THE STAYTON MAIL H y U . It. A L B X A N O U R . A N l t W H l' A P K R , NOT AN ÜNOA N « T w elfth Y ear . STAYTON, MARION COUNTY. OREGON. NOVEMBER Here'a Hoplng. 11 1 m 1 1 o p Hcaihling i i il'iliverinK a «n rii'M i l l lecture* in the East uinl hm u (Snvcrnor (¡lu in ilie rb iii» Ita* m |>| m > ì 11 1- «•«n it Oregon i« heing «plem liilly ml- f i l l i . ( • H I u v im ih o ii '» ì F-irc»t (tro vi*, VcrtiMCil T h e lii«ho|i illu e tru tn * hi* lo k iic ri'i'd Jo h n \V . lliik 'T n i C o ttim i' lecture* w ith lan tern «I m I cm allowing U ro ve, iin Minti' gannì w im h-n. I le i« ’» th " a g ricu ltu ra l proiluct«, fru it, *ct*n- I i <• I*i i i u 11><* olm nge iioi.v >■•'<>( Monif cry, m ill general attractio n « of the lin n v iit lo lo llm Minti'. M r liu k i- r Htllte. ni ny I mi it ilic e m u li— w n 'v n ini ver »nell litu i, (tilt n i n f i l i n i w n rtl'iii w-i i lo it ’t Judge .1. II. Ki'ott, I'ri'M. of Oregon ln 'li'iv e In» w ill I m * i i i ì »« i *uld aceti) tipi part of W|«dutn 1 1 there i* to U> no attempt litado tu eufonie the game law«, tu do uwuy With game warinii», repeal the law taking hunter* and let fi«h and game look after themselves. A* it i« they have had to do it in thi« part of the Stale fur some time pa*t. The oc­ casional huntci would I m < hi« dollar ahead und there would la* little d if­ ference in condition«. Have You Town Pride? H'lty ti" >«>H bpy opt oi tun it < V»»M •ay "in save ipuney'V-but tin you? F u ry duliar you pul out of itiroulwtiun here ut hume make* it Ju«t so much Oliti* (iicheh r and John IloMart left f o r Portland for a few day* stay. Augu«t Klinger and son Ernest, of Ml Angel, visited at the Henry Mil- h-r ho.....Thursday. The eity council have ptircliHKcd new street lamp». They are of the improved kind and give good light. Mr» Lullv and family arrived from Penn. Thursday. Mr. Lully was al­ ready here and they will make tip». vicinity their hotpu. A very pretty wedding took place Tt|e»day when Earnest Schott and Ml»» Martha Odentlial were united in marriage, Rev. Father l.ainck officiat­ ing I’he bride presented a handsome tippeardice in a gown of cream ailk crepe de chine, while the groom wore conventional black. Misses Anna (Jih'tiihal and Marie Levermnn wen; bridesmaids and George Hell and I.einocrat. Our Early Fall Showing The applause of a single human ta «C m a t consequence.—J o t e - We want to invite you to attend. You will not be sorry you spend the time with us and even if you do not want to buy you ought to come to this store now to see the real select offerings we are putting before our trade. | Buggies Shoes Wagons For men, women, girls and boys. Es­ pecially boys and girls school shoes. School opening brings a big demand for shoes and in order to make many sales we are selling them at very low prices. Thompson Ribbons Canton Plows. o reg o n T R Y IT I .N ’ T R Y IT ! Best 5c Cigar On Earth. For Sale at HENDERSHOTT’S. T R Y IT 1 Just what the little girls need for a hundred and one uses. Ribbons, ¡and no end to them. No faded ends either. All new goods and shades. They are dean and perfect. No faded spots, all new and of the very best. The prices are all that are off, and we have put prices where every little girl and every ma­ ma, too, can have all the ribbon they want with small outlay. U 1 Q I*V Did you ever stop to think of the V great demand there is all the time for hosiery? Did*'you ever stop to think how particular people are about this article of wearing apparel? No? Well, T R Y I T ! vve ^o: w e ^ave ^ en d °'n£ it for a long time. That is the ik y 1 reason why we always have the latest things at the right prices. We want you to drop in and look at our selections. We are proud of them and you will be proud of yourself if you make your purchases at our store. St. Louis Post-Dispatch CIGAR i I 2 . 5 O Died, at hi» home in Palousc City, 1 Washington. at 4:15 a. lit. Friday,(Jet. 25, 1907, of tuberculosis, J . F. Follan*- 1 5 . 0 0 Ladies brown by. He came to Slayton about 1875 and in 1877 wa* married to Mi** Ellen and green checked June*, a sister of Mr*. \\ . E. Thonnt*. suit, looks and wears He was engaged for about ten year* in the mercantile bu*ine*« in Staytun like a $25 suit, while then Hold out and moved to Palouse City where lie ha* been engaged in th cyIast........... 1 3 - 7 5 business since. He wa» a consistent! member of the Christian church for ( A large line of several kinds many years, being an officer most of the time, He wa* an active member r>„: j . ____• , u 1 1 ,, . . of Rain Coats and Lessings, of the Sunday »chool,having in charge & * Korinek & Mielke, piwn* woqld be growing just a« til» | T J ^ V I T ! large cities are grow ing- There would ' he a larger demand for merchandise, a demand fo ra larger force of clerk» to handle thu increased trade and a demand for houses fur tlm new clerk* to live in. There would be a larger! demand for farm product» for them T R Y IT ! to live upon, a largea demand for the produce that the average farmer ( raise* and i* willing to raise more of, if the demand make* it nrcemurv. Think it over and see if YOUK trade would not l>e of mine help toward . bringing about these new conditions! i T R Y IT1 1.50 12 to 17 year old boys fleece lined grey rain coat. You have been paying $1.50 to 1.75 and2.00 for same goods. M y price 1.15 I — certainfy a beau* a»»i«tcd 11» during the ¡line** and bur­ ial of our father. T h k C hildren . with a full line of Harness $1.35 M en's heavy dark cotton pants with me­ dium light pin stripe 2 hips and 2 front and a wath pocket. T h e cut and fit of a $5.00 pant, only $1.00 Ladies all wool Here w t Are Again Single Double N umber 39 Ladies’ Suits A iter I he ceremony they gathered at the home of th.- bride* p.trppt« wIlPH» a ho*t of (fiend« ;»pil relative* were loyally e » tm *in w l until a late hour. Among the out of town guest* present were Mr. and Mi*. J . I.. Mitchell of Th» Lovely Lif». Portland,Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Matthieu Mr». Proud-What did you think of ol Htavton. Many useful and benuti- ; Myrtles essay on The Lovely Life?” f„| pre,e n ta wererecieved. The happy Mr. Proud—Excellent. No one would think that Myrtle drink« eau de cologne couple will l*e at home in the residence and slaps her little brother, would they, dear?—Chicago News. bought by the groom. I harder for you to find another dollar to take it* place. 1« that “saving money?" Your home merchant etf- tends you credit when you need it— and you know how often that occur» o b it u a r y . and fur how long you “ hang him up" 'John S. Lutz died at the {iq.qp ui — but when you do your cash buying hi» daughter, Mrs- 1:- H- Lambert, of ^■ou sunt) youf tpopey tyt gotpe distant Mt. pleasant, Oct. 28th at 5:30 a. m., idly ht'Pausu *ume things on which aged 77 years, 1 moots and 28 day«, the regular price i* widely advertised, John H. Lutz wa* born in Hunting- are »old there a few cent» lower than don county, Penn., May 31, 1830 He the price at home. moved with his parent« to Iowa when And the mail order house "make.» . •• - up" on something you do not know about or oti the quality of the good«. When you buy of a home merchant and you find your purchase i« not "up to standard,” yon can eo to |^tfl ! •'jiaye it uii».V paq you (fq that when 1 you make your purchase in Chicago or elsewhere? You may argue that you do not (tt«|| ymir products in this town. Per- ||H|>s ym| don’t— bitt pqulijn't yoq du tm ji tip: town was larger and mure 1907. Special on .State (Sooil K m iii I m A«»'n, I ihm calleil a meeting for Nov 14th uinl 15tll at the Portland (/omtuerciiil Club. Mr. Ham nel Hill, President ill the Washington O' mm I HoaiU A"«’n, will come with a special car front the Washington meet* j ing Not. 12th ami 13th ami bring with him a nniuher of Canadian expert«, A lantern «liih* lecture will he given ] We desire through the M a i l to j l»y Hon. Samuel Lancaster, of the extend our «ineere thank» to the (lood Road* Department at Washing- friend« and neighbor» who no kindly ton. visitation», a ml in thi* territory per Imp* a* little attention ii putii to g a m e ami fiali law* a« ill any part of the «I tie. Itnnning deer with hound«, dynamiting fi*h, bringing in more than the lawful amount of bird*, mid "ny old break in the law i* a* common a« though there were no lew« to break. Sublimity Gleanings. A year ago all the young Mongolian* Mi*« Mary Fox left for Portland were killed off before hunting season, riniraday where site will «pomi the and thi* year there were few to kill. ' winter, i, TRY IT I a c Gehlen Bros.