The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, August 16, 1907, Image 1

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Hy 12. lì. A LE X A N D E R .
T w
Y e a r .
Su b a crlp tlo n , f t . 25 P E R ANNUM
A. N K W S l ' A l ' K H , NOT A N OHOAN
S T A Y T O N , M ARIO N C O U N T Y . O R E G O N . A U G U ST 16, 1907.
N u m b e r 28
The while lie speak* his angry mind.
The wobbly calf, ingenious thing,
conducts its mother to the spring,
contrive* to posh her where her bag
to swelter in the heat dur­
will in the cot d, clear water sag, and T o W ear White Canvas Shoes
ing the six long dry weeks
when her milk i* made ice-eold, he
And Then Some
in the month of August
calls her out and seizes bold to g've
Salem and Eugene and Salem
his tommy Paradise tlm while his
and Mehama Interests United
All Women's Canvas Shoes at
sho't tail slugs the Hies
< «»IIM Set W i l l i
I ' M ' IH ll l . l l i r H i
F h I i - O r n u n a l ..
V\ off.
Thu chautampia put* on more
At Such Prices
K. W. Wat ter* appeared 1 1 «;lure tin*
horse-power, ami the outdoor lecturer 91 (JO
. .65
Halem lily council last night nini n»k
has a hemorrhage of bad Knglish in
10c Kerry Cord sale price 7c yard.
1.00 i
i'll (or n f rii iteli ine in the name of A.
the shade of the sheltering elms. The 1*50
18c Dotted Swiss Muslin sale price
Wi'lcli (ormi eirctrie line through the
word chantauqua is front the (»reek 1.75
I2Jc h yard.
rily, that is to lie part of the Hnlem
litters chan (to), uuq (talk) and ua
7c figured lawn sale price 4^.
noil Kugcne mul Halem and Mehama
(long), meaning to talk long. The 2 00
6c Khirt Calico aale price 4.J.
system. Thu ortiiiimice un» remi mal
long-named artist comes out from the
18c Merceline Silks sale price I2.J.
city to paint a purple cow, and a brin-
referred to tin* ordinance eommitt® mal
35c White Mercerised wash goods
Mr. Watters Inn* goon to Portland to­
die bull hit* him where it will do the
sale price 25c.
day to confer with Mr. Welch and hi«
most good, dropping him into a dis­
associates. A m i i \ Ay (rum Sali ni to
50c White Mercerised wash goods
tant briar patch with the nice precis­
sale price 39.
Eugene via Albany in to begin at once
ion of w golf player. The automobile
mid the work pu*hrd
M y tU rla u i.
1 Great Reduction All Along the Lir.e
A Salem special «a)»: A |ietition was
Sheriff Culver, of Salem, after n trip lias cirrhosis of the caibeuretor, in the
August is hot.
of Wash Good*.
presented to the city council asking to Thomas after the Salem livery team throe* of which it rids Us stomach of
Don’t hesitate any longer
lor a franchise over several street* ol left at the barn of S. A . Zeysott, reports an odd lot of nuts, I k »H s , screws and Reduce the price and heat / l y .
about buying that new dress
the city, from the northern to south- something mysterious aU>ut the affair. scrap-iron. The farmer hitches a *{>an
when such price* are before
ern limits, with an outlet upon the The team was used by R. II. Wilmer- of mules to the thing and hauls it
Willamette river, for an entirely new tim, who find worked for the Lyons hack to town, and the moles amuse
electric railway system. The purjtose Lumber Co. at Berry, under X. II. themselves all the way in kicking the are the thing for Harvest and
Our regular 7c calicoes
of this i» to construct a line of railroad Wheeler, afterward* going to Oregon horn and hearing it go honk,
are the same as others
ask 9 and 10c for and they
from this city southward ns fur ns City, and hack to Salem, and had The pumpkin vine begin* to run
Hop picking. Mens $ 1.60—
now give you greatly re­
Albany, on the (he initial stretch, at.d made arrangements to go to work on And drags the pumpkin thru the sun !
r**. *
contemplate* an extension to Portland a planer, for tbc Albany Lumber Co., Until w hat had been plump and round 'WOlTlCnS And C h ild r e n s $ 1 . 4 0 .
duced prices by asking 7c.
on the north and Kugcne on the south wlien the mill started up. He hired (»rows long and slim from covering
with a lateral or feeder branching from the rig for n ride into the country,
was Intoxicated when lie reached ¡Stay-
the main line at Turner to Mehama.
Tbc fool young horse, Indore the
The franchise i* asked in the name ton, and Mr. Zeysett says was in bad load beholds the roadster on the road
S T A Y T O N , O REG O N .
of A. Welch of Portland. He is hack­ sha|>e when he was nt his place before and scatters passengers and freight
ed in the enterprise by eastern capital, going into tli« Imrn to sleep. Now he from breakfast to the barnyard gate.
whose identity is withheld front publi­ tbuiks that the man either committed The boy whose wisdom has not dawn-
cation at present, hut the circumstan­ suicide in Thomas Creek which runs
ces surrounding the scheme smacks of close to the barn, or went out of the (iocs swimming in a green-scummed
Hill interest* very strongly. The pe­ barn in tin* night and fell in und was
tition for the frauchiae covers two sep­ drowned.
No other clue has been And gets, beside parental whack,
arate lines, both of which have their secured as to bis whereabouts.—Albany Some sort of green rash on his back—
starting |x>int at the Fair Gronnd mote Democrat.
Tho wbat he gets from mother’s hand
on the Portland Sclent road, where it
Is lower down, you understand.
T h » (-’an»«»*«
Thom pvnn
joins with the original !. B Freneh
Mars will retire to a position more
"The Siege of Belgrade,” a comic
right of way. One traverses certoin oiwrn by Cobb, was the first new pro­ remote from the Earth, and the Moon [
prominent streets thru the residence duction In New York In 170(107. For will be full on the 23<l, which will be
portion of the city, terminating at the It Mr. Jefferson's grandfather, Joseph 23 lor the Moon. The scientists who1
Jefferson 1st, painted the scenery, and
river brink, calculated to give an out­ In It he played the character of Ix?o- went to the Andes to view Mars from
let to the system into Polk county. pold. Mr. Jefferson’s father. Joseph Nature’s grandstand will start home,;
The other takes a river course through Jefferson 2d. who, like hts Illustrious and they will compare notes »»n the
the city in a nearly direct line to the non, was l**m In Philadelphia, was ship. Prof Longa/.o will claim to
more manager than actor and more
southern limits, and will connect in painter than either. As a boy he have seen one thing, and Prof. Munat-
o r e g o n .N '
the vicinity of the reform school with studied architecture and drawing, and erhitzenbossensduzen will insist it was
the lino that has already been survey­ he w ns also pupil to the scenic artist something else. They will pass into j
ed and for which rightof way has been Holiert Coyle, an Englishman of repute eclipse hammering each other over
nt that jierlod. — Francis Wilson In
secured from this city to Mehama.
the hay-mows with their note books.
The specific conditions mentioned
’rof. Munstcrblitzenliossensduzen will
in the franchise, are that work must
“Ganderbone’s’’ Forecasts.
tick a fine assorted lot of vermicelli
be begun within six months after the
out of Prof. Longaxo.
grunting of the franchise, and the en­
(('srbointalc Free Press.)
And then the welcome Fall will conic,
This is undoubtedly the best time of the year for
tire road completed between thin city
The bullfrog buometh from the ooze, Vml frost will nip the roofless bum,
making your spring purchases and you should not
and Albany within two years. This the gentle cowfrog softly moos, the The paw-paw will come down ka-
this one idea to get past you. Th is store is
indicates that there is need of hurry wife makes sweet blackberry tarts, and
filled with seasonable goods priced where you can­
in the completion of the project. Mr. the kids are out collecting warts,
And r thicker shirt go in the wash.
not afford to neglect your needs. We use every ef­
Welch, w ho is at the head of the Will- ['lie corn belt farmers pray for rains,
The farmer’s wheat will go to town.
* amette Valley company, recently sold lie boys have watermelon pains, and
fort to impress this upon you. Nothing but the prop­
The price will spot him and go down,
out his interests in the Kugcne and the new-born eolt, tlio somewhat frail,
things w ill be seen in any of our departments.
And the corn-fed hog, ere long to die,
Eastern to Story and others who are hats horae-tlies with its stubby tail.
Will banquet in the fatal stye.
promoting u system of Lnes out of
But let us, even tho we sizz, extract !
The little brains that dogs possess
Kugcne. He is devoting his entire ef­
from life what cheer there is. Let
Become as sawdust, nothing less,
forts upon the present project, which
dogs, not men, in consequence of dog
And the crafty butterfly, unteen,
contemplates a continuous system
Cool dainty fabrics in various designs and styles. These are es­
days, feel like 30c, September dear is
Is making oleomargarine.
of electric railway from Portland to
pecially timely just now. The stock we have bought was to sell
August was named for August Cae­ almost here, and faintly falls upon
the southern boundary ol the state,
sell quickly. That means that the opportunity will not
with laterals reaching out to the most sar, who reigned in Rome during the chug of cider from the small brown!
last long. Prices on the these have been placed with the idea of
fertile sections of the valley, having dull season, when Julius Caesar was
seeing that onr customers received the best values, and at the
no tail outlet to the principal markets
DO MI NOCARDS—The new game j
Two crews of surveys >\jl be placed in mer villa on Fairbanks Cove. Aug­
same time to insure our having them move rapidly.
that combines and excels both Cards
the field the first of next week, and ustus Caesar was a silly hairpin, and
and Dominoes.
Local canvassers
will complete the surveys, according lie made the silly season in Rome his­
in every commu­
to the designs of the promoters, as toric. Instead of .chariot races in the
and particulars,
Coliseum, lie had laces between mes­
they proceed.—Capital Journal.
senger boys with fiieworks in the seats postpaid. 50c ts. D omikocakds Co.,
A crew of fifteen men passed through of their pants. Another of the favor­ 1807 Chouteau Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
Fancy prints and other goods in a variety of gray
Albany from Portland, for the summit ite silly season sports of Augustus was
via Lebanon. They will survey a line to have the gladiators go into the are
and colors. Handsome low price prints, lawns and
across the mountains into Crook na and have pillow fights. To a pop
percales. Everything the market affords.
county, retracing the old survey o( uhu’c accustomed to the most bloody
W e invite you to inspect our stock.
Those who have occasion
fifteen years ago. They were fully encounters between these big bullies
equipped for several months work, the the spectacle of seeing them chasing
to send money to the OLD
Oregonian declares to run a line to one another with a holster full of pin
C O U N T R Y can get for­
Ontario, and there is little doubt that feathers was so utterly ridiculous that
it will he followed by the extension ol the hooby-matcli couldn’t handle the
eign exchange at this bank.
the road. The survey into Crook crowd.
county will be. an easy one.—Albany
W e are now prepared to
The summer hoarder wakes at dawn
To hear the rooster going on,
issue our own drafts direct
Iron-Tone builds up and strengthens the whole system, imparting that
NOTICK.— Having sold our bard To hear the lusty ducks and drakes
ambitious feeling.
ware and furniture business, all per And all the fuss the guinea mates.
on banks abroad.
For sale by all druggists. Price 50c. Let us send you mir little booklet
sons indebted to ns are requested to He hits the bedroom dooi a whack,
“Renew Your Vitality” which tells ym wliat it will d". You can have
Demands to have his money hack,
call and settle as soon ns possible.
it for the asking.
M. S tkkff *fc Co.
And dons his trousers front behind
People all over the United Kates are
hungry lor more details of the colonist
rates. Letters are arriving from all
■ectiniiN of the State, asking for exact
rates from different points thruont the
I'nited States, to Oregon. From Kan­
sas City and other Missouri Kiver
points, St, Paul, Duluth, and Winni­
peg, the rate is 925. from Oklahoma
City and St Imui* $30, Chicago $33.,
Buffalo 942.'0, Cincinnati and l^ottis-
ville 938., DesMoines 929., Indianapo­
lis 135.85, Boston 949.90, New York
950 , Pittsburgh 942 , Memphis 937 50,
Birmingham, Alabama $44.50. Kach
ticket is 92.50 less when bought to
points east of Umatilla. Tile rates
given above cover almost the entire
conntrt, and arn the same proportion­
ately from all smaller stations. Keep
in mind that tickets most la; bought
reading to your station.
Sixty Days Yet
You Can’t Afford
Dependable Wash Goods
v a s
t ...............................................
Boys, get your feet
under canvas.
Here we Are Again
with a full line of
Old^Hickory W a g O D S ’
Superior Drills. Canton Plows.
Korinek & Mielke,
Wash Goods
Cotton Goods
Foreign Exchange
Gehlen Bros.
Strength Creator