— THE PEOPLE OR W ords o f Praiso For thn MVnrul Ingredient* of which Dr. Pierce's medicines urn composed, um given by leader* III ull thn several School* of medicine, should huyii fur nioro weight than any amount of non-professional tr*- lllN llli). Dr. Pli m 'l l uvi.riic f|«Mlp> tlon him i n k n a 1*0 r. or iiohksty on every bottlo-wrapper, In a full ll»t of all ltn in­ gredients printed In plain English. If you arn an Invalid woman and aufTnr from f retain nt hnadachn, backache, gnaw* log dlstrjpt In stomach, periodical palna, dUugrcynwo, catarrhal, pelvic drain, draggliWdown distress In lower abdomen or pelv)l, perhaps dark tpota or specks daucDfg before tlmoyoi, faint ipella and klndfynisyuistomscausMl by female weak* oeaa, d e l h ecutlarly Incident to women aa any medicine can. It must ba given a fair chance by perseverance In Its uae for a rcaaonable length of time. Y .H I r g i.'t ■■fTi.nl l n ^ v i ' l U a o-cr.ii. lu .; - trnm a snUtituU- for I III« remedy. A>f STck women are Invited to conault I)r. Pierce, by letter,/rre. MJ correspond* enco la guarded aa aacredly secret and womanly confidence* aTe proteclml bv profe*alonal privacy. Address Dr. H. V. fierce, Buffalo, N. V. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet» the best laxative and regulator of the l*>w<*K They Invigorate stomach, liver and bowel*. One a laxative; two or three a cathartic. Easy to Uko a* candy. B e st C ig a r s m and AT C a n d ie s THE GEM CONFECTIONERY See our line of Postal Cards. Hundreds to select from. “ C orrect English How To Use It” A M «»III h i ? M ngit/lnr 1 hr t'ar O f llrvotrd T o I'm l»«h . JOSEHIN KTl*RCK BA K ER, E ditor I’ AHT IAI. < ONTKNTS. Course in Grammar. How to increase One’s Vocabulary. The Art of Conversation. Shall and W ill; Should and Would How to Use Them. Pronounciations (Century Diction- ary.) Correct English in the Home. Correct English in thu School. What to Suy nnd What not to Say. Course in Loiter Writing and Punctuation. Twenty Daily Drills. Business English for the Business Man. Compound Words: How to Write Them. Studies in English Literature. A It«* nt« \Y Miit i'll $1.00 a year. Send 10 cents for Sample Copy (JOUHKUT KNt.I.ISII, Kvamton, III. > The Secret of a 'Beautiful Face lies in keeping the skin pro­ tected.is wellascleansed. Just iva hing i.i not enough — that only leavcsthedelicate surface more exposed to the Irritation of dust and germs; to merci­ less attacks of sun and weather. After washing, ap­ ply Roberiinc and experience its delightful refreshment. You will admire the line-less softness it inqarts to face, neck and arms. It not only stimulates a radiant glow, but protects the skin from becom­ ing coarse. Prevents burn­ ing, tan and freckles. j l i l y»ur H ru c g h t f * r 4 fr* 4 i im f lt a n J — T R ? ^ # K IL L IBER1 t h e AND C U R E cough t h e L U N C 8 w™ Dr. King’s New Discovery FOR C 8 1 iS i8 J B fc * AND A L L THROAT AND LU N G T R O U B LES . O U A R A N T E E D SA T ISF A C T O R Y OR M ONEY REFUNDED. THE POLITICIAN. Kruni the Tillamook ilcrahl KING (Hep) ft i* true ilint during the putt lew r week* Htsteiiiciit No. i lioliticinn* nnd n *11 Imidi/.cd pre**, of conree. Practically every weekly newspaper in tlm Ntale is first nod last in favor of • the people having their suy instead of the politician whom Statement No, 1 lias relegated to the hack seat and the past. It i* the people, the masses who will have their «tty in support of the issue,, or it i* i he politician who w ills* of yore hold the ever leudy suck for the biggest wad of “ lilthy lucre.” Htatenient No I is the |>eople’s voice in the matter of whom tiny wisli to represent them; it is the true princi­ ple of “ a government for the people SA V ED HER 30/9*3 U F E and hy the people” mid the workings My »on Rex wae taken down a year ago with lung trouble. We of the new state of »Hair* is being j doctored tome months without improvement. Then I began giving watched hy practically every state in j Dr. King’ s New Discovery, and I soon noticed a change for the better. I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my son is perfectly the union. well and works every day. MRS. SAMP. RIPPEE, Ava, Mo. The country prcas of Oregon i* o|*e li­ ly oppo-ed to any tampering with ] Statement No. I, while the Oregonian 5 0 c A N D $1.00 and a few ring organ* are trying to ; • O L D A N D G U A R A N T E E D BY snatch it from the people. Thu voters of Tillamook county will 1 BREWER DRUG COMPANY we are sure vote for the man for legis­ lator and he only who announces him - ; ■elf ns voting for the people's ch oice1 BEST HEALER IN THE WORLD. for tfie seat of United State» senator. Rev. F. Starbird, of East Raymond First, every grange in the state of Maine, snye: “ I have used Bucklens Oregon has or will declare in lavor of Arnica Halve for several years, on my Statement No. 1, nnd the grange is a old army wound, and other obstinate mighty factor in Oregon politics. sores, and find it the best healer in the | Second, every anti-machine politi world. I use it too with great success > rian will support the statement in the in my veterinary business.” Price 25c. I election of senators who are safe on at Brewers drug store. this question. . “ ■ . . -.it.» It ti“ ver takes a man long to learn 1 lord, the state press with but few , • , , winch end of a mule to feed, exceptions are pronounced in favor o f ; _______ _ _____ the principles of Statement No. 1. ,CAUSE OF STOMACH T R O U B L E S.1 Fourth, the recent attack on the "When a man has trouble with his initiative and referendum law by the stomach you may know that he is eat- Pscific States Telephone and the Sun- ing more than he should or of some set Telephone companies has won article of food or driuk not suited to thousands of converts to the cause of his age or occupation, or that his bow­ els arc habitually constipated. Take popular governmen t , Fifth, the brazen effrontery ami Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab­ bulldog persistency of the old ring poli­ lets to regulate the bowels nnd improve ticians to dictate the nominees for of­ the digestion nnd see if the trouble fice has turned all who were “ halting doer not disappear. Ask for a free between two opinions” toward the ban­ snmple. Sold by all druggists. ner of Statement No. 1. Any fool can find the sharp end of Sixth, thu nasty |>o!iticnl record of the rocking chair in the dark. the )a*t generation of politicians of the Kodol is today the best known and old machine dynasty, which has be­ most reliable remedy for all disorders smirched the fair state of Oregon with of the stomech, such as dyspepsia,’ an odium of graft and high-handed thievery, calls for temedial efforts by ‘le*rt burn, sour stomach and belching . placing men in state and national nu*- of **8' Kodo‘ contains the same juices thority who feel a fair sense of obliga- fol,ntl in R he* ltl,3r •fom tch - Kodol is tion to all the peoplo of the state for pleasant to take. It is guaranteed to give relief and is sold here by Stayton their official honor and election. Pharmacy. NO USE TO DIE. Men of full habits make full church­ “ I have found out that there is no yards. u*o to die of lung trouble as long as CArUKl - <****«" TETTER, SALT R H A U M , ECZEMA. you can get Dr. Kings New Discovery,” i These are diseases for which Cham­ say* Mr* J. 1*. White, of Rushbnro, I’ a. F R IE N D T O F R IE N D . berlains Salve is especially valuable. “ 1 would not he alive today only for that wonderful medicine. It loosens , It quickly allays the itching and T h e personal recommendations of people who up a cough quicker that Untiling else, 8° ,>rtinK a" ‘l « ffwt8 * « “ ■*• ^ ic e have been cured of coughs and colds by C ham ­ and cures lung disease even after the I 26 c™ *8' For sale hy all d ruggists. berlain’s Cough Remedy have done more than all case is pronounced hopeless.” This Egotism is harder to get out of the most itliahle remedy for coughs ami system than nicotine. else to make it a staple article of trade and com ­ colds, lr.grippe, asthma, bronchitis and . , , - i i i * Mr. John Riba, \ tning, In., says, “ I merce over a large part of the civilized world. hoarseness, is sold ami guaranteed at , ’ p ’ , „ • , . r,, , - , have been selling DevY itts Kidney nnd Brewers drug store. oOc. nnd f l . rrial _ , , , , , * ixjtlle free. Bladder l ills for about a year and they A N IN S T A N C E . ______________ ! give better satisfaction than and pill Lucy Suddreth, of Lenoir, N. C., had been troubled with I ever sold. There a dozen people here a very bad cough for over a year. She says : *‘ A friend \\ lien tho new trolley line first ran , , , , , , , , , , . , , who have used them nnd they give bought a bottle of C h a m b b r i ^ vin ’ s C ough R e m e d y , through the little town it was regarded perfect Mti8flicti()11 in every case. I brought it to me and insisted that I should take it. I did with pride, admiration and fear for have used them myself with fine re- so and to my surprise it helped me. Four bottles of it many of the townsfolk stood in awe of suits.” Sold by Stayton Pharmacy. cured me of my cough.” the mysterious powers of the electric When others fail it is your oppor­ current. tunity to make good. "W ould 1 get n shock if I put my F O R S A L E B Y B R E W E R D R U G CO. foot on that rail?” queried a nervous Be careful about that little cough. Get old Indy, after hovering on one side of " « » “ ‘thing right away; some good, re- the road, not quite daring to attempt ,,nble rcmed>' ,hnt wil1 moVf* lhe h os­ tile dangerous crossing. ' , e|p- Kennedy* Laxative Cnngli Syrup N E I5 S ¿ “ No, madam,” nitawered the ,Kilite ! ,,ct* kl'»t!y jet promptly on the bow- CONN AW AY conductor, “ not unless yon put your |el" ‘ »«• • ""‘ ■tion at the other foot on the trolley wire.’ ’ 8i,'n" tin,e- U ' 8 ph-asant to take atuL| P H O T O it is especially recommended for cliild- Mrs H eaver'— to new Norwegian ren, ns it tastes nearly as good as mnp- E N G ß A V E ß S Our Guarantee Coupon girl— How i* it, Ollie, that you were le sugar. Sold by Stayton Pharmacy. ir. aft.r using two-lhirdt of . It.no bottle of A f f liä T » IILU&TR û T O R ® brought up with such a large family Kodol. you c.n honestly *«y It has not bene­ It would take a lot of arnica to cure fited you, we will refund your money. Try amt don’t know the first thing nlamt the lame excuses of this world. * PRINTING P L A T E * for Kodol today on this xuarantee. Fill out end sign the following, pretent it to the dealer at j house work? I can’t understand it? the tune of purchase. If it tails to satisfy you s t a t io n e r y PRINTING DeWitts Little Early Risers, small, return the bottle containing one-third of the I Ollie— the servant— I bane ton sickly medicine to the dealer from whom you bouchl safe, sure little pills. Sold by'Stayton : .fjEWáiPAPER !LLUêT«VTÏONà It. and we will refund your money. a girl to do housework. My sisters do Pharmacy. T"— housework an’ I bane have to work r? M AG AZINE a n D BO O KI ET The wife of a brnkeman should al­ outside. I work the giotiml an’ lia I p S tats C0VC.R5)AnDILLUe)T RATIONS ways wear a train. my brother* to plow. Sign liere_ . COH i CAND âOUVeNIERPO&T >Cwt This Out - - Get DcWitt* Carbolixcd Witch Haz- \\ lien in Stayton leave your team el Salve— it i* healing, soothing and D ig e s ts W h a t Y o u E a t ^CARDI),CATALOG o>. L ABC L M v « - to y z t t o N u * T s t t T ¡at the Grand Central Feet I Barn. cooling. It is good for piles. Sold by \ V K IN G OF THROAT AND LUNG REM- NEW DISCOVERY COUGHS «•■> GOLDS CURES ** THROAT *«» LUNG FOR DISEASES Kodol Fo r Indigestion J ack A llrü . Í Stayton Pharmacy. And Makes the Stomach Sweet &. C. D s W IT T A CO.. C J iic««o, IU. / T O f^ T L A tsiD O R C O O N