The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, March 06, 1908, Image 2

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Will Closa Small Stations Because o f
0-Hour Lew.
l i a Conrieused Faro tor O u
B u y lead e n
A Ruum e o f tho Lese Important but
Not L e u Interesting Evento
o f tho Pott Week.
Japan has stopped all emigration of
coo lies.
Washington, March 3. — American
railways have made arrangements to
comply with the provisions of the
“ nine hour lew.”
The operation of
the law will mean the employment by
railroad companies of several thousand
additional operators and the closing of
a large number of small stations on the
priucipa! systems.
Dl*oontinuing of
railway service at many poiuta, it ie
thought,‘ wlll^induoe at least temporary
inconvenience to traveling and shipping
public in order to reduce operating ex­
penses, whioh now reetns neceeeary.
The operating officials of the railways
believe this is the only way they possi­
bly can meet the situation with which
they are confronted.
During the hearing of application«
for an extension of the nine-hour law by
the Interstate Commerce commission
some astonishing statements
made by the operating officials of im­
portant railways.
A good many lines,
owing to a reduction in the revenues
and to their inability to command the
cash necessary to meet their payroll«,
have been forced during the past four
months almost to the point of asking
for receivers.
W ith four or five exceptions, no im­
portant laliroads of the country have
indicated an intention to reduce the
wages of their employes.
TIlUJ ® h ill] 3 0O6S NOl
Oar Iaterveotioo.
S eek
Admits That There la Some Friction
With J«pen- No Change in
Exclusion Laws.
San Francisco. Feb. 2 9.— Wu Ting
Fang, for the second time appointed
Chinese minister to this country, ar­
rived yesterday on the Pacific mull
liner Siberia, with a large retinue of
secretaries and legation and consu­
late attaches numbering 70 persons.
He brought with him new consuls for
Mexico, Havana. New York aud San
Francisco, besides three nephews and
three secretaries and five other at­
taches for the Chinese legation at
Washington and 24 young students,
who will enter various schools and
colleges in this country.
At the Pacific mall dock, where
the Siberia mude fust, shortly before
1 o'clock, a large number of Chi­
nese from the local colony were on
hand with a brass band to greet their
minister. From the dock the minis­
ter and his party were taken to the
Fairmount hotel, where a large num­
ber o f suites had been reserved.
Minister Wu denied the report
that he was the bearer of an appeal
to Washington .asking this country
to assist In preserving the Interests
of China in Manchuria and protest­
ing against the alleged aggrandize­
ment of Japan in that Province, but
aiimitted “ there was some local fric­
He professed to be Ignorant about
the Kan Tao boundary dispute be­
tween China and Japan and the ex­
tension of the Hslnmlntln-Fukemen
railroad, which has caused friction
between the two countries.
Asked whether he would endeavor
to secure some modification *o f the
exclusion law. Minister Wu said that
he had no particular instructions
from his government with reference
to that.
All Ready to Take. Place o f Soldiers
at Uoldfield.
Corson, Nev., March 2.— The mem
beta of the Nevada polio«« who are to
take the place of the United HtaUw
troops at Gohlfield on March 7 received
tbelr arms t«xlay.
They conaiet of
Wlnoheeter carbines, 30-30 Colt’s re
voivera and 20 automatic Remington
shotguns. The armory in this city ha«
been used aa a drilling room fur the past
week, and 36 men are In shape to go
into the field. Target praotioe ha« al«o
been indulged in.
Captain Cox stated today that ha had
not decided just when the police would
move to Goldfield. The police will not
occupy fonts, but a hotel or some large
house. Captain Cox stated this after
noon ttiat he would leave with at least
26 trusted men, others to follow as fsst
as they were drilled and ahowu their
duties. Instruotora w ill l»e maintained
in this city to qualify the reserve# for
service in the camps.
The officers of
the polios received their first pay this
The uniform*, whicli are duet oolored,
are expected to arrive in a few days.
Each member Is given a card signed b)
the governor and Captain Cox, and is
also d«-o»'rated with a large nickel star
bearing the words “ Nevada State
Roosevelt Says Rivers Should
Be Improved.
Lays Great Strata on Preservation o f
Our Natural Resources Against
Monopoly and Waste.
Washington, Feb. 27.— WUh hla
hearty Indorsement In a special mes­
Ruef has sued for the money he
sage. President Roosevelt yeet«-rday
spent in maintaining his private
transmitted to congress the prelim­
inary report of the inland Waterways
Commission, recommending a gen­
The course of Judge W ilfley, of
China, has been upheld and he will
eral policy of waterway Improve­
not be removed.
Tho president proceeds to point
Railroads in Missouri have laid off
out the connection between naviga­
10.000 men, thus effecting a saving of
tion of the lower reach«* of a stream
11.500.000 a month.
aud control of methoda and preven­
tion of toll erosion. Use of a str< am
Commander Sims told the naval com­
domestic aud muulclpul water
mittee of many alleged defects in bat­
supply, power and Irrigation must
tleship construction, though under gag
also be taken Into account. He suya
rule by the senators.
deep channels will have high valuo
for national defense; use of water
Attorney General Bonaparte l a di­
power will relieve drain on the coal
rected that action
be commenced
supply; transportation by water In­
against 20 railroads in different parts
stead o f rail will conserve Iron; for­
of the country for violation of the
Titls o f Vies Admiral Likely to Bs
Great Smelting W ork« at Anaconda est protection wilt prevent timber
safety appliance law.
famine und perpetuate the remaining
Awarded Hero.
Also Flra Up.
forest; irrigation will austaln mil­
Robbers secured nearly
Washington, March 3.— In a quiet
Butte, Mont., March 2.— John I). lions; and pure water wilt promote
from the bank at Chihuahua, Mexico.
The work ia national in
The border is being wutche 1 closely as way naval officers in Washington are
Ryan, managing director of the Amal­ health.
it is believed an effort w ill be made to endeavoring to arrange an agreeable
gamated Copper company, whoiotarne«l
‘the commission recommends a
surprise for Admiral Evans when the
cross into the United States.
home at Doon from the Kaat today, an­ policy for developing all commercial
battleship fleet under his command
The 131,643 acres of land eliminated
nounce«! that the minee of the company and Industrial uses of waterways at
its through the Golden Gate, com­
from the Blue mountain forest reserve pleting the Pacific cruise.
will resume Monday, when fire# will he tho same time. To this end the work,
It is pro­
in Eastern Oregon will become subject posed to greet the rear admiral with a
lit it) the great Washoe smelters at An­ of the various departments con­
cerned should be, co-ordinated, that
to settlement June 1 and entry and commisson as vice admiral of the
there may he no deluy. The cost will
filing July 1. Forty per cent of this Amercau navy. Of course, the sm-cess
One minute after tho announcement he lurge, hut far loan than would ho
land is embraced in pending filing* or of this undertaking depends upon con­
was made the mine whist)«* on Ana­ required to relieve the cong«*stloa o f
conda hill began to blow, which was rail traffic, aud the benefits will be
gress, but the president has done hie
ttie first announcement the city had of large also and will unite tho inter­
The jewels of Pharaoh’ s queen have part in rnakng a proper recommendaton
decision to resume.
The order ests of all stutea aud sections.
been found.
Th<^ president calls attention to
means the employment of a full force
that naval grade, and it ¡9 not doubted
A nun has eloped from an Iowa con­
in the varioua minee and at the smelter. the great amount of detailed Infor­
that congress ran he induced to act
vent and married.
Roughly «peaking, about 12,000 mation needed to carry out the com­
upon the recommendation in season to
hands are affected.
When going full mission's plan, hut says beginning
The Missouri Pacific has closed its insure the iseue of Admiral Evans'
payroll runs of work should not be postpon«5d lilt
commission, so that he may bear the
shops at Sedalia, Mo.
month­ all the facts are obtained.
title of vi;e admiral for the few months
The president says our policy
Two submarine torpedo boats will he
ly. The Great Fa I la sine I ten have been hitherto has been purely negative-—
that intervene between bis ariival at
sent to the Philippines.
San Francisco and bis retirement from Japan Sends Cruiser to China to In­ going full time, but the Anaconda one of repression and procrastina­
smelters have l>een rloeed entirely, t i o n a n d frequent changes of plan
The fight on Harriman’ s control of active service.
vestigate Seizure.
while in Butte, of all the Amalgamated and piecemeal execution have further
the Illinois Central has been resumed.
The naval argument in support of
Tokio, Feb. 29.— The Japanese ar­ properties only the Boeton A Montana
hampered improvement. In spite o f
A California girl is paying her way
mored cruiser Idzumi sailed yester­
mines have been operated.
large appropriations our rivers art*
through the state university by raising
less serviceable than half a century
where. It Is understood, she will In­
Navy department between the British vestigate the seizure on February 7 plete, and was gradual, tieglnning last ago and are less used.
Ia fta report the commission first
The battleship fleet has started on home fleet engaged in the maneuvers by the Chinese customs cruiserB of October. Married men were provided
the last stage of its journey to Magda­ of last fall and the splendid battleship the steamer Tatsu Maru.
for, but In all only about 40 per rent of states the facts It has found.
This movement is possibly Intend­ the normal force could be employed. finds that there are 25,000 miles o f
lena bay.
fleet commande«] by Rear Admira
navigated rivers and at least aa
ed as a demonstration against the
Naval officers who have criticised our Evans. The British fleet, composed of Chinese officials, although the for­ The Amalgamated is rejortel to employ equal length, which are navigable or
warships will be given a hearing before 26 battleships, 15 armored ernisers eign office denies It has such an ob­ about 20,000 people jo Montana, in might be made so; 2,500 miles o f
mines, smelters, mills, coal mines, log­ navigable canals and over 2.500
DiDe protected cruisers and 57 torpedo
the senate committee.
ject In view, adding that negotia­
miles o f sounds, hays and bayous,
craft, was commanded by one admiral tions are proceeding at Pekin and ging camps, etc.
Unknown warships have been sighted three vice admirals, seven rear ad
which could ho connected by less
that the Japanese flag has been re­
off the Hawaiian islands and the peo­ mirale and one commodore.
than 1,000 miles o f canals parallel
stored to the Tatsu Maru.
ple fear they are Japanese.
Ith the Atlantic and Gulf coasts,
The whole question of the seizure
These waterways are In 4 2 states
of the Tatsu Maru, which carried a
Kentucky Democrats may avenge
cargo o f arms and other munitions, Obstructions to Trado In Manchuria and development o f rivers for Irri­
themselves for the election of a Re­
gation, power, etc., will make cer­
now turns upon the character of the
Causa Distrust.
publican eenator by carrying prohibi­
tain waterways navigable In the re­
Temperature Risaa in Nickrof Tima merchant to whom the arms were
Shanghai, March 2.— There ia a maining slates.
to 8ave Big Damage.
Railroad Interests have been suc­
a sympathizer o f the revolutionists growing distrust in British commercial
The railroads are making a strong
March 3.— Record breaking in China, for whom the arms were circles on the Chinese coast of the en­ cessfully directed against mainten­
plea of poverty to the Interstate Com­
tire policy of the Japanese government ance and development of water traf­
merce commission as a reason for post­ destruction of folegraph and telpehone possibly intended.
in the Far East, and of recent months
poning the 9-hour law.
Successful waterway Improvement
margin. Sleet that covered wires and K E N T U C K Y E LE C TS SEN ATO R.
there lisa )>een a succession of com­ must provide for adjustment o f the
Thomas A. Edison is slightly im poles 25 to 50 miles, north and west
plaints regarding the obstruction of for­ relations of rail to water lines. R ail­
and south of Chicago, and 100 to 150 Legislature Elects Governor Bradley eign trade in Manchuria.
This partic­ roads can so control traffic as to
Six accomplices of Alio murderer miles east, was melted during the day
ularly affecta the British sfoamehip leave waterways Insufficient to sup­
After Six Weeks.
o f the Denver priest have been ar by a rise of temperature jm t in the nick
Frankfort, Ky., Feb. 29.— Four companies, and officials of these liner port vessels and terminals, for they
of time.
Ice coated lines, sagging democrats, who have stood out from «ay that obstacles ore placed in the way can so reduce rates on traffic for
Harriman has declared an extra heavily, bad already begun to snap to the party machine, swung Into line of their steamers going to Port Dalny which waterways compete as to de­
dividend of $75 per share on O. R. & pieces or topple to the ground long lines with the republican members of the The opposition of Japan to the exten stroy profits, and can recoup them­
N. stock.
of glistening overweighted poles.
general assembly yesterday, result­ fclon northward of the Hsin Min Tun selves with higher rates on traffic for
The worst damage was east of this ing In the election of ex-Governor raiiioad also isadveieelycrlt eizel Fiere which waterways do not compete.
By an explosion in a mine at San
Jose de Sabinas, Mexico, 76 men city and west of Fort Wayne. Trunk William O. Bradley, a republican, to it being contended that her iole object Waterway Improvement will not re­
system on the Lake Shore and Michi­ the United States senate. The elec­ in this regard ia to eliminate any poeai lieve rail congestion unless co-ordi­
were killed.
nation Is arranged to Insure harmon­
tion followed a deadlock that has
Investigation into the Pennsylva­ gan Central railways suffered p&rticu held up more than six weeks, the bility of opposition to her lines in Man­ ious co-operation.
nia capitol graft is bringing further larly. In one instance a stretch of democratic organization supporting churia.
In some Instances the cost o f
nearly a mile of poles bearing dozens of
Great Britain is now negotiating at works to control floods and Improve
graft to light.
ex-Governor Beckham, while the re­
important circuits to New York and publican members have been as a Tokio on tlie question of tra<lemarks, navigation would be less than the
The president has asked the Ore­
other Eastern cities, went down in a unit for Mr. Bradley from the first. and one newspaper says:
loss by floods and drought.
gon delegation in congress to choose
tangled mass of wreckage. With the The four democrats who made pos­
“ It Is difficult toconvince Japan that
The annual soil wash Is about 1
another district attorney.
mercury ascending a trifle, the miles of sible an election have persistently r e no satisfactory solution can be con 000,000,000 tons, mostly the most
The bombs thrown at the shah of sleet disappeared almost ae if by magic. fused to vote for Mr. Beckham, and structe«l npon the existing laws, which valuable part o f the soli, which pol­
Persia killed three attendants, but Tonight the telegraph officials had re when they were convinced that their
are at variance with the commercial lutes the water, necessitates dredg­
the shah escaped unhurt.
ing and reduces efficiency of rlvep
stored the facfli'ies to a bans adequate party would unite on no other man, morality of civilized nations.”
An attempt was made to assassi­ for the usual traffic and hoped to they withdrew their support from
It ia considéré«] essential in English
Forestry, farming, mining and
nate the president of Argentina, but be able to care for brokerage and other scattering candidates and centered It circles here that Great Britain should
on the republican choice.
other Industries affect tho flow o f
the bomb failed to explode.
business tomorrow without delay.
presa new trademark laws upon Japan streams for commerce.
The Northern Pacific railroad has
Wide variation In the level of riv­
Union Men Refused Pardon
dropped for the present the idea of
Forcing the Use o f Phones.
ers hampers establishment of water
Hold Up Insurance Law
Washington, Feb. 29.— The Presi­
reducing pay of its telegraphers.
Cleveland, O., March 3 —The nine-
Kansas City, March 2.— Judge Hlover terminals.
The British house of commons has hour law for railroad telegraphers is dent has denied pardons In the cases in the Circuit court here to«lay issued
passed the woman suffrage bill. The hastening the use of the telephone in of P. D. Lenlhan, M. J. Plunkett,
Telegr»pnars Msy Quit.
Joseph Shannon, William Cutts and temporary Injunction restraining the
scene of action will now be trans­
the operation of trains, according to A. A. Edwards, members of a labor Missouri elate officials from ousting
Wash., Feb. 27.— R ail­
ferred to the house of lords.
S. Ingalls, of the Lake Shore road, in union, convicted some months ago of from the state the F’rudential Life In­ way telegraphers o f this division an­
Edison’s recovery an interview. “ I believe,” said Mr. violating an injunction Issued by a surance company of New Jersey, the
nounce that the union and nonunion
seems doubtful.
Ingalls, “ that the new law regulating United States court judge enjoining Metropolitan Life Insurance company men have voted to strike If the
The senate committee may revive working hours will bring about in one them and others from Interfering of New York and the Equitable Life Northern Pacific or the Great North­
the Brownson-Rlxey controversy.
year what it would have taken ten years with the operation and business of Assurance society of New York for vio­ ern cuts are wage scale. They claim
the Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone
telegraphers to
in the direction of new Company, at Butte, Mont. The pen­ lating the law pasaed by the last legis­ tho companies are trying to make the
men pay for the extra operators that
have rejected reduction pf wages.
alties Imposed were from three to lature prohibiting any company tfiat
III be required If the Interstate
October, tests have proved so satisfac­
Roosevelt has called for a new tory that railroads in many parta of the four months Imprisonment and, In over per year from doing buaineea in nine-hour law goes Into effect March
some cases, fines.
1. The vote on the strike question
recommendation for Oregon district country have stirred themselves.”
the atate.
«how « 95 por cent o f the operators
New Claims Bring Pig Prices
on both roads will quit. They are
Pittsburg Fears Flood
Heavy buying of merchants from
Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 29.— Ad­
Firat German Dreadnaught.
now averaging $76 per month for 12
New York wholesalers shows a re­
Pittsbnrg, Match 3.— A warm rain vices received in this city today state
Berlin, March 2.— Germany’ s first hours’ work.
turn of prosperity.
has been falling here and at the bead that the two original claims at Hart, Dreadnanght. the 18,000-ton battleship
waters of the Allegheny and Mononga- San Bernardino county, where a Bayern, which was laid down last
Reclamation Work In Nevada.
Los Angeles police have arrested
camp was established six weeks ago,
Salt Lake City, Feb. 27.— T h o
four men and a woman who had hela rivers all day. Both streams are following a discovery of gold, have March, will be launched at Wilhelms-
rising, and small creeks are already
planned to dynamite a bank.
been sold for a deposit of $20,000 haven on March 6. The emperor will ITlah-Nevada Irrigation Company,
beyond their hanks.
It is expected cash and a bond for $250,000. The attend the ceremony ami hi« guests will will begin work promptly on a dam
A tobacco warehouse near Frank­ the danger line of 22 feet will be passed claims were owned by James Hart include Queen Wllhelmina cf Holland and Irrigation system tn Eastern Ne­
fort, Ky., containing 100,000 pounds unless there is an early change in the and Bert Hitt and were sold to Col- and the prince consort, and Prince Ru- vada near the Utah line. The com­
pany plans to reclaim 230,000 acre»
o f tobacco has been burned.
temperature and weather.
lonel Hopkins.
pert of Bavaria.
o f land In the Meadow Valley, Wash.