à& p / THE STÄYT0N MAIL H y ü . Ü. A L U X A N D L K . A N K W S I ’ A P K R . N O T A N O M O A N S u b a c r lp tlo n .S I-2 6 P E R ANNUM STAYTON, MARION COUNTY. OREGON. AUGUST 2, 1907. T w e l f t h Y e a r . N u m b e r 26 • „ Why Not Have a Railroad. 1 1 •» i r t o v o r t o .xoi) t o u r n P O r i ! L A T I ON. tractive not ire« in the ( T n k c T i l l « Am l*«*r«oiiMl it m l A H u l On«**» proached, it can !><• induced to build h I’orlhind, Oregon, spur from it* lint» ut nr nnir W rit July 20, 1907. Slayton to this place. Now Hint tin The supreme need of all Oregon and 8. 1*. 1 « in possession of the CJ. »V K. particularly your com m unity is more line, tm? prospect* lire good that tin home-makers. Theop|>ortiinity t o w - road will be com p let'd to Eastern cure them under the most advantage­ Oregon. In thin emu*, in order to ous conditions is now at hand. ■liortcn the Imiil to Portland it would Several cities, tow ns and villages in pay tlio coinpuny to build a liuu (rum this Slate will make u material ad­ l.yona to connect with their W ood- dition to their |H>pulation a» a result burn branch. In fact the expense ol of energetic work done collectively keeping up the ro.ul from Lyon» to thru the commercial Itodics and indi­ K ingston would wnrruut pulling up vidually by the citizen» in advising tliut truck and placing it ou thin nide thousand» of |>copie back East of the of the river. W ith u gravel roadbed me-way colonist rates which will he and practically no grade from Went put on sale September f-t and con tin ­ Slayton to Lyon» and no bridge» or ue until October 31st, to Oregon, from trestle» of any size, the cost of build­ all points in the United Slates. To 0 »t Kid of Lico. ing would bo light, and the after ex ­ These late» are agreed upon by all To get rid of ben lice use a good penses com paratively nothing, where- the railroads in the United State» and liquid lire killer for painting the roosts an the trestle-work on the line now in Canada and are controlled by the and drop boarda. This should be ap­ use is bound in the future to be a big Tran» Continental l'as»enger Associa­ plied In the forenoon or In the middle o f tbe day so that It will hare time to expense. tion, ami Oregonian» must bear in thoroughly soak Into the wood before There arc many who believe that a mind that the home-maker i* being oint, rich operating mines, because Mexico here would pay the com pany. He- large or small, but this ticket must l>e sides, if 8tayton possessed a railroad, bought to your station, and not to lias tbe richest mines in the world, a great many tons of fruit would t>c some other city, if you ex|Ki-t them to and tbe Mexican laws do not permit fraudulent m ining schemes. He sure shipped every year. com e to you, and it devolves ti|>oii the to invest in n mine that is actively op­ An extra train runs between Silver- readers of this paper to see that every erated, and owned by a coom pany, ton and W oodhurn, on this branch, letter that goes out of the post office whose officers and directors are kuowa giving Milverton practically ilie same carries with it correct inform ation rel­ to be men of integrity and honesty: a train service as Salem. If the com ­ ative to these rates. Get all the facts few dollars invested with such a com ­ pany could be induced to build a spur from your local agent. pany now, will bring you thousands into Stayton, and give this place the (Jet together from 10 to 25 active same train seti’ icc that Milverton has, citizens, raise a little fund for the pub­ in a year. The Pittsburg Oaxaca Stayton would double in population lication of a small leaflet giving the Mining Co. is absolutely reliable, aud in a short time, and wc fully believe important facts relative to your co m ­ tbroupb them I made over $20,0C0 in the railroad com pany would in less munity, along with these rates, and less than a year, having only a few than two year» haul twice the freight have the leaflet so light that it would dollar» to begin with. A friend of mine invested $10 and is now getting from this point that it doe» now. not add to the cost of |>o»t»ge of a let­ a dividend of $5 a m onth. W rite to The citizen» of Stayton ought to ter, and have a copy of it put in every the above com pany or Cbas. Hoedle, take thin matter up with the railroad letter written by business man or citi­ Mill City, Oregon. com pany. W e can see no reason why zen. (Signed) Joe Marston. it shouldn’t w in. Several ministers tliruout different A Flag Station. A recent order of the manager» of tne Corvallis A Eastern It. It. went in­ to effect tlie first of the week, whereby all Station agents of the company’ be­ tween Albany and Detroit, with the exception of Mill City, are dispensed with, and all stations except the saw mill city arc made flag stations. This order throws station agent O rilf King, of Kingston, out of a job, and causes consternation am ong the Stayton shippers. Considerable freight goes from this place over the 0 . & E., and the am ount is fast increasing. W ith no agent to look after shipm ents at that point, shipments from Stayton will bo few. , x *Wc have heard no reason given for this action on the part of the railroad, hut it was probably dune on the score of econom y. Now that the S. p . owns the C. it E. road, it evidently thinks* that it will handle all th^ freight to ami from this place via W est Stayton, and consequently docs not need the Kingston station. However, this change will cut down the shipm ent» from thi» place, and considerable freight will go out by team. For in­ stance, the mills can haul Hour to A l­ bany cheaper than they can haul to West Stayton and ship around by rail. A petition has been presented, sign­ ed by business men, asking that a sta­ tion he again made of Kingston and it is hoped the com pany will act favor­ ably upon the matter. parts of tlie Stale, realizing the im ­ portance of these rates, are announcing the ilctails about them to their c o n ­ gregations and are asking that they write to their relatives and friends at a distance and tell them how cheaply they can com e to Oregon. Get your com m ercial body, or some one of your business men to offer a prize to the boys and girls wli6 will write the greatest number of letter», or who will get actual results in bring­ ing another family into your co m ­ munity. The wotk of advertising these co lo ­ nist rates is up to each com m unity and each individual. If we could add a hundred thousand to the population of Oregon in the next year it would mean many millions of dollars of ad­ ditional wealth to the State. The school population of one district in Tillam ook County was doubled in six months thru the correspondence of the pupils. Corvallis caused the sale of $600,000 worth o f land through advertising in well-known agricultur­ al papers in the older state». The Oregon Development League received over 16,000 inquiries from people wanting to know about Oregon farm­ ing lands. There is an intens desire to com e to the Pacific Northwest on the part of the people of the United States and this is particularly true of Oregon. Make it. intensely true of your com ­ munity. See your local agent and find out the exact rate. Get more (Jet ready for the Oregou State Fair. particulars— post others— put up at­ . il « Foreign Exchange Those who have occasion to send money to the OLD C O U N T R Y can get for­ eign exchange at this bank. W e are now prepared to issue our own drafts direct on banks abroad. Sixty Days Yet You Can’t Afford to swelter in the heat dur­ ing the six long dry weeks in the month of August when ✓ 'A Dependable Wash Goods At Such Prices 9 10c Kerry Cord sale price 7c yard. 18c Dotted Swiss Muslin sale price 12Jc a yard. 7c figured lawn sale price 4jj. 6c Shirt Calico sale price 41. 18c Merceline Silks sale price 12J. 35c W hite Mercerised wash goods sale price 25c. Boys, get your feet 50c W hite Mercerised wash goods sale price 39. under canvas. Great Reduction All Along the Line of Wash Goods. August is hot. Reduce the price and heat x /$ . ------------------------------------ 1 Our Tough and Easy Shoes are the thing for Harvest and Hop picking. Mens $1.60— Womens and Childrens $1.40.' Dorv’t hesitate any longer about buying that new dre«a when such prices are before you. Our regular 7c calicoes are the same as others ask 9 and 10c for and they now give you greatly re­ duced prices by asking 7c. G. D. TROTTER Here we Are Again S T A Y T O N , OREGON. with a full line of Single Double Harness Old Hickory Superior Drills. Jackson Thompson Wagons Canton Plows. Korinek & Mielke, STAYTON , OREGON. PROFITABLE BUYING This is undoubtedly the best time of the year for making your spring purchases and you should not allow’ this one idea to get past you. This store is filled w'ith seasonable goods priced where you can­ not afford to neglect your needs. We use every ef­ fort to impress this upon you. Nothing but the prop­ er things will be seen in any of our departments. Wash Goods Cool dainty fabrics in various designs and styles. pecially tim ely just now. and sell quickly. Inst long. These are es­ The stock we have bought was to sell That means that the opportunity will not Prices on the these have been placed with the idea of seeing that our customers received the best values, and at the STAYTON STATE BANK STAYTON. OREGON. Sallowness Transformed to Dusky Beauty A dark skin becomes fascinating when delicately soft, undenprend with the radiant glow which indi­ cates a healthy, active »kin. Robert- ine keep» the »kin refined in quality, keep» pores free from clogging waste and stimulates the tiny capillaries to contribute the color which charms in blonde and hmnette alike. Robert- ine is certain protection against tan, sunburn and freckles if applied be­ fore exposure to sun or wind. Spread» like an imperceptible iheen of game overskin sdrface, formings shield stimulating and preserving a ~ delicate, lustrous beauty. J U r tm r O n m n T O ltJ T fir a fim mmfU V ROBERTINE same time to insure our having them move rapid|y. Cotton Goods Fancy prints and other goods in a variety of gray and colors. Handsome low price prints, lawns and percales. Everything the market affords. We invite you to inspect our stock. Gehlen Bros. That Tired Feeling. If you have that tired, don ’ t care, half alive, dull headed or despondent feeling you need our Iron-Tone. For sale by all druggists. Price 50c. Let us send you our little booklet “ Renew Your V itality” which tells you what it will do. You can have it for the asking. G R O V E R M E D IC IN E CO., W oodburu Ore.