> » » ■ Im stttsssstssssstsssstssssM tM i TH E S T A Y T O N MAIL f . O. MORTON’S HOMECOMING. AltXANDtlt, Publisher T hk M ah . I» malle«! regularly to It* «ubacrib- •r» until a «1« : ulte . ' «1er to >!i>« « tttinua la ro- c«.ve«l aiul all arrearage« uro i>uid. BUSINESS DIRECTORY U 71L B U R N. riN TLE U , D. M. D. DENTIST Oflîce over Kreil Ruck’* Store R . A. EL WOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW sin« to! l l)!m of Metenir* ultimatum. lTe HUillod nt hlnittelf fur his belief, tmt II I 1 v is io n se e m e d ><» you! ttiut lu» 1 li «»e „lu i bave storniteli Iroulde, in» in « ivi lu»\v «li,;liS, , 1 1 «• 11 1 1 1 givo ««very i e lido jii lp tu thè digestive ur gnu*, mi timi thè fissi mny beiligested "Itti ilo« Inilsl etlol't. rilll* III IV I f «Inin* l«\ taking something llllt OUII- talli* naturai dig« * 'i ,e - ¡ . «peri io»— »«•nieiliing liki Ivial* i Fi i ludigestiuii and 1 *yspej • i.i Koditi U a prepara- lioii ei vege|nlile aeiiL unii eiiiitaeii» lite M'iy .'.line jllUlys Intimi III il beili- liiy st« li neh. 11 digest.- „ lia t Siili l'Ut. Suiti by lirewer l>i ni* Cu. Bring Us Your . Produce We Pay the Top Harket Price ’ Stayton Livery Office over Roek’s sture, - '. ~ W . A. W rig h t, OREGON STA Y TO N , . kept on and presently sunk luto the sent hesltle her. The girl raised her heitd mid smiled. "Lucy.” lie snld wondorlugly as he ; took the Urui s->«t hand she offered. By Leiter Comstock. "Is it really you. dear'.' Of course I i know It Isn’ t, hut v«>u seem so real. Copyrighted, 1907, by C. II. SutelllTo, You have conio to me hundreds of ( iSSSSSSSAAISmSSASSttSVSASSSSVSSl i times tiefere, 1 >« »tli miking m ul dren in - ruo cabman « t a r d « ! Morton with ao plainly, «tear.1 1 But suppose that 1 c m not , v ision . amacement as he gave his direction. JhnV" she naked with smiling lip* “ That hotel was torn down five years •’P'ippose that It really should be I f * G oods Delivered Free to A n y ago," ho said. "There's a twelve story “ Then 1 should hare t,» g he snld ofllee building there now.” P.irt of the City. P u t th è ‘‘ M a c h in e s " A w « y , tlriuly. “ 1 cannot trust myself with Morton named another hotel, only to you." Vriien lite IndillaIut s ami hroodcr* be met with fresh disappointment, ami! ’ •Then let us pretend that 1 am a vi­ are litro': gli wlth llietr spring work, with an Impatient gesture he sa n k sion." sin* urged. "I really ought lo th - • sluiuld be eleatn*d unii stordì In scold you for keeping yourself hidden a Iry pince, l ’ illesa thls U dune thè back 111 the cab. Stayton, O re. 1 tank* and ilues wlll stun ni'» out. ’ I want to go to a good hotel," be! nil these years.’’ $nld. "You know better than 1 where "It was a coward’s retreat," ho ad­ A Cure For Cupe». mitted, "hut l could not see you the 1 want to go." Powdered nrccii nut lias be *'t recoin The burly figure climbed on the box. wife of that man.’ "And s i yop left me alone la my ir.**iule I as a cure for gapes. A phu*h | and presently the cab was rattling up • M tie put In • the 'ft In: -h thren : Broadway. Listlessly Mortati looked misery," „'.o said reproachfully. Morton shook Ills head. "It «u s not i.i Tilings In succiandoli, then *vnlt * out of the cab window and marked the changes. It was like a new land, with that," he sai l soberly. “ It was that I • « days and repeat treat■*,tot. only here and there a familiar land- cared too muck for your fair name to His View of lt. ! stay on." "I know," «lie » dd tenderly; "but, Bond I »on t you réalisé tliat inar- Jli'i, you might hi. ve left nomo wont rlngo lirimd«*ns a mniiî 11 • i* • ! U-1 <>h, peu. I supp si* lt eau lu* put tliut way. whereby we could have found you." but "tlnttcns’’ |s the Word l ’ ve ulvvuya Rigs, H orses and A ccottim o "T o bring me back to misery?” "T o happiness," she said. "You seem e icd L liid.ui Tlt l’ Un. modations Fjrst-class. to have found misery where you went." ! It) I Hi’ < t»ulily. Site looked at the face of the man. Hacks connect with trains at K ings­ Ever.. Hue was touched by the hand of •Th«* I h oft |M»|'iiieevud claar. VTAYTON I OREGON. (I. 11. TRASK, Prop. J O H N H E N K E L Merchant Taiior I have on hand a full line of samples for Spring and Summer Suits. R^Liring and Cleaning a Specialty OREGON M 'A Y T O N STAYTO N , C IT Y M E A T M A R K E T Dealer« lu Fresh, Salt and S m oked M EATS HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR STOCK AND HIDES Stayton, Oregon Grand Central Hotel Is open to the public. All newly fur­ nished rooms. Accommodations first- lias?. Nice, warm dining room an«J first-class meals. M. J. SPANIOL, Prop. Stayton, Oregon W. E. TH O M AS Undertaker-Embalmer Good Assortment of Caskets and Cases Personal attention given to funerals when desired. Embalming after latest methods. A First-Class Hearse at a Moderate Charge Burial Robes, Shoe«, Gloves and Hosiery Furnished STAYTON, ORE. fob Printing Keep it in vour mind that The Mail print* n«tfik 2 Prn Meads, Letter Heads, Envelopes l Or Anything Else You May Want at Very Low Prices to write for our confi'li tint letter before :p-| plying for patent: it may lx- worth money. We promptly obtain U. 8. anil foreign PATENTS an«l T R A D E M A R K S or return EN- , TI RE attorney'« r-c Serif! mo«!';i. si -ti h 1 or photo amt we «cml an I M M E D I A T E FREE report on patentalu iiy. w e gi v- l | , S W IF T & C O . s | P a te n t L a w y e rs Ofv U S. Patent Office,Washington, D.C. I M u a ja a M N sa su « «ws— s - i ■— Sour Stomach» Timber Land, Act June $, 1878 Note heads, Bill ■ charges are moderate. Try us. " ‘'i’ , i i I» •• i.. mi inl.illible cure lor ci»u| h* ami colds, ” 1 suppose that I do show It, he said, noting her glance. “ But you, be- making short work id th* mn*t •• lug only a vision, have not changed, them. We u l"ay« keep n botile in Your eyes Lavo gained a sweet siAous- Ul,. p, llM., i i p ,« . u to bo ih>- nn -: ueas. but otherwise it Is the face that Vilhm,,1(J ,,,, „ :n ,,u „ ku„ * „ for Lung has I hnmi before me all tlic-«* years. Y'oti SU\iET MAPAZINC have cotne to jue in many lunds, Lucy, und Thront ili«,,a»cs. ' Ginmmt«««! t. briutilully liluMrslrd.gi,««! n but there rectus u reality to the vision never die.ippmnt tln* tuker, by llr«*vv«*r sud sitxlc« slxsit Csiiiuir.is $1.50 here that I lutve never known before. Drug Ga, l ’ricc .’»()«• and ¡fl.UO’ Iriul • yrai snJ «Il the fsr Weg. I wish that 1 might always hold you bottle free. TOWN ANO CCUNTNY JOURNfiL so. dear.” s mocihly publicslion d'-vot'-d “ Wedded to a vision?” she asked ft'* a po*»i pnlicy tu sjH-nd onc s lih* $0.50 to die Isrnung mirre»!« v i die mockingly. “ Would that content you?” W rl grumbling. a y c*i “ It had to content me all these All tbcfooU don't live in the U. > years,” he said simply. "It Is better so F.0A0 OF A THOUSAND WONOtllS than that I should seek the reality to In Paris tbert- is .« d«*g ccinetery, witli S l>ook of 75 page», 1 «risili.r j 120 colored photograph» of rob her o f her fair name." $0.75 costly mouument«, wlivre |»eople |>.iy pKlurearjue »pot» in Calif orma “ And yet that night,” she Whispered, f'»0 ior having llieir favorite eanim x "I was almost ready to say *yr*s.’ Jim. THE VISION SEEMED SO ItilAL. T « l . . . $ - '7 5 mark. Six years had wrought changes Ilad you persevered I should have buried. yielded.” All fo r ....................... ... $1.50 as great us those that had Iteen effect­ John Itilia, i prominent «liuler o( "I knew it." he «greed, “ and for that ed within his heart. Cut out thi» sclvrrlnrment Six years before the world had reasou I went away so far that no , Tilling, la., says: " I have been selling «ml »rod witli )l.50 to seemed bright and pleasant. Lucy word might « ,-U me and tempt me DeW itt « Kidney ntnl lilmbh-i i ’ dls l o i !e. Since I left New back *o your • Desmond had loved him, and his pros­ alxmt a vein and tin V giv<* better « it SUNSET MAGAZINE • cn to no one whom I pects had begun to materialize. Then T o-’; I h islactUiti tinnì any pill I ever sold. l did see Teddy Far- U-a < 1 I«» b a n v. JAMES FLOOD RIDO . SAN I RAM ¡SCO had come the crash. Howard Des­ u once, but In* «lid not rlngtou in I.otu There are a dozen pctiple here who mond had sacrificed his daughter to I leaped him, but lately h:»\c uscii l beni and tiny give perfect save his fortune. Half n million was g**e tre. ai B y special arrangement with trio f to «-all me back. I something needed to support his tottering ven­ «ati-faction in every ' use. 1 have n«cd ;i*«g It o y.>r two years, have h'*‘ ;» the publishers, you cau ns.cure tures. Metcalf would lend the money, nmgry for the sight o f them myself with line results." fimhl but not until Lucy bad become Mrs. but I gtv Sunset and T he M ail onc the sound o f your voice by Brewer Drug Go Me-caii had the loan been made. Ten home, to ! year and the book of beautiful days later the vein had been struck n:\d t « P <>!; r «. i your dear face again. Oregon ntul »’slilornin luiv« cavil up O regon and California view s— in the mine which Morton owned, uud I never dr«-lined that I should find you ’ e should have our brief | |,r«,|>r»lttg-.| flUJ.UUU f«»r the Alaska-Yu- T h e he was a millionaire almost overnight. here; t! R oad of a T h ou san d . . . . ... kon Pacific Expo«ition witli tin* as.ur For weeks he had railed against the hour ah W on d ers—for only $2.00, at “And :;:••■* vou content with the hour? , , fate that brought him fortune too late Sliould 1 stay on It ancc tbat additional aiiioiints will be KO. ,’ tc •It 1 . T h e Mail office. to give lHin the only thing worth while, uuthori/.cd at tlis-it next legislature. the companionship of the woman he would all co : jc back. I think I shall return tb um*r Saturday. I -I loved. • \Yc never refn-nt of eating t(*o lit- n-ong as 1 thought.” He had |rled to meet her In thtir am not : “ May I g with you?” she ask«*d tb«," was our of the ten rule» of life of social encounters with the indifference softly an he- hand slipped Into Ids. l lioma» J«*tt'er«on, pre«*ident of tbe that convention demanded, but there "I.ucy!" The agony o f his tones had come a night when the Intoxication L’ niteii i*; at«*s, ank mb- applies to thrilled !i -. of the music, the heavy scent o f flower*, «Illy boy." slu* whispered as every one williout exeeplioti during No appetite, loss ol strength, nervous- had been upon them. It had becu in th** regal h, bent toward him. this hot we.itjier, bccau»e it is liurtl neos. heaiache. constipation, bad Lreath, the conservatory at the C’liver*’ dance, "Don't ; • k ow tlrnt It was I who for loud, « v«m in small quaiilities, lu general debility, sour risings, and catarrh and for one mad moment lie hail held of the stomach mo all duo to IndlEr.Mion. cal! 1 you l. itnc? I could not find you her in Ids anus, begging her to elope In- digi -t' il vvli.m tbe blood i» at bigh Kodol relieves Indigestion. This new dlacov- save with my *p!;-it and my love, and with him. ’ ii-mpciat lire. At tjii» sens* >n we ery reprossnts the natural Juices ol diges­ I Imv:* not en!':* 1 you in vain.” tion as they exist In a healthy stomach, I’ ut even as lie pleaded there had "But y o r - lrisbnnd,” lie stammered. should <-|»t sparingly and properly combined with tho greatest known tonlo come the sense o f right. lie had gen­ “ He died two y enea ;mo,” sin* said VVe «lionlii :ile<> b< Ip tbe stoninrli as and reconstructive properties. Kodol for tly released her and had fled the place. simply. "Timt was why I called you, doe.n not only relievo Indigestion i tunr-1 1 a« p.M-lble by tll<- US'* of n little dyspepsia The dawn had found him still in his and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy dear. You . :is vo"cJ to the voice of evening clothe* pacing the floor of his Jv'nlol For Indig* *iion and Dyspepsia, helps all stomach troubles by cleansing, love." apartment, and as the fresh morning i « liic b will rest st'iinaeh by digesting purifying, sweetening and strengthening air fanned his flushed face he made the mucous membranes lining the stomach. llm haul itselt. Bold by lirewer Drhg M uï ' iî Hath Char-rt. Mr. S. S. Ball, of R»vrns««< d. W. Va.. «>»>;- his resolution. " I was troubled wllh sour stomach frr twenty years. "W alter:" called the eu m.icr In U r ! Co. Before the end of the week he hail Kodol aired me and we »re now using It In milk for baby." disposed of all his American Interests restaurant where an orchestra was Kodol Digests What Y ou Eat. and had gone abroad. He left no fehl plhying. Bottles only. Relieves |ndl*e»Ucn, jour it maeh, behind, and none knew where he had N “ Yes, sir.” belching rf ras. etc. Notice h>r Publication. “ Kindly tell the leader o f tlie orci a* gone. For six years lie had roamed Prepared by E. C. D eW ITT & CO., CHICAGO. United S m i «« I.aiul »)flic*,l three continents, but always off the tra to play something id at. I 1 »w rtulil hv III I 'vcr I'l li:: <”«». I’m l land, Oregon, .loin lltli, l ‘JI>7. <• If it w >;i t path of the tourist. Then had come the while I din«-. I want to Noti«*e i* lt**r« l>y given that in eoin- fierce longing for home, anil he hail have a softening Infittene ■ on this pliance with the provisions of tbe« act ■teak:"—Tit-Pits. com e back. i ■,f s . Gougrcr* . ufJQ __ti.l ...I of f t Jin»»* o .1. I ISiH. rntitb'd Now that he was here he wns not Mofiamitieilati men hi bo"ln with salt “ An a<-t f<>r 1 be *:» l*> of * imber laudi* in certain that he did not regret his de­ r.inl o:i( Marion, his driver and followed the bellboy stat*- «»f Oregon, day in Into the hotel. h’ % i * •’*’• » • ’ He found the stillness o f his room In­ M i.t i-.. fr.r Pi i h lir -lt io n ,lli'* «’Hi»’*’ ,lir m \«. i h «tali inrnt No. .No.lM’ tor I UDIlCdllon. 7464 for Ml„ ,,f Un- «ontbj tolerable, and after vainly trying to in­ f If .1 S lates T.sait > -I K., and will off- them aside and went for a walk. Per­ « It li t h - jT '-v : im iv n i th> V - ' <>f «•■Hilf n «v nf haps In the busy throng he ¿onId shake l»7*. e n iilic « ! " An no t for t lie « n ie n t < r proni to «In»" I b it t lie lami «oligli» i« r »ii*J r lie S la t' - o f « » ll f ir n i» , «>rc- mure «alnablr fi I- it« liuila r or stone off his memories. ... «i v - \ i'l.i, « : W n - lit n /t o n T e r r i t o r y n« A fo-v do.-esof thi* remedy will fn- Unconsciously he turned Ills steps in êv t«'ïi« f-'l ,il ■ «I t * - *s l*u»,II« t,nn«l Hint«!« b v net than for Hgrieuliu il purpose«, and to -, .’ ini.y «tin* an ordinary attack «»f n i A la - ii't 1. P-W, M r * . Mnv tr ie , n f l ’o r t- the direction o f the park and was well la n il -.H in t if M llllll'is illl!« , S ta ll' nf « ire ffy e , cstnhlirth ’nis claim in «aid land ll<•for^, dinrvliwtt. Into the shady recesses befone he real­ lia - th is il ■ 1 .1.«,| In th is ofll«-e lie r sworn «tnte- tin« Register ami Uri-ri ver at Portland, Jt eau *>!wi!vs be dependwl upon, N n .J t7 7 , for th e |.u re li« n - n f Mie h’ K 'i Oregon, mi Monday, tbe 2.«d day «if • even hi t .*• i "r Kf>. !» H, r riimp (•«•!!*! and ehob-ra morbus^ himself with a start. It had been f: \n 3 i : , 1 ■ I't «vili o ffer J«rnnf tn «linu- t lin t M( pt , 1U07. >07. • i i .■ I’ v aneeertrtful for Minuiier ,, Lucy’s favorite walk. It led to a little Un la te l rniirflil i» mon- v n ltts b l, f«*r Its ttiote r es: A. H. H unt- o r stone th a n fo r » a r t e a it u r s l r « I »n He ' " " " «'-, • « 1 - 1 :« .v at. i cholera infantttirt fn summer house just around the curve In e « t« l,!i-li In r « l,«lr i ta ssi'l la n d P 'tlin g ell, f.oyd Hauser, th e l:«'K- I ., W. I) ! . i !i, and I t the mean* of aavirg the path, the little summer house where I . t < r nn-l lle e e lv e r « t l'o r tln te l. f ir e t f o n .n n W ^W elrli, all of Salem, Oregon. l i . >■:. of many children eneb yi ar. T n e -ils « tl. li.lh tlav O c to b e r, l!»»7. they had spent such happy afternoons A ny nod all person* claim ing ndvcrv • •'.’ lien reduced witli watne and g|,e h ..in, a« witiis -«-«: If. I,. < bailee, nf before Cupid had fled in utter rout be­ Portland, f'r goti: h o . i-re-, of fiate«, Ore- ly tlir iiliove described lands are re- I sv. ■ i r‘d if i p!( .'irtant to tnl:i*. :-nn;s.' Di!1' v, of «¡«tes, ori-gon; «>. W. An- fore the onslaughts o f Mammon. (piented to til“ t hoir claims in this o ff­ I 1 /erv man « ' a I'ntnily should keep ,Jef.«»!i, nfr> 't -, «»reg ni. A n v »ml «U le rsons e lH ia iIn * atlveriely th e It seemed perfectly natural that when ice mi or before «nid 23«! «lay »if Hep- I IV i - i . ly in hi* li'«me. Buy It. now. h »,<>«<-■: —!’• ! tati'!« ar- r«-|fi- ’ ■'I tn file L argì : F; ze . .>t < . lie had turned the curve fie should see thelr-nil' - nihi-nfa on or befar-s*l*l léth tomber, 1.107 r ;«. t , k-ic. her sitting there in Hie same place ■1'’ 5 ,,f ' 8. DaicMui, Register. 1 A i . ukknon H. D rk .- s KK, Register. Where she.hud sat that aflcrnoou yvhcu MAGAZINE READERS S esta k & S to w e ll IV. E. THOMAS OREGON. Timber Lund, Act June ^,1878. im» tiii« iii<-«i YiihULc a I (