeding piles just twenty years tig*»,’ ter.” writes t>. S. Woolever, of LeKuysville, “ W e lir N. Y. Buck lens Arnica Salve heals “ But now nature seems to have gone the worst sores, hoils, burns, wounds Into vaudeville.” — Louisville Courier- ami cuts in the shortest time. 2'>c. at Journal. Brewer’s drug store. Persistency Is the road to success. The only know n exception to this rule Is the case of a hen sitting on a cblna egg Exchange. FRIEND T O FRIEND. The personal recommendations of people who have been cured of coughs and colds by Cham­ berlain’s Cough Remedy have done more than all else to make it a staple article of trade and com­ merce over a large part of the civilized world. AN INSTANCE. Kodol For Dyspepsi i has helped thoii-ilids of people who have had stoiiineli trouble. This is whst one in iii »a vs of i t : *‘ E. ( I >e\N it t A* ( o , Chicago, I I I — Gentlemen— In 1MU7 1 h id n tit »ease of t i c stomach and bow elr. I could not digest anything I ale nnd in the spring of P.MI2 I l»>ught a bottle of Kodol ami the henelit I re­ ceived from ’ hat bottle all the gold in O eoigi, could not liny I »till n»t> a little occasionally as 1 hud it a line |,|,,od pur ifer it ml • good tonic May y,» ii live long and prosper. Yours \- tv truly, C N Cornell Holing, h r, Aug 27 I’M Hi. Sold hy Slayton I’ har Lucy Suddreth, of Lenoir. N. C., had been troubled with a very bad cough for over a year. She says : “ A friend bought a bottle of C ham berlain ’ s C ough R emedy , brought it to me and insisted that I should take it. I did so and to my surprise it helped me. Four bottles of it cured me of my cough." F O R S A L E B Y B R E W E R D R U G CO. mucy. Kodol For Indigestion The Secret of a Beautiful Face lies in keeping the skin pro­ tected as well ascleansed. Just washing ii not enough—that only leaves the delicate surface more exposed to the irritation of dust and germs; to merci­ less attacks Af sun and weather. After washing, ap­ ply Rohertine and experience its delightful refreshment. You will admire the line-less softness it imparts to face, neck and arms. It not only stimulates a radiant glow, but protects the skin from becom­ ing coarse. Prevents burn­ ing, tan and freckles. • j 4 ik y*ur D n tg tia fa r m / rtf fU and — TR Y Our Guarantee Coupon KING LOVELACE Full brother to Lord Lovelace 2:10. In the stud 1908, S T A Y T O N , Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays: S A L E M , Club Stable, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. For particulars address L. L. THOMAS, Stayton. D E A N M O R R IS , Caretaker. If. after using two-thirds of a bottle of Kodol. you can honestly say it has not bene­ fited yon, we will refund your money. Try Kodol today on this guarantee. Fill out and sign the following, present it to the dpaler at I M tune of purchase. I f it fails to satisfy you return the bottle containing one-third o f the medicine to the dealer from whom you bought it. and we will refund your money. To»" Slat* Sign here. • t us T a i » o u t - i Digests What YouEat And Makes the Stomach Sweet K . C. D a W I T T At C O .. C h i t « « o . I U . NEI5S e CONNAWAY PHOTO E N G ß A V E B S liL U Ä T B P T O R ® ‘ TÄdkfric/ ■PRINTlMGPUATESfor , Sp^lO N ER Y PRINTING . NEWSPAPER ILLUSTRATIONS) /„MAGAZINE AND BOOKLET CO/E RèATIDILLUtS T RAT lOMè • COMIC AND àOUVENieRPOST C A R D & C A TA LO G é.LA B t LM i* 10 9 a t e orsù » T a t t T P O R T L A M D O ^ C O O fS