Slayton M ail Supplem ent * T h e Y e llo w K **«r «len ii hua recently ls-en discovered. It hears a cloue resemblance to the malaria germ. To free the system fcoin diseuse germs, the most effective remedy is MUSIC'S M IG H T Y HEALM. l)r. King’s New Life Pills, Guaranteed I n I t T b i * r r 1« b u t u N l u n l r a n d I u l - ! to cure nil diseases due to malaria versa! poison and constipation. 2<>c at “ lu tlio mighty realm o f uiuale there Brewer Urug Co’s. la hut one Mingle speech." M uilc forms W a n t e d — Men, women, l*>ys and the unlvcTMal language which, when ul! other luuguugea were confounded, the girls to represent McClures Magazine. coufUMlou o f H u I m -1 left uticoufouuded. Good pay. Address f>7 East 23d .St , Th e white man und the black man, the New York City. rest man ami the yellow mull, can alug together, h ow ever difficult they may find It to la* to talk to each other. And both sexes and all ugeM may thus ex ­ press tlielr eiuotluua simultaneously, for In virtue o f the power o f the ear to distinguish aide hy «hie thoae differing hut concordant uoteM which inuke up hannouy there la not only room, hut All $3.00 Hats, $2.50 demand, for ull the <|uuiltleM o f voice u 2.50 44 2.00 which childhood, adoleMcence, maturity and old age Nupply. Thu* u love o f 44 2.00 44 1.50 niUNlc la much more frequent than a 4 4 1.50 44 1.25 love o f painting or sculpture, und you will reach the heart* nnd touch the feelings o f the mujorlty o f mankind more quickly hy singing them a song Dealer in Shoes and Men’s than hy allowing them a picture. In Furnishing Goods. truth, the sensitiveness o f the ear to mehsly und to harmony Is so great that Come to us for Shoe Repairing. w e not only seek to grn tlfy It when bent u|Kiti recreation, hut even In the midst o f the hardest labor w e grntlfy It If wo can.—London Catholic Tim e*. Reduction Sale Of Hats. A lva S m ith , They never gri|ie or sicken, hut cleanse and strengthen the stomach liver nnd tsiwells. This is the univers­ al verdict of the many thousands who use DeWitts Little Karly risers. These Unions little pills releive headache, constipation biliousness jaundice tor­ pid liver sallow complexion ect. Sold liy Brewer I>rng Co. a »n »r Bring Us Your Produce W e Pay the Top M a rk e t Price He C a r e fa l. A sporting paper recommends a cer­ tain w ay o f avoiding the bites o f a dog, how ever savage. A ll one hua to do la to stand |>erfeetly still and hold one's hand out. The dog, says the writer, w ill tuko the hand into hla mouth, but w ill not bite It. But what guarantee have w e that the dog knows this?—Loudon Globe. Goods Delivered Free to Any Part of the City. W . A. W rig h t, Stayton, Ore.