The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, October 04, 1907, Image 4

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O. A l l X A N D t R , P u b lish e r
Entered »t the poeto (Be* at stayton. Oregon,
mall mailer «*< the «ecoml clair
Tim Malt 1« mst'.ed regularly to Its suhscrib-
•r* until a ilrhnlte order to discontinua li re­
cai red ami all arrearages are ( aid
^ y iL B U K N. PINTI.E R , D. M. D.
Office over Freni R ock 's Store
A. E L W O O D ,
O ffice over R o ck ’s store,
Conducted Under Ihe Auspices of
the Socialist Parly of the
United Slates.
Socialism Is a system •>( social orguni-
cation which would uU dlsh entirely or In
»rrent part the competition on which m od.
• rn society r< Ms and substitute for It co­
operative action, would Introduce a more
perfect anil cijual distribution o f the prod­
ucts o f labor and would m ake land and
capital. as the Instruments and m eans o f
production, the Joint possession o f the
members o f tho com m unity.
does not wish to abolish private property
or accum ulation o f wealth, but It alm s to
displace the present system o f private
capital by a system o f collective capital
which would Introduce a unified organ isa­
tion o f national labor.—Professor Schattic.
Socialist March.
Surrpsior to \V, K. Thom hr
Leave orders at S la y ton H otel.
Merchant Tailor
I have on hand a full line of samples
for Spring and Summer Suits.
Repairing and Cleaning a Specialty
8T A Y T 0N
Seatak & Stowell
Dealer* In
F re s h ,
S a lt and S m o k e d
Stayton, Oregon
Grand Central Hotel
Is open to the public. A ll newly fur*
nished rooms.
Accom m odations first-
Nice, warm dining room and
first-class meals.
M. J. SPANIOL, Prop.
Stayton, Oregon
fob Printing
Keep it in your mind
that The Mail prints
Note Heads, Bill
Heads, Letter Heads,
O r Anything Else You May
Want at Very Low Prices
— -
- -*r—-
II» |
- - ,
Sallowness Transformed
to Líusky Beauty
A i I stk skin becomes fascinating
when delicately «oil, underspread
with the radiant glow which indi­
cates a healthy, active skin. Róben­
me keeps the skin refined in quality,
keeps pores free from clogging waste
and stimulate* the tiny capillarieito
contribute the color which charms in
blonde and brunette alike. Robert-
ine is certain protection against tan,
sunburn and freckles if applied be­
fore exposure to sun or wind.
Spreads like an imperceptible sheen
of gauze overskin surface, forming a
shield stimulating anil preserving a
delicate, lustrous beauty.
-***:>. > S M tm r Ü r;„in TODAY
I t a fr e t tamp ft
Tho bugle blast, tho banner waving.
They cnll us. comrudos. to tho I'ght.
Bo Industry no more enslaving.
Freedom no longer veil. 1 In night;
The bliss o f home, the sunshine fair.
The might o f knowledge bo our shnro.
To nil the people be they given.
This goal We seek, for this have striven.
This Is the toller's new crusade.
For victory be the ranks arrayed.
Oh. all ye countless m illions moiling
In mine or tlold. In tow n or land.
Still for a scanty pittance tolling.
W ith faithful heart and busy band.
W h y crouch ye yet In want and woe
W h en trumpet calls to face the foeT
From pain nnd sorrow disenthralling
Is aim and object o f our calling.
This Is tho people’ s new crusade,
And conquest crow ns the effort made.
N ot with the gun or bayonet gory
Do we for freedom ’ s triumph tight.
H er host needs no barbaric glory.
B ut wins with spirit sword o f ligh t:
Th at peace m ay govern, plenty bloom
And hope and Joy dispel the gloom ;
Brightness to lives o f labor lending.
T o such u goal our steps are tending.
This is the toller's new crusa.le.
For victory aro their ranks a rr a y e i.
—F rom the G erm an o f M. K eg el.
WU8 a ver.v Ulsagiveahle tlilug lo d<>,
T I ioiiiiin A Edison, the g m it A m e r­
but we hud to ilo II un aecoiint o f thè ican in ie n tx i, “«)■ ’ ’ Fully eighty per
nrtleles we had «Igned.”
cen t oi tie illness of iiiiinkini! ciime*
Tho passenfO'i’s foel that tliey are
badly servisi, by Illese stewurds.
1 li’inn in iin g im proper I mim I oi tn niucli
board a young collegiali say. “ The seri ! filial; people are inclined tn over In ­
unta beri* are very iinpudcut.’ ’
It dulge them selves." This ¡. where in-
scema he had gene to thè saloon and j digestion find« n - beginning in nearly
askeil for tea Just as thè tea hotir iviii
over and hai! gol au "e lu s iv o ” muover. every i»a»e. T in 1 »lotuncl can »In just
1 saw u full fed gem icam i) o f Imughty «•i nun'll work mid ......... ore, noil when
hearing threuteu to “ elniek” a steward ynti nv 1 1 >ml 1 1 , 0 1 ivlien von nit the
over lanini on account o f som e ques- j wrong knnl ol (•» cl, i lie iligu n ive or»
tlou abolii a trunk, timi a feiv uilnutea Ciiiued possibly do (lie work d e ­
afterivard, after scolm i un ollloer. ho
It i- nt -lo ll lim es
tolti bis n ife , wtth oatlsfactiou, “ Timi manded os them
Bring Us Your
We Pay the Top
Harket Price
Goods Delivered Free to Any
felloiv wlll he linai US suoli us ivo get that tlm stonnn li needs help; It tlu-
Part of the City.
tu U v e rp o o l."
nuiuils ledp, nnd warns yon by head
The psyehology o f thls nmy I h »
in dies, belchin g, smir stom ach , nsiiaen
gimg*od at. The steivards feci lujurcd
Y ou should nllenil
and oppressisi, ¡ili together, and Ijy
thè naturai lnstiiiet ivhlcli nmy ho In thi« nt on ce by i.iking ■■nne'eiiig
Stayton, Qre.
cu II ed diffusimi of resentnient they at­ that will nrtunllv i|o the work for the
tributi» thelr lnjury to au olitili» elusa stom ach
Kndnl will tin this
It is n
o f peoplo, who, on thelr part, «re as-
tonishtHl at suoli feeling so lui|»ro|M»rly co m bin ation of natural d ige-inn *« and
alinoli at thom. lt is a very usefut in- vegetable acids and con ta in s tie- same
stlnct six’ lally, thls class n»senlment, ju ices ioum l t'i a healthy .ii-nineh.
for wlthuut it tlu» fnot o f elusses wouhl It is pica si nt to lake. It d igest- what
he eternai.
you eat. Sold hy Brewer Drug t'n.
Once, Crossing In a Germini steamer.
For tho Defense.
I askeil u steward why they had suoli
Ma— I hear that you've been playing
hloodshot eyea In ttie luorulng.
suid: “ W e are on duty freni early with Donald Smith again. Tom my.
tnorulug unti) I l in thè cvculng, and Now, I told you— Tom m y—Playing
then we s 1 ih »]>. llfteen o f us together, with him! You *ee the Mock eye he’s Rigs, Horses and Accommo­
In a ro un down lielow wiiere tliere Is got nnd you'll soon guos»» If there w i t
dations First-class.
no nlr.
I alw nys com e np wlth a any plnyiug about It.—l ’ unch.
1 n»umrke»l, "1 should
Huck* ruiini’Ct wiili (ru in s nt K in gs,
thluk yon wouhl all vote tlie Social-
tun mui W i'sl Hlaytnn.
N u lle« o f t-ln a l •»«!11»-ni»liI
D em ocrutlc ticket.”
He lookod star-
Nullo« lahvrttby glieli Hist tin- utel«r»lgnuil
Ktngp lint» (rum T u rn rr (•> Lyon*.
tled, but inaile no reply. A fter kccm- administratrix <>i tue «alate ol ttylvle Maudtr,
Ing to consnlt som e other strw an ls In» ■ i « > i « -i - i , has niel in Uw 1 icinl) i miri "i i in
of iirvgiiu, lor Ibv i on ut y ol Marioli, lier S T A Y T O N ,
carne back, leaned over and whlsperwl. ■talu
■Inal account » mieli atluillilniralM*. ami lhai
»alii t.'ourl lias Uxial Morula) lliu tltu its) ui
“ W e do all vote Social Domoorut.’ ’
W. A. Wright,
G. B. TRASK, Prop.
Tho Ba* ic Pursuit In Mott Game* I*
to Drive a Ball.
Sonic day there will arise a patient
Investigator who will work out this
problem. W hy are most sports but the
variants o f one object, the propulsion
o f a sphere?
Billiards, baseball, polo, golf, sling­
ing. marbles, squash, hmullmll, foot-
ball, rackets, cricket, hockey, bagatelle,
tenuis, shooting. |K»lotu—the basic pur­
suit In each Is to drive a ball, the pro­
pulsion o f a sphere.
Tipcat, shuttlecock anil top spinning
arc the employment o f modifications of
the sphere, and archery Is but another
method o f propulsion.
It Is a stnuugo limitation o f form,
and there must la» a reason. Those who
delve luto origins may iiscrRio the
whole m otive o f sports to some long
armed, hirsute ancestor w ho first
threw a pebble at a fellow cave dw ell­
er and found it great fun.
Or it may bo poor m ortal's attempt
to get In a small fashion Into the tre­
mendous schem e o f the universe,
which is flu* everlasting movem ent of
the spheres. Or It may be that sports
are fram ed in inevitable ot*edlen<-e to
some irresistible law o f nature.
At any rate the fact Is sports are
based on the propulsion o f the sphere,
and some one ought to find a reason
therefor.—New York American.
Nebraska Editor Is Not Frightened by
the B cgy of Social-D em ocracy.
‘The editor o f the Journal Is no
propagandist fo r the Socialist party,
yet when w e read the effusions o f lit­
tle 2 by 4 w riters on the su b je ct w e
becom e suddenly attacked with tlint
tired feeling so prevalent at this time
o f the year and w ant to go som e­
where and lie dow n fo r a good long
rest. To these sm art A lecs Socialism
is a great bugaboo, besides lieing ‘lin-
practical,' ‘ visionary’ nnd a ‘danger­
ous menace” to the 'liberties o f the
“ The trouble Is, these high lifty
critics understand Socialism about as
well as a D igger Indian understands
the Xiceue creed. It takes brains to
understand Socialism ; that is why
the average Individualist is so terribly
afraid o f it and looks on all advocates
o f Socialism as anarchists. They are
aw fu lly afraid to lose their individual­
ity and are too ignorant to know that
W ych Hazel, Not Witch Hazel.
they have none to lose. H avin g heard
The correct name for Hnmnmelis vlr-
the phrases, parrotlike they repeat
ginica Is not witch hazel, but w ycb
that ‘Socialism w ould elim inate all
hazel. Our plant lias no connection
individual effort,’ ‘ w ould destroy all
with the m agic o f tile water hunter.
incentive to w ork,’ ‘ w ould put all men
The blackthorn o f England, l ’ runus
on a dead level,’ etc., ad nauseam.
splnosa, was the wood used In these
“ They also tell us that to have So­
divinations, or w hatever these suikt -
cialism selfishness must be first killed
Stitious practices may !«• termed. H a­
out from the human heart—o n d then
zel had a very w ide meaning In the
we shall all he angels and have to
olden times, and Ihe elm as well as
live in heaven. W hat silly rot! In
the nut now known as stu-h was hazel.
our ow n opinion no system o f govern ­
One o f these elms, now known ns U1-
ment w as ever devised by m an that
01119 luontana, was the favorite wood
Is more practical, sensible o r ju st or
f o r m aking wyches, or provision
that would tend more to the ekjvatlou
chests, and was therefore known ns
o f man—Intellectually, p hysically and
the wycli hazel. In the present d ay !t
m orajly—than Socialism .
U nder our
Is the w ycli elm. Our hamamells re­
present system o f governineait the ceived from the early settlers the name
tendency is tow ard a dead krvcJ o f in­ o f w y d i hazel from tho resem blance
tellectual m ediocrity and uuperfined o f the leaves to those o f the w ych ha­
W h o can d ou b t this? zel or elm o f the old world. Language
W here are the great m inds o f tod ay ? reformers Imagining that wych should
H ow do they com pare w ith the shin­ be spelled witch are responsible for the
ing lights o f the past? W h o are our confusion. W ycli hazel is Ihe correct
statesmen, divines, scientists, philoso­ term for our plant.
phers, biologists, poets and authors?
Name the best—not those w h o have
Dangerous Golf.
accum ulated the m ost money, but
One o f the rules o f the Weston-super-
those who have done som eth in g fo r
Mare (England) G olf club rends, “ A
the good o f humanity—and you w ill
ball may be lifted and dropped with
find that a m ajority o f them are a r­
the loss o f a stroke w hen played w ith­
dent believers In Socialism . W o u ld a
in the railings surrounding the pow der
Socialistic form o f governm ent de- j
m agazine." There npjmurs to Is» an
stroy their Individuality? W e think
element o f danger in this kind oC golf
not.’ ’—Ashland (Neb.) Journal.
whicli reminds a London w riter o f n
eertnin golf course on the W est A fr i­
THE CLASSES IN SOCIETY. can const, where the eighth and ninth
holes are alw ays optional, as several
There Would Be No Clas* Hatred if golfers nre said to have l>een lost
There W ere No Classes.
there ow in g to the proxim ity o f the
jungle, which Is k now n to lie n favor
Asvuary New York I.ife Insurance com . ite lair o f the lion.
On shipboard there is n o den yin g the
fact o f classes. It Is palpable in tho
The Intelligent Bohemian Life,
line between cabin and steerage and
Corot, (In* I'rctifli Innrlsrnpr» painter,
between passengers and stew arils. The wriR a inotlt‘ 1 rif consistont l»oht»nilan-
feelings o f the class struggle are here, inm o f tin? best kind.
Wlirn hi* fa-
too, to any one w ho has learned to I th rr »aid, “ Yon slnill liavc is o a yr'nr,
think nlsmt the feelings o f another y o u r pint«» at my tab!«? nnd l>*» a paint­
class than his ow n. A m ore haggard | er, or yon Him 11 linvt.» £I,< khi to start
set o f men than these stew ards I n ever with if you wiH I k - a shopkeeper," bis
oliolt-t» was made at onr;e. lit» rt'inain-
saw. l asked one o f them If th ey had
rtl alw ays faithful to (rut; bohamian
had n hard tim e In port. “ Y es,” he \ prinrlples, fully understandiutf the
said, ‘‘uncommon hard.
W e hud to waluc o f leisure.—1’hillp (Jilhert Ham-
w ork day a ml n ight load in^ciU -yo. 11 erton.
u< tuner, nun, at in«- hour oi iu o'clock a. iu . u I
ssul ita) ss lliu um » sin! tu» t onni) conti
room iti the County i miri limisi lu Salem, in
Marion colini) ,cin gnu,sa III» place lor hearing
aulii llusl secoli III sud ali objection» liier« lo.
IlotH) s i Salem, Oregon, tins '.'ili «Isy ni Sep­
tember. CAI Î.
Administratrix ol Ile «siala ol syivia Sander
deci, uscii.
U m b e r I.and, A n t J u n e J . IH 7 8 . ~.Vo*
lic e t o r i ’ u b h c a tiu n .
Untied Hi*!?* U u d office,
I'oriUiid,Oretfuu, Hept.6, 11107.
Notice la htruby k i w i » in «; In compiliucc
will* the provision» ui itic w ( u l( aiigreMui
June M, 1*<H, i’ UUtkd •‘ An acl for Hi« m I v ut
it Hitter I mho * lit Hit' .'"‘ Intel» of Lailloruift, Ore*
gou, sN«viMU)tU(l V\ ah til Hu tun Tcrriloi) ,** •*
vxUiiUfifl tu «11 It)« ruhlic La ml tit a tea by aci
• l Ittgunt I, Ufftit, Ah tit* W LIVI niicrt’ , Ol l.u
X»i»r, uouiiiy ol L a lie, Mfitc ol Oregon, lu»
Ih)» day Hied ill thin office hi» »worn »late*
me nt No. 7«»^, for the |»ureh>«e ol the NK *4 ol
aN\ quarter »u<i Lot g oi oceltou -No. <». lit «ov* li-
»hip No. » H, Kangc No. i jr„n*t \v . M . «ml »«in
offer proof toihow that the laud now * hi 1« more
»asuaole lor It» timber or atone than for agu-
cultural purpose», atul to e»taij||»h hi» claim
to »nld laud in forc KvxUtcr and KetriVer al
Portland, Oregon, on ftiu rsd i), the Mill day
of November, iJU".
lie name» a» »vitu* »»<*»: William ‘ ‘ rook ui
Perrydaie, Oregon, 1, L P o | k - of Klkhoru, Ore­
gon, isot L. Pearce and L. It. Livermore of ¿»a*
lein, Oregon.
Any ami uii ponton* elaltnliig adveraely tin
above d» »eribtd laaida are re«)Uc»led to file
their eiaimn In this office on or oetore "ai»t 1 llh
day oi November, 1907.
AL/iKKMojf 8.
. IteglaUr.
bftulifuliy illuaisln j. gotsl Uoties
•nd «aides
* i c ,,
about California
and all the far West.
a jreat
• monthly pubis sbon devoted
to ike iarming interrita ol tka
W e il
• 7 «
a book of 75 pages, containing
"J ^
ptcturesqtse spots in CalJonua
“ d° ^ ‘
. . . $2.75
All lor............................ $1.50
Ctrl out tkis advertisement
and send wit). ) 1.50 to
By special arrangement with
the publishers, you can secure
Sunset and The Mail one
year and the book oi beautiful
Oregon and California views—
The Road ot a Thousand
Wonders—for only $2.00, at
The Mail office.
li m b e r L a n d , A v t .lim e «1, | h 7 h . •N iitlir
for I* u li 1 letti Io n .
(Tutted Hint«» Land Office,
Portland, Oregon, tfeptemu r 6,1907.
n otic*«
• ta
• hereby
■ ■
■ . given
............ timt in tutnpltauci
with tile pr ovision * of the • m i ni i OttgffMM Of
JutieS, 1H/M, entitled "A n net f-»r i ..* * t
uniter lamia In the Htate» of California, Ore­
gon, Nevada and VN a^hhiKton I r r r u o r y a »
i-xtended to all the Public LauU ovate» by act
of Aug tut I, i»‘L’ ,Marv t luriildge.of Mill < it),
county of Limi, stale of Oregon, gam thl*
day filed in iln» office her »worn »talci..< nl No.
Toll I or the pureliane nt the NK 4 of h t * No. 1«
m Tow tiahlp No. 10 .*,Lange No i wlll
offf’ r proof to »how* that the land »ought m more
\ aluable for it» limber or »tone than for agri­
cultural purpose», and toe»tabii»h her claim to
»aid laud beiore Uie t oiinty < lerk and < lerk of
i ounty < ourt of Linn county, Oregon, at Alha- ]
uy, Oregon, ou \Vediic»day, the .nth day of I
November, pju T.
Hbe name» a» witne»»* - ; l^ w inT ilenne»» of I
bale»,Oregon,Mpruee V . Hall ol Albsiiiy. Ore* I
goii.hdw nid Wolf of <*atc», Oregon, t narle» I
No appetite, loss ot strength, nervouz*
Horner, oi Mill < uy , Oregon.
Any and ail p< pion* eiaiining adversely the | ne$s. headache, constipation, bad breath,
above-de»eribed land» »re rc<|Ue»U:d to file
thelr einiin» in tin» office on or before »aid jut h general debility, sour risings, and catarrh
of the stomach are all due to Indigestion.
day of Novefiilier, 1907.
Kodol relieve* Indigestion. Thl* new discov­
A lAsK.KNON S. IblKjfiMKH. It«’g later.
T im b e r I. hik I , A r t ,1 tine .1, i h ; m . M oflee
foe P i i bl Ioni Inn.
I'nlteil States l.nlul • Ifllei-,
I'ortlam l,tiregon, Sr.-ptemlicr ft, IW7.
Notici-1» be ret,) given that In couiplianci
with tile provisions ol the ael oi * 'migress ol
June 3 M7H. eiKItleil "A n net for the sale ol
timber lamia i u the ata ten of Callfor nl a,Oregon
N'eva<la. ami Wa liluidoll Terrilorv," ns ex-
tended to all Un-Publie l.nml Slate- l,y net of
August t, Is'/J, Forent K. llame», id Corvallis,
conuly of lien ton, Siale of Oregon, has tills
day li led I u tills oftic« In - »a orn statement No.
7V22 fo rth « pu retins« ol Hit- N 'a N K \ of Sec No
30. In T o » u «lit li No. '.i M, Kauge N,,. I r.. ami wilt
offer proof lo show ton! the land sought Is more
valuable for II-tim ber or stone than for agri-
eoli uriti purpose*,a ml tocalahlinh hlselnlin to
salit land before the Keglsiem m l Kecetvernf
I'ortlaml, Oregon, on Tuesday, the Uth May ot
November, limi.
He name, as witnesses: Janies K. ttarm-sof
Helo, Oregon, J . J. liarnos of Scio, Oregon Jason
A . llames of \ 11,any, Oregon, Oliti llerrllng of
Mchaioa, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above d- scribed lands are requested to llh-
(b elr claims in thlsnfttcc on or Iscforesnld l.’ lli
day of November, tfaiT.
AUJKKNON H. liltFXSKIt. Itcglster.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Notice for Publication.
I,’ lilted Hintes U n d Office,
I’orllnml, Oregon, September ft, 1ÍI07.
Notice I* hereby given lin t III rem pillim i-I
wllli the provl»h>nii of the net of I Hug re --o f !
I line 3, IH7M, entitled "A n nel for Ih e-ale of j
timber lamín In the stale* of ( nlltoriila, Ore
gnu, Nevada, and Wn-hington Territory," a*
extended to all the Public Land State* hy act
of Augu.-t I, IH'rJ, Alonzo Shelley, of Sfat toli
county of Marion, Slate of Oregon, ha* !h !*dn )
tiled in thl* office Id* »worn statement No. 7 V>, I
for tin purchase of the Southeast ipiartcr of
Northwest 'liierter and l,ot* 3 , 1 and ó of Seel Ion
No.ft, In Township No. 1 » South , Kauge No. .1
Ka»f. and w ill offer proof to »hott Hint the land
-ought I* more valuable for it* limber or atorn­
illan for agricultural nurpo*c»,nml 10 eatnhll-h
lit* claim 10 -aid lami la-fore the Itcglster and
Hi eelvi-r, at Portland .Oregon,on Thursday, lie
Itili day of November, 110*7.
He name* it- wltm-stcs: M. I,. K-ketv.of Slat
ton, Oregon, Arthur Shelley, of subii ml iv, Ore­
brown ol Stayton, Oregon, Marren
Klehardson of Lyons, Oregon
A ny and al I fter-on- ru nning adversely the
above described land* are repu-nted tii flic
their e la Ini» I li this office on nr le-fu re »aid I It It
day of November, 1U07.
A weiisu » 8. D resser , Régit ter.
ery represents the natural Julcea of diges­
tion as they exist in a healthy atomach,
combined with the greatest known tonlo
and reconstructive properties. Kodol for
dyspepsia does not only relieve Indigestion
and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy
helps all stomach troubles by cleansing,
purifying, sweetening and strengthening
the mucous membranes lining the stomach.
Mr. S. S. Ball, o< Rsvenswood, W, Vs., ssys:—
’ I wss troubled with sour Stomsch for twenty yesrs.
Kodol cured mo «nd we are now using It In milk
tor baby.”
Kodol Digests What You t« L only.
Relieves Indigestion, sour st msch,
belching of gss, etc.
P re p a re d by E. 0. O a W IT T A C O ., C H IG A Q O .
Hold by Brewer DriiR Co.
¡’j A î u L w u . n i i i j . ’s
’. : 5 ^
' H Í4
1 U £ ;'
A fi-’.v fl«i-i-*t)f this rem edy will In-
viirliiidy pun» tin ordinnry attack o f
li. 1 in always 1m dopendnl upon,
ev.-n In the i> urn Revere attacks o f
cram p etdlt: find t-holt-m inorbna.
if is P(|ii.illv Mieces fill for slimmer
di irrliiPi'. and cholera infantum In
childr-ii, anil Is tho n-enim of Raving
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