The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, May 06, 1905, Image 1

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Has the Largest Circulation of A ny Paper in the SanH^rn Valley— It Covers the Territory Like a Blanket.
21st Year, No. 15.
S T A Y T O N . M A R IO N C O U N T Y . O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 6, 1915.
Ahboob Bil Bryan (may hia jaw have rest!)
Awoke one midnight from a dreaming fest
And in the alcove where he kept his thinks-
Likewise his ((rape-juice and some other drinks-
He saw an angel in a nighty clad,
Who banged a battered Remington like mad,
Excessive speech had made Bil Bryan bold,
So in his deep Chautauqua voice he trolled:
"What typcst thou?" The Vision snarled, "Go hence!
I write the names of future presidents."
"And is mine one?"asked Ahboob,"Nope, n otyet,"
Replied the writing Angel. "You should fret "
And Ahboob, though his inmost soul was vext,
Just swallowed hard and muttered, “ Put me next "
The Angel wrote and beat it. The next night
He came illumined by a tungsten light,
And gave to Ahboob, with a loud tee-hee
A carbon copy o f his screed, and -Gee!
Bil Bryan’B name stood first of any man’s
Among the list of famous Also-rans.
—T. R. in The Conning Tower.
Serial N o. 999
It can be stated with positive assur­ thankless and not at all pleasant job.
In the meantime the boys and girls
ance that there will lie a Second An­
I believe that nothing is right
I believe that ev­
nual School Fair held in Stsyton the o f Htayton and all the surrounding dis­
erything is wrong. I believe that I alone have the right
tricts for many miles radius are re­
latter part o f September
idea. The town is wrong, the editor is wrong, the teach­
At a representative meeting o f nro- quested to get busy with their gardens
ers are wrong, the people are wrong, the things they are
fcsskmal and business men Monday ami truck patches for,as stated before,
night it was so decided, and Dr. II. A. there will positively be a Second An­
doing are wrong and they are doing them in the wrong
Beauchamp was elected chairman o f nual School Fair held heie this fall.
way anyhow. I believe I could fix things if they would
Last year the rules o f the Fair were
the 1016 Stsyton School Fair.
me. If they don’ t I will get a lot of other fellows like
A committee o f five was immediately not very strictly adhered to as it was
and we will have a law passed to make others do
appointed by the chairman to devise the first one o f its kind in this vicinity
things the way WE want them done.
ways and means o f meeting the neces­ and many did not grasp the full idea;
sary expenses and prizes for the Fair, btri. this year the printed rules that will
I do not believe that the town ought to grow. It is
and the plan o f the committee wi.1 be be found on the premium lists, which
too big now. I believe in fighting every public improve­
announced in next week's issue o f the . will be issued soon, will be strictly ad­
ment and in spoiling everybody’s pleasure.
I am always
hered to in every way.
have I ad­
It will be well to keep this m mind,
It is quite likely that the amount
asked o f the business man will be limit­ a« Inc committees will see that the
ed, and as the Fair is not in any sense rules are enforced.
people happier or add to the pleasure of man, woman or
The new high school building will
s money-making prooosition. the farm­
child. I am opposed to fun and am happiest at a funeral.
ers and others who can afford it should probably be finished in time for the
I believe in starting reforms that will take all the joy out
subscribe to the “ Dollar Fund" which Fair and an added interest will be giv­
Jife. It’s a sad world and I am glad o f i t Amen.
en to the meeting by the fact that a
will no doubt be started.
The success o f the Fair last year thorough inspection o f the new build­
waa one o f the main reasons for the ing can be had by the patrons at the
continuation o f the association, and at same time as the Fair.
Don’t forget that it takes some
the Fair this coming 5>ptember ar­
Mr». Dora Ha:den, who has been
C. A. Luthy took his wife to Salem
rangements will be made to try and money to carry through an organiza­
here for some time settling up the af- yesterday where Mrs. Luthy is to un-
put it on a self supporting basis In or­ tion o f this kind and don’ t be afraid to
der to avoid the necessity qf asking hand anyone o f the committee i dollar fairs o f the late Mrs. Lee Brown, left dergo an operation today for appe idi-
for her home at Pleasant Hill, Oregon, citis. Laurance Siegmund ia working
for donations each year, which is a as a subscription.
She was accompanied b y in the jewelry store during the a ls. ice
Miss Eliza Lowry, who is quite aged.
o f Mr. Luthy.
Joseph J. I.ambrcrht'n new residence
Miss Bertha Herrling is building a
•l the corner o f Washington and Couch ( fine new bungalow on her homestead in
Street« ia fairly under way under the Kcitern Oregon. She is a the present
competent direction o f John Lulay with time teaching school at Criterion, in
Prank and Peter Laux a* aeaiatanta.
which district she lives and where she
The new building will coat approxi­ expects to teach again t h e coming
The Stayton Co-operative Telephone
A truck load o f eighteen fans and
mately 11800 when completed and will school year. Criterion ia a very enter-
be modern throughout, equipped with prUing place in Wasco Co. about which ball players went to Mill City Sunday Association met at their annual elec-
bath, hot end cold water, etc, and will no doubt some o f the readers have read to defeat the MiU-L'ity bail team, which lion on Tuesday o f this week in the
| city hall o f Stayton and elected the
be flniahed in the popular bungalow an article in the February number o f they did-- nit.
Stayton led off in the first with a 1 following board o f directors: W. E.
the Oregon Teachers Monthly.
their Chrisman, F. A. Bell, I. J. Boedig-
The ground aiae 1a 88x40 feet and a
The Lone Star School where Misa single score and Mill City tied
heimer, Henry Smith and C. J. Hunt.
commodious cement basement is under Herrling teaches was the first to meet half.
the whole house.
Stayton fanned in the second frame Eight candidates w er« voted on and
1 the state requirements for a Standard
On the ground floor are; parlor, din­ School in Wasco Co.
Miss Herrling and the Mill City burch did the same the men named above received the
highest number o f votes. Voting was
ing room, kitchen, two bedrooms, bath likes Eastern Oregon very much and thing.
SODAS IN CARTONS Snowflake Brand, Salted
! by ballot.
and pantry, while upstairs will be three expect to make it her home for a few
A touch needed amendment to the
Urge bedrooms.
years at least.
She expects t » cross
No. i size cartons. 10c $ for 27c No. j size cartons, 23c
By-laws o f the Association was adopt­
There wtH a too be two porches, which the Cascade Mts. this spring with her
T««* « .
Do you eat Graham crackers? In bulk, 20c lb.
case o f 20 lbs. only 12.76
ed, making it possible to merge the
together with the dormers and bay brother, by team, and spend her vaca­
offices of Secretary and Treasurer into
window will add much to the attrac­ tion with her parents who live
If you do not see the pnee in this ad on the article you want, call at ci
one, thus saving time and expense.
tiveness o f the design.
east o f this city.
store and we will quote you our Mail Order Prices.
The pUna, which are excellent were I
respectively elected as chairman and
3 lb Package of Maccaroni ........................................................................23
worked out by Mr. Lambrecht, and
secretary o f the meeting Tuesday, and
shows no little skill in that line.
Carnation Milk, per Case .................................... ?...................................$3.P
j also for the ensuing year.
It is expected that the new home
Resolutions were introduced a n d
will be ready for occupancy by July 16
90 lb Sack of Oatmeal .......................................................................................$4 .2
adopted ratifying the acts o f the form­
The Stayton Fire Company will hold
er b>ard o f directors and the election
their regular monthly meeting tomor­
Solid Pack Tomatoes, 6 cans f o r ...................................................... 7Cc
j o f that day.
row night, Friday May 7. All the new
A. P. Kirsch and F. A. Bell were ap-
Fancy Solid Pack Corn, 6 cans ...........................................................7 0 :
members should be present and sign
IKiintcd by the chairman as an auditing
the roll.
E. M. Olmsted, Pres.
committee to audit the books o f the
Standard Corn and Tomatos, 3 cans for ...................................... 25c
secretary and treasurer o f the board of
Beginning with Msy 1st we will sell
directors, and instructed to report at
Miss Francis Ktrsch h a s returned
milk at 6Jc quart 3(c pint 26c gallon,
the next meeting o f the board.
cream pint 15c, quart 26c.
Phone 288. from Eastern Oregon where she taught
There was cousideraoie good natured
Jephcott’s Dairy. a very successful school at Ridgeway.
argument and talk on different sub­
Our spices are ground from the highest grade of recleaned
jects, but everyone had their little say
stock, guaranteed pure, and packed full weight with
out and no one got mad or, as far as
Fits, Rock and Miller in a Mixup
could be discovered, went home feeling
sifter top cans.
that they had not had fair play.
Stayton got to work in earnest in next anuual meeting will occur on the
J lb can, 9e—j lb can, 16c—1 lb can, r2c
the third and run in three, ore of first Tuesday after the first Monday in
which was a home run by Miller.
Mill May, 19i6.
M USTARD....................................... t lb can, 9 c - J lb can. 1 6 c - 1 lb can. 1
City fanned.
C A Y E N N E ................................
i lb can, 1 4 c -jlb can, 27c—1 lb can, 4
Stayton came back in the fourth
wtlh one more, and the millmen got a
C IN N A M O N ................................. - I lb. can,14c—J lb can. 27c—1 lb can 4x-
Experienced W orkmen A lw ays on the Job. Gain T in e
A L L S P IC E .......... ............................. j lb can. 14c - j lb can, 27c—1 lb can, 1
Stayton goosegged in the tilth, and
Mill City did the same.
by Coming to Us! Prices are Reasonable. W ork is
CLOVES. .................................. . . . j lb can. 1 4 c - j lb can, 27c—1 lb can. 4 e
Stayton run in two more in the sixth
Guaranteed. Phone orders, D A Y or N IG H T 1
making a total o f 7 which they thought
For the second time last week the
would win the game, while Mill City
4 oz Bottle, 36c—8 oz bottle, 70c-16 oz bottle. $1.20-32 oz bottle, $2.15
l.O .O .F. hall was filled to overflowing
got two.
These extracts are guaranteed absolutely pure.
at the Rebekah’s May Day Festival
i and Basket Social S kWh day night.
The entire program was carried out
Diamond “W” Jelly Powder, 8c
in detail and the crowd was well pleas­
Tanglefoot Fly-paper, Box of 25 double sheets, 35c
ed as was evidenced by the way the
baskets sold.
As W. H. Downing could not be
1C0 lbs Broken Rice, Special $4.45, cheaper than Ricd & Phehn
present, the editor o f the Mail did the
best he could and succeeded in getting
100 lbs Diamond Chick Food, $3.15
fairly good prices for the splendidly |
j decorated boxes and baskets o f deli-
100 lbs Recleaned Oyster Shell, $1.35__________________
\ ciou* edibles that had been prepared
by the ladies.
Rice & Phelan sell you a 4 oz can of Oysters for 11c. We s< i
An hour's dancing after the luncheon
you a 5 oz can for 10c and beat their quality._______________
rounded out an evening long to be re-
I membered as May Day 1915.
Eighth Case-about 6 lbs..............................6 0 c
Half Case-about 10 lbs...............................9 7 c
Full Case-about 20 lbs...............................1 .7 5
Ground Spices
Fix Your Auto!
A t Cladek’s Garage
Just Arrived-
Absolutely Fresh
Popular odors in perfumes
The Purola Line
"Deliciously Fragrant" Tha last word in perfumery, Come in
and get a trial order, you will like it
Klacker Played Short
Sloper’s Drug Store
Prescription Druggist
Stayton, Oregon
Get one of our big straw hats and hide from the sun
The Mail acknowledges the receipt
o f a "F orty-fou r page Copper Edition”
o f the Contact Miner, a paper printed
at Contact, Nevada.
The “ Miner” ia
devoted to the interests o f Nevada's
coming copper camp, which is now
commanding the attention o f capital
from all the mining world. We do not
know for sure to w hom we are indebt­
ed for this splendid edition but we sus­
pect Mrs. M. E. Bruce, and thank her
for the same.
Stayton fanned in the scvunlh, and
Mill City got two which tied the Bcoro.
The eighth and ninth frames were
productive o f no results f o r either
team, and Stayton got ono in the tenth
while Mill City got two winning the
game 9 to 8.
Arthur Kelly is here from Thoma9
The next game will be with Mill City
this week.
on the local grounds Sunday, May 9.
Bey’s Mexican, 13c
Men’s Peanit with ventilator and band
Men'S Mexican, 1 4 :
2 :;
Ladies’ Peanit with b a n d ..........................................................23 :
2000 yds Extra quality house lining reg. 6J value special
M ayo’s Cash Store