'Royxir B a k in g Pow der A bsolutely Pure A w holesom e cream o f ta rta r baking powder. Makes the finest, lightest, best flavored biscuit, hot- breads, cake and pastry. Alum and alum-phosphate powders are injurious. Do not use them. Examine the label . THE LOCAL H E L D Mrs E. I1. Schott returned home Tuesday after a weeks visit with her relatives at Millctsbnrg. Mrs IIsack and Miss Mary Becker left for Silverton Friday last, after visiting here several days, Mr and Mrs. Jim Bernard of Forest Grove, and son Johu, of Mt. Angel, brother in law and nephew id P. M. Herm eus together with Mis. Win. Mermens of Vcrhonrt, visited with the P. M Mermens family. Mr. W R Baker of the Hnxeltvnod Cream Co left for Portland Sunday, lie has lieen here assisting Mr. Mer­ mens in his work. Mr. and Mrs. Ant Van llam lel are the proud parents of a girl who made her arrival Monday. Beautiful new windows have been placed in the church. Being of rich colors of stained gla«s they add much to the appearance id the church. IV M. Mermens reports the cream business in a flourishing condition, more cream having been received tltir I ing the m onth than the the correspond­ ing m onth ni the last two years • • you our large line of * ¿UBINO « I Heating Stoves and Ranges When you need Hardware, Tinware Aumsville Items. Our prices More Transfers. Mr Claude Baynard returned to or Furniture, cali on us. \ The first of the week Kidiertsmi A school in Corvallis Tuesday. ♦ W inters inaile I» deal whereby John Mrs. C Golfof Dallas was an Aum*- and goods will suit you. Goeder. transfer« to J. F. I’otter n ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. : ♦ You Need a Stove Come in and let us show Sublimity Gleanings. M. STREFF & 6 0 . «trip of about 4 aere* on tlie north ville visitor Wedncsd ly. Mr*. Murphy and daughter Bitdie, On account of the change in tim e side of his projierty in Stuvton Mr of Salem, sjier.t the week visiting rela­ on the Wooiihurn branch of the M. 1’. Potter will have the property platted tives ill Aumsville. H. R. I will run a xtnge to connect and place lots on the m arket. w ith-trains at West Stayton. H enry M utchler bought from Lee Miss May Fuson who has been visit­ Staj;e leaves barn at t>:40 a. in. and Brown three lots joining E. Weddle’s ing her brother in Lebanon returned at 6:15 p. ni. G. B. T rask . on the east. to Aumsville Tuesday morning. E. Fiurrette purchased from R Preparations are being made for a Mr. Farm ers from Lyons was in Stam p the property on North 3rd St social dance to be given the 14th at town Monday. he recently bought from J P. Case. Heins Hall. We have Get your shoes repaired by Lance- If you want to get the benefit of Rev. J. W. McConnel closed a four them single field at Sm iths shoe store. weeks revival meeting Monday even­ and double Jones, the Stayton photographer, the discount we are now giving, laMter ing. Several new members were taken bn >y, as the offer ceases Jan 1st. breasted in takes good pictures at low prices. iuto tlie church. B. P kanuk , Hublimity, Or. the latest pat­ Ben Roy who has been quite sick F or R est —351 acres with improve­ Mr and Mrs. A P. K.rseh and fam­ terns. You the past week, is m uch better. ily are now occupying the fine new m ents one mile north of West Stay- will want one R B. Klecker, of Shaw, visited in ton. Inquire of B ruce B owse , home which they have laiilt oil their for Xmas. town a couple of days this week. Aumsville, Ore. farm east of town-furm erly the L. j The Baker Land Co. of T urner, Mrs. M. Fery met with a painful ac­ Hobson place. Look over our Oregon, will list farms and tim ber cident Thursday. She was in town do Isaac C. Bates was an appreciated line. lands. ing trading and near the Gehlen store caller Monday, arranging for bis next New Dress l)t. Brewer reports a new girl at An­ had a fall, resulting in the fracture of year’s reading. Mr Bates tells us th at Goods for the jr ton Van Handles, Sublim ity, born the bones of one arm near the wrist. he is one of 15 children born to his Monday. particular * Dr. Brewer was called and reduced the parents,only three of whom are living, dresser in Al. Ring, of Lyons was in town F ri­ fracture. anil these three are wide apart-nne in day having business with Missler, the The town election Monday resulted Mass , one in Canada and one in Ore. grey and blacksm ith. Scotch plaids. Frank Hottinger left Monday for in the election of Dr. Brewer and R Mr«. S. M. McLane, of Lyons, died L. W inter, councilm en; J B. Grier, re­ M illshoro, for a short visit. Wednes We have grey at tlie home of her daughtrr in Eu corder; Henry Sm ith, m arshal; and E. ! day he left that place for Portland, wool plaid gene and was, buried at Lyons to-day. Roy, treasurer. The cows were voted where he took the train fur Los Angel­ made by the Mrs. G. L Brown and her m other, Otr the streets by a malorioy of 30, and es. From there In* goes to Man Anto­ Salem Wool­ Mrs Rola-rti-on, went to Lyons this the question id extending the town nio, Texas, then to Mt Louis, Chicago en Mill, $ 1.^0 and Clumber, Indiana, where his par m orning to attend the funeral of Mrs. lim its won by a big m ajority. per yd, qb in. ents reside. Mr. Hottinger came west McLane. wide. N othing makes a lietter Christm as Tuesday the little son of Mr. and present to give a friend than a nice in 1888, hut returned home in '93 for Buy a tlrr«. of tlip.i* and patronize home industry. Mrs. W. F. Ware had his right shoul­ photograph of yourself. Send your a visit. He exjiects to be away a The latent in China Dialiea and Lump« can be found at our “lore in great der dislocated while playing “crack the distant friends a picture of your fam i­ couple of month*. variety. Bring u* your produce. Wu pay the I k - x I price. Try in* mid be w hip” at school. convinced. ly group. Don’t delay, as Christina« “ Dub” Hobson returned to S,alem will soon lie here Jones, the Stayton Timber Land, Act June $, 1878. Notice for Publication. Monday. He is attending the univer photographer, can make pictures to United Staten (.and OIU cp . Portland. Oregon, December 8, 1906. sity there and cam e up to spend please you. Notice 1« hereby given that in com pliance Thanksgiving at home. with the provision» of the act of ('ongreint of j 3, 1H7H, entitled “ An act for the aale of The Y. P. S. C. E. met in a business June tim ber lands in the Staten of California, Ore- , W. A. Elkins performed the m ar­ m eeting Monday evening. The officers icon, Nevada, and Wut* hingtori Territory/* at* riage ceremony of Miss Vera Murphy were elected as follows for the next extended to all the Public Lumi States by art of Augii*! 4,1*92, Kdia It. Wirth, of Scio, I and Mr. H arry Bennett at Hood River term of 6 m onths: Pres , Mrs Hobson; county Linn, State of Oregon, has thi* day filed in ihiaotfice her Kworn statem ent No. on Wednesday Nov. 28 1906. of the KÙ of the Vice Pres, Will W are; Sec, Stella 712K, for the 26 purchaae in Townahip No. 10 South, Kang** Mr. J R. Trask, from Fox Valley, Caldwell;Cor. Sec, Gee Thomas; Tress of No. Section 1 and will offer proof to show that land sought is more valuable for its timber was a Stayton visitor Thursday, bring Willis Caldwell; Organist, Grace Crab- , or the stone than for agricultural pnrpoaea, and to j establish bin claim to said land before the ing down a load of fat bog, to Sentak , tree; Ans’t. Organist, Gee Thomas. , Kegi**tet ami Receiver of fhiaofTice atPortland, Oregon, on Monday, the 18th day of February, A Stowed in exchange /or coin. Dealers ssv th at those who have used . . . Stom ach a n d . . liv e r Tab- Turner, She name* as w ltnesscs: .lame« KOMell.of Mrs. I C Tr-i»k a n d le rl-i ‘ M 8 aliter* j f Cham berlains Is a constant assurance of fairness. We do not Oregon, Ni,»h Kill« and (i. M. Wlrtli of , are q u ite - , loyal I to them and . Hclo, OrtRiin, ?. I » Wirth nf Tim «tin, Oregon, from Jordan cam e over to have some lets can above-described Ariv Kiel nil person, claim ing adversely the make the price to suit the circumstances, but in ev­ are re*|iM*ste*l to tile dental work done. They were guests not lie persuaded to take any snbsti- their claim s in lliis lands oihce on or la-fore said Isili of Mrs J. B Trask while in town. day of February, l'J07. 1 tute. Get a free sam ple at Stay tor. ery instance give the hipest sort of values, and A u . kkmos H. OrtRssKR. Register. Mrs. Susan Sm ith, of Aumsville, Pharm acy, give them a trial and you you are not paying one cent more than “ the other grandm other of Alva Sm ith, had a /all too, will want them in preference to recently which resulted in a broken any other. They cure stomach troub­ fellow.” Let us have your trade on the fair and collar bone and an injured shoulder. les, biliousness and constipation. She is doing well for one of her age—86 F. Silliavy arrived Tuesday from square basis of highest quality, lowest prices and WE RE H ER E yea rs. Klkton, where he has ta-en for some W illi a nice supply of Postal “ one price.” It will pay you as well as us. W. E. Thomas and wife attended time. When lie returns lie will he ac­ Albums holding from 200 to o’HJ Church and Baptismal services at companied by Mrs. Silliavy and Nao­ cards. Aumsville, Monday last. The district mi. He is preparing to open a restau­ Our regular 50c Albums special Evangelist J. N. McConnel has been rant in Elkton, the new railroad now this week for35c our 1 125 for 00c holding a series of m eetings at th at building through th at town m aking our |1.75 ones for $1.40. place and reports over tw enty additions the restaurant business profitable. Tlie $1.75 ones arc cloth bound to the church. and will last a life time. J. R. Miller and wife are now locat­ Preserve your postals by placing Mr«. W. E. Thomas informs us th at ed 111 tlu-ir cottage lately occupied by them in one oi these Albums. B. L. Murphy, of Hood River, who at Dr. Rrewer. '1 lie doctor and wife have We always have a complete line of Staple and Fan­ Look in our window and see one tim e was principal of the Htayton stored their household goods and will cy Groceries. them , school, had a hard fall while at his make their home with the doctor’s Postals-Com ic, scenery, leather school, breaking several ribs, and also m other until the new house they are Highest market price paid for country produce. in both comic and scenery, also th a t his youngest son, Lester, m et preparing to build is ready for occu with a sad accident. \\ bile spliting | paucy. These moves were made neces­ Hand painted leather ones. Stam ps for sale. wood, a piece of steel flew from the sary by the sale of the house occupied wedge striking him in the eye. He j by Mr. Miller to Jo Mielke by his . was taken to Portland where the steel 1 1.— brother John. Jos. exjiects to move S T A Y T O N PHARMACY was removed, hut he lost the eye. Bank Building the building as soon as possible. Stage to West Stayton. Overcoats, Ulsters and Cravenettes New Suits for Men Just In. Kerber & Klecker. 01 ©ur One Price Plan 1 — Tempus Fug it Our Dry Goods Line is Complete. Our Grocery Department Gehlen Bros.