The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, July 29, 1904, Image 4

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The Stayton Mail
By B
K. I>. A L E X A N D E R . 1 ' u b l U h r r .
Filtered at the poal-oflU-e at Stayton, Oregon,
as m all mattet of the second class.
^ f l L B U R N. P I N T L E R , D. M. D.
Office over Fred Rock’s Store.
S t a y t o n ,
O kkoon .
G eneral
Prepared to cry sales in Marion and
adjoining counties. Terms reasonable.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
O RE G O N .
Barber Shop
Bath Room
Does a general barherlug business.
class bath room tn connection. A ll work guar­
anteed strictly first-class in every particular.
Transient custom solicited Customary prices.
Merchant = Tailor
S T A Y T O N , O RE G O N .
1 have on hand a full line of sample«
for Spring and Summer Suita.
Repairing and cleaning a specialty.
W a g o n a n d
P a in t S h o p
Repairing and Painting Wagons. Bug­
gies, Etc., a s|>ecialty. New wagons,
hacks, and buggies made to order.
First-class work guaranteed.
Water Street,
S afe a n d
m irle n «
D estroyer
A lg a e and T y p h o id Genua.
Stayton, Ore.
Electric Lights
Are Good Lights.
Are You Using Them?
Stayton Electric Light Co.
Phone 21.
W . E. T H O M A S ^ ^
H K N J A M 1 N . Jr
Washington. Asida iron» water pol­
lution due to germs which give rise to
typhoid and other serious diseases, sci­
entists recognise water contamination
which, without being dangerous to
health, renders the water offensive In
odor and taste and unfit for use. lti
many cases troubles hi water supplies
are produced by algae, or vegetable
growths, and not by Injurious bacteria.
Such annoyance in connection with wa­
ter supplies Is widespread. Among the
complaints oftenest heard are that the
water has a Ilsliy taste and odor; that
It tastes and smells like rotten wood:
that the water Is musty; that there Is
believed to be some decomposing anl-
■iin 1 Iwaty In It or dead flab. Sometimes
water so affected becomes so repulsive
that neither horses nor dogs will drink
It. In some eases water will be very
foul for six to eight weeks during the
hottest part of summer. In others the
special period of rank odor aiul taste
may occur d u r * g the autumn. In oth­
ers still It Is u mud all the year mut­
ter. The necessity of finding some
cheap method o f preventing or remov­
ing algae contamination o f cresa lusts
first led the bureau o f plant Industry to
investigate methods of securing purifi­
cation o f water.
l>r. Moofe and Mr. Kellerman.
who have been engaged In this re­
search, have found that It Is entirely
practicable to cheaply and quickly de­
stroy objectionable algae iu small
lakes, ponds, storage reservoirs and
other similar bodies o f water by the
use o f extremely dilute solutions of
copper sulphate or o f metallic copper.
The fact that an extremely dilute so­
lution fl tjg. 100,000» will also destroy
the most virulent typhoid and cholera
bacteria at ordinary tempera tures In
three hours Is o f great lm|>ortance and
Solutions of copper as
dilute as this are not considered In­
jurious to man or other animals. It
U stated by these investigators, how­
ever. in the report upon their work,
that the use o f copper sulphate for
the prevention o f disease Is regarded
as Incidental and Is not designed In
any way to supplant efficient preven­
tive measures now In use. It Is be­
lieved. however, that up to this time no
such satisfactory means o f thoroughly,
rapidly and cheaply sterilising a reser­
voir have t>een known, since the cop-
per sulphate Is fatal to pathogenic
forms peculiar to water, while lienefi-
clal bacteria an* not affected by It.
It Is unfortunate for the general pub­
lic that these authorities find It neces­
sary to emphasize the statement that
"no rule for determining the amount
of copper sulphate to be added can 1>®
given. Each body o f water must be
treated in the light o f Its special con­
Definite knowledge In n*gard to what
organisms are pn*sent, the constitu­
tion o f the water. Its temperature and
other Important facts are considere«!
necessary l>efore It Is possible to deter­
mine the proper amount o f copper sul-
phute to l>e added. A mlcros«*oplcal
examination thus bewmes as Impor­
tant as a bacteriological or chemical
It ls*state«l that the cost o f material
for exterminating algae w ill not ex-
cee<] 50 to 00 cents per million gallons
an«l will usually be less. The destruc-
tlon o f pathogenic bacteria re<iulres an
expenditure o f from $5 to $S per mil­
lion gallons, not including the cost of
T ro lle y
C u rrie *
Rockford, III.—Farmers In north­
eastern Illinois and the ndjoinlng see-
tlon In Wisconsin are making use o f
the electric roads to ship live stock,
butter and eggs, vegetables and other
G o o d A s s o r t m e n t o f C a t s - produets direct from their own farms
to the Chicago market. Th«*y have side­
k e ts a n d C an es.
tracks on which to load cars, ami these
Personal attention given to funerals cars are then run on to the main lines
when desired. Em balm ing after latest nnd through to destination.
It Is
methods. N o extra charge for dress­ claimed thnt this Is much cheaper than
ing coipse. Lady attendant when r e ­ driving to market with teams. Rock­
quired. A first-class hearse at a mod­ ford also is the center o f several Inter-
nrlmii lines, and trolley transportation
erate charge.
I for farm produce has become very
B u ria l Robes, Shoes, Gloves
popular among the farmers this sea-
and Hosiery Furnished.
son. In the pressure of farm work
and scarcity o f help It is a saving of
^ “ Telegraph or telep h on es! my expense.
the time and labor o f men nnd tennis
W . E . T H O M A S , S T A Y T O N . O R E . i and In other ways a great convenience
for farmers to tnke themselves and
their pr<*luce to town In this exptsll-
tloua and easy fashion. As a conse­
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ quent*?, the building up o f the farm
♦ trade In this and other plnces which
♦ are trolley centers Is evident.
: The accompanying Illustration, occur­
ring In Orange Jurld Farmer, shows a
: cheap
shed for live stock to he used
S u m m e r She«] F o r L i v e
other Leads.
T If your Inral dealer don’ t carry It write to
' us and we will see that you get it.
O regon
S hort L ine
axd union P a c ific
Three Trains to the East Daily
I«le n
C on n
The very latest Idea In entertaining
hulls not from serosa the Atlantic, but
from Purls and smart Swiss towns
where the season recently began,
where the thing now Is to entertnlu
your gu«*Htn, If not entirely In the «lark,
nt auy rate In «lurkm-ss or seiuhlark-
ness, all the time, auya the London
At a «llntier party the hors doeuvres
and soup are served ns usual In u bril­
liantly llg',ite«l apartment, ami then, to
the consternation o f |H*ople who are
new to the idea, the light goes out.
Then the iloor opens and the servants
come In carrying brilliantly lllumlusteil
guest takes his or her portion, they
help themselves to a light at the same
time, aud when every one Is served the
effect Is flllrylike. Suppose the fish
contains lobster In some form or other,
the electric light shaJe Is Iu the shn|s*
o f the head o f the lobster ami s h e d s a
delightful m l glow over the table.
The most Ingenuity, however. Is
shown when tin* Ices are served. Geu-
enilly a huge bird or U-ast. basket or
cornucopia muilt* o f let in wheeled Into
.i . und
... mu
the room, blazing with light»
tilled i
with Ices. When each gu«*st Is served
the light goes out. anti only those on
t b » p i . lie s I l l u m i n a t e t h e COME.
W h en
strawlK*rry levs are served the shades
. ,
. . . . . .
. . . .
.. ..
take either the form o f the ls*rry Itself
In crimson or the pure white blossom.
These nre given alternately to the
guests and have the prettiest effect.
A t a big Swiss hotel the Ice Is serv«*d
tn this way «*v«*ry evening. A favorite
design Is a Swiss chalet.
Tlila Is
wliceb-d In brilliantly Illuminated. Iu
each apartment are two lights and two
Ices, and when every one la helped the
twinkling lights die away and the
chalet dlsu|i|«eara on Its Invisible
wh«*el«*d table.
Another populur way o f serving the
Ice Is the |>oliir scene. RI«K*ks o f glass
represent the l«s*lM*rgs und the electric
light Is swathed In cold looking blue.
while the s n o w Is made of w hite ice
cream. Sometimes a few white chlua
animals are placed In niches In the
glass to give greater effect.
Thr«MiKli I'tilltiiiiti
mih I lotir|»t «It <-|i
lux r « r « «tally (•> O iiiih i, t'ttlfliMro, H|*«ikMi*
| »«tiirial »L*«’ |»ittx m r « <t«lty to K»u«ft« t ' l t > .
t h n i ii x h I 'l i l lu m u to u r U t • l( H |P lliK i,» r i ( | w r « i i i *
« l i t c o n d u c t» « !) w w k l v *«» tn l« » g O . r»t-1 t i l i n g
In D i n n e r I ' n r t l r e T h n t
F r u u i Svv K s e r l n n U .
clinlr CM" '««-»l» f tve) to till* K »"t «tally.
Young Wife
“ I wish to say a few words in praise
of Chamberlain's ( ’ olic, Cholera nnd
Diarrhoea Rem edy,” »ays Mrs. M attie
Burge, ut Martinsville. Va. “ I suffer­
ed from chronic diarrhoea for ten
years and during that tim e tried vari-
ous medicines without obtaining any
|M*rmanent relief. Last summer one
o f my children was taken with clmle-
ra morbus, and I procured a Isittle <»f
this remedy. Only two doses were re-
quir«*d to give her entire relief. I then
decided to try the medicine myself
and «lid not use all of one bottle be-
fore I was well and I have never since
I m - cii troubled with that com plaint.
How tin you like my
with t he new professor ?
llu b b v __ I think the
touch is tli«* best. He got $200 out
o f me fo r your lessona lust week.
uni «1 il»«*
Not vs it)i*tiitilling nil thnt i*
■ O R L A N O TO CH IC A G O .
No rimas** ul cur».
D m * 4 nt
Krom l'ortl»n «l
A m i t i
< 'hlciitfo*
I'u riU m l
N| m T| h 1
9:1 A 1 *n
\ lit H u ll
1 fix (nil.
H»H l.akt*, iN-nvi-r. Ft
U «»rlh fimnliH.K Hti
■ i%» l ’Ujf, m. I. h ii U.
(Ih lciK ii Nini K$at.
A:JA i*, ni.
A ll* till«!
F apre*«
a:IA ti. n i.
via Haut.
Mail l.nk«'
Wnrtli ,O in»h», K m i
»«■ « 11V . Ht I.4M|| n ,
Fhlc*<H|o»tld F.»Nt.
7:lft » m.
Ht. rsu l
t » * t Mail
6:it t*. in
W Ni U W«lU,|.4 »l* t o ii
H|*oli h m . " » l l » o « .
,Mt titii'fti«*- N ;fX) » m
II".Ht I' n u I. hifhlth,
M11 w » o k ««••, r h U- "X ‘9
Ml «t Fft»t.
O c e a n a n d R iv e r s c h e d u l e
For «a n Francisco ICvery Bee «lavs ■« »UD )•
a. For Astoria, wav |s>inl« ami Sortii Beach
D all» (»»*'*• i*t Sondavi si s e |> m ; Salar*la*
al uniat |. h i . Dsllv -i-rvlr* 'w ater prrm llOns
■in W lllaoo-lii* and Y am h ill klvrrs
For fuller Inform ation ask or writ** fou r
boards of health ami charitably in-
a paresi ticket ax*-nt <*r
,•lined persons, the death rat«* among
A. L C R A I G .
lienvral |*B«*<uiser V«<*ni
,.hjWrt.„ ¡„ V).ry high during tin*
R ailroad \ N a v ig a tio n « *•
. .
not went her of the »uininer m onth» m r o r lla m l. O regon
*•»«* large cities. There is not probably
one case of bowel com plaint in a bun-
,|r ,.,|
b ow *V er. lb * I
Ask the A^ent for
n**l h t r B I s d
. ...
by tin* timely in*«* ol ( lianiberlaiii s
olic, l l»ol«*ra and Diarrhoea Remedy
For mile by Hrewer Drug Go.
Ilr r lp r o r ltr .
She—Rut If you say you can’t benr
die girl, why «*tcr did you propose?
IU«—Well, her people have always been
fully good to me. and It's the only
wny t « , „ 1,1 rettnm their hospitality.—
T ,|e pj|| , , mt w i|| w||| ti||
... ,
11 .... . " E, l l” •
i o cleanse the liver, without a quiver,
Take one ut night,
D e W itt’s L ittle Fairly Risers are small
eaay to lake, easy ami gru lle io effect,
yet they are so certain in results that
no one who use* them i * «IÌMip|Mtint<*d.
For quick relief from biliousness, *ick
headache, torpid liver, jaundice, (lin i-
liess and all troubles arising from mi
inactive, sluggish liver, Early Risers
are une«|ualled. Kohl by llrcwcr Drug
C u re d u f C b rn n lc IMMrrhoeH A f t e r T e n
Y e a rs o f H u lTerln g.
Cholinonilley—I thought you Intend-
ed to mnrry Miss *>Vealthlngton? Dol-
mondley—I thought so. t«x>; but her
family object«*!. f ’holmoinlley What
did Miss Wealthing'on say? Dolinond-
lcy—Oh, she's ono o f the fnmlly, you Company,
Spokane, St. Paul, Duluth. M in ­
neapolis, Chicago, St. Louis
itml all | m nits East ami Soul Ii.
Overland Trains Daily
the Flyer and the Fa3t M a il
I.IU «-
« * » « »• • ■
“ 1 say. *1<> you believe that story of
the gooae laying a gol«b*n egg?”
“ Weil. It would be Just like a goo***
to do such a foolish thing' « ‘hums.
C 'h m n b rrlttln '«
r . liu v N
Daylight trip across the Cascade
and Rocky Mountains.
< ) m »I«* im mim I I» I m
■ti’ iiHMly
This remedy
remeiiy is certain to lo*
»*«• needed
|,*lir tickets, rates, folder«, and foil
in almost every Imme Imfore the sum- inform ation, call on or address
mer is over. It can always be «lejieml-
Ii. D IC K S O N , C ity Ti« ket Agent,
«*d U|*nn even in the most severe and
122 Third St, Portland, Or.
dangerous casts. It is especially val-
H. G. Y E K K E rt, fl. W . I*. A.
ualile for su'nmer ihxnnlcrs in chiltl-
U12 1st Ave., Kent tie, Wash.
r«*n. It is pleasant to take ami never
fails to give prompt relief. W hy not
buy it now? It may save life. For
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad
sale by Brewer Drug Co.
T I M K C A K I ».
■ l oi r « o
’It always makes me mail to talk to
One cannot say too much in favor of , n a c t o r H e pretends to listen polite
* ° - 2 Fol« YAqriNA:
12 4fi p. in.
that wonderful medicine.” This rein- |y, but his att«*ntlon Is wandering ull Leaves Albany
the time. Ever notice It?”
I 40 p. in.
edy is for sale by Brewer Drug Co.
“ No; I always talk to them aliout Arrives Yaipiina
5:40 p. in.
themaelvea.” — Philadelphia L*slger.
>'«». |, H k titkninu .
Good Advice.
I Leaves Yiiqniiui
7:15 a. in.
“ H e said he would lay the world
Working Night anil Day.
I I ¡Ml a. in.
at my fe e t,” said the impressionable
T h e busiest and m ightiest little Arrives Albany
12:16 p. in.
thing that ever was made i* D r.K ing s
No. !i. F or D k tk o it .
“ T e ll him to start with som ething
New Life F ill».
Tli«*se pills change Leaves Albany
1 :0 0 p .m .
easv,” answered Miss Cayenne. “ T e ll
him to look a fter the house rent weakness to strength, liallessness into Arrives D etro it................... 0:00 p. in.
No. 4 F rom D k th o it .
and the grocer bill and never mind energy, brain-fag into mental power.
................. 0 !|() a. in
the w orld fo r a few years yet. — T h ey ’ re wonderful in building up the
Arrives A lb a n y ..................... 11:16 a. in.
W ashington Star.
health. Only 25c |s*r box. Sold by
T r ain s L kavk K inoston
all druggists.
G o i n g W e s t . ............................. 11:66 a. in .
Weak Hearts
A re caused by indigestion. I f you eat
In lots during the very hot summer a little too much, or if you are subject
weather. It Is constructed on runners,
to attack* of imligcstion, the stomach
so that It can be moved from one lot
*wcll* and puli'* up against
to another without any trouble. The
Illustration la not correct In thnt the «lo*
tn« heart, This
i ina crowds
crowns «lo*
tiu heart
heart «m
shed Is floored. Tills of course can be shortens
breath. Rapid
shortens the
the breath.
Rapid heart
heart beat*
and heart disease is the final result.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests wlint
. . * 1 ..
. .
you eat, takes the strain til t he heart,
cures indigestion,
.lyspepsia, sour
An Ideal Touch.
t Is absolutely PURE and $
| w ill OUTWEAR a ll \
done anil In some caaes muy be tleslr-
able, but ordinary curili Is the Iwst
bottom for anything o f this kind.
The ainsi Is six f«*et high at the In-
closed cml nnd h «‘ v «* ii feet at the tlonr
end. It WH« made o f ordinary boards.
The ninnerà are 2 by ll'n, the cross
plis’ca 2 by I' m and the uprights 2 by
4’s. The roof Is ordinary one foot
hoard*. with battens, nnd the r**nr the
same. The slusl should b«* piacisi so
thnt the rear points toward tin* south.
This furnishes much relief to animals
during Rie ln*at of the day.
Going E ast......................... 2.00 p. in.
No. 1 a r r iv e s in Albany in tim e to
Notice is hereby giren that In |>nrmi»n«*<* of connect with K. I’ , smith Isninil train,
N o lle * o f
sn order <>( «sit* ma*U* »m l c i i . r e i l
by the « « « e l l as w lv in ir t w o o r t h r e e lin n r * in
County Coart of the State of Oregon for M »rlno H ,, " H K,V ," R ’ " o " r ' " D • " " « 1 r s Hi
Coanty, on the snth *l»y of .Ian*!, A . D.
ism, in A l b a n y In fo r e tlc p a r l lir e o f M I ’ , n if r lli
the m atter of the cutste of oil*«* K. shank*.
>n |n
lieorg* IV. Hharik**, ami .lay J Shank*, minor*, 1 u n u l r , l l n *
th** estui**
ol »«id u> | Train No. 2 connects with the H 1’ .
wll"..*ll xa«rdl»n'ol
at |.ubllc aiicttnn
confirmation by *«i.i'court »it the interest ol trains at Corvallis and Albany giving
*«l«t minors In the following «teserlhejl resi
property, to-wlt: U l l XlM. ( M i l ] tini T * o (l|
d ir e c t s e rv ic e
to New Is.rt
and a d ja c e n t
in Block No.Ten (I"! In Turner'» n*l*lltl*>n to beadles.
the Town of Turner, Marlon county,«irugon.a*
«*_.•_ »... •» r,._ n
• .
designated on the re**orile<l plat thcrmL Hsirt
rrntn No. 3 for Detroit, Breitenbusli
ic will be marie <>n th** noth * 1 »* *>f July, a . it. and other mountain r«*»orts lea ves A I-
latny at 1:00 p. m. *
stomach, and contributes nourish- ‘ »ferm""!} ..!** >r,.i,on the day of .ale. tots*
ment, strength atld health to everv returned to the bidder in cs»e »ala should not
. .
.. .
• be confirmed by the County Court.
organ of the b«jtly.
b«*ld by Brewer
c a k r ik j . FRKKM an *
Onsritlan of the estate <«( Olire K Hhsnk*.
Drug Co.
«leorgc \\. Shank* and J.J.Shank», Minor*, |
For further information apply to
E d w in H t o n k , Manager.
* '
T hus . C u c k r k m ,, Agent.
Albany, Oregon.