F o r Lung T roubles “ Cheer up I There la u allver lining to every cloud!’’ “ Well, what good 1« that? I hnvcu’t got an alrablp.”— Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral cer­ rick-Afe-t’ p. tainly cures coughs, colds, Howell -You ncani to think that I bronchitis,consumption. And will lone If I niukc the InveatuienL It certainly strengthens weak Powell My boy, It la Juat Ilk» tudorg- throats and weak lungs. , lug h note for u friend. iirklyn Life. Friend Ho Hint Ja your little boy? Therecan be no mistake about , lie look» very Intelligent. Proud Minna this. You know it is true. And —Juat tin I was at hi» age. My duugb- your own doctor will say so. jter, now, la more like her father.— “ Mjr llttl. boy had m t.r r ltil. rough. I triad Noa IxilNlra. • v c y lh ln * I roul>l hoar o f but lu ».In until I triad Ayar'a ( l i . r t f I'artoral Tha Br.t “ Youngling la going to oiarry the night ha war battar, and ha rtaadlly Improrad until ha war parlatiliy » " I I . " - M u». B. J. I widow Hen peck.” “ Why, ahe'a twice MTSBLB, Alton. III. | an old ua he |».’’ “ Oh, well, hell age b j r J . O A f t Oo., Lo w all, | fnat enough after the wedding.“ — Alov tn au ufbolurert o f Town and Country. SAKSAPAglLLA. I’ll 1.8. ‘That flaliennnn la alwnya tnJklng HAIR VIOOR. alxntt the whoppers he caught." “ He K«r>p »hr bowel* rinuinr with Ayer’s doesn't catch them," answered Mlaa Pills and thus hasten recoverv. Cayenne. “ Me merely tells them.” — Waahltiglon Star. C u M jn gnu w a r* In tro d u c a ti lo to En­ Hoarder— You can divide a chicken g la n d io lh a B i l t a e o t l i c e n t u r y . with mnthctuiatlcal accuracy, Mr». M o th a ra w ill fin ii M r«. W lna»ow*a H o n th la * Ilaahlngtou. Mra. Haahlngton—Divid­ S y ru p U i» b a t ratn taly to uaa lo t t h a lr c U U a r t j ing It la eaay enough. 1 wish I could d u ttn g ih v lo a th in g p a riu tl. multiply IL— Philadelphia Inquirer. Whan * flati In»»* any of Ita acnlaa, by “ Mamma,” aaltl Jamie, mysteriously, a wound or olbat ui -uua, they arc uevar “ did I ever have a tittle brother that ranawatl. fell Into the well?" “ No,” aald mamma. “ Why?" "Why, when I looked down In the well I aaw u little hoy some­ thing like me.” “ Mlaa Pechla,” mild Mr. Tlmrnld, at the other end of tlie »ofa. “ If I were to l throw you a kl»a I wonder what you'd ; »ay.” “ Well,“ replied Mlaa Pechla, “ I’d i any you were the lazh-st man I ever aaw.” — Philadelphia Prea*. M u le Tom— Hut perhaps »he doesn’t love Team you. Jack—Oh, yea, »he doea! Tom— How do you know? Jack Wlien I told her that I had no money to get married on alie offered to borrow soine from be' F a m ilia , B o o klet a m i 1 a r lo r C a m e W hig 10 a father.— Philadelphia Inquirer. 1 ‘ae lflc Coaat II >ra* C o., O a k la n d , C al. “ Dear me. John, tlila la dreadful with hot weather on ua and no money to go LEARN XO anywhere. Haven’ t you any country relation» you can acare tqr?.......That'» llSSOftS 250 the trouble. I ’ve wared all I’ve got Walts. T w o Hirj», Tliroo Nt«p, already.” — Haltlmore American. t i t , It a m r romulei« |j taagbt •n4 irnarantrcd (a four I pssom “ Yea.” aald the young man, pensive­ l* r o f W n l \ \ III m x i . i f saiiis^ Ilirwk P o r t la tu i. O r e f o u C ly. “ a dog I once had saved my life." “Tell me about It," aald the young woman, with eager Interest. 'I »old him for $1," aald the young man. “ when I was nearly atarvlng."—Tlt-HIta. Boys and Girls D< Ptrst to Your Tows Th a grrataai tkigg out for Soclala. “ What made Hrown marry that I I'artlaa and Bn arta amenta, ate. widow?" “ Did you ever drop a penny Uoya eaa do woadara Olrla, It a In a weighing machine and then And claaa. doaa not touch tbo ground uolaaa r t q u l r i d the thing won't work?" "Ye*.” “ That'» Pnatpald l i e each, or the reaaon.” “ What do you mean?" ( I U par doaaa. » I l k _________ v '- aaina or Inarrlpllaa Couldn't get a weigh.” — Denver Post. TOY \ V N »*•> •« •• T I TBM PUI Wife (during the quarrel)— I don't an m tn itiv Itelleve you ever did a charitable act PU ZZLE^, - ~ In your life. Hualmnd— I did one. at leaaf, thnt I have lived to regret. W ife SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER ! — Indeed! What wna It, pray? Hus­ M sil ns Any (ftx>l band— I anved you from dying an old |>li'(uru with p str* maid.— Illustrated Rita. order for SI » and will srn>l you a l>«*iitiiiful |iho:o so- Friend—I am afrnld your husband liriism snt of «am«», f r«u.t*t in a hand- hna a very had cold; he’s continually rotne fmu i* like rut- auecalng. It's quite pnltiful to hear out aide ut«a*iira **r Irani«» lAtlM InctiM him. Why don’t you ask a doctor to " p do all kin«1« of antarcinii and kn Ink see him? Matron—Well, I'm waiting finishing Ht'itd us your tl ma to t*e d«» Juat a few days because It amuses baby %aio|*«»d and flnUh«nl. W o pay rulurti so to aeo hi» father sneeze.—Tlt-Blta. "" geo . m . strong 'You may not remember me. Mlaa J4- w. Park St. Summers,” he said, “ but I wna engaged | PoriUadr Organ to you once." “ Indeed?" the summer girl replied coldly, “ you nave quite a memory for fncea. ’No,” he replied,! glancing at her fulr hand, “ but ! have IN THE R O U G H E S T W E A T H E R for the rings I buy.*«— Philadelphia I AND GUARANTEED A B S O L U T E L Y Press. ^ WATERPROOF “ Rut," protested the space writer, I “ perhaps you could use this article If I were to boll It down?” “ Nothing doing," rejoined the man behind the blue J»en- POMMEL dl. “ If you were to take n gallon of I SLICKERS water and boll It down to a pint. It would still be water.” —Chicago Dally ThH trade mark News. and the word "Well, anyhow,” said Cassidy, "tho T o w e r on the new mill la fitted up flue. Shu re, every­ buttons distin­ guish this high thing's In Its right jilnce.’’ "Not at all." grade slicker from replied Casey, "whin I Vint through the Just as good ^J»cre tli' other day I seen a lot o' red b ra n d s * buckets marked 'Fur Fire Only,’ an', falx, there wna wntlier In thlm !’’— Phil­ adelphia Press. Friend—One of your clerks fells me you raised his salary and told him to Tl»o wall known ralinhlo get married, under panalty of dis­ charge. Business Man— Yes; I do that to ull my clerks when they get old last anil Herb enough to mnrry. I don’t want any of your independent, conceited men TTii« mad# a lift* study of about my place.—Tlt-Blta. roof a and harlm. and lu that Landlady (to new boarder who Is study dlnoovat*d and la aiv- lug to tha world ola wonder­ rather stout). I am glad to hear thnt ful rotrudioa. N o M e rc u ry , P o lto o s o r D ru g s U t« d M r C u re s one of my former boarders recommend­ W ith o u t O p e ra tio n , o r W ith o u t th a A id o f • K n ife Stout Boarder— Ho guarantee« to P ure C a ta rrh . Aathma. Lnnir, ed you to my house. Throat. K hauiuatlam . Krrrouanaaa. N««rum« I> e lility , After Htomach, I.iv a r, K idney Trouble« also I,oat Manhood. Yea, he »poke very highly of It. Fem ale Waaknaaa and A ll P riv a te Dlaeaaea telling him that I had tried all kinds A SUR E C ANCER CURE of antifat without success he advised a Peking, Just R e c e iv e s f r e M m P e k in g , t C h in a —S a fe , S e ra short stay here.— Ally Sloper. Slid Rellehle Mlatrcss—Norah, I told you to give that man with the hand organ a quar­ C O N S U L T A T IO N P U R R I f yon oeneot nell. w rit* Ipraymptaa b l t t k u i l «(ran- ter to go down to the next block and T H R O " . * V k A U lV rt 1“ M | M ? I!»R CO. grind Ida mnehine In front of Mr. 1 « 1? Pira. It., Oor. Morrison. Portland, O) Upps-Tart'n house—and he's out here PI» i Mentloa T k l. Paper on the sidewalk again! Nornh—YIs, P. N. U N e . 50—« 7 mum. He any» th' leddy In the next ko k d r « Ü M r t p le a s e block gave Mm half a dollar to com« W ’ e M r iM tfl« sum.—Chicago Tribune. ^% é \ Y e a r s i n ^ 2 P o r tla n d Doing work for the bent peo­ ple is positive proof of our reliability and of the confi­ dence our patients have in us. EXAM INATIONS FR E E and invited. Write and let us know what time you have to spare in Portland and we will arrange to give you that time. L A D Y ATTENDANT. A u ijers 20 BORAX DANCE The Inkter-Bob Return Top MADE FOR SERVICE C. Gee Wo CHINESE DOCTOR “A n d It D i d ’t H u r t a B it” Painless Extraction 50 Gents Plates $5.00 and Up BEST PLATE WORK If your teeth have be­ come so useless that it is impossible to firmly set a bridge, we re­ move the old stumps without the SLIGHT­ EST PAIN, and make y o u a p l a t e wi t h TEETH TH AT YOU CAN CHEW WITH AND T H E PLATE STICKS UP TO ITS PROPER PLACE WHEN YOU TALK. Twenty years continu­ ous practice in this work is a guarantee of satisfaction in every case. Once Our Customer Always Our Customer OUT OF TOWN PEOPLE Should remember that our, force i* so organized that W E CAN DO THEIR EN­ TIRE CROWN, BRIDGE AND PLATE WORK in a day if necessary. POSIT- I V E L Y PAINLESS E X - TRACTING FREE when plates or bridges are order­ ed. WE REMOVE THE MOST SENSITIVE TEETH AND ROOTS WITHOUT THE LEAST PAIN. Ten chair*. NO STUDENTS; no uncertainty—but SPEC­ IALISTS who do the most scientific and careful work.