THE STAYTON MAIL H y H. U. A LEXA N D ER . A T w elfth Y ear . NKW 9PAPBH , S u b s c rip tio n ,S L 2 S P E K A N N U M ONOAN S T A Y T O N , M ARIO N C O U N T Y . O R E G O N . NOVEM BER that two week» will see condii ione Financial nllnirx throughout the normal, country arc fast resuming a normal Few other magazine* have the daeh condition. There are thousand« of and ^.t of the National Magazide for dollar* now in Oregon tmuka, Fort- Novetnlier. On the front cover is a land having received a tug «iipply of direct ehullange to the public, for an gold. The suspension of the Mereh- ezpreaalon of opinion on "W hy Koo*c- ant* National wa* cati»ed hy the de velt aliould run in 1908.** A thonaand povitor* theniaelvea, who liecanie wor- dollar cash reward will he given hj rieil over a rumor that the hank wa*, Öenator Jonathan Bourne, Jr. for the weak and withdrew their money The heat argument* on this lu bj^t, hank paid out over two and a half There i* aomething almost Kooaevelt- million* *ince the acare started. It i* '•»»* ‘ he *tartling innovation of expected the Merchant« National will going direct to the people for their he o|ien again lor luisine«* in a «hört opinion* on presidential poaaibililie*. li„„. and it i* a «ore token that the whis- The late.t new* from Portland i* to I*4’™* *ecretive conclave* of po- the eflect that more money U being litical leader* are no longer popular (h'poaitetl than withdrawn and that The »overeign people are recognized' condition* are nearly normal f he National, a* the (.nun of The Htatcmnn «ay* that Halem F‘ h *I Ap|»eal. The content* of thin bank* arc doing hn»ineea alamt as mini tier are certainly a* varied a* the popular tuxte. All the «tone* in the ti«ual. Novemla-r National have that strong, "W e take clearing liou.c certificate*" graphic, homely *pirit that i* charac­ ¡« a nign now to be »een in the «how teristic of the magazine, mirroring the window* of h I ni< ,-t every Portland people of the time* as they really are, bu»ine** lion«e. The financial *ky i* and not ** flowery fancy might [mint clearing and tln-rc i« every pro*poet them. Confidence NOT A N Restored. 1907. N umber 41 Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Ladies’ Suits Cloaks Overcoats For For Misses and Children. Ladies all wool red tailor made suits, Boy* jt jt pattern and finish N o. I — certainfy a beau­ W e are now showing our sec- ty, f o r ............. 1 2 . 5 0 0nd shipment of Children's $16.50 magazine, on a .alary and commission ìi Experience desirable, but not nere«.ary. Good opportunity for right pt-r>on Addren» Publisher, Box 59. station (), New York. brown overcoat*, fancy plaid lining, wind and water proof, ha* the ap> pear a ucc of a $6 garment now on ly...................... $4 00 Harne in men’s overcoat* for $5. This | { overeoat is of the box pattern so much in vogue at. present time. Grizle Think of it, on ly.......... $ i 00 Cloaks for fall and winter 1907. 2 0 . OO Ladies blue tight fitting jacket, 15 gored skirt, nicely trimmed, fall '07 pat­ tern, for ........ Beautiful Cloth, f Bear Skin. and $12 .>0 men « lieavy grey wool heronbone Plaids in B row n, Green, Blue, overeat., 15.40 Kerseys, f Checks sirifie, heavy twilled lin­ ing, tiiorougli made gar ment, good for 3 years wear, now..................... $9.78 Red and S lver colors. 18 .O O Ladies brown and green checked suit, looks and wears like a $25 suit, while they last. Put One of these cloaks on a $18 5 (J men’s very dressy lieavy bik wool overcoat, slight- ly tinged with grey, hea­ vy plain black A 1 lining a finished article of 1907 swagger pattern, now.. $14.85 child and you w ill feel as tho’ 13-75 you wanted to hug and kiss these little mites of humanity, A large line of several kinds of Rain Coats and Leggings, l ^eY be so pretty. The po..master of GosenmU. M o J W a f l t C d i ' ' * “ ’ re|,r*?en‘ - ‘ i*e for Slickers, Mackintoshes and T . . # 1% ... , .. . v f a u i v u H taytoii 11 mJ v ic in it y to A. Iln^ll, n:\yn u\ 1 >• \il - kl