The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, February 16, 1906, Image 7

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The Jar of
C o u g h in g
Port U n d trade Directory
N d flift end A d d rrv e r« in P ortlen d of Repre-
w n t e liv r fiu tin e «* firm «.
F lliiT O - » »-I-I.I I.-.; K '.laK fl»-vH»i>ni« ami orlai-
in »: w r ii, r«,r pri e . Wuotiunl, l'ia rk . A Co.
M A lile
I.A v i r u s -*
w. «o r
< ».,
b m « l |inM m I m I- iii » tml M U n
The causes o f malignant cold« are
• lllh, dampipss, drafts, neglect and lm
proper food.
An ordinary cold. If taken lit once,
can be urrested by a one grain pill o f
ijultiln« forced down each sick bird.
G ive some bread crumbs In connection,
to cutiHe ipilck digestion. I'se granite
or earthen wutcr dishes, not tin, for
medical use.
T h .
I‘*»r Mlirllrd ) lira.
W 'ho ri» itu m liliT H lile co ri» lina to t«>
•liW U-il tu r tilt» iiii I iiiu I h o li 111#» fu rio
tt I h oftt'li w u M is l hy fiilUiiff on thu
lin rn floor n in i 111 ro u g h th<» r r a i’kn I**
I wtM»u t li** U ni rii«
Tilt) ilevlin her®
kURRi'HtiMl U fiinlly Risii«, «m i lf cor
r«»< tly mudi» w lll crrtolu ly « i r « t li«
coni to tli«* liint ifriiln.
Mnka n lio*
thr«»<» fi»et long, »»lglit«**»ii liic h «« wt<l«
limi tcn or tw rlv e luche» d«»|i. Cover
ov«»r one cuti o f thl», ut thè top, on
w lilcb to fiiittt'ii
Un» coni »h*»l!«»r.
Muku un Incliti ed bottoni to wlthln
ni V o i. » oh NiiKiir.n cosi».
eight In d ie « o f the end, which re-
luslns open. Cut legs under thU Uix
Mini net It high enough mo that n pall
or a bug cun lie Net umlcr the <n>en
end bottom to catch the gra in « o f
corn iin they come from the shelter.
I f a bug I n umci I, hook« w lll have to
be put In the n I i I cn o f the Uittoin o f
the box on which to hang the bag.
A high Uix or a pall would lie pre­
ferable to the bag. Th e cost o f mak­
ing thU d evice I n very small, any one
w ith n few ttMiU can do It, and It
w ill certainly nun c both corn and labor.
T h e lllUHtrntlon shows the plan so
clearly that no further explanation
Is necessary. Indianapolis News.
I 'll r in
W ilier
S ta ll- F e d
many dnlrymcn hnve
reached the wrong conclusions when
reading o f dairy farm s where
eowa uro stull fed the year round. It
by no means Is Intended that the
cows shall In n « no outdoor exercise;
on the eontrury, except for cows that
ure on (sisture entirely during tho
summer, few cows uro mors Intelli­
gently exercised and proper ven tila­
tion furnished them
than stall fed
animals properly brought up. A t regu­
lar hours the uulmuIs ure turned Into
commodious barnyards for
air and
exercise. During the winter this out­
door exercise Is as carefu lly looked
a fter as during the summer, and, In
the m ajority o f cases, the cows oc­
cupy only sleeping hours and m ilking
hours In their separate stalls, the bal­
ance o f the time being spent In largo
Don't Is» afraid o f tho fresh air for
your animals during tho w inter; see
that they have nil the outdoor exer
else tho w eather w ill permit, but more
than all, see that the stables
properly ventilated and aired. There
uro a number o f devices for this pur
|s>se, and one o f the best o f them Is
tho window fram e covered with mus­
lin. Itememhcr that close confinement
and foul air predispose the cow to tu­
berculosis, and that fresh air ami plen­
ty o f It w ill enable her to do her share,
not only us u milk producer but us a
vanlzcd Iron milk tank, which Is also
enclosed In a wooden Uix, and has nn
o verflow pipe from It to the horse
anil cattle w atering tnnk, which may
bo situated at some distance away.
“ f elwnye keep Aywr'a Ch*rr* Pectoral In
the h»ua<*. It k I v ** perfect relief whenever
any of ui have rtiiigh« or hard cold« I have
used It for » «rent rum y
nod eo know
»11 about It.**- M ki M amt «'itmu kan . Verve-
bur#. N. Y.
Med* bvJ.C. A f cr Co . Lowell, U m «.
Aleo menufeoturere of
A uers
s a k s a p a iü l l a .
tu '« vino».
B lllo u a n esa, c o n s tip a tio n re ta rd re ­
covery. Cure these with Ayer’s Pills.
Slicker, ueed for
an overcoat when
Pommel Slicker
cold, a wind coat
when windy, a rein coat when It rained,
and for m
e covei
cover at night if w e got to bed«
and 1 will ae
b # y
v that I I have gotten more
comfort out ox your alicker then any Other
one article that 1 ever ow ned."
TltUH^KH wnton approvai; w*i inuirruit'«' fit in
moni dilllcult «a*«**; Woodfirtl, C.urk* A l o.
------------------------------------ i-----------------
HWKKT FKAH—Henri 10r for pf’kff. HA*tri Fair Oolri
J.J. lint/* r, I'M Front m r*»*t.
M*T0>, U.fl.JL
*^0.( Lim ited
Tke Big* of the Flak
F o r i . r i t v FOOIi I f you want your b»-n* lo
more t-xun writ«- un for fr**e pArth-uluri about FI -
H IN A F O L L I H Y F K F Lm—Acm e Mille Co..
Fori und, Oregon.
Ore, i eteet etyle dothee mede to aaeeiere efaeea.
Our *eif iii» amir« rn^rit *yHt**ni loeunm per»ect lit.
Write for free earn pie* and price*.
F I A NOH A O H O A N S - Oldest piano house on Fa-
elite coast. Organ* ami Fiano* on *-a*y payment*.
W rite for I!*t. Let u* miote yon a price. Alien A
(iiityerl Haiiiaker Co., Fort land, (Oregon.
Oregon Herb*—Hpeclflc for all Kidney and Hladder
trouble*. Cure* B A C K A C H K . Frtce •‘»oc. Trial
n\zi- *ent by mail for 10c. In «lamp*. Hend today.
Third F Ht.
F a* teat, Mghteet and etrottgeet Slump Fuller
on the market. 11 if Horae p»»wer on '.he sweep
with two bontés. Write lor descriptive catalog
end price*.
play ?
Toni— I thought Miss Sadie Rlugore
hud entirely too much to say.
Dick W as sbe la it? Why, I didn’t
even know she hail gone on the stags.
Tom — She was In o n « o f the boxes
with a party the night I was Uiere.
O >1 It N o n .
Customer— W hy don't yon
this ‘ I»o It Now* motto? It's
ing around ou the counter
G rocer— Wa-nl, I'in n-goln’
It up sometime— If 1 ever git
Tb* wonderful i*hl-
i ♦**• DtjClot 1* called
great becauM he cur«**
people w thout opera­
tion that are given up
to die. He cure* with
thr»*e wonderful Chi­
li« a** berb*, rooie, burl*,
hark* and vegetable*
that are entirely un-
k o o w i to medical sc-
race ¡n this conutry
rbrougb ba d m of tboaj
harmies* remedle* this lam<»u« do-tor know*
the actiou of over 500 different remedle* which
h- succenafully use* In «liff*»r‘'n disease«. He
kUurant« e*to cure catarrh, a.ethrna, lung, ihr a*,
rh^uma lsm, nervousness, xtumadi, liver; k d-
neyn, etc.; has hui dred* of trut m o o U K
Charge* moderate. <.'an and *ee him. Fatl*-m.s
out of the city write lor blaukr and c re alar*,
fttud «lam p C O N S U L T A T IO N F H K b .
1 6 2 ' , firs t St., S. E. Cor. Morrison
P . N. U.
-0 «
H E N w r it in g to s d r c r t l i e n i > l e u e
m en tion th is p a p er.
DR. II. A. S T V K D K V A .N T , OpMlsl'M on
Children’ , Teeth and Regulating.
Failing Rid»., Th rd and Wash neton si.,
ti a m. to 'J ,. m. Sundays V to 12. Ma > 202.
Work Dour on Weekly »n i Monthly Payment»
First A id” to the
' Bowels
ter tack
to It.—
to C o m e .
K’n l r . .
“ I w as thinking o f culling It the
Th e fa ir season has been exception- 'B lue Demon.’ ” said the muu w ith the j
ally gratifyin g. I'pon the whole, the new nutomolille.
exhibit ions
“ Oh, n ever!” objected the veteran
the country have been better than scorcher; "say rather, the ‘Purple De­
usual. Fakes have been discouraged mon.’ ”
and legitim ate exhibits have benefited.
"B u t It's painted a bright blue.”
Th e Issue* o f complete catalogues, using
"E x a c tly , but you must look to the
plain numbers
over future. Th e blue In combination with
each animal or other exhibit and re­ the red supplied by the people you iiit
ferrin g to them In the catalogue, has w ill eventually produce imrple.”
attracted favorable attention wher­
M oth ers w ill find M »-. W in ilo w ’ s S ooth in g
ever It has been ndnptcd. Individual
Syru p th e best rem ed y to use fo r th e ir c h ild ren
exhibitors have assisted the manage­ d u riu g th e te e th in g | ¿riod.
ment m aterially by having placards
O a t o f t he O n lla n r y .
printed, hearing their name and tho
Author— I have just w ritten a piny
name o f the exhibit and other In for­
mation fo r the benefit o f those attend­ that contains a new and novel climax.
ing. Th e value o f an exhibit is lost It is bound to make n hit.
Manager— Indeed !
unless the visitor can learn quickly
Author— Fact. The plot leads up to
something definite In regard to It.—
a train robbery.
Manager— Ilu h ! I fa il to see any­
thing new mid novel In thnt.
T a k e l i t r e o f I h r I ’ lo v v a .
Author— But the passengers rise up
When plow ing Is done, clean and dry
your plow, then apply a heavy coat o f ns one man and put the robbers out
paint, says an Ingenious Dakota fa rm ­ o f business!
For Infants and Children.
Then be works them (through the
nerves) till they got so strong from
that Exercise that they don't need
any more help to do their duty.
But Dr. Cascaret wants to be right on
the spot, in your Pocket or Purse,
where he can regulate these Bowel-
Muscles all the time, in health, and
out of health.
On call any Minute DayorNight
Because, even the strongest Bowel-
Muscles may be overworked.
Heavy dinners, late suppers.whiskey,
When Heartburn, Sour Stomach,
wine, or beer drinking, nervous excite­
Headache, Bad
ment, sudden exposure to cold or heat
Tongue, Belching of Stomach Gas, or
and a dozen other every day likelihoods tire
any of these forerunners of Indigestion
the Bowel Muscles.
appear. Old Dr. Cascaret wants to
In such cases a little Cascaret in time
be right on the spot in your pocket.
is worth fifty dollars worth of Treatment
He wants to check the coming trouble
later on, to say nothing of the suffering,
instanfly before it can g r o w i n t o a
loss of Business Energy, and
habit of the Bowels to be costive.
loss of Social Sunshine it saves.
Ladies, who extend to Dr. Cascaret the
hospitality of their Purses or their Dress
Pockets, will be rewarded with a fine
complexion, and healthy Happiness.
These will about fifty times repay for
Old Dr. Cascaret carried cens*-i»*y t*
the trifling space occupied, and the ten
your Vest Pocket, or in “ My Lady's"
cents per week at cost.
Purse is the cheapest kind of Health-In­
surance, and Happiness - Promotion, that
ever happened.
Dr. Cascaret guarantees to cure the
Little thin enamel Cascaret Box, half
most obstinate cases of Constipation and
as thick as your watch, round-cornered,
Indigestion, without discomfort or in­
smooth-edged, and shaped so you don't
notice its presence.
His medicine does not^ gripe nor purge,
Contains six Candy tablets— Price Ten
nor create a drug habit.
Cents a Box at any Druggist's.
Because it is not a "Bile-driver,’ ’ nor
Be sure you get the genuine, made only
a Gastric-Juice Waster, but a direct
by the Sterling Remedy Company, and
Tonic to the Bowel Muscles.
never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped
It exercises naturally the muscles that
"C C C ."
line the walls of the Intestines and
d o c t o r
a s c a r e t
O ff ice = In your own
Vest Pocket
1,00b pounds o f hardwood ashes w lll
give about sixty pounds o f isitash, or
0 | k t cent o f the whole, and when com­
pared w ith corncobs the latter nre
much »more valuable In the shape o f
nsbes. Save corncobs and burn them
with wood In tho kitchen stove, saving
the ashes for the orchard anil lawn.
tnok np
been ly­
fo r a
The Kind You Have Always Bought
I f you have a scratching room In
which to drive the flock, fumlgntc with
sulphur their lodging room.
I f you
have no suitable place for them to go,
burn oil o f tar or resin In their pres­
Dr. C. Gee Wo
er In an exchange. It Is best applied
with a soft brush. I f no such brush Is
at hand, one Is very easily made by
clipping the end o f a horse's tall, and
Som e Ills o f l’.n illr ».
Clean, varied, easily digested food Is by means o f a string fasten same se­
curely to u stick. A llo w paint plenty
Itself a medicine.
Ailments can U> classed ns colds, In­ o f tim e to dry, and ill case some o f
Bears the
it should get bibbed off before It Is
digestion, vices and accidents.
properly dried, apply another coat. T o Sign atu re o f
A cold, accompanied by rattling, Is
rem ove the paint when the plow Is to
called bronchitis; by gasping, pneumo­
be used again, pour on strong lye w a ­
H e i l V f lltm ih iin lm r n t .
ter the night before, and In the morn­
“ W as your w ife angry when you got
Canker In the mouth may extend to ing rub off the dry paint. I f It does
throat and liecome diphtheria.
The not come o ff clean, apply another soak­ home so late last uight?”
“ A n gry?
W hy, my boy, the dear
Want of Exercise weakens and relaxes
diphtheria o f fow ls and man are d lf
ing o f lye water, which w ill complete
woman pelted me wth flow ers!”
these Bowel-Muscles, Just as it weakens
ferent according to veterinarians, but the Job, and you w ill have n plow that
“ But how did you get that black
Arm and Leg muscles.
attendants on sick birds have been Is smooth and w ill scour from tho
Old Dr. Cascaret goes directly after
known to take |multry diphtheria.
“ W ell, you see. she neglected to take
these Bowel-Muscles.
When if fow l sneezes, waters slightly
C o r n c o b »A s h e s V a ln n h lp .
them up just as a cold bath would wake
the flow ers out o f the pots before she
at eyes and nostrils, and dumps, It has
up a lazy person.
O f nil things on the farm cornools* threw them ."— Cleveland Lender.
a common cold, not regarded us a germ
are the most valuable fo r ashes, ns
from 15 to 1’0 i>er cent o f the ash Is
When face and bend swell a good
potash, and yet corncobs are
deal, and the discharge from nosfFlIs
Nothing knocks out and disables like
la profuse, fow ls have roup, or Influ­ thrown aw ay on most farms.
enza. Irregu larity o f habit Is apt to
accompany colds o f all kinds.
And doing dental, work a 1 the time—that i*
the record ol Or W A. Wise. In <.ur es­
tablishment are exj • rt d«-nt:*ts wim nr •
competent to perform the most Important
dental operation*. N o matter ih-* nature
o f the work, there is a man here to do it.
r i T Q P<*rm»n.ntly Cured. Nn flt.o r nervousness
F i l e Siler 1 » rsi <luy'. a » « f I<r. K ltm ’ sUreM Nerve ;
lle.t»»r*-r. »»end fur 1 r,»,- S '! trial
mix ] tr» atlsp.
Dr. K. U. Kline, L id .,»31 Ar. h St.. Philadelphia, l ’a.
.X K r lc u ltu r n l
. Mieh.^
M ention j»«per.
A bright man with team in your conn !
ty. Steady work and good wages to right
man. References required.
For par­
ticulars address
K O C H V . T . C O .
Box X
Winona, Minn.
lustration, put this between the legs
o f saw-horse.
Stund erect with left
foot ou stick.
0. M. FERRY* CO..
fattori e»-t. I>«efj d re<rt frorn «tAte. Write toriay. !
Hook Jet and m*p ire*. li. h . Cooke A Co., T j I
Alrier «trert, Fortini ri, Oregon.
Foot of Morrieon Street
Rortlend, Oregon
Much In K v l d r n r e .
IIo w did you like the new
Iko« Arrd A aiail free.
K K K K L A M I IN OKEOO.V tm<W tbe Care/Irri-
H e are ej^mimfa In frowing
flower An i vejf»*tAhle «ee d e.
M K N 'B i'M iT H I. N d - Huffum A IWirilrton. «ole
ar : pii n Alfred Hei.jern n »-orrert «lotli»**.
thliiK In ibi o 'l furo nliiriK*- Morrieoo euri Hixth
etreeta. Opporli* jk »«torti* e.
J. T O W E R
■operior to ell other*
(JKKAM KKl'AItATOKH— We guaranliT (be C.H. j
H«*pani’or lo b** th** heel. Write tor free cata o*<-
IÌMZ«-lwood Co., Fifth ad d Oak.
Human Hair Good*—F witch#**, Fompadoun», Men*«
Toupets and W'lg* ; beet quality; lowest price*;
*er d for iree prie* lint ; mail order* a specialty.
Far • Hair Htore, 80* Washington Ht.
Est 1HHH.
are bent W*n«u» M
«o» ' «eeftjl y» are heve been *j «ritiri
tl*eir development— half a Century
o f expert • mrtt iti making tinui
A IH IKK JAL KYF.H; cyary «hfirF «od xhitiH*; ««■
eortfupfit «put on Approvai ; WoodAfd, C.arke Co
(Ttie naw-A *n>J adores* of th* writer of thf«
uusollrItsu latter «nay be had on fl|»|<llcAtl'/n )
W e t W eather Garment* for Riding, W a lk ­
ing, W o rk in g or Sporting.
IIB IiU .— N e w Y o r k Kun.
___ _____ _________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ffOKHKH o f »11 klnde for «ale ut very reA»Ofj»ble **. Jnqulre T
Front Ht.
T A IL O K s —f'olum bla Woolen M ill* Co.. Portland,
MI followed tho
On the Trail
trad from Texas
•with * Fish Brand f f ip
h 'T o .
Bella— Ve*, «he nlvinys diri love rern-
F.I.AMTK I I O - I K I iV ; Nu|»por:»r*. Itrac»»: K o lito
U t ; ir» nieiMureiiient bljtnk*: WoudArd, ( larice.
T o H o l d XX o o d X X 'h llr S i m i l i » .
For couvhs and colds there is no ¡»etter
Bend a piece o f Iron, put a piece medicine than Piso’s Cure for Consomp-
o f wish ! on long end as shown In II- tio n . I ’ rn »• 25 c e n ts .
W ork ».
Th e Illustration explains Itself. Th e
plan I n Intended to meet the iicim I n o f
the ordinary dairy
or stock
where there I n a windm ill for pump
le g the water. A two-inch tube «»on
veys the w ater Into the gulvanl/.ed
Iron house tank, which Is enclosed
In a tight woollen Uix.
W ater Is
dipped from this tank for household
pur|ioNi-N both summer
and winter.
T h e overflow Is near the top, hence
does not freeze as It Is never fllliil
w ith standing water. Th e overflow I m
conveyed from this tank to a gal-
Hammer blows, steadily ap­
plied, break the hardest rock.
Coughing, day after day, jars
and tears the throat and lungs
until the healthy tissues give
way. A y e r ’s C h e r ry Pectoral
stops the coughing, and heals
the torn membranes.
*, , r
P a s s io n ,
S t r i l a — Ho she is t o m n r r y a f o o t b a ll
Lumbago and Sciatica
Nothing reaches the trouble as
quickly as
n r* F R E E . T O O U R
F R IE N D S !
We w ant to send to oor friends a beautiful
French-desiuned. GOLD-PLATED BONBON BOX.
hard-enameled in colors. It is a beauty for the
dressing table. Ten cents in stamps is asked as a
measure of good faith and to cover cost of Cascarets,
with which this dainty trinket is loaded.
Send to-day. mentioning this paper. Address
Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York.
P R IC E , 25c. AND