X Bad Symptoms. Thu woman who WATER RATES piTlodlral h w i d - Tim following are th e water ratea ii * fc.'iirs, bsckucli«, imm * imaginary dark k|H>u or specks lloiitliiK or i I uiii 'I iih before ndifpiwMiy the Town f ’ouneil a t its h< r eye», huy^im wlng dl»tr<>>» or hm vy regni ir inii tiiig held Kelt, flth, litOH: lomacli, faint •pH)», drag- full King log In lower alidonilnal or llari.er *hop. I c h a ir |ier m o n th , $1; oil I'llv dy startled or excited, I vie each ndilitioiiul chair, 25e; bulli, each rri' g palnf nl period*, with or with- out vie Th, 1» »ufT.-rlrier from tuh, 50c. weak rungcimnU thatuhould Blacksmith shop, I lire, $1; nddf- rtllon. Not ull of ahovn aym hkcly to h« preeent In any tioual lire, 25c, tu r n Imn env badly treated and such n run Into niuladlun which do- »urgeon's knife If thuy do not caii'i man Ur. re. i No HHilIrlno rxt.mt h.u xnrh a long a i nTTTi^ fT F ~1 llui T o fiilpT~Jn~^ uTff « u . r »;,]»!■ r b m i . U t u i l k i'tu u lu * lion. - wo nn-er in. brick. 16c; barrel lime or ce m e n t, 10c. Ilutelier shop, $1. Dwelling, kitchen faucet, $1; Imtli tuh, 2 ”ic; toilet 25c. Livery barn, | mt m o n th , $250. Jf'itel or boarding house, from $2 to $.1. Confectionery store, $1. Laundries, per m o n th , $2.50. Lodge room«, 50c. General store, I I . Creamery, $2 50. N Mutiiifnrt uric*, $2.50. Photo g.illerie*, $1 itO. Private -table, I team , 25c; each ad- ditional a n im al lop. I >rug *f <»te $ I . Saie lounged hi Kndyard Kip­ ling's dcu nl ItrattlclKiro. Yt., before he deserts I America for England und aaw him ut hi* work. He sat at his table In n revolving clutlr/- I had a bo >. In my hand and said nothing uu- I«'.- m l w ii * spoken to, for 1 w:yj enjoy­ ing a great privilege that was granted to no one else hut hi* wife. He would write for a moment, perhaps for teu or fifteen in I ii u tea at n time. If he was A T THE writing verses he would hum very softly to bllUMsJf an air which proba­ bly kept the rhythm In Ills ndnd. When writing prose, he vvns silent, but often he would lay down his pen. Sec our line of Postal Cards. whirl rouml In his chair nud chat for Hundreds to select from. awhile. It might 1« something relat­ ing to the subject he was treatlug or bear no relation to It. Suddenly he "Correct E nglish-H ow To Use It" w I'.sld wheel haek again, aud his pen \ Monthly Miign/lnr P M ufrd To would fairly fly over the pai»er. He Thr I «r Of KtiglUli, can easily concentrate Ills thoughts J o s K H IN F .T U R C K B A K K R ,E pito * and as easily descend from cloud land to the conimonplaee o f the day, though i* tit i I At. m v i t.M s , hi Id* mind and on Ids lips nothing Is ever commonplace. Some of his poems Course in Grammar. he has written when speeding In a How to itu-rensc One’* Vocabulary. Pullman car at the rale of sixty miles The Art of Conversation. an h o u r . P a c i f i c Monthly. .Shull an d Will: Should an d Would: How to U *eT hem , Qirde Shot W ith W ater. Shooting n humming bird with the p ronouuuintioua ( C e n tu ry D iction­ ary.) THE KING W CURES DR. KING’S N E W DISCOVERY stun Heat bird shot made is out of the question, for the tiniest seeds o f lead would destroy his coat. The only way In which the bird can he captured for commercial purposes Is to shoot him with n drop o f water from a blowgnn or a fine Jet from n small syrluge. Skillfully directed, the w ater stuns him. He falls Into n silken net and lief ore he recovers consciousness Is suspended over n cyanide Jar. This must be done quickly, for If he conies to Ills sen ses lie fore the cyanide whiff snulT* out his life he I* sure to ruin hi* plum age In his struggles to escape. H um m ing birds vary In size from spec­ imen* perhaps half a* large a* a spar­ row to those scarcely bigger than a bee. The quickest ey e cannot follow thorn In full flight. It I* only when, though still flying furiously, they are practically m otionless over flowers tli.it tin* best marksman can bring them to earth. New York Press.'' ’ih s Fseding of Dog*. "No i ’ o ' kept Indoors nud ludeed very few outside should lie fed on meat nor should lie be fed from the table at mealtimes, as lie will soon become a nuisance, especially when there are visitors. If he Is alw ays fed at the conclusion of a eertnln m eal— niifier, for Instance he will w ait pa ttenlly until llie prescribed time. It Is a goo l plan to feed after one's midday meal, givin g plenty o f green vegetn hies, bread and potatoes, with a very few sam ps of finely cut meat, the whole well mixed anil some gravy poured over it. If tw o mania are given, one should l e at breakfast tim e and ouo In Hie evening. One should con *1 t i f onp. a little oatmeal nud milk or a plate of dry dog biscuit. "At no tim e should the dog have more than lie will eat. and If ho lenves a n y th in : on Ills plate except the pat tern Ills allow ance should l»e reduced or a meal om itted."—Suburban I.lfe. PR IC E OOc AND $1.00 H H N H B k SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY J N N H BREW ER DRUG COMPANY B E S T H E A L E K IN T H E W O RLD . Uov. F. StHrbird, of E a s t Raymond) Maine, says: “ 1 have used Buck leu* Arnica Salve for several year*, on m y old arm y wound, a n d o th e r o b stin ate sores, and find it th e best healer in th e l world. 1 use it too w ith great Muceess in my veterinary business.” Price 25c. a t Brewers d rug store. I t n “ ver takes a m an long to learn which end of a m ule to feed. C A U S E OF STOM ACH T R O U B L E S . W hen a m an has trouble w ith his »tomuch you may know t h a t he is e a t ­ ing m ore th a n he should or of some article of food or d rin k not suited to his nge or occupation, or t h a t his bow­ el* are habitually co n stipated. T ake C ham b erla in s S to m a ch and Liver T a b ­ lets to regulate th e bowels and im prove th e digestion and see if th e trouble doer not disappear. Ask for a free sam ple. Sold by nil druggist*. Any fool can find th e sh a rp end of the rocking c h a ir in the dark. Kodol i* today th e best know n and m o it reliable remedy for all disorders of th e stom ach, such as dyspepsia, deart b u rn ^ e o u rs to m a c h and belching of gas. Kodol co n ta in s th e sam e juices found in a health y sto m ach . Kodol is p leasant to take. It is g u aran teed to give relief and is sold here by S tay to n P harm acy. _____ ____ Men of full habits m ake full c h u r c h ­ yards. T E T T E R , SALT K H A U M , EC ZEM A . These are disease* for which C h a m ­ berlains Salve is especially valuable. It q u ick ly allays the itching and s m a rtin g and soon effect* a cure. Price 25 cents. For sale by all druggists. E gotism is harder to get ou t of the system th a n nicotine. Mr. J o h n Rilm, Yining, la., says, ‘‘I have been selling D e W itts K idney and Bladder Pills for about a year and they give better satisfaction th a n and pill I ever sold. There » dozen people here who have used them an d they give perfect satisfaction in every case. I have used them myself with fine re­ sults.” Sold by S ta y to n P h arm ac y. W hen others fail it is your o p p o r­ t u n i ty to m ake good. Be careful a b o u t t h a t little ro ugh. G et som ething right away; some good, re­ liable remedy t h a t will move the bow­ els. Kennedy* L axative C nngh S y ru p acts gently j e t prom ptly on the bow­ els and allay* inflam m atio n at the sam e tim e. It is pleasant to tak e and it is especially recom m ended for c h i l d - : ren, as it tastes nearly as good ns m ap ­ le sugar. Sold by S tayton P harm acy. FRIEND TO FRIEND. The personal recommendations of people who have been cured of coughs and colds by Cham­ berlain’s Cough Remedy have done more than all else to make it a staple article of trade and com­ merce over a large part of the civilized world. AN INSTANCE. I.ucy Suddreth, of Lenoir, N. C., had been troubled with a very bad cougli for over a year. She says : “ A friend bought a bottle of C h a m b e r l a i n ' s C ou g h R e m e d y , brought it to me and insisted that I should take it. I did so and to my surprise it helped me. Four bottles of it cured me of my cough.” FOR SALE BY BREWER DRUG CO. Pay of A r m y Officers. When n young man becomes a cadet N E IS S £ nt W est Point, lie enters upon a gov­ C O N N A W A Y ernm ent allow ance of $W*0.f>0 a year. On graduation the W est Pointer Is coni m issioned a second lieutenant anil receives a salary of Sl.RXt If unm ount­ ed or $1,500 if mounted. Increases at each five year period bring the pay at a uô the end of tw enty years up to In the one case and $2.100 In the 'Á f M r é d i PRINTING PLA TED for other. i ^ T J Ò N E RY PRINTIN6 The pay of first lieutenants begins at I t would take a lot of arnica to cure $1,500 and $1.000; captains, $l.soo and JjE W é PAPER ILLUSTRATIONS $2,000; majors. $2,500; HoutcTiaut colo­ the lam e excuses of this world. nels, $d,000; colonels, $3,500. Each offi­ '‘ V - * ,'AZINE AND BOOKLET D e W itts L ittle Early Risers, small, cer attains a 40 per cent m axim um In­ Csod Trade. PS ÂF1 DILL U T RAT ION ê "Oh. my business Is good," said ihe safe, sure little pills Sold by S tayton crease in tw enty years. trombone player. "In fart, I am al­ P harm acy. On the average the salary o f the I f.CpMJCANü SOUVErNIE-RPOST ways Mowing about It." T h e wife of a h rn k e m a n should a l ­ arm y officer Is higher thau that of the "Well, I'm sooted with mine, too,' o^Qli.CATALOOá.LABf L M V college professor, the m inister or the ways wear a tra in . Mild the chimney sweep. Ty' ' 0 9 * t C 0 NU »TfXtfcT graded civil service em ployee. T he o f­ "And ml"c i< nut of sight," said the ■PO RTLAND O P C O O N ficer has allow ances for residence and G et D eW itts Carbolixed W itch Haz It I ver. el Salve— it is healing, soothing and personal attendance. l i e may buy household supplies from n governm ent .___ , Colic. C h o lrrs unit Do one thing at n t me and the big cooling. It is good for piles. Su'd by com m issary at cost. — D etroit New s- : Chamberlain s umniK»» Kiimiv filng«' first Lincoln. S ta y to n P harm acy. N tv e r tail*. Buy it iww- It W ) Tribune. PHOTO E N G I^ W E K S L TRP’XOR ®