THE SPOKESMAN • TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2022 A11 Rangers Lead the Way! Jason LeGrand you are one of a kind, thank you for all of the random acts of kindness! You are LIMITLESS! Also, Bosco is the best boi. MIKE QUINLIVAN Thank you for your service! Thank you for your service, dad. You are the reason I joined the Air Force too. Love, your son Sean Semper Fi SPC STEPHENSON Thank you for being the best husband, dad, step- dad, friend, brother, son, Batman, comedian, gamer, mechanic, hoarder, collector, and soldier. We love you! From your crazy family! Max Miller, Airforce Thank you for your service. You are a good role model. Miss you buddy! Clyde Evans, Vietnam Navy Veteran Mike my Devil Dog. You are our hero! Always putting others first. No one left behind. We love & respect you. Kim Chi Fail to plan, plan to fail . Thank you for serving! RONALD BERTRAM Steve Guilliams Thanks for your service. JIM MORSE You’re a true Marine & our hero! Thank you for your service. Love, Mom & Dad We appreciate your service for our country more than you know. And we appreciate all you have done for us as our neighbor and friend. We love you Jim! Thank you for your service Colonel John Miller Founder of the COCC Aviation Program Thanks to al l veter ans Thanks to We Thank You For Your Military Service Clyde Your Veteran Friends Forever Gar y Wir th for his ser vice. Thank you Central Oregon Veterans for your service. From the M Jacobs family.