The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, October 14, 1904, Image 8

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Oak Grove.
A fter Three Years.
Three year* ago this date— Oet. 14—
came into potssession of T
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ M w . riter During
these three years Stay-
Old Age
The plows have started since Mon*
day’s rain.
Several of our l*oys were pheasant
hunting Sunday and brought in some
Ueo. Smith and Jac. Staiger pur*
' chased a buggy at Philip Meier's sale
u-er of Uniou H i„, was a caller
For window glass go to Fred Bock
ton has seen many improvements and
Mercantile Co.
many changes in business have oc-
Call at Koeneke's markes for fresh
curred. The improvements and ad-
prepared mince meat.
ditions to the business establishment*
Harve Henline has opened a barber speak well for the progress of the town
shop in the Powell buildiug.
and the prosperity of the community,
B. P. Sornseh and Henry left Mon­ and are an indication that the same at Ira B. Carter’s Monday.
duration of time in the future will see
day to look for a new location.
Ervin Archibald has purchased the
E. T. N^attlueu and Willis Caldwell a larger growth than any in the histo­ B. V'. Fresh place, the price being
made a business trip to Maletu Mon­ ry of the town.
$272». Ervin can’t be really going to
The past three year« have seen a
Kev. Crandall will preach in the M. «“ ^ n t i a l increase in population and
Those who went to Cedar Camp
E. church Suuday morning and eveu several new business houses have been
returned Monday with live
j added, notably, the Fred Kock Mer-
1 use l x 1 tHntile Co.'i |(nenl (ton , M. StretT A deer.
To-night, at the opera
Co.’s hardware store, the Mtayton State
Bill Tate is able to be around after
social and concert, benefit of \V. O. W.
Bank, Stowell A Denny's meat market being laid up several weeks with three
and Cyrus Clark’s grocery store. Ker* broken ribs.
Jac. Missler cut a couple of his tin fa,r £ Klecker, successors to M. Bala-
Those who attended the dance at
gers Tuesday, and was obliged to quit ,ey h|W neHrIy doubled fhe store W. D. Cornish’s Saturday eve report a
work a few days.
room and stock of goods. The meat good time.
Those beautiful linoleums must be n)arijet, Sornsen’s blacksmith shop,
Chas. Downey, of Independence, is
seen to be appreciated, at Fred Rock the photo gallery, the hotel, the drug working at W. H. Tate's.
Mercantile Co s.
store, the furniture store, and White-
Look out for rain this winter—John
Dr. Wilbur X. Pintler, dentist, will head’s shoe store have changed hand«,
Steinberger and John Hepuer have re­
be in his office in Stayton the 16th to j Hl)j tbe familiar face of the owner is
shingled their houses.
H ay S k k d .
31st of each month.
missed from the Gehlen store.
O. V. Meyers is placing a new walk
Among the improvements are:
A Question o f Tacks.
in front of the Apple property, occu­
E. V. Fergusou, large addition to
pied by Mrs. Downing.
reader of this pa|>er sending 27»
silver, by postal note or in
Chas. Brown, large lesidence.
The postoffice at Munkers has been
John Goeders, residence improved one or two cent stamps, will be sent
c! -ed, and mail for that place should
A. J. Richardson, residence imp.
the Daily Journal one month; or the
now be seut to Shelburu.
Mr. Gist, residence improved.
j Bunda) Journal two mouths; or the
Charles, son of W. H. Henline, who
Semi-Weekly Journal three months,
recently arrived here from Arizona, i Chas. Bass, residence enlarged.
the Weekly Journal four months,
is attending the High School.
Mrs. Anna Slayton, house enlarged and in addition a match safe tilled
Bills are out for a dance at the
Stayton opera house the 21st, and also “ nd "»Proved.
I *«*»» ‘ *ck*b P™“ »«” PreP"id* Addre"
The Journal, Portland, Oregon.
Cyrus Vlaik, store bldg improved.
for ......
oue at Mehauia the same A.^
I W. O. W., second story added to
Geo. Gist was an appreciated caller
'opera house, and other improvements.
Chas. Stowell has moved into the
Monday, and will read T he M ail and
Jos. Sestak, house repaired and in.- hou># „ CRtw| by Mr8. Bai|ey.
Western Empire tha ensuing year.
pro veil.
Read all the advs. this week. They
Mary Alexander was six years old
j jr Brown, residence enlarged and
will interest you.
Wednesday, and entertained a few of ¡ mproved
Bert Watters is around again, about
her little friends in honor of the day. | ^
Brown & Sons, saw mill en-
recovered from his recent illness.
H. E. Wirth, of the new firm of farged and improved.
blacksmiths, has arrived, and the
Miss Beulah Hardin will o | mmi a
A. L. Mack, prune dryer.
family of his brother, L. 8., arrived
school Monday, and sev­
Henry Follis, water tank.
Wed oesday.
will attend.
M. J. Bpaniol, house repaired.
Alva Smith, who recently purchased , Geo. Xeibert, new store room
Mrs. Mary Grier received a bad fall
J. E. Whitehead’s shoe store, has j M. StretT A Co., new store building. ’ (,n a defective walk one evening this
Dr. C. II Brewer, new office bldg.
week, but luckily was not injured ser-
moved into the Doty house, near the
Brewer Drug Co , addition and im- iously. Many walks and crossings in
Catholic church.
town are in a dangerous condition,
N otice .— All parties indebted to me provements on store buildiug.
Fred Rock Merc. Co., new store and being so, someone is liable to bo
are requested to call at my residence
injured, and cause the town to pay
iu Stayton and settle their account.
A. L. Shreve, electric light building, damages.
B. P. S ornsen .
E. Rov and Freres Bros., double
H..E. Wirth, of the tirm of Wirth
Bros., blacksmiths, has bought Claud store I" ibling <> stone, lo.
P lo ilf"
IW *1 f Iv P t
.. , , .
jewelry store, and btayton Btnte Bank. w I l Y
* lC c tl i" lc ir i\ C l
Darbys house, next to Granuiua D ar-, ' nr
-ru „
^ j y
W. E. Thomas, imp. no M ail anil
by’s. It has been occupied
undertaking buildings.
Jac. Missler, blacksmith shop.
After spending the summer on their
Trask wlditioo to ,ivery barn.
Fresh, Salt and Smoked
farm near Sublimity, Lee Tate and
Mrs. Caldwell, imp. on residence.
family have retui ned to Stayton a n d 1 F. Silhavy, addition and imp. on
occupy their bouse
Louse in the northwest resy ence
part of town.
Daniel Neff, residence improved.
All kinds of Sausage, Mince Meat,Etc.
Henry Smith has purchased the
\y. F. Ware, addition to residence.
Highest market price paid for
Bennett property now occupied by J.
s Folreis, addition and improve-
Stock and Hides.
R. Lake, from Cyrus Clark. Mr. Lake ment8 on residence.
will move into his own house, now oc-
J. I. Crabtree, same as above.
cu pied by Frank Caspell.
Mrs. Bilyeu, same.
N otice
T i m b e r L a n d , A c t . l u n e .1, I H I S
Mrs. Shell berg, same.
Lewis Stout, of Mehama, was in
fo r r u l l i le al Ion.
J. P. Davie, same.
towu Saturday with grapes.
Cotted State» Land Office,
J. C. Eulberg, improvements.
Stout raises the finest grapes in this
Oregon C it y,O re go n ,S e pte m b e r 21, l'*oi
J. W. Young, improvements.
Notice 1» hereby given that In com plia n ce
part of the country.
He expects to
with trie provision» o f the act o f Congress of
John Kerber, improvements.
J u n e * , 1S7H, entitled " A n act for the «ale of
have some here for sale election day.
| timber lands in the States of Californ ia, Ore­
Mat. Bass, improvements.
gon , Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as
A. L. Mack was an appreciated call- \
I ext ended to all the public and states hv a -t of
Catholic church built.
| August 4,1892, lion A. Smith, of O a t e s , 1
er Wednesday. He is quite well sat­
' cou nty o f Marion, State o f Oregon,
Cheese factory built.
i this (lay filed in this office his sworn statement
isfied with his prune crop this season,;
School house and Christian Hiurch
having a fair yield. Many growers
Section No. 12, In township N o . 9 south, range
* east, and will offer proof lo show that the
I....,« nought
....L 4 1
_ o,..
... ...(„ol
did not raise enough to pay to harvest
i i i
. i
. • i land
valuable for It* timber or
T h e r e are probably other properties j „tone than for agricultural purpo*«*«.and toe»»*
tow n on
oil \
tnbllsh of hisclnlm
the Register
»rid Re-
in town
\ n ic ii imprmem
nc. have
,,aVL i reiver
thi* office
at Oregon
City, Oregon,on
E. C. Baker has our thanks for a been made, that we do DOt recall.
; Thursday, thssthdny of Decembermot.
He names
names as
ms witnesses:
witnesses: \t illiain T. Clark, of
box of three varieties of apples from
The above list represents a v very Oates. Oregon, Robert Morehouse, o f Klkhorti.
I Oregon, Charles Rain«, of Elit horn, Oregon,
his orchard. They were fine. Uregon creditable progress, and the expendi- Daniel Rains, of Elkhorn, Oregon.
takes the lead for fine apples, ami we ture of a considerable sum of money, i ahove-desco^d'¡and»0 ari'"reónès'twc i«,y til«-
I their claim*! In thin o ffice on or before «miri Mb
think this section is just a little ahead particularly in a place of this size.
day o f December, 1!)04.
A * KHpros H. D kmwrr , Register.
of the rest of the state.
During the three years just past
1 find nothing better for liver de­ many real estate transfers have taken
rangement and constipation than place both in and about town. Every
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver indication points to the future pro­
Tablets.— L. F. Andrews, Des Moines, gress and prosperity of Stayton.
Can both be supplied in our
Furniture Stock
Rockers for Old and Young.
Beds for Old and Young.
Cribs, High Chairs, Baby
Carriages, Clo-Carts, Child­
ren’s Wagons.
Come and see our Furniture line.
STREFF & CO., Stayton
Announcement to
the Public
We have now moved our stock of Clothing, Shoes,
Boots, Caps and Hats into the room formerly occu­
pied by E. Roy, and also have endued the servic­
es of a first-class shoemaker who is prepared to do
any kind of work in his line.
When you want to buy a good shoe that will stand
the wet season, buy the Reid& Hertche shoe, made
in Portland. We guarantee this shoe in every res­
pect or replace them with a new pair free if they
do not give satisfaction.
We have added considerably to our lines of Clothing,
Hats, Boots, and Shoes. When in town l<w>k us up
and be convinced that what we advertise is true. We
carry a first-class line of general merchandise at prices
to suit everybody. Try us and bring us your pro­
duce and we will do right by you.
KEKBEk & KLECKER, Stayton, Or.
To the Public
For sale by Brewer Drug Co.
Local option will be voted on in
Linn county. Last spring the meas-
ure carried in that county by &88. It
ls believed by many Linn county resi-
dents that it will he defeated at the
coming election.
To MU,e
tht} e8tate of tbe
,Hte j olin
1 Bryant, the property was sold Satur-
day lust. Rev. Henry Pelletan, rep-
resenting the Trappist Fathers, pur­
chased 185 acres near the Jordan
Catholic church. The other lands lie-
longing to the estate were sold to the
heirs. A 900 acre farm near Jordan
O C T . 2 7 , 2 H »rill 2 »
sold to tfie three sisters, Mr». Me*
World s Fair excursion tickets to
Chicago, St. Louis and all eastern Cu,|y. Mr*. Shelton and Mr*. Good- I
cities will he sold by the Great North- man for
Tl,e remainder of the
ern Railway on Oct. 27, 28 and 29, in PMt**te went lo H Bryant. It consist-
addition to Oct. 3, 4 and 5. Apply to ed ol 390 ’*crp" of farming land and
. . .
two tracts in Albany, and went at!
any Great Northern agent for rates |<;115 The l 85 acres sold the Trap
and full information.
I pista brought $3350.
I will give one 16x20
enlarged portrait with
every dozen best cab­
ordered before
Oct. 15.
A ll w ork
in the latest style and
H aving purchased the stock of Shoes, Rubbers, M en's
Furnishing Goods of J. E. Whitehead, 1 desire to call
the attention of the people of Stayton and vicinity to
the fact that I have ordered a large line of new shoes,
and shall carry a full stock of first-class goods at all
times, and shall make m y prices as low as consistent
with good business principles.
I desire a share of the patronage of the people of
Stayton and vicinity, and hope by fair dealing, good
goods and low prices to merit your custom.
ALVA s n ITH , Stayton, Ore.
T O T EP N ;
■Ì! Î A
rim es IMtló Lo« Antje lew
; T N l i f i i r n l r v . - « -
to thi a pa ptr and
receive a
Stayton Mail a Present
And s» an Iiiriucctnent to
new subscribers,
We have made arrangements to include, free, without
extra cost to you, a year’ s subscription to the WESTEK.N
EMPIRE, a vigorous magazine of life in the Golden
Mtate. Every month it contains stories and illustrations
of travel and adventure among the wonders of the great
West; hunting and fishing sports, rustic life among the
orange groves, vineyards and orchards, and complete and
reliable information about the wonderful industrial and
trade development of that section. It is a monthly mag­
azine of the land of sunshine, fruit and dowers, a source
of entertainment and instruction to those who live there
and those who are far away. It is a California magazine
with a large national circulation. We will send the Western
Empire one year free, to ail who renew or subscribe. Two
papers for the price of one.
Call or send in your subscription soon, as the time of this
offer is limited.
Sample copies may be seen at this office.