i ♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦o * THE LOCAL El E LI) ♦ ♦ «♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Horseshoe Camp M o r t s r v i 'r y -M U lt M o n ­ ili! ) ' n i x l i t . H in t Club Meets To-night. W ILLIAM S’ ORIGINAL DIXIE JUBILEE SINGERS To night there will lie a special meeting of the Commercial Club and all members are urged to bo present. W. A. Wright and wife have both boon on the sick list this week, but are improving. Subscribe for T iik M ail 1 have 20 head pure bred Shrop­ M m . Bilyeu lias been quite sick the shire ewes and some pure bred bucks past week. for sale. B. F. F r e s h , Shaw, Ore. Call on Jac. Spaniol for tin-work Arthur llonsteel returned from the and plumbing. hospital at Salem Friday. He feels considerably improved since the oper­ Call on Korinek A Mielke for lime, ation he passed through. at bottom prices No. OOll W. O. W . corne. E. B. W attsm , Clerk. Chopper. « l i ­ O. V. Slyer». T. I . John Crabtree, who has been work­ All the Lion county newspapers are ing in the logging camp above town, for Statement No. 1. Fred Castile and wife are the par­ cut his foot quite badly with an ax Saturday. He is about on crutches. ents of a son, born Thursday. We have a full line of buggies, wag­ A son arrived at the home of Rich­ ons and farming implements. Give ard Lyons, Mehaina, Saturday. us a call before you buy elsewhere. Spray pumps at Korinek A Mielkes. 2t4 C has . W esely , Scio, Ore. The best at the lowest price. Lee Tate hus sold his 2 acre place in The Photo Gallery will be closed the northeast part of town to Mrs. U. from March 11th to March 27th. Whitney. Mr. Tate expects to build F or S ale — Good wagon. a new house on his land opposite 51 C lifford H arold , Kingstou. Cain's. FOR SALE— Barred Plyn.outhRock E. F. Long and w ife, of Dallas, were eggs. Jos. H ammox . Stayton, Ore. appreciated callers at this office Sat­ We handle the best lima on the urday. They had been visiting Stay- market. K orinek & M ie lk e ton friends and were on their way to Both Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown have visit Mrs. Long’s parents, G. W. Cas sick the past week, but are reported pell and wife, near Shaw. better. Hon. Tilmon Ford died at Salem Mrs. Kate Preston has been num­ last week. He was one of Marion bered with the sick the past week, but county's oldest and best attorneys. He is improving. was born on the plains enroute to Ore­ W. E. Thomas has purchased the gon in 1843. He is reported to be the half block of Mrs. Julia Robertson op­ wealthiest attorney in the Willamette posite A. D. Gardner’s. valley. Mr. Hull, an old resident and notary When in Stayton leave your team public of Mehaina, died Tuesday. The at the Grand Central Feed Barn. funeral occurred yesterday. J ack A l le n . We just received a carload of bug­ The stirring Revival closes Sunday gies and wagons. night. The subject Friday night will 2t4 C has - W esely , Scio, Ore. be “ An Official Drought to Justice.” A brother of M. I.. Eskew and wife Saturday, “ The Feopleof To-morrow.” visited in town the past week. Mrs. Sunday, 11 a. in., “ The Church of Christ." E. is a sister of A. V. Shellev. “ 3 p. m., “ How the Christian H. E. Wirth left Tuesday for Spo­ People of Stayton Can Be United.” kane, Wash., to look at some laud in " 7:30 p. in., “ Major General a uewly opened reservation. Xaaman.” Good hay for sale, for either horses TAX NOTICE. or cows. Inquire of C. S. B oavne , If you pay your taxes by the 15th AumsvilJe, Ore. of March you will -gain a rebate of Theo. Highberger was in town Tues­ 3 per cent. Bring us your statements day and took home a new manure and we will remit for you without spreader, bought of Korinek A Mielke. extra charge. Mr. Highberger is a wide-awake farm­ S tayto n S t a t e B a n k , er and wants to see the soil produce. Stayton, Oregon. rite Williams’ Jubilee Singers are to appear in Stayton, at the Masonic Hall on Tuesday evening, March 10, under the auspices of the Public School here. The pupils of the school, and all children under 12 years, 25c. Gener­ al admission, 50e. and Reserved seats 75c. Those who do not avail them­ selves of the opportunity of hearing these Jubilee singers, every one a Star, will miss a rare treat. Dr. Enoch Perry of Wisconsin says, "They have splendid voyces, of rare compass, beautiful expression and pleasing effect.” The Oregonian, Port­ land, Oregon, "An audience of more than twelve hundred people greeted Williams' Dixie Jubilee Singers at the White Temple Saturday evening and from tho great applause, everyone was delighted.” E R Christman, Chair­ man Committee, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, “ Williams’ Dixie Jub­ ilee Singers appeared at the Univer­ sity Auditorium last night and charm­ ed tho audience by their beautiful melody.” Come out and bear them. A SAD ACCIDENT. The people of Stayton were shocked Saturday afternoon by the news that J. M. Ringo, tho popular funeral di­ rector and embulmer, of Stayton, had met with the loss of »u eye. He was splitting kindling at his place of business, when a stick flew, striking bis left eye and penetrating the eyeball. He went to the Stayton Pharmacy and a physician a v h s culled who dresscil the injury, and he was at once taken to a hospital in Salem. The following day the eye was removed, since which time he has been doing nicely Mr. Ringo has t>een a resident of Stayton but a few months, but during that time lias made many friends who all deeply sympathize with him in his misfortune. We have a large assortment of Men’s Suits which vve are of­ fering at the following prices: Oregon Buckskins, tuzes 36 to 42 assorted patterns: $15 values reduced t o .................$12.00 Black Clay Worsteds $16 values reduced to ................. $12 75 Also a full line of Men’s Pants, ranging in price from $1 to $3.75, all greatly reduced in price. Big reduction in Youth’s and Boy’s Suits. Bids on 50 tier of Oh! Body Fir Wood, 20 inches long. Wood to be cut before June 1st, 1008, and stacked in the School House wood shed before i Sept. 1st, 15*08. The Board of Direct­ ors reserve the right to reject any or | all bids. Bids will be opened Saturday afternoon, March 14th, 1008. 6—2t E. S hepherd . Pure Food Department The date for the big Horse Show in Stayton has been set for Saturday, Our stock of Groceries is complete. ^ ^ j, There will be a lot a l We handle nothing but the best ob fine animals exhibited. tainable in this line. Dry Goods % T 3 » Our line of shoes for the whole fam ­ ily is also complets. Can fit any foot, large, small, wide or narrow. An up to the minute line of ladies dress goods here for your inspection, ladies. Call and we will show you. W . F. KLECKER. The Best Stove is the Universal >r U W V t A iA l, Universally used—universally praised. Call and see our line. TA# S h tra ln - W lllla m t P a llit i C o u r ih r E a rth Get Ready to Paint Read all the advs. They are worthy of your careful attention. Wm. Maag left yesterday for Mill We carry a complete and up to-date j where be will resume work in stock of Dry Goods and Gent’s Furn- * ' l-v' the saw mill. ishing Goods. ---------------------------------- ^-------------------- W illiams'Dixie Jubilee Singers were Dress Goods We sell the celebrated Sh erw in -W il­ liams P ain t-g o es the fartherest, lasts the longest. lt ^a ^ a s w e e * < >a n < * t* ,e p a P e r s there speak very highly of the enter­ All greatly reduced to make room for tainment. spring arrivals. David Mangle came out from Alsea Wednesday to look after some business Remember we carry a complete line of the Famous J. matters here, coming on horseback as Miller shoes for men. Also a full stock of Ladies, Misses far as Corvallis. He reports Mrs. Man­ gle and Glen and family well. 11c left and Children’s Shoes. i for home yesterday evening Everything wanted in the Hardware line can be found here. DITTER, BELL & CO., Successors to J. A Ditter. Sublimity, Ore. TO THE PUBLIC. Anything you may need in the line oi Hardware, W e also have now a complete line of men’s and young men’s suits in all the new shades and styles for spring, 1908. Call and look them over be­ fore you buy elsewhere. WANTED. Horse Show. C L O T H IN G W e wish to call your attention to our new line of mens trousers just ad­ ded to our stock. 24b pairs, all sizes, all shades and prices that will move them out of our store rapidly. Re­ member every pair is guaranteed and we will give one pair free for every pair that rips. Tinware, Stoves, E tc , you can find at our store. W e can furnish anything in the machinery line from a sewing machine to a threshing machine. W e invite you to call and see our stock and we can convince you that we can save you money. KERBER BROS. The new metallic circuit telephone line from Stayton to Scio is now in working order, and persons desiring to talk to Portland, Salem or Albany can now get a splendid scrviie over this line, through the Stayton Mutual cen­ tral office. From a petition filed yesterday in the county clerk’s office, it seems evi­ d e n t that the people of Sublimity and Stayton are desirous of falling in line w ith the great prohibition wave which j is sweeping the country. The petition I is entitled: “ A Petition for Local Op-1 tion," and was circulated by Edmund Meier, of Sublimity. The petition lias about 100 signers.— Salem Statesman. TELEPHONE MEETING. As there wns not a quorum at the telephone meeting Monday night, the 2nd, the meeting was adjournd to | Monday night, the 9th, when as many members of the Stayton Mutual ns con I attend are urgently requested to be j present.. The meeting is called for the j regular annual election of officer« of the Stayton Mutual, avid all members 1 should be present. H. J. Marking. Thomas Grocery FISH Picketed and Dried Herring Mackerel French Sardines F R E SH V E G E T A B L E S Lettuce Cranberries Celery Parsnips Cabbage Carrots i Cauliflower V « Apples Bananas Oranges W. E. THOMAS & SON. \ t