The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, February 16, 1906, Image 4

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    Topics of
the Times
from $175 to $200 per acre. Twenty
years ago Halt River valley tn Arlsona
was a barren waste. Now It contains
three cities and has a population of
25,000. That l* what water will do.
It is the same old story. A happy
young husband and u devoted wife
T o «void petticoat rule lu the
struggle through hardship to success
schools, pay trouser salaries.
and thou eu toward wealth and mis­
ery. Is Mrs. Laura Corey, w ife of the
Sometimes a woman’s alleged fright
millionaire, W. Bills Corey, wishing for
at the sight of a mouse U simply an
the good old days of poverty? The
advertising scheme.
father of the millionaire says-: “ I f
my son think* that Laura doe* uot love
Any boy who would rather go to
him, he Is wrong, dead wrong. When
•chool than to a circus will never break
a woman slave* aud starves through a
Into the strenuous class.
f-k) per month period with a man, when TH E P R O F IT OF P IE T Y ,
jjy R ev. H enry F. Cop«,
Suppose the American Cabinet should she mends his clothes and divides the |
last crust with him. when she b « M
|,,lth Job t m * '.>.,1 (Of tut tight?—
follow the example o f the Sauto lk>
m Inga ns and decide to "tire" the Pres­ him children aud rears or buries them, j 0|, |
tut I-aura did for hills, It ts safe to say
That was the question which, lit
that site loves him." And still we are thl8 8trlk lll> 5 ,jratUHi WMs asked by
great adversary. It la a must
The London Literary World says the told the same old story, the story of a
pretty face, a man’s mad Infatuation; llatura, ,„ lt. from the'sntanlc ja.litt of
oovel-readlug habit Is spreading. Evl
dently London Is beginning to feel the the story of a man’s million* and of a vlew where selfish gain Is the only
w ife s broken heart.
The last crust, admissible explanation of any action,
influence of Indiana.
In the good old days for the trusting where the sole question Is. will It pay?
The Russian revolutionists who are wife, the last crust was sweetened by and where personal advantage la the
being beaten to death by the peasant* the love of the only man In the world. \ only known standard of ethics.
It Is
In the Interest of the Little Father, Empty Is the success that bows In 11))t 8traUKl, that the ledger view of
shame the gray bead o f a devoted fath llie |,Hlks OI1 «.n^ion as a posstbly prof-
wonder “ where they are a t ”
er. Cursed la the gold thut only feeds (table business venture, a side line to
A New York actress has left the In­ the evil desire* that break the heart j [,e t.arr[,.,i for what there la In It.
come from $ 15,000 for the care of a of a faithful w ife! Aud sometimes we
T he accusation In the question Is
dog, a parrot and a cage of love-birds. of poverty complain of our hard lot trlu. enough to-day; but It only per­
It ought to be worth more than that
is there no glitter of glass upon your
i„ H.a„ Rl. 0f the truth In I t
table? Maybe the ablne of glass and ■ Christian soldier who live* for the loot
Set a thousand rules for the "Anal silver Is not for you. Ixiok for tbs k,.^jia a||ve this sneer at religion. A
good-night hug” of lovers. If you wish . shine In the eyes of the husband, still mail's testimony In prayer meeting ts
but they will be shattered straightway your lover.
Though his hands are oiten OIliv „ „ economical method o f
by a last Anal and several more finals. grimy with toll and though your own advertising his sugar or Ills dry goods,
are hardened with homely duties. If the Many a man Is serving God with an
The Albany mother’s record of two shine o f love Is there, tie glad. Think eve 8in„ i e to the g.aal of his trade,
babies In four months ought to con­ of the broken-hearted woman of wealth w i,||e to others piety Is but a profes-
vince President Roosevelt that race and count your mercies.
Look and a|oual pull. To yet others religion Is
•ulclde Is not a live Issue In New York think, then break your crust, and a performance to be regarded as one
though It be the last, be grateful for o f tile penalties paid to social conven­
the love that keeps It sweet
President Roosecvelt says hs Is go
More dangerous because more sub-
tng to mate few addresses between
Yes, you oeu pay $500 for a toy tie Is the error o f those who took on
now and his retirement from office.
automobile, aud there are walking, pious practices as means of plarat-
Great Scott! Ia he going to devote
talking dolls, full of clockwork and lng the wrath o f the deity, who hope
himself exclusively to eermona?
equipped with real hair and silk Hu- to buy passports to heaven by prayer
gerie, that come at $700. The rich meeting pretenses on earth. Acts of
It appears that President Morales
can spend money like drunken sailors worship are to them things devoid of
was afraid of his cabinet. We can
to temporarily please their pampered delight which they dare not forego
think of one president who will find
little ones. But here is a trade note for fear of future pains. I f heaven
it hard to understand why anybody
that counts: "The demand for rock- could he earned this way they would
should ever be afraid o f hla cabinet
ing horses and Noah's arks grows with certainly deserve It.
or be in the least delicate about tell­
the years. It Is bigger now than ever
But the hypocrites deceive no one.
ing It "what’s what.”
before." It wasn’t so long ago when Their pretenses are too palable. They
Honestly speaking, there Is no you sucked the paint off the blue ele- alone are Ratified with themselves,
phants and green tigers. Odd about 1'lty for profit alone Is almost Its own
Christian nation— no Christian people.
that paint! You grew fat on I t You sufficient punishment Who can help
The real followers o f Christ are every­
slept soundly and smiled while you pitying the masquerader* who toll so
where ln such a hopeless minority that
slumbered. And you guarded the hard to produce no Impression. Nelth-
they are unable to engraft In public
broken, faded, worn animals In the er heaven nor earth takes any stock
sentiment the humanitarlanlsm that
little menagerie that came to you on In them. Their mummery has no more
their Leader taught.
a Christmas morning, and there was to do with religion thnn charity halls
In your heart. And then came a have to do with beneficence. It neither
In the Paris Figaro Plaisantin says :
“ Trees are sacred. I consider them as day when romance departed from the pays as business nor ns religion,
ancestors; for we have come down ark and a woman laid the animals j In spite o f all pretender*, who are
from monkeys, and the monkeys come away to be loved and fondled and re- after all relatively few In number, re­
down from trees.’’ Jokeologlsts have membered years later when her boy liglon Is a reality In the life of man
found fragments of this hoary bit of had grown up and all hut forgotten and the question, does religion pay
the golden days of his childhood. For deserves a fair answer. L ife ha* no
humor In the ruins of Nineveh.
into life came the first rocking horse, [ place for that which does not pay.
Tha Martians are declared by as­ spotted aud prancing, builded on the Neither superstition nor sentiment can
tronomers to be several million years same lines as they are builded to-day. sanction the waste of life on useless
ahead of us. How, we wonder, have No steed of warrior ever possessed ends. Taking the soul s Infinite stand-
they solved the question of municipal more fire than did Dobbin as he reared ard of values all things must come to
ownership, the Jury problem, the re­ and tossed on the sitting room floor, . the I*’** of their service, the profit to
bate problem and several other prob­ gripped by hands that were so pink mankind.
and soft that mother often kissed
The profit o f piety can never be ex-
lems that are burning with us?
thein. Ah, there have been horses pressed In cash; It is personal, n mat-
then, pedigreed aud costly, ter of the soul. A man serves God
The most notable feature o f the lat-
There have been automobiles, perhaps, for the satisfaction secured; not for
»st census bulletin relating to Illiteracy
and palatial cars.
But not one to Belf-sutlsfactlon, hut because deep
among our population Is the statement
compare with the horse that made the within him he feels bis need of the dt-
that there are few er illiterates among
the children o f foreign-born parents trlp from the old settee to the rocking vine, of one who can satisfy his thirst
chair, and that was a part of your for good, who can surpasea his high-
than among those o f the natives. This
life. And then Dobbin went to the est aspirations, who can constantly
Is variously accounted for, but the
uttic and life stopped being all sun- | tone up his life and lead him to things
chief reason for It appears to be based
shine and the sky was not all blue aud better than himself,
on the fact that the greater portion of
you entered on that period of exist- [ Friendship Is not without Its fruits;
the foreign-born children live In dties,
ence when duty often takes the place yet the true friend does not figure on
where the educational opportunities
of pleasure, and the days mean more them. He who unselfishly seeks un-
ire better than In the country. In
and the smiles are often mixed with other soul, who delights in his service,
the country the illiteracy among chil­
tears. That Is life as It Is lived. It and counts all sacrifice as Joy, finds
dren Is eighty-nine per thousand; In
Is good to know that the demand for rewards such as the cunning of selflsh-
cities of over 25,000 Inhabitants It Is
Noah’s arks and rocking horses Is ness could never extract. So is It with
only ten per thousand. This Is a rath­
We will try to start our | the service o f the Most High. The
er remarkable showing.
children right, along the simple way, soul
man seeks after the soul of
please God. W e try to do our duty
religion Is service for this supreme
The greatest canal ever dug was by them as long as we can keep them ¡friend; worship the communion with
successfully put through the Isthmus children. And after that, hope. It la him, work the doing of things that
of Panama, or Darien, a hundred and
please him; who shall measure the
the only way.
twenty years ago by the prince of lit-
profit o f such love, or what shall a
irary liars, Baron Munchausen. In
man give In exchange for Its Joy and
IT nmlatalcable P r o o f .
a volume of his travels published In
peace ?
The estate owned by the late Col.
England, the noble baron says that he
The soul’s need o f God, the need of
drove his chariot rapidly from shore to Crownlnsbield In a New England sea the sources of our lives for the source
•hore of the Isthmus, tearing up the
**ie '“ '‘-‘‘l
tlle *nner HIdr,t
rocks and forming a tolerable bed for sturdy farmer. A valuable dog owned
t,*° * r‘‘ut "I'lrlt
the water. Then a million people from
North and South America cleared pasture and chase and worry the of a11 la na renl- a* dcfinit*< am> aa
farmer’s cows.
Finally, the Boston 1
■ • " « t lv e as the need o f the
away the d irt “ The sea came In with
food’ There an‘ men 80 b’,ay
tremendous magnificence, and enlarg­
making money that they think they
ed the bounds o f the canal so as to Inshleld and requested that the annoy­ have no time even to eat; but their
make a passage some miles broad ance be stopped.
"H o w do you know It Is my dog?” folly Is as wisdom compared to that
from ocean to ocean.” And yet our
Col. Crowulnshleld, rather un­ o f those who think It does not pay to
engineers are still lingering over their
take time to feed the Inner life, the
eternal man.
“ H ow do I know?” exclaimed the
Nor enn a man estimate the profit
There are In the West 200,000,000 farmer,
religion by Ills own soul possessions
icres o f ordinarily barren land, much
“ You must bring ms better proof,” ,done- " lierever even two or throe
if which can be made productive by
Ilft UP thHp
to nobler
neans of Irrigation. For a number of replied the colonel, .coldly.
rears the government has lieen en­
“ A ll right, sir,” said the farmer, In !
t he who,p rar<! ,M
tb,‘ G'lngs thnt arc worthy
gaged In the work o f reclamation. The no uncertain tone. “ The mvxt time i wond,iP
results are marvelous, but It remained the dog bothers my cows I ’ll bring ,n" kos the whole worM m,,rp worthy,
tor President Roosevelt, who knows you all tho proof you want— In a i T,lp
o f one ," an’8 falth b« ' om‘>8
i a comnion possession, and the most
Shs West and loves It, to systematize wheelbarrow.”
____________________ godless share the benefits o f the godly
the plans and prosecute them on a
Birger scale. A t present eleven proj-
There are some people who would i llfo’
Krts are under way. At a cost o f $37,- carry cheerfulness so far that they I The 'ln" y " onrch for ( i r A *" t,,e
tbe whole life closer to the
100,000 they will transform 1,300,000 would demand philosophy from the ret *-un’ n,I
.music of the Infinite; the harmony,
icrss o f desert Into fruitful land worth In a trap.
Strili In s
of lo .i
Ual|di (ìnwaii, a wealthy merchant,
smiled contentedly In the realization
that a duty, |s-rforuied regularly for
four years, was now ended. Ills soli
Janies had graduated from college, and
monthly chocks imhn I no longer be for­
the health, the salvation of the world warded.
depend oil Its coining Into complete
.lames, however, did not care to as­
accord with that which rules lit its sillile business res|Miuslhltitles Immedi­
heart. Tills, then, Is the eternal, In­ ately, and In a most persuasive manner
dividuiti, ami universal proti! of piety, Induced his father to let him tour Ilio
that It causes all things more miti world with a (-ollege chum. The old
more perfectly to work together for inali wu* pleased with his soli’s per­
the good of all.
suasive power* It Indicated huslucss
ability. Ile |a-ruiltttMl the hoy to go.
James was given a goodly wad o f
By Rev. John Milton Scott. money aud a positive warning that the
The mouth o f the righteous man Is sum must Ntilllrc. He was further
a well of life.— Prov. x., 2.
given to understand that he'd have to
Without water lift* cannot he. Take communicate with Ills futher by ismtii!
water from the earth und the fevers card only, and thut all letters would
of death burn their fires.
remain open.
\\ here deserts blight, u well of wu
Hu has too much pride to bog on
ter Is a possesion beyond price. To a public postal cani." ¿¡nnlnglljr "chuck
the Hebrew o f the Psalms and P rov­ ieni the futher, "und, consequently, will
orbs, therefore, who knew the heat ; mak„
IlloIM.y la st”
and the distress of scorching sands. !
rnr<u fr„ m Kurope came reg-
w1,o knew water as the synonym of ularly to Ralph (Iowan. He beoam# In-
life, no more powerful language could ,ereat0d
travels. The card.
he list'd to set forth the value of right were [limisi tn thè llhrnry wall, wlth
eousness than the brief seuteiice which a sort of geographlcul relatloiishlp.
says, "The mouth o f a righteous man
Many of thè [tostul* were Works o f
Is a well of life."
art, and In u few weeka thè exHctlug
He speaks the truth always and his tuwlueaa man hud contraete»! un acute
word Is like water from cool wells. It
mania for Souvenir isiatal carda.
refreshes. It vitalizes.
beautiful card wus dellveretl to tisi
Mau builds nothing that Is not build
merctiHiit mie mornlug, and In a mo­
ed on truth. The hands of his dally
ment the «Ir wns split wlth shnrp ex-
toll move In truth. This Is the reality
pletlvea. Tue card was mutilatisi.
from ore to engine, from quarry to
A crack aerosa the giurisi surfiuv ludi
house, from forest to furniture,
onted gross cu re listai less on thè part of
dealing with things he Is dealing with
the authorltlcM. More carda arrivisi,
truth. I f he deal* truthfully, the uni­
thè tienuty of snob marrisl hy n creano,
verse conspires to bless him with
uiade, uuquisttloMnhIy, wlth malldou*
I f uutruthfully, gravi­
delibo rallon.
tation, lrot^ wood, water, fire, the
"l/*)k bere." salii Gownn, angrily, as
truth o f things prtstsisi the hitter cu p,.
. . . .
he approached the itostmnstcr and
or rallure to his lips. In mans rela- .
. . .
... . . . . . .
.......... .. handed him one of the cnnls, all my
Ron with hi* fellow man, great civ lit
_ _____
, . . iMistnls are craokml like this otio. Home
zatlons, us great worlds, can he built 1
one Is to hlaiue. Here ure u down
onij upon righteousness, upon every
mun’s speaking truth with his neigh mor® lkP ll’
, ,
. . . .
The iMistmaster calmly gazed at tlie
Every great state Is builded In truth 'm" ,la,-d <ard’‘-
wording and of creasing, and premi »»si
and goes to ruin In falsehood, through
disloyalty to Its moral Ideals.
Not­ to investigate.
That same day the postmaster esilisi
withstanding appearance» to the con­
Mr. Gowan and. cnuckllng Immoder­
trary, this Is the fact which the uni­
ately, said; “ Read thorn- cards, and
verse In Its every atom sanctifies.
Through the mists of the apparent f" r evP7 ,rpa’‘*’ *uta,tUut* tta w<,r,,
look with cleur eyes Into the reality, *>roke’
Build your career on the Integrity o f
T * » merchant pondered for a mo­
th»- universe, mastered in friendly wise ,n‘‘nt-
U,en to,,k uu " ,'" rrt
hy the Integrity of yourself. Then ri-Hd : "I remain as «ver broke your
you are building so wisely that every hiving *oi>. James.
atom o f the universe works with you. ' Gowan meekly mailed a check. Then
willing your success. "Beauty Is It* hl* nnn •w*I’t Tl‘ l<-tisly over his library
own excuse for being.” Ulgbtismsiu-ss w°h. and In a few moments the at-
Is Its own Justification. Truth Is Its mosphere was permeated with the odor
own bliss.
(o f burning pai»er.
Whether the eyes o f men see or not,
the Joy In which God loves and lives
enters Into the heart of the righteous. h l m p l l r l l r o f I . I v i n a 1» f ' o n i l o e l v e
Within the soul o f the righteous Is life.
lo H lah
To that ll^e I* the abundant good for
There are no manufactories In the
tune with which righteousness re­ country. Each homo Is a factory and
wards Its own. When he expresses every member of the family a hand,
that righteousness It Is llko the hills says the Pilgrim.
themselves In streams
Shoes are made from goatskins. The
which run among the vnlleys, giving long stockings worn over there In wad­
life to bird and beast, to grnss and ing through the snow are knitted by
tree, making farms possible and the the women and children, and even the life f i
Gie fetors of death. ' |>«>nutlful broadcloth comes smooth and
There Is nothing so line as n right­ perfect from the hand loom found In
eous man. No beauty can is|tml the every house.
beauty o f holiness. It has a loveli­
The sweet simplicity o f their na­
ness more gracious than flowers.
tional costume doe» away with the ne­
it has a charm beyond the enchant- cessity of fashion Issiks. Young girls
ment o f birds. It has a grandeur out­ who are about to be mnrrteil nt-ed take
doing mountain anil sen. No sunsets no thought as to “ wherewithal shall
are so splendid, not guns nor stars nor they tie clothed.”
When they array
dawns, not music nor Hhakspeare; not themselves In the wedding garments
canvases, nor cathedrals; not anything of their ancestor, two or three genera­
built by man.
tions remote, they are |»-rfi-ctly up to-
The chief passion o f the soul should date In the matter o f attire.
he the passion for holiness; for In Its
Tills simple life Is conducive to a
beauty all other beauty Is hallowed; #u tc o f
inora|a. higher probably
In Its spirit nil other achievement has than In nuy other part of the world.
worth and In the soul o f the achiever There Is not a drop o f liquor manu­
the eternity o f God Is awake.
factured In tho Island, and for the 7R,
Things pass. A brief while and the
(KK) population there Is but one iki II co -
places o f earth we know are no mon- mun. There Is neither a Jail nor any
forever. Even while here thing* can­ place o f Incarceration for criminals,
not satisfy. They disappoint. They
nor yet Is tlu-ro a court In which a
enslave. The greatest good fortune
high crime could lie tried.
any one enn achieve Is Integrity of
The [K-rccntage of crime Is so small
heart. The dlvlnest welfare Is that
thnt It does not warrant the expense
conscious rectitude, the pence of which
o f keeping up a court. When a crim­
never forsakes a mnn through all
inal trial Is-i-omes necessary tho o f­
years and all worlds. The Imperish­
fender Is taken to Denmark to answer
able riches of God are this good for
to the lnw for Ills misdeeds.
tune whose youth Is a well spring of
The women are among the most nd-
vnneed In tho world. Their Woman's
I'olltlcnl League tins a membership o f
Short Meter Sermons.
7,000, and they enjoy more civil rights
Fear Is a poor kind of foresight.
than tin* women o f almost any other
Every word of profanity Is a prayer. country, having a choice In all elec­
Love lasts long after pity Is worn tions save thnt for members o f th "
legislative body.
Little duties are a school for larger
Ram p«,
"H o w ’s business?”
A little modesty often hides n lot of
“ Fine! It’s a mighty poor day when
I can’t mnkc $10 or $15 now.”
He rejects all rewards who refuses
“ That’s good. Can’t you pay me
moral responsibility.
that $5 you owe me?”
The logic o f love convinces more
“ No. There’s been a lot o f mighty
thnn the love o f logic.
poor days lately.” — Cleveland Leader.
A golden heart Is not gained hy set­
It’s enough to make the averago
ting the heart on gold.
bride blush to recall her strenuous ef-
Mnny a ....... Is breaking his back forU t0
under a bag o f shndows.
Getting on to the ropes o f trickery
It’ s easier to teach a baby to talk
ends In getting Into them.
i than It Is to teach a woman not to.