The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, March 31, 1905, Image 1

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H y E. D A LE X A N D E R .
en th
S ubm crlption, $1.2 S P E R A N N U M
Y e a r .
N K W S F A P K H .
Brewer Drug Co.
T h e B u ild in g o f R a ilw a y s In th e
ily Uses Coffee
H e r m it K in g d o m .
Our stock of Drugs and Drug­
gist’s Sundries is complete in
every respect. W e prepare all
prescriptions with care, and in
a scientific manner, using only
pure drugs and chemicals.
r . r . l g k t .4
t u a n . k l p — 1.1 a o . F o r K m r r g r o r ,
W ill
o a la ta
A lo n e
tb e
H rc u d ln g
tb o C o a a try .
C o l-
H a ll*
U o ftra -
Living Prices
Price «.
1 can high grade
Tom atoes....... 10c
1 can good:; Sal­
m o n ..................... i o c
Remember, we are offering all Dress
Goods at a liberal reduction in price.
Let us show them to you.
N . J. G E H L E N , Administrator.
Confidence— —.
Is the greatest factor in busi­
ness as well as social affairs.
H aving confidence in the prospect for a large business
for 1905, we have made special effort to secure the
best lines of spring goods for our trade, and the goods
are now comm encing to arrive.
W e Lead in Quality and Late Styles
But Our Prices are the Lowest.
W e make a specialty of first-quality garden and
Call and see our steel rakes, hoes,
shovels, etc., and you will find that quality con­
sidered, our price is as low as the lowest.
Fred Rock Mercantile Co.,
19 c
25 oz K. C. Bak­
ing P ow d er..... 20c
1 can Shinola...... 10c
1 GlossStarch 7c
1 “ A. & H. Soda 8c
2 i-lb.pks A. & H,
S o d a .................... 1 ^c
2 pint tin cup....... ^c r i;c ea.
An Interesting sidelight on the war
In the far cunt I* ahown in the history
of railroad building In Korea since
1890, of which n report haa recently
been made by the American c o i i m u I gen­
eral at Seoul, Gordon Paddock, aaya the
Washington correspondent of tbe New
York l'oat. VYbat a calamity w^ild
A large line of
have l>efallen Japan had the Rutjnns
been j*.*rtnltted unmolested to p m t b e
boundaries of tlielr zone of Influence
on hands and another nice
down through Manchuria to the sea on
the eouth and east Is made clear. The
shipment of Clothing suit­
well matured plans of Japanese states­
able for Easter Holidays to
C o n fid e n c e
manship, the fruit of many years of
a n d C r e d it
arrive next week.
putleut thought, based on the percep­
P r ic e «
P r ic e »
tion that tbe Japanese archipelago
would not for au Indefinite period af­ G o h o d C o it ffe e , lb
Star 5 Star
ford elbow room for Uie mikado's sub­
.. i 8 c
23 c
jects, were doomed to failure If Russia B etter
were to carry out her apparent policy
0 c
to arrive next week.
of inaklug Korea to all Intents and pur­
poses a ItuasLuu dependency.
The Korean railways are being built
and equipped with American steel. The
Unit of them, running between Seoul
and Chemulpo, was constructed In
1806 by an American concesalonnalre,
but Just Irefore completion it was «old
to a Japanese syndicate. wbicb has
made It a commercial success, aud re­ the shortest time. Should this experf- A C h i c M K o A l d e r m a n O w n H i « K i e e t i o n
t o C h a m b e r l a i n * » C o u g h H e m e «• y.
cently completed a branch line, begun meut prove a success it will be extend­
I can heartily and conscientiously
In 1901, from Seoul to tbe southeasterly ed to tbe entire peninsula. Should Ko­
point of Kusan. a distance of about 208 rea expresa the ilea ire to have Japan recommend Chawberlain’sCoughRem­
miles. This branch line, aided by a : watch over her foreign interests the edy for affections of the throat and
modern ocean ferry, has established , Korean ministers and consuls will be lungs,” says Hon. John Shenick, 220
quick communication between Seoul. , recalled, the ministers of foreign coun­ So. Peoria St., Chicago. “ Two years
tbe Korsan capital, and Japan. Under tries at Seoul will return borne, aud ago during a political campaign I
the old system of transportation the only the foreign consuls will remain. caught cold after being overheated,
Journey from Tokyo to Seoul occupied The Korean army will at tbe same time which irritated my throat and 1 was
seven days. Now 1* Is mtde in flfty- be reduced to a nominal slse. aud Lhr tin»0y compelled to stop, as I could
slx hours.
military system of the country will be n 't speak ai-.ud. In my extremity a
The construction of a railway be­ merged with that of Japan. This in friend advised me to use Chamberlains
tween Seoul and YVIJu, tbe northern bor­ brief is tbe Japanese policy In Korea. Cough Remedy. I took two d<»ses that
der city of Korea, was begun In 1902 Tbe Russian occupation would have afternoon and could not believe niv
by the Korean government. This line overturned all this, and Japan would senses when I found the next morning
has since been taken over by The Japa­ have remained at* lalnnd empire, ovei*- the inflammation had subsided. I took
several doses that day, kept right on
nese government, which Is now finish­ crowded to the peent of suffocation.
ing it under military direction. It will j From the viewpoint of the Japanese talking through the campaign, and I
be 300 miles long. A line to connect i Korea is a prize worth fighting for. thank this medicine that I won my
Seoul with Oensan, the Korean eastern j Its possession is one of the n^essltiee seat in the Council.” This remedy is
treuty port, is now being constructed. : of the Japanese situation, even though for sale by Brewer Drug Co.
also by Japanese military engineers. j a nominal Korean government may
These lines, although for emergency continue In existence. Its control by
The art of putting the right men in
use, nre to be permanent, and few Russia meant without any question tbs the right places Is the first science of
trunk lines In the United States are j rode awakening of Japan from b«r government.— Ltilcrsand.
provided with a higher grade of steel dream of becoming a world power.
S ta rtlin g M o r ta lity .
or a more substantial roadbed. In con­
nection with the Fusan line the two
Statistics show startling mortality
branches referred to will connect the j Y E L L S IN LAU N DR Y LINEN. from appendicitis and peritonitis. To
northern aud southern extremities of
prevent and cure these awful diseases,
Korea with the east and west coasts, B a b y T a k e n In Ita B a s k e t b y M l a t n k c there is just one reliable remedy, Dr.
For F a m ily W a a h ln f.
besides traversing the interior. At the j
King’s New Life Pills. M. Flannery,
persons living In Winsted.
end of the present war, provided Japan ;
of 14 Custom House Place, Chicago,
in the peace that will follow is not Conn., have a custom of putting their says: “ They have no equal for consti­
again euchred out of her rights, the ; babies out of doors to sleep, thinking pation and biliousness.” 2oc at Brew­
whole of Korea will be opened up to 1 the air makes them stronger and er Drug Co’s.
trade nnd commerce as well as to Im­ healthier, says the New York World.
Edmund Angell. employed by a steam
migration. all under the guiding hand
Her B « a ,r r ,.
of the mikado's ministers und for tbe laundry, stopped his horse In front of
St. James’ rectory, on Main street, the
“ I trust. Miss Tappit,” said the kind­
furtherance of Japanese policies.
The entire railroad scheme Is financed other morning to collect the family ly employer to his stenographer, “ that
by the Japanese government, which has washing of the Rev. S. Wolcott Llns- you Lave something in reserve for •
rainy day.”
not only guaranteed the necessary capl- ' ley.
Seeing a covered basket on the front
“ Yes. sir." answered the young wom­
tal, but subscribed $1.245,000 on its'
own account, provided the lines are veranda and thinking It contained soil­ an; “ I am going to marry & man named
brought In operation by a certain dnte. ed linen for the laundry, young An­ Mackintosh.”
Tin? authorized capital was insufficient gell picked It up, placed it In the
In cre d ib le B ru ta lity .
sleigh with the other washing and
for the purposes of constructing the
started on.
have been incredible bru­
Fusan line, and so $4.1*80,000 was bor­
He had not gone far, however, be­ tality if Chas. F. Lcmberger, of Syra­
rowed from the banks at Tokyo. The
fore he heard a yelling resembling a cuse, N. Y., had not done the best he
interest on this loan has been paid, but
baby’s cries. The horse was stopped, could for his suffering 9on. “ My boy,”
the government lias since been com­
and the driver quickly discovered that he says, ‘‘cut a fearful gash over his
pelled to come forward with $8011,000
the cries were human and came from eye, so I applied Buckien’s Arnica
more, which completed the line before
the basket he had taken from the rec­ Salve, which quickly healed it and
the 1st of last January.
tor's porch.
saved his eye.” Good for burns and ul­
Japanese colonists have been scatter-
Raising the soft blankets which cov­ cers too. Only 2oc at Brewer Drug Co.
ed all along these Korean ratlwnys, nnd ered the basket. Angell found the In­
ns soon as peace shall have been de­ fant son of the Rev. Mr. I.lnsley.
A M in iatu re H otbed.
clared they will form the nucleus of s
He hastened back to the rectory with
A miniature hotbed for starting to­
large Japanese Immigration. Further­ the basket containing John Chauncey
more, three large Japanese Immigration Wolcott I.lnsley and exchanged It for mato and cabbage plants is described
in Farm Journal, and It seems that
companies are already announcing new the basket with the washing.
the amateur florist might make equal­
openings for settlers In Korea, contin­
ly good use of It to get an early start
gent only on the restoration of pence.
H l a H u m o r I.o a t.
with flowers. It Is simply to fill an
Hnvlng been financed by Japan, these
•This payroll is too big.” exclaimed old pan with rich earth, sow the seed
railways will remain perpetually under
the manager of the "Hamlet” company. and place under the pan an ordinary
Japanese control. No further loans on
“Can't we get along with less people?” lamp inclosed around the outside of
them can In* made without the consent
"You might give up the ghost” sug­ the pan with heavy paper to come to
of the Japanese minister at Seoul. The
gested one of the gravediggers.
the floor. One will be surprised to see
monetary' system used by these rail­
And the manager, wrongly thinking bow quickly seed will germinate.
ways will be Japanese, and ultimate­
tbe suggestion referred to himself, dis­
ly It Is believed that the smaller eolna
charged tbe humorist instanter.
A Sufe C o u g h M e d ic in e fo r C h ild r e n
of Korea will pass out of circulation.
T b a B etö rt A m iab le.
In buying a cough medicine for
A central bank Is to be established at
Mistress—I don't want you to have children never be afraid to buy Cham­
Seoul to facilitate thta movement.
It la said to be the purpose of Japan so much company. You have more call­ berlain’s Cough Remedy. There is no
to establlah a model administration In ers In a day than 1 hare In a week. danger from it And relief is always
one of the Korean provinces fully mod­ Domestic—Well. mum. perhaps If you'd sure to follow. It is especially valu­
em In Its appliances and policies and try to be a little more agreeable you'd able for colds, croup and whooping
cough. For sale by Brewer Drug Co.
calculated to develop the province In have as many friends as I have.
Men’s and Boy’s Clothing
Easter Shoes
Let us show you •
our Clothing bar­
P o r m a B o a t —J a p a a o a o
S ca ttered
m oat o f
n art-P a rp oa n
Brewer Drug <2o.
farm tools.
P la a a o f J a p a a . . , H a l » .
And in buying Coffee, like
buying everything else price
and quality is to be taken into
If a person
would offer you a $$.oo gold
piece for $3.00 you would say
at once— no good— notwith­
standing every bank in the
country would accept it. If
confidence and credit stores
would ask you $8 or $9 for the
same $5 you would say at
once, no. But if you needed
the $$ you would willingly
pay the 5^.2^.
So in coffee. W e are offer­
ing coffee
N umber