The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, February 26, 1904, Image 1

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H y E. U A L E X A N D E R .
Mur« run* fur
•or# f««'! « I
B I’ A
» ’ K W . N O T
S u b s c r ip t io n . $ ! . 2 S P E R A N N U M
N in th Y e ah .
Goat Foot
N K. W
Brewer Drug Co.
• » ini-
j .
B U B B L E S IN T O A S T S .
II u i n o r o u a
K ip rr.< n l
S e n t l i » » a f a I’ l l 1.1] 7
* 1 lilt #<j ua-ta.
A publisher one# «a ve the following:
"Woman, the fairest wofk Iri nil creti-
tlon. Tin* edition lx large, .mil nu luuu
tliould In* without 1» copy."
Great Reduction Remember that we Soaps— Fancy,
'J'lilH I k fairly seconded liy a youth
manufacture a com- Toilet and Shaving who,
in Clothes and
giving hla rtiataut sweetheart.
píete line of Flav'or- ---------------------- hum , "Deleotuble dear, ao iw crt that
Hair Brushes,
would blush I d her presence uiul
Combs, and Comb inn Extracts, nuaran- Oranges, Lemons, injury
treacle stand appalled.
and Brush Sets.
Candies and Nuts. Kurt her. In regard to the fair sex. we
pure products.
have: " Woman, she needs no eulogy;
Following ¡« :t l.iat*
slu* speaks for herself.” "Woman, the
Razor Strops,
Ext. liHOiitin, Mirawlterry, Face Powders,
hitter half of man.”
Lemon, Vanilln, Orange,
In regard to matrimony some bach­
ltnapl»*rry, Pineapple, ete.
once gave. "Marriage, the gate
and Creams, through
Rubber Goods,
which the huppy lover leaves
ground and returns to
Nutmegs, MiiKtKril, 1,'m-
Hot Water Bottles iiainon, Allspice, Cloves,
A t the marriage o f a deaf and dumb
Perfumes. couple
all reduced.
(Iitiger, etc.
some wit wished them "un­
speakable hllss.”
At a supper given to a writer o f com­
edies a wag said; "The writer's very
■urfai-e. Ita circumference In a gentle- good health. May he live to be as old
I ta D r o l l
After fh t
tnnu'K watch o f ordinary size I k tw o as his Jokes.”
From a law critic: "The bench and the
fthrlley H u d I n te rfe re d ,
ami a quarter lachea, and It tuakcK a
liar. I f It were not for the bar there
To hla "ItoKKettl P u p e rg " William •weep In each direction o f ut>out three
R ossetti naya th a t when Mhelley w iik fourths o f Its circumference. In other would be little use fop the bench."
A celebrated statesman, while dining
MnyltiK I » the villa o f the tilsbornea words. It would traverse In one second
n moat droll Ineldeut occurred. It ap n distance measuring alsiut eight und with a duchess on her eightieth birth­
[«•ara that hla aervanta. (»lus**p|>e and a half Inches. According to thla com­ day. In profjoslng her health said:
"M ay you live, my Indy duchess, un­
Aununzlata. who wore man and wife, putation. the liulnnce wheel of n watch
quarreled, mid Shelley, hiurltu; Ulti- would travel In a year over a distane# til yon liegln to grow ugly.”
" I thank you. sir.” she said, “ and
Ki*|i|ie «busing his w ife very aavngely o f :t.«77 mlh*s In round numbers, and
und also 111 using her. rushed upon him It would take the little wheel Ju «t six may you long continue your taste for
with a pistol, shouting' " I ’ll shoot you! | years eight months to clrcumvolve the antiquities.” —Ixindon Tlt-BIts.
I'll shoot you!” The startled fellow gioite by way o f the equator,
run for his very life, Mhelley after i
O d d H a i r S t y lr s .
him. till the servant, coming to a shrub- ! M r s * H j i t r u i OB B o a r d a M a n - o f - » » n r .
f une o f the New llebrid«*s people do
hery o f laurels. uiufing<*d to slip under
The messing system on board a big their hair up In a bunch on the top of
them. Mhelley. In his eagerness, darting man of war Is as complex and complete the head and stain It yellow, while the
past hint. The servant In a few min­ as the table service o f u big hotel. Tin» Inhabitants o f Otuhui Island puss It all
utes found It (Kisslble to dodge buck I (1]o(!crn war ship, with Its five or sir through a rutie so as to make u kind of
Into the house unpcreelved. Mhelley. hundred persons on hoard, must tie a plume. The Marquesas ch iefs favorite
seeing him no more, at lust went hack lion ting hotel and storehouse In Itself. ijiethisl Is to shave all the head except
to the house, where, to Ills unutterable Every vessel of the navy Is required by two patches, one over each temple,
surprise, he found Giuseppe mid A 11- the regulations governing the navy to where he cultivates two horns o f hair.
Jiunzliitn sitting together In the most have a general messing system. Tin* No doubt this is to render him more a
amicatile manner, addressing each oili­ enlisted men on ship ure divided tut) thing o f terror to his enemies than of
er ns "curo” and "carissima.”
“ But | squads of about twenty each, forming admiration to his friends. Ills reason
were you not quarreling even now 7 ’ 1 a mens. Chief petty otticers and oth- for shaving the rest o f the bead Is to
exclaimed til*' perplexed |HM*t. "Qusr | eers' servants are not Included In tlijs allow more space for tattooing, as If ull
rellng?" gasped tilliseppe In uniate division. Every mess lias one or two the available skin of the body were uot
meut. “ No. signor. we never quarrel- ' petty otticers nt Its table, who fare like enough.
• si.” "But I have liecii running after | the men. Every nn*sr hu. Its special
you In order to shoot you.” “ No. si mess man. who brings the food from me
Wh#n You H m # m Cold .
i. nor. you never ran after me. for I liar« ! galley ami serves It at the table. It Is
action when you have a
tn*en sitting here for the last hour nt ulso the m en man's duty to see that tin
mon». You must have fancied all tills.' mess table and ni'*ss gear are clean and cold should he to relieve the lungs.
And Giuseppe and Annunzi««". win In order. The messes on board ship are This is liest tccomplislied by the free
had I k J t li been considerably fi**^ tened under the direct supervision of the com use of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.
continuing to assure him that they Inni mlssnry department, which Is under
This Remedy liquefies the tough mu­
had no quarrel, mid Mary Shelley, j the control o f the pay othcers.—tjun-
and causes its expulsion from the
whom they Inni let Into the secret. *uy tou's Magazine.
llig the same. Mhelley was at Inst utter
air cells of the lungs, produces a free
!y mystified mid Inclined himself to tie-
Drlnklntf and *mokInK.
expectoration, and opens the secre­
lieve that he must have funded It.
“The prevalent Idea that drinking tions. A complete cure soon follows.
and smoking are companion vices Is al­
This remedy will cure a severe cold in
R i e r a » I»e Energy.
together wrong.” suld n physician who
Energy Is u flue thing, hut. like has made n special study of dipso uni- *‘i‘* time than any other treatment
steam, it needs a little restrulut mid nln. ” 1 And. on the contrary, that the and it leavps the system in a natural
careful guiding. If the safety vulve habitual drunkard Is not abnormally and healthy condition. It counteracts
doesn't work there's likely to Is* a addicted to the use o f tobacco, lie may |
any tendency toward pneumonia. For
breakdown or n blow up now and then. use the we«*d ns u lesser stimulant . , ,
The nervousy, fidgety woman Is a when not strongly under the Influence ',,,le
Brewer Dru8 Co*
dreadful bore. Hbe ruffles up the at­ o f nlcohol, but when the drink gets 1 --------------------------------
mosphere and imikea everybody wish Urtnly Intrenched In his system he cares
she would tuke a vacation and rest up nothing for tobacco, for then It tins lost
like sixty. Nome uf thorn* people who Its force and Its Influence upon Ills j
fly around the fnstest do the least nerves. O f course 1 mean In extreme
W e c a r r y the largest Stock
work, und the proper tiling to acquire
"On the other hand. It Is n rather
reliable Seeds in the Valley,
Is balance. Work ns linnl as you want
to. but let up when the moment for curious fact that In the case of the And make A Specialty of FArm
letting up arrives. There Is a limit to moderate drinker, who also smokes, the Seeds of a II kinds,
human endurance, anil when you go cutting off o f Ills supply o f tobacco will ’
Is-yond the limit you never get Imek Increase his appetite for alcoholic bev­
Into the valve o f strong endurance and erages, and while at first the liquor
flue vitality. It Is the man or the wo­ will not affect him nearly no much hs
man who knows how to work and how when he Is smoking. In the end It will
Pi'obAbly the two most prof-
to rest who gets things done nil tine do him up. Consequently It Is safe to itAble crops thAt can be grown.
and shipshape and without tearing the assume that the man who always usisi
Just send us a list of what
roof off Its feet. These remarks may liquor and tobacco In moderation will.
lie blunt, like a chisel, hut they're ns If he gives up tobuoco, take more you want; w e would be glad
true as the fact that the Lord made lit- I strongly to liquor. In fact, this Is no
assumption; It has been demonstrated to quote you prices.
tie apples.—Chicago ifc-eordTIeraltl.
on numerous occasions.” —Philadelphia
D. A . W H I T E & S O N ,
O d d Stree t Nnm ea.
Feedmen & Seedsmen,
In Clorkenwcli. England, there Is a
III» K d uru tin ii W a s n 't Com plete.
street culled Kick led Egg walk.
301 Com’I St., Salem, Ore.
No more courteous Judge ever pre­
takes Its name from Pickled Egg tav­
______________ i__________._______________
ern, which formerly stood there and sided nt n trial than the venerable for­
made a specialty of serving pickled mer Justice o f the New York court of
eggs. An Interesting London thorough­ common pleas. Charles P. Daly. The
fare Is Hanging Sword nlley, which story Is still told among our New York
Is mentioned In Dickens' "T a le o f Tw o lawyers how on one occasion n young
London has also Flcklctier- attorney, while trying a ease. Indulged
rlng street. In Leicester Is a street In considerable vituperation o f his op­ Ara due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine of every
called the Iloly Bones nnd another ponent's witnesses. Anally going so far one hundred people who have heart trouble
called (»allows Trey (»ate. Hull has ns to answer the court very sharply can remember when it was simple Indiges­
a street with the extraordinary name, when requested to modify his lan­ tion. It Is a scientific fact that all cases of
heart disease, not organic, are not only
tlie Land o f Green (linger. Corydon guage.
Knowing that Judge Daly was some­ traceable to. but are the direct result of Indi­
has a street named Pump Pall, and
there some years ngo lived Peter Pottle, what o f a stickler for the dignity of gestion. All food taken into the stomach
a dealer In furniture. The most dnrlng the Judiciary, lawyers and court at­ which falls of perfect digestion ferments and
•wells the stomach, puffing It up against (he
• if fare# writers might well have hesi­ tendants gnz«>d at the offending attor­ heart. This Interferes with the action of
tated to Invent ii combination o f name ney In amazement.
There was a long Interval of silence. the heart, and In the course of time that
and address so Improbable ns that
delicate but vital organ becomes diseased.
Mr. D. Kauble. of Nevada. O.. say»: I had stomach
which really belonged to Peter Pottle Finally the Judge lenned over the bench
trouble and waa In a bad atate as I had haart trouble
and said, with an Ironlonl smile;
o f Pump Pail.
with it. I took Kodol Dyapepaia Cure (or about four
“ My young friend, before you are as montha and It cured me.
ns I am you will have learned that
T h e l a b o r o f a W atch.
Kodol Digests What You Eat
The little balance wheel o f a watch It Is about ns well to read Chesterfield and relieves the stomach of all nervous
strain and the heart of all pressure.
vibrates five times per second. Imag­ ns Blaekstone.” —Success.
Bottles only. S t.00 Sire holding 2 H time» the trie!
ine that this wheel. Instead o f swing­
site, which sells for 50c.
ing back and forth like a pendulum, Redd A ll the Advertisements. Prepared by I . a D eW ITT A OO., OHIOAQOk
Clover and Grass Seeds.
Field Peas and Vetches
W eak
H e a rts
N umber
Items at Random
For Prudent Buyers.
5« meat fork................................ 3c.
5c lamp shade............................ 3c. i
2-pint tin cups ............................ 5c.
10c 1-pint bottle wash ammonia.. 7c.
15c Acme Hour s ifte r .................... 9c.
10c K. Z. Ketch mouse trap.........5c.
1-pint retiiined long handledipper 5c.
5c large tasting s|*>on.................. 3c. J
5c wire potato masher.................. 3c.
5c sad-iron stand ............................. 4c. i
10c salt or pepjier shake.................8c.
6-qunat h e a v y tin b u ck et............. 10c.
8-quart heavy tin bucket, wood
hand hold............................... 20c.
12 quart heavy tin bucket, called
by some as anti-rust....... . ,35c. !
20c 6-in stove pipe, not rusty, best
m a k e...................................... 15c.
1.00 Deitz cold blast blizzard lan­
tern ........................................75c.
60c Raul's Leader No. 0 lantern . ,45c.
Do You Use Soap?
If you don’t you ought to.
5, ro and 15c soap
78 prs men's shoes to go at
% off regular price.
at 3c per bar,
Saturday, Feb. 27 only.
Ask the Agent for
„O regon
S hort line
«so union P a cific
Three Trains to the East Daily
Through Pullman standard and tou ri«t«leep -
Iug cars daily to Omaha, Chicago. Spokane;
tourist sleeping cars d ally to Kansas C ity;
through Pullm an tourist sleeping cars (person­
ally conducted) weekly to Chicago, Kansas
C ity; reclin ing chair cars »seats tree) to the
Kant daily.
h o u r s
No change of cars.
Dr P a RT
From Portland
A r r iv e
fr < a
9:15 p m.
via Hunt­
Salt Lake, Denver, Ft.
Worth .Omaha,Kan­
sas City, St. Louis,
Chicago and East.
5:25 p. m.
8:15 p. m.
via Hunt­
Salt Lake Denver. Ft.
Worth,Omaha, Kan­
sas C ity, St. Louis,
Chicago and East.
St. Paul
Fast Mail
7:45 p. m.
W alla Walla.Lewlston
Spokane. Wallace,
11s,St. Paul, Duluth,
Milwaukee, Chicago
and East.
Spokane, St. Paul, Dnluth, Min­
neapolis, Chicago,
ami all points East.
T R A I N S D A I L Y 'Y
9:00 a. m.
Day Coaches, Palace and Tourist
Sleeepers, Dining and Buffett
Smoking Library Cara.
8:00 a. m.
Daylight trip through the Cascade
and Rocky Mountains.
O c e a n a n d R iver S c h e d u l e .
For den Francisco—Every five «levs at 8:00 p.
m. For Astoria, way point» ami North Beach— 1
For full particulars,
Dally (except Sunday) at 8:"0 p. m.: Saturday
at 10:00 p. in. bally service 'w ater perm lttliiK) etc., call on or address
on W illam ette and Yainhtli hirers.
For fuller inform ation ask or w rite your
nearest ticket agent or
General I’asssnger Agent,
The Oregon Railroad A- N avigation Co.
Portland, Oregon.
W A N T E D — T R U S T W O R T H Y LA-
dy or gentleman to manage business
in this county and adjoining territory
for house of solid financial standing.
$20.00 straight cash salary and ex­
penses paid each Monday direct from
Expense money ad­
vanced; permanent position. Address
Manager, 605 Monon Bldg, Chicago.
rate?, folders,
H. DICKSON, c. t . a .
122 Third St, Portland, Or.
S. G. Y E R K E S , G. W . P. A.
612 1st Ave., Seattle, Wash.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
T i m b e r I . a n d , A r t . l i m e 3, 187 K - N o t i c e
for P u b lica tio n .
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds of
food. It gives instant relief and never
falls to cure. I t allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take it. Byltsusemany
thousands o f dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. I t
iB unequalled for all stomach troubles.
United States I.and Ofllee,
Oregon C ity, Ore. January 4,1908.
Notice is hereby given that In com pliance
with the provisions o( the act of Congress of
JuneS, 1878, en titled " A n act for the sale of
tim ber lands in the states of California, Ore­
gon, Nevada, and Washington te rrito ry ," as
extended to all the public land states by act of
4, 1892, banlel Reid, o f Portland
county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this
day fifed In this ofllee his sworn statem ent No.
8844 for the purchase o f the 8W quarter ot See.
No. 28 In Township N o .lt South Range N<>. 8
East and w ill offer proof to show that the land
sought of more valuable for its tim ber or stone Prepared only by E. O. I>a W it t A Co. .Chicago
than for agricultural purposes end toestahllsh
T h e il.bottlecoatalnslH times the50c. size.
his claim to said land before the Register and
R eceiver of this ofllee at Oregon C ity, Oregon,
on W ednesday, the 28rd dav o f March, 19(M.
He names as witnesses: O liver Landingham ,
B oat Tobtcce gpK sad Stacks tour Life Away.
P. M. Sullivan, George J. Frlchette, and Fred
T o quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag­
F lorey , all of Portland. Oregon.
Any and all persons claim ing adverselv the netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take N o -T o
above described lands are requested to file Boo, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
their claim s In this office on or before said 23rd strong. A ll druggists,
I I. Cure guaran­
day of March. 1904.
Booklet and sample free. Addreaa
ALGERNON 8. DRES8ER, Register.
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or Now Y o r k
H can’t help
but do you good