GROWTH Members of REDI, EDCO and the Redmond Chamber of Commerce joined the mayor and BASX Solutions senior leadership for a past groundbreaking ceremony. companies with needs and suppliers that can fulfill such needs, leading to development and growth of our community. • We think of ourselves as dot connectors or catalysts —we make connections that make things happen. • We help businesses secure Spokesman file funding for financial sustainabil- ity. • We’ve helped hundreds of Redmond businesses devel- op, grow, and progress, and in turn have helped thousands of local residents live a prosperous life. How we’re funded REDI is partially funded by the City of Redmond and De- schutes County, and the remainder by 100+ investors who believe in our mission and want to ensure Redmond is and remains a great place to live and prosper. Specifically, REDI is funded jointly by the public and private sectors. Local businesses, organizations, and individuals make one- to five-year commitments of financial contributions to the general fund of the organization. These operating funds support an annually updated three-year strategic action plan that sets the long-term vision and parameters for our day-to-day operation. Without the ongoing support of our investors we cannot realize our vision for Redmond of creating prosperity through community and business development. We wish to thank 44 each of the individuals, companies, and organizations listed on our website ( for their support. REDI investor intangibles No matter what investor level you choose, there are bene- fits and opportunities galore in being a part of REDI. Here are just a few: • Opportunity to network with many key business leaders, including REDI board, for insights, mentoring, guidance, etc. • Increase possibility in forming partnerships between businesses. • Community — be a player and stay connected in Red- mond’s business community via our quarterly newsletter and weekly blog posts. • Be first to know — learn about upcoming business news early on, such as economic risk factors, business opportu- nity tips and insights, often prior to public announcement, economic trends and forecasting, new business develop- ment opportunities, and more. • Access to annual socials. • Be a leader in efforts to recruit and retain the best and brightest people and businesses to Redmond. • Word-of-mouth promotion and referrals via REDI chan- nels and contacts. • Feeling good about building the future of Redmond as a prosperous community. • Investing in REDI means you’re investing in Redmond’s industry, and that means you’re helping to bring jobs, em- ployees, customers, patients, etc. for all Redmond business and the local economy.