O l r l e a t N l a l u e H n o » « it M a id t o H a v e K a ra * II e a r in 1.11 r.u I h e « e n n l o r ' a . lu c k e d u|> by over * third o f « century • f letuurkahle ami un i­ form cure«, a record r i eh u* no other t- me«ly for the c 'i a c a a e a and v. . iik u c »* .» pr < jllu r to wom en i v u n ttjH rd , the p ro p rieto r» anil m aker» i f Hr P ie rr e ’» P a v o r lt» Prescription now l-e t fu lly warranted in offerin g to pay f.yio in it*u<1 m oney o f the United State■ for i nv r.i«e r ‘ LeiicorriMO. Fem ale Wrakneaa, I'*olap»u », or F allin g o f W om b, w hich they W cu n A ll th ey aak U a Pur ana ri t " " it'll' tu.il o f tlir ir mean i N o other m edicine than Ur P ie rc e '» Pa- « ’ rite Prescription could poaaibly "w in out," mi the »e y in g iroe». on auch a propoai- t ii, li.it th ey know w h ere o f lhay apeak. T ite y h-ive the moat rem arkable record o f ttirea m ade iiy thia w orld famed rem ed y e v er placed to the credit o f any prepara tom - « p r e t t ily designed for the cure o f v m an'« peculiar ailmcnta. Thia wonder- iul rem edy, therefore, atanda ahaolute'y a.one aa the on ly one poa«eaaeil o f *ucM V. rivaled p riq w rtic« a « to fu lly warrant Ita t>. acta in publishing the rem arkable offer above made in the utinoat good faith. ■A ahori time ago I waa «lin o -1 itrail with n«*vou« prostration, g et» ral ilrlilttlv ami female w. -akurai " write« Mr«, la n tto Wrtmtrr, of jiy V .gv.na Ave t,e«ingi<>n. Ky Worthy Treasur­ er Independent Order o f G(*<1 Templar» "I>r. t ierce « favorite Prescription « m recommend- e '1 to me nm n wire cure, ii - i .I I found thia to be lute, toi I obtained «plendld revilt«. «.-curing line health Women ought to tie grateful to fu n k 1 * 1*1 — 1« one «vie and » l i r e «-lire off! red I" I iem for their troahtea l adviae every «u-k l.nd «efft-riug i*.. 111.01 In atop «pending money I ud waatinu time with doelof«' pre*.rip 'i.n » when a l<-w l.iltle » o f your remedy (» ante to lure I am toe happy mother o f two children, hoy age I atateeu. and girl right yraia.” Ito not permit the dealer to in«ult your intcl’.litcnce by «uggeating aoiue other com­ pound which lie recommend» aa "ju»t a» good," becauae lie makea it himaeff. Dr 1’ierec’a Favorite Preacriplion haa Flood the teat of lime and experience. T h o ». a "id a apeak well of it becauae luuusaiiae k «v c been ru rrd by it Therlfnri!'« Block-Draught com«i nearer rcgi.!.it!ng the entire ijitem and keeping the body in health than any other medicine made. It ia .thvay* rcnily in nny emergency to treat ailmcnta that are frequent in any family, nxb n* Indignation, biliotiMiew, cold», diarrbrra, aud atoimu li in hen. Thi'dford'a I ’.lnrk-Dranght ia the attndurd, nevrr-fuding rernody for »U>im;«h, bowel, liver and kidney trou I'Ion. It ia a euro for tho domca- tic ill i which wo frequently a'initnon the doctor. Ilia nw go«*! for children tta it la for grown |>einnn». A doac of thia medicine every day will aoon euro tho moat obstinate cane of dya- tietHiia cr const.put ion, and when taken aa directed l.r»nya quick relief. I U N v n x r . I I I . , Dee, M , lDOi. ThedforA « llla rh -l'ra u a h t haa been ou r fam llr doctor fur n*o year« and we w ant ru ..liter. W hen any of u » fool bmlly we take a ilnae and are all right In twelve hour«. W e h a v o «| -e n t tola o f muney for doeb.r bill«, hut gel aloug Ju«l aa well with 111«ek-law n ght. , U A j| a a i a m . Aak your dealer for a package of Thedfo-d'« Itlaek-Draught and If bo doe» not keep It aendZou. to The CThatta- nm.ga Medicine t Cluittbuooga, To no. aad a package w ill be mailed to you. A remarknblo r**»»mblaiioe to Mena- tor Cliaunoey M. Depew appears In n atatue t incur I Inn I by tin* expedition of the general exploration fund of the I'nlvernlly of Chicago, now at Hagdnd, any a the New York Herald. The atutue la believed to Ire the oldeat in the world. Dr. K. J. Itnnka, field director of the expedition, liua aent to Hie milvi-cnlty a detailed report o f the find mad Ida «intimate Unit the atntue hurt been Cov­ ered up for thotiHurula of yeura. Iliero- gtyplc IfiocrlptlolM oil the urui of the figure denote that It I n the effigy of King D m -I'du, who, the report udda. may have been David, a king of L'd- i]tin, tlie undent nuuie of the Bnby- Ionian d ty of ItlHiuyu, where the atutue waa dlocovered. O f white iiiurhle. the atntue wua found In frugmenlM several feet npart it ud Nccrctly conveyed nt night to the house of tlit* explorers because of the superstition of the native diggers. Ita iiutiipilty exceeds, the dlrei-tor any a, ttint of iiuy other known klug of Baby- loiitii, mid when the expedition returiiN to the United Staten the marble atutue will lie ita chief treasure. Not only In the form of the cbia- clled fin"«» doca the reeeniblaiice to the Junior aenutor from New York find ex- preaalon. The curved llnea of rlaihliity tiial marked the Itvlug king na n fit companion in laughter to Mr. Depew nt once attracted the attention of the explorers mid were the aubject of np«v dal mention. "From I tenon th the thick eontlng of dirt.” the explorera' account auya. 'the marble face neemed to light up with a wonderful «nolle of gratification, for the long alccp of thouaanda of years wua ut un end and the loug lost head restored, or perhaps the amlle waa the reflection of our own feelings.** From the description that accompa­ nies the nccouut tliut haa to do with the form of the whole atutue It Is brought out that King Da-t'du wns in­ clined to physical atoutne»«, hud little hair mat an extremely high forehead and in height waa nluo quite the coun­ terpart of the wit of thousands of years Inter. Mr. I>epew could hardly full to be plema-d wltfi this description o f the Babylonian raconteur—If he was one— whose smile comes down to the mod­ ern world through tha auuda of centu­ ries. “ The hack and shoulders ore grace­ fully formed,” anys the description, “ the arms nt the elbows are free from the tasty, nod the hnnda are cluaped at the waist." The »mile, the clu»ped hands of evi­ dent self »atInfliction, bring readily to mind the picture of a good Joke Juat told and o f the Joker awnlttng the ap­ propriate applause aud laughter. E LE V ATO R S ON STEAM ERS. H a m h n r s - t m r r t r a n O c e a n l . l n r r a to Re M o r s e l » o f I . u s u r y . Floating hotela on the European plnn, with Turkish bath and elevator attachments, are about what the new monster ships o f the Hamhurg-Amerl- enn line, the Knlserin Auguste Victo­ ria nnd the America, urv to be. says the New York Evening World. The Knlserin Is to he the largest, be­ ing 705 feet long, o f 77 feet bentn, 53 f«*et 1» Inches d«*ep and with n displace­ ment of about 40,000 tons. She will have n cargo capacity of 10,000 tons, will carry «hJO first cabin pusseugers, ¡ion second cabin. 129) third class aud 2, U9 steerage. Sunset Magazine Full of Kaaciiititing Feature» of the Wonderful West. Beautifully Illustrated. $1.00 Per Y ear-1 0 cents a Copy A Fret* Sum pie Copy lo nil Each o f the ships ts to have a grill room of the proportions o f a mod«*rn restaurant. Passengers may dine when they please and order luncheons or dlu- ners for friends who may visit thffm on board. The first cabin stnterooms will have no upper berths, nnd many of these staterooms will be ns lnrge an 10 by 17 feet. Passenger elevators will run through nil five "stories,” ns the decks ndgtit properly he cnlli-d. Each ship will have a large Turkish hath nnd a gym­ nasium. ns well ns n complete tele­ phone equipment with a central switch­ board. Each will have three dtH-ks, one reserved for promenading exclusively, a second for those who wish to lounge about in deck chairs and a third for games. The time o f the ships Indween New York nnd Plymouth or Cherbourg Is expect«»«! to b « nhout seven nnd a half days. F a s h i o n '» C u n e e F o r W om en. AGENTS WANTED. Once more nn attempt Is made to mnke the cane fnshlonnhle for women, this time with a chance o f success, for Instead of the nbhrevlnte«l wand sever­ 8IJN8KT wants n »uhacription al women of fashion essayed to popu­ representative in every city hih I larize a couple of years ago nnd which looked for all the workl like n crop town. To thoae who will give all strlpp«Hl of Its thong the new stick or n p o r t io n of their time it oficra ts to be the long and beautiful staff attractive work and pays exceed­ that added so much to the dignity of ingly liberal commissions. It will grand dnmes In the reign of the Grand Monarch, says the New York Press. p u ) you to investigate. A postal Mrs. Alfred Vanderbilt favors the pro­ card will briii^ particulars. W rite spective fashion, nnd It Is possible she nt once so as to he the hrst in will try to have It taken up tn the your M il. course o f the horse show. The staff made for her marquise stick Is of hlgh- | !y polished ehony, with a gold top, a silver ferule and a turquoise tendril 4 Montgomery at.,San Francisco twining Its upper half. It Is stx feet AN ILLU STR A TE D M A G A ­ long, and Its use requires more than 5unset nagazine, ZINE for A L L the F A M IL Y or dinars dexterity. Proper mnnlpuln- lion of the gleaming toy aids Its own«*r to wnlk wltti fhnt regal glide for which I lie noblewomen of old France were 1 tilted. — —— ■ I . ■■<»■»■ . ■■■ I !»■■■- I— j N o vem b er. 'T l* th in » to »It between fhe glow O f ripened h a rv e s t» bending fair, XVIth purpling vin eyard s drooping low T h e ir (‘lu ster» through the fra g ra n t air. And »n o w clad bills that d eczlln g whlta Htretch a w fu l through tha w inter night. A b o v e the Icy »treatna below T h e tw ilig h t o f the year la thine. N ovem b er. In th y veil o f g r a y ! - K ebecca P Heed In N e w York Mali. A F r lg lite iie r t H o r s », Ruoning like msd down thè Street, il u in pi ng thè occupanti out, or a liuti- dred otlmr accidents, are every day occiirrcnce». I l behtsive» everylaaiy to bave h rcliable salve haody and thcre's none as giaal a» Bucklen's Ar- ( nicii Malve. Hurns, cuti, »or«ts, ecsema j and pile» disHppear quiekly under ita | MNitbilig effeci. 25c, nt Bruner Drng Co's. W in n in g nn O p p o n e n t. 10 Cents a Copy. $1.00 a Year. M c C l u r e s M A G A ZIN E is “ the cleanest, most stimulating, meatiest general magazine for the family,'* »ays one of the million who read it every month. It ia with­ out question “The Best at any Price.” Oreat features are promised for n«txt year— six or more wholesome interesting »liorl stories in every number, continued stories, beauti­ ful pictures in colors, and articles by such famous writer» as Ida M. Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, Kay Htannard Baker, John La Farge, Wm. Allen White, and Charles Wagner. (Jet all of it right into your home by taking advantage of thia S p ecial O ffer Send $1.00 la-fore January 31. 190'», for a subscription for the year 1906 and we will send you free the November anti December num­ bers of 1904— fourteen months for $1.00 or the price of twelve. Ad­ d re s s M cCLU RE’8. 48 f,9 East 23d Street, New York City. W rite for agents' terms. In the campaign of 1900 Kenator Cul- lom was called on to face a large uudl- enee In hla home city of Springfield. r i g h t W i l l K f Kilter. Corvallis & Eastern Railroad He saw in the audience a fellow Those who will persist ill closing townsman who had formerly !>een an T I M E CARD. Influential Republican, but who had their ear» against the continual recom Joined the opposing party aud display­ mendation of Dr. King’s New Discov­ No. 2 F or Y amucfa : ed a dangerous activity In Ita support. ery for Consumption, will have a long 12:45 p. m This man arose from hla seat and ap­ and liitter tight with their troubles, if Leaves Albany 1:48 p. ni “ Corvallis parently waa ready to begin a series of not ended earlier by fatal termination. Arrives Yaquina 0:20 p. m “ catch questions.” Before this Inten­ No. 1, RrruRxiNO. tion could be put into execution Sena­ Read what T. R. Beall of Beall, Mi»s, tor Cullom paused In hla s|atech aud has to say: “ Last fall my wife had ev-| Leftveg Yaquina 6:45 a. m in a conversational tone called out: erv symptom of consumption. Mhe “ Corvallis 11:30 a. in ••John Simpson, you're too old a man took Dr. King's New Discovery after Arrive# Albany 12:15 p. m to ataud up In nny audience that I J tut come right op here and everything else had failed. Improve- No. 3. T or A l b a s y -D etroit . talk to hold down thia chair next to mine.” nient came at once and four bottles Leave« C orvallis........ 6:00 a. m The Invitation was acet-ptod and at elltirely cured her.” Guaranteed by , Arnve« .A.!b* ny; ' ' L V * :/ ' ' Î .t? * ' - mass meeting ----- - • the man 3 3 leaves Albany for D etroit. . 7 :30 a. m the close of - the Brewer Drug Co. Price 50c, and #1.00. Arrive8 D etroit.......... 12:02 p. m announced that he was "back lu tbe Trial hoftlee free. No. 4 F r o m D e tr o it . fold,” and had “ come to stay.” - A DEPEW PROTOTYPE. (•r ip Q u ic k ly Knock«*«! Out - Salt of Life - Leaves Detroit ................ 12:35 p. , Arrives Albany.................. 5:15 p. Lv. Albany for Corvallis... 7:15 p. Arrives Corvallis................ 7:55 p. m m in ni “ Soin«‘ w«'«-ks ago during the severe winter weather Isdli my wife sn«l my- T r a i n s L e a v e K in g s t o n »«•11 contrscte«l severe colds which T h e Most Wonderful Medical Going W est........................ 4:02 p. m. »p«*«*( Is grippe with sll its miserable No. 1 arrive* in Albany in tim e to symptoms,” »ays Mr. J.8. Egle*ton of Salt of Life is the medicinal properties connect w ith 8. P. south bound train, obtained by evaporating the waters of j Maple Landing. Iowa. "Knees «ml as well as giving two or tbire hours in the fa,nova Seven Spring, .of V ir g in ». A] d* ure of 8. P. north joint« aching. mu»<-le« «ore, head stop­ Cures Asthma Bronch.riff Br.gh . bon„ / train ped up, eyes and nose running, with Disease, and all Kidney complaints, i bound Train No. 2 connect« the . . with .. - . 8. . P. alternate sp«‘lls of chills and fever. We Blood Poison an«! all Blood Diseases. began u-ing Chumt»er!ain's Cough Diphtheria and all Lung Di»eases, trains at Corvallis and Albany giving General Debility, Female Complaints, direct service to Newport ami adjacent Remedy, aiding the same with a dose Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Dinl»etis, Rheu- beaches. of Chamls-rlaiti's Stomach ami Liver j mutism. Piles and Paralysis. It kills, Train No. 3 for Detroit via Albany Tablets, unit by its lilteral use soon the cause of all diseases. Cures old leaves Corvallis at 6:00 a. nt. and con- completely knocked out the grip.” sores, ulcer*, ery«ipela«, <*czema, tet­ necta with the 8. P. Albany-Portiand local train leaving Albany at 7:00 a. These tablets promote a healthy ac­ ter, rneticial when the eases of Children. It is a general ton­ noon, giving ample time to reach the system is tigesie«l by a ctdd or st- ic, blood maker system strengthener Breitenbush hot springs the same day. Train No 4 connects at Albany with tack of the grip. For sale by Brewer an«l life prolonger. S A LT OF LIFE- has cured thou*- the Portland Albany local which ar­ Drug Co. ______ _ ___ amis of p«Fople suffering with every rives thers at 7:10, and runs to Corval­ .. ... . , .. disease in the category of misery. It lis leaving Albany at 7:15 and arriv­ l*nitvd (Mates lo.u.1 Office. K,,od »• »»y * 1. »ever harm, and un- ing in Corvallis at 7:55 p. m. Oregon n t v , Oregon, November ¿9, 19N. : d e r no circumstances can it work an For furtlier information apply to Notice Is hereby given tbst the H« 0 U Ts Pa- : 1 , : . druc but « tr u e ctfic Kxilwnv Criini'ttny made ap|>l!cati»n No injury. It 18 not H drug, OUl S true E d w i n S t o n e . Manager, vein tier 19, ltot, to select, under toe act of June natural remedy, given to un by the traeu 'oisn rveyeff Und!U»-wl»:Wln* <,,:M'rlbe<1 Almighty to kill disease and lengthen Southwest one-fourth of Northeast one- life. Thousand.« «tf testimonials can fourth. Northwest one-fourth of Southeast one- , fii r,i i wli.-rl reir-irilincr t i i c w o n d e r fu l fourth. Slid Southwest one-fourth of Southwe-t °e lumisnea regarding rne wonueriui one fourth of Section ¿4, T ow n .flip 11 South of c u r e s o f t i l l « g r e a t r e m e d y Range t Ka»t of W illam ette Meridian. j — - - - ------- WUhln the next thirty day« from date of first 1 Besides Salt of Life, I have other pubfieallou hereof, all protects or contests valuable remedies— Stomach Tablets, agHtn»( Ihe «election on Ihe ground that the Liver Tablet*, Cold Cure, and others.: land described ut any portion th e re o f.!« more valuable for Its mineral than for agricultural Persons afflicted should try these rein -; purpose*, w ill be received and noted for report to tfte I'ommlailiim-r of Ihe General Land Office etlies. Call on «>r ndtlres.« at Washing ton, i>. c. MRS. M A R Y A. FE R Y, Thl* notice I* given for the purpose of allow ­ Aumsville, Ore. ing all pcr»on* claim ing the «elected land un­ der the m ining law* or d e.lrln g to «h ow it to I«- mineral In character, an opportunity to file objection to «nrh «election with the local offi­ cial* of the t'nlted State» lottid Office at Oregon Oily, Oregon, the Land Diatrlct in which the laud «elee.ed i- «Uuatcd and to establish their We have opene«l a new Interval therein or the mlueral characters thereof. market in Stayton in the Klr*l publication December 2.1904. old Davie & Briggs stand AUlKHNoS S. D hrssf . r . Register. T ho *. C ockrell , Agent, Albany Oregon. Job Printing Keep it in your mind that T h e M ail prints New Heat Market Land Office at O irgon City, Oregon, December 1st, ISAM Notice o' the above application w ill l>e pub­ lished In the Stayton Mall, printed at Slayton, Oregon, which 1 hereby designate a* Ihe news­ paper published nearest the land described in sai«t application. A u . khnon 8. D r e w k r . Reglsier. anil carry a tine line of Note Heads, Bill Heads, Letter Fresh and Salt Meats Heads, Envelopes Bologna, Lard, Etc. O r anything else you Our price* are reasonable, S U M M O N *. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for and our meats tirst-clas*. may want at very Marlon «'ounty. Your patronage is solicited. N ellie K. Nuarhoft. plaintiff low prices. v». N. A. Nearhoff. Defendant. C. A . Stowell. To N. A. Nearhoff, the above named defendant. In the name of the Slate of Oregon you are Shop in charge of A. C. Thomas. hereby notified to appear and answer theeom- plainl of the above named plaintiff against you , iti the abtvre named court and cause, on or be­ Southern Oregon Farms. fore ilie ittli day of December, 1904, and If you AND C U R E THE L U N C 8 fall to so appear the said plaintiff w ill take a 1600 acre«, all under fence, house, judgment and decree against you dissolving the bonds of m atrimony existing between said burn, Ac. About 200a has been farmed. plaintiff and you. and awarding said plKinllff Eight miles from a good market. WITH A the care and custody of Darrell and Henry he two m inor children of pisiuttff Ao. 1 stock ranch @ #b 1») per acre and defendant named In theeom plalnt herein, i and for fhe costs of this soil and such other re- 700 acres, 5 miles from railroad, well , ' ile f as may be Just nnd equitable. This sum­ Last year’s sales ofl' from < mons Is published for six consecutive weeks tn improved. the S t a y t o n M a il by order of Hon. Wm. Gal­ place #2000. This is a No. 1. ranch | C onsum ption Prie« low ay,.lodge of the above entitled Court, the 0UGHS an# 50c &$1.00 da e of the first publication thereof being fhe and if solii soon crop goes with place. llih «lav of November. HAM, and the date of the Fres Trial. /OLDS la«« publication thereof being the 23rd day of These ranches are located in a fine December, l'.AW. SaM order of publication was . . . , , . Surest and Quickest Oure for all m ade In open court at Salem, Oregon, on the »«'C tlO n o f c o u n t r y , anti lire great bar- T H R O A T and L U N G T R O U B ­ •th day of Novem ber, 1904. earns Call on or address LES, or M O N E Y BACK. JOHN A . JEFFREY, Attorney for Plaintiff. ‘ T H E M A IL . K I L L the COUCH Dr. King’s New Discovery FOR C Kodol DY5PEPSIA CURE D IG E S T S W H A T Y O U E A T Tk* $1.00 bottle contain» 2H timet th» trial sfra. which Mila for SO cent* P » » S A » » D ONLY AT T N I LABORATORY OS E. C. D e W IT T & C O M P A N Y . C H IC A G O . IL L .