/ THE STAYTON MAIL Hy B. I) ALEXANDER. A N K W M W A R K W . - N inth Y ear . - - - - - - N O T r A N - r- - Subacrlption, $ ¡.2 6 PER A S HUM O H O A N TT ________ Our Reduction Sale Continues C/> 3 “ ft : & C on nuts, can­ dies, 7T I t/i v X m as 3 o E a a tree ornaments and other arti­ 3 cles for X m as Remember, we are offering all Dress Goods at a liberal reduction in price. Let us show them to you. THEO. GEHLEN E S I, N . J. G E H L E N , Administrator. $3.50 each. Portieres $2.50 to $3.50 per pair. Curtains at a Children's, c men's slippers n wont be w rong mmm ft for X m as. Santa Claus Has Made Our Store His Headquarters. T h ose w h o Come in and look at the nice, up-to-date goods the good old man left in our care. are contempla­ A boy's suit of Clothing at ,Here are a few of the articles Santa left in m y care: 10 per cent less than the usual Dolls, Games, Automobiles, Drums, price would be a nice X m as Street Cars, Lamps, present. Y o u would make a T o o l Chests, Candies, Books, Nuts, saving and please the boy, w h o Pictures, Fruits, Shawl*, Tie*, Handkerchief«, Vase*, is expecting and needs a new presents we Beautiful Rugs 35c to time. them. ized and pure right for X m as long wom en's and cotton mercer­ all a £2 JO table' cloths in linen are a tool chest for W e have JO Let u5 show you our Clothing bar­ gains. I been wanting ft O. 3 Napkins and T hat boy has 3 E tree decoration & o n H A special price ^ N umber STAYTO N , MARION CO U N TY, O REG ON , DECEMBER 16,1904. Sublimity Items. Hilk MulHt*. Silk Handkerchief*,! for n irf I/.tdi«* Waist Putt*-™», Neck wen r, Mis. Alta Clark «|>eiit Sunday visit­ reduction Fu«cinators, Hwcater* from 25c to W, ing Mi«. Mary Prang»-. holiday buyers Men'. Fine Shirt.— « ’ large assortment I*. M. Mermen» made n hiisines. trip nt the very lowest pric»*», at Diner's, to Portland, going Sunday and re­ suit of clothes. Sublimity. . turning Tuesday. John Zuber drove the cream wagon W antki *— \ R imm I roitd team, weight about 12«*) pound. eaeb. Would like during Mr. Mermen's ah.ence, to trade ill a ii>«,.e well mutch.nl ut ba. Portland Tuesday, where they have : Claus makes his annual appearance much iietter u»e of the other* than lie been for several w eeks with their fath­ are as neatly and handsomely decor- expected, a. the .aw penetrated tile er, Mr. Schott, who is sick. They te- ated in appropriate Christina* style as port hi* condition much improved. renter of the liautl. would tie seen in cities much more Wm. Marvin, representing the pretentious than onrs. The iact is, Mr. and Mr*. I. C. Smallinoti, of Townsend Creamery, was in town the ¡Stayton merchant* are not ‘•slow.’’ C ofvalli«, were telephoned for Sunday looking after creamery interests. They have a. choice line of holiday evening on amount of the «eriou« ill- One of the Truppist fathers of Jor­ goods, their prices are fair, and the ne., of her niotlier, Mr*. \N E. Tinnii* moat critical can find holiday gifts in a«, and they arrivati here »l.nit nine dan is visiting at Rev. Lainck's. I. J. Itoedigheimer made a business profusion, to suit old nr young, among o'clock Monday morning. They left i the many lines shown. The liter - j trip to Albany Wednesday. lor their home Thur.day. I chants of town have purchased excel Rev. A. I.ainck left for a short visit lent stocks »if holiday goods to supply Saturday evening, Dec. 24th, the to Mt. Angel Thursday. file every want of the people of this p e o p le of Slayton will have a Christ- «ection, and their efforts to please IIIIIM tree. An entertaining program Mrs. W. E Thomas, wlm was taken i. Iieing arranged. There will he a suddenly ill Inst Friday, and for sever- should tie rewarded by a generous pat­ romillitti'e at the hall the afternoon ; nl day* was in a very serious eondi- ronage. Rjiemt your money with your ; of the 24th to take chargent p ic e n i, | lion, is now much improved, and her Iiome »lealers, where you are sure of | and arrange the tree. Kveryone i. speedy recovery is looked for. getting value received. They help \ build and keep up your town, your ; invited to leave prevents for distribu­ Dr. J. W* Cole, who has been here I roads and your schools, and every dol­ tion. the past week, left to-day for his home lar yon spend with them will in part j at Monmouth, where lie will remain We have ILO acre, of fine tindier ills rut a week,« arranging his affair* return to you in some form or nmitlier, whereas the money spent away from land on the river near town for «ale or preparatory to returning to Stay ton home never returns, and the pure has- to locate permanently. exchange. ; er usually gets a had bargain. Dishes, and most anything you could think of. ting mailing will give assistance. 10 per cent re­ duction on all lamps till after Christmas. G . D. TROTTER, 3JS our S T A Y T O N , OREGON. & & Thanksgiving O ver And Christmas coming! Y ou will want a new suit of Clothes for you r­ self. Remember w e carry a select line of ready- to-wear M en's, Y outh's, B o y ’s and Children's Clothing. Every suit is a matchless bargain, for w e buy direct from the factory, thus saving our customers the jobber's profit. We also beg to call the attention of the ladies to our line of new­ ly arrived shoe*. Call for the Piinoess Quality Shoe and com ­ pare them with others. The result will greatly astonish you. Remember we pay the highest market price for produce of all kinds. Try us and be convinced. KERBER & KLECKER, Stayton, Or. Merry Christmas Comes (^h ristm as is coming, it soon will be here, The very best time of all the year. And everyone will want a pair of fine shoes to wear on that day. W e have just received a new line of FUSE SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN. Also a new supply of Boy’s School Shoes. When old Santa Claus came in from T oyla n d this year he did not hang out at the old corners, but came direct to the new store and left his entire stock of Christmas novelties with us for distribution. W e have the whole doll family, from the largest dow n to the tiny rubber doll for the infants. k I and up-to-date. Everything is new , clean, N o left over articles of former years found at the p Fred Rock Mercantile Company's Store T a k e a day off and look around at the goods at the “ left-over" counters, then come in and let us sell you a bill of the bright, new choice patterns of 1904. See Santa Claus and his reindeer in our north w indow . Fred Rock Mercantile Co., Stayton, Ore. When you want a Hat or a pair of Overalls come in and let us'show you our line. W e can please you. ALVA S n iT H , Stayton, Ore. T h e Y o u t I » ’ » C o m f H i i i u n n« a l i l f t . What other Christmas present can you chose that will give so much plea­ sure for so little money as a year’s subscription t»t the Youth’s Compan­ ion? The Holiday Numbers an«l the Calendar,joyously welcomed on Christ­ mas morning, making a good gift in themselves are but the foretaste of a whole year’s feast to coine. The mind is entertained with the numbers in hand, and the imagination revels in the pleasure that each new week will bring until Christmas comes again. If you desire to make a Christmas present of The Ytiuth's Companion, send the publishers the name and ad­ dress of the (terson to whom you wish to give The Companion, with 11.75, the annual subscription price, stating that it is to he a gift. The publishers will send to the address named, in a parcel to be opened Christmas morn­ ing, all the remaining issues for 1SK)4, published after the subscription is re­ ceived, including the Double Holiday Numbers, also The Companion’s “ Carnations” Calender for 15)05, litho­ graphed in twelve colors and gold, and suscription certificate for the 52 issues of 1905. Full Illustrate») Announcement, describing the principal features of The Companion sent to any addres* free. THE YOUTH S COMPANION, 144 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass.