The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, November 02, 1906, Image 8

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    Sublimity Oleanings.
® Ö
# L
‘B a k i n g
I*. M. Hermemt hiii I K. I*. Shoit were
Salem callers Monday.
..You Need a Stove..
Herman Hchelberg returned to li ìm
lutino in Portland niter u week* vacat-
ion here
Come in and let us show
you our large line of
M iih Mary Hooker loft for Silvortim
whore she will stay for «omo time.
Mrs Mary Ditter eitme lumie from
Portland Friday lust. Sln> wa* no-
compatii»«! l»y her daughter, Mrs. .Ins,
M arhiki >— Olio of the prettiest wed­
dings of the season took placo ai St 1
Uoniface's church, Tuesday, Oct. 30th,
when Mis» Kmma Smith and Mi Ed
ward Doerflor were joined in marriage
bj Kev. Father l.ainck.
The bride wore Alice blue. The
groom was attired in conventional
black. The maids of honor were Miss
Jeanette Smith and Miss Mary Doari Itnr
Mr. I.eo linerflcr and (Jeorge Smith
were best men,
After the ceremony lhe\ happy cou­
ple returned to the home of the hridea
patents, where a host of friends and
relatives were entertained.
Mr and M rs. Doerfler received many
la-untifnl presents.
Healthful cream of tartar, derived solely from
grapes, refined to absolute jpurity, is the active
rinciple of every pound of Royal Baking
Hence it is that Royal Baking Powder
renders the food remarkable both for its fine
flavor and healthfulness.
Heating Stoves and Ranges
N o alum, no phosphate—which are the
principal elements of the so-called cheap
baking powders and which are derived
from bones, rock and sulphuric acid.
What King Peter Must Stand.
Among the divine rights of the
king of Servin is not immunity from
press criticism, and the newspapers
of that country are somewhat em­
phatic in their language. One of
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
them says:
Auction Sales.
‘‘ Abominable polypus! Our un­
John H. Porter has bills out for a fortunate land is at last in the gra-p
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ big sale lie is going to give at his resi­ of your sanguinary claws, hut we
dence at West Stayton, commencing will shake it free!”
Stage to W est Stayton.
at 10 o’clock a in. on Tuesday, Nov.
“ Murder and govern, monster!
On account of the change in time
6lh. H. C. Porter will cry the sale You went to Switzerland to study
on the Woodburn braticii of the S. P.
and the usual terms will he given. If and returned a criminal. This is
R. R. I will run a stage to connect
you are in need of anything for use on the morality you have brought us
with trains at West Stayton.
a farm, attend Mr. Porter’s sale and from Geneva.”
Stage leaves barn at 6:40 a. m. and
“ Reptile! Seest thou not the
you will probably find what you are
at 6:15 p. m.
G. B. T rask .
looks of hate tlifit follow thee in
looking for. Free lunch at noon.
the streets? Fearcst thou not the
Maud I.ancetield continues to im­
. S. Sanders has hills out fora sale
hand fated one day to wring thy
of stock, farm machinery, etc. at his cursed neck ?”
“ Otadjbina” says: “ The article
Tlie Hallowe’en dance is reported a residence on the Cyrenus Condit farm
2J miles southwest of Aiimsville, on in which we said, ‘ Flushed with
Lon Shelley and wife were it. Salem Saturday, Nov. 10th, commencing at blood, you ap]K-nred in our mid
reeking with alcohol/ has been pro
10 o’clock. W. H. Downing, auct.
nounced wrongfully suppressed bv
Miss Merta Siegmund is attending
Jones, the photographer, makes the court, as it contains no malign-
school in Salem.
ment of King 1’cter. Our mild and
first-class pictures.
just exj>o-'.ti(»n of facts as they are
Get your shoes repaired by Lance-
J. W. Watters will open a shoe shop
shall therefore continue.”
Held at Smiths shoe store.
When you need Hardware, Tinware
or Furniture, call on us. Our prices
and goods w ill suit you.
We desire to call the attention of the people of Stay-
ton and vicinity to the fact that we are now placing on
our shelves one of the
Largest and Most Select Lines
------- OF--------
; Dry Goods, Shoes ^ Notions
Monday at the old stand, Kcrber A
For fine photos call on Jones the Kleckers. Remember him when you
photographer Stayton, Ore.
want good work.
Mrs. A. L. Baker has returned from
Jones, the Stayton photographer,
a visit at Salem and Turner.
can make you a picture that will just
Mrs. Trask and Mrs. Brotherton of suit you, at a fair price Call at the
Lyons were Stayton visitors Tuesday, gallery and see samples.
P u u rra U .
Cardinal Gibbous lias signed a |ietl-
tioii prepared by the Baltimore Hack
Drivers’ association against the hold
•ng of Sunday funerals and lias prom
ised to give his aid also in preventing
weddings on Sunday at which car­
riages are used. The haek drivers havt
also enlisted the aid of many clergy­
men of various denominations as well
as of all undertakers. The petition
reads that only in case of necessity,
like death from contagions disease,
s h a l l bodies he buried oli Sunday.
Mrs. U. Whitney and daughter Mrs.
Richard Lyons, of Lyons, visited
F. Silhavy, returned Wednesday from Stayton Monday and laid in a supply
a visit with Mrs. W hitney’s daughter, of household goods preparitory to
something else. What is it Rich?
Mrs. Worley, at Corvallis.
A license has been issued by the
H. Marking and Miss Emma Streff
are home from North Dakota. Miss County Clerk of Linn county for the
Streff has been away about a year, and marriage of Miss Ella Baker of Kings­
ton, to Mr. Richard Lyons, of Lyons.
Mr. Marking two months.
At Mill City on Oct. 25 occurred the
W asted — A young man would like
of Miss Clara Swift to Mr.
a nice big pleasant room with board.
Bertram. The bride is a
Address stating terms and where it
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
can he seen to
Box 47,
Jackson, of this place, and attended
Stayton, Oregon.
John Zimmerman has moved to the school here.
M u k lm
N ew
lt u l» l « » - r
P la n t« .
Ever shown in town, and we cordially invite every­
body to call, examine the goods we have to offer, and
Set our prices. In shoes we can give you almost any
thing you may call for. Ladies shoes from $1.50 to
$5.00 per pair. Men’s dress shoes from $2.00 to $5.
We have the famous District No. 76 school shoe for
children, the best school shoe made in the U. S.
Boy’s shoes without a seam—nothing to rip. The
best shoe ever made for hard wear and rough usage.
We again cordially invite the public to call at our
store and investigate what we have to offer and we
will cheerfully wait on you whether you buy or not
K e rb e r & Klocker.
From a ruhlier plant which Is grow
ing In a living room, the is-st way to
get plants Is by scoring the hark of the
limb where you want the roots to
grow and covering the Injury with
sphagnum p x h , which must always lie
kept damp. Emits will soon permeabi
tbe moss, when the limb should l>e cut
off and potted.—Garden Magazine.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander drove to
house he has been building on the
farm near Sublimity, and his house in Salem Tuesday returning the following
town will be occupied by C. C. Mulkey day. We saw “ The Holy C ity” at thfe
opera house, one of the best plays
and his mother.
Salem lias seen for some time.
L ost —Jersey Dull, four years old,
Subscribers to the Portland Daily
no marks. A suitable reward will la-
paid for information leading to his Journal can now get their papers at
Baker’s confectionery the same day
W. W. W h it e ,
th«y are printed. Stage arrives about
Aumsville, Ore.
. . . .
, 8:30 p. m.
A cold is much more easily cured
when the bowels are open. Kennedy*
To E xchange — A good 3^ wagon,
Laxative Honey and Tar. It contains -wide tires-for a 3 wagon, wide tires
ho opiates moves the bowels and drives pteferred. Must lie good.
out the cold. It is reliable and taste«
0. S. BoWNE.
good. Sold by Brewer Drug Co.
On Sul Porter farm.
It is now about the time of year
As long as Stayton has a good reli­
when the sun will be out of sight.
able Jeweler the town does not need an i
agency to send the watches away.
kor time or d a y — We have 8 day
We clean and do the repairing of
clocks at $4.00 and watches from $1.00
ANY KINDS of TIME PIECES that C a l l he
E. R o y ,
repaired. Those that can not he re­
Stayton, Ore.
paired we frankly say so All who
True anti tried friends oj the family listen to our advice save trouble and
— DeWitts Little Early Risers. Best
for results and best to take
Rosy money.
Bring in your crippled time pieces
cheeks and sparkling eves follow the
u«e of these dejM-ndahle Isttle pills. to E. R o y , the practical and reliable
They do not gripe or sicken. Sold by Jeweler. He still treats his customers
Brewer Drug Co.
right and solids new ones.
Robertson & Watters made two real
Stayton, Ore.
estate deals this week, 150 acres east
Keep the bowels open when ynv
of town from C. C. Mulkey to G. L. & have a cold and use a good remedy to
C. E. Brown, and H E. W irth’s house. I flll“ .v »Do inflammation of the mucus
now occupied by J. N. Weddle to Mrs.! »**™hnuies. Kennedy« Laxative Hon-
cy and Taropeos the bowels mid <1 rives
Anna Stayton and Mrs. John Robert- the co|j (I(1t ,,f the system in young or
old. Sold by Brewer Drug Co.
S o m a Heart iieafleinu
H o a r d i n g and d a y sc ho ol f o r r o u n a la.Ji*i*
Mua lc < I .e ac h tl z k y m e t h o d ) . A r t ; C o m y l ’ i «
A c a d e m i c C ou rs e; « p e r l a i ln<1uc-*>m*nt«.
I n f o r m a t i o n a d d r e « « Statar Superior.
Hair Brushes
Clothes Brushes
Scrub Brushes
Nail Brushes
and Tooth Bushes.
We have as good a line of Hair
Brushes, as can he bought rang­
ing in price. They go 20c 35-55-
♦»<>—75—iJ5— 1 25-1.50-1.60 Includ­
ing celluloid Brushes, in Amber
and white.
Wo have nice celluloid or hard
rubber combs to match any ol
these brushes.
Clothes brushes from 50c to $1 50
Scrub brushes 10 to 15c each.
Tooth Brushes from 5c to 50.
One of these with a bolt la of our
Dentifoam makes the teeth white
and pearly.
Souvenir postal«, comic, scenery,
leather etc.
Stamps for sale.
Our One Price Plan
Is a constant assurance of fairness. We do not
make the price to suit the circumstances, but in ev­
ery instance give the biggest sort of values, and
you are not paying one cent more than “the other
fellow’.” Let us have your trade on the fair and
square basis of highest quality, lowest prices and
“one price.” It will pay you as w’ell as us.
Our Dry Goods Line is Complete.
Our Grocery Department
We always have a complete line of Staple and Fan­
cy Groceries.
Highest market price paid for country produce.
Gehlen Bros.
Bank Building