The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, October 25, 2022, Page 18, Image 18

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Wren Jackson
Danny Sales
Sales moved about two years ago and said he’s never
said, ‘Why can’t we live over there?’” Stelle said. “It took a
going back to the Willamette Valley.
couple of years, but we made it happen.”
“I’ve always liked Central Oregon because you get a little
Her family moved to Central Oregon in 1998 and just four
bit of everything,” Sales said. “Awesome local breweries. I’m
years ago moved into Redmond to be closer to her mom,
a foodie so there are awesome restaurants
who lives in town.
here. The people are awesome. A lot of
Although Stelle and her husband are
local business here, not big corporate-ori-
constantly on the go after they sold their
“One year, in
ented ones and I like that.”
home and moved into a traveling RV, they
particular, on
The love for Redmond even trickles down
still consider Redmond home base. It’s
the way home (to
to its younger residents, who didn’t nec-
their foundation.
essarily have a say in moving to the area.
Another thing people can’t seem to get
Portland) I said,
Wren Jackson and her family moved to
enough of is the weather in Redmond.
‘Why can’t we
Redmond from Eagle Point in 2019, when
East Coast-er Kathy Lamoure moved to
she was nine years old.
the area to be closer to her granddaugh-
live over there?’
“It was a difficult transition,” she said.
ters, and she has since fallen in love with
It took a couple
“The move separated me from my entire
the High Desert. She said another plus for
of years, but we
friend group.”
her is the quick access to so many different
Jackson said she’s ultimately happy
ecosystems — the coast, the mountains
made it happen.”
with the move. She likes Redmond for
and the lakes.
— Anita Stelle
how small it is and the convenience of
“There’s a lot of traveling you can do that
walking everywhere. And it doesn’t hurt
isn’t congested and easy to go to,” Lamoure
that she now has a bigger friend group
said. “Smaller and a lot less people com-
than when she left Eagle Point.
pared to other places.”
Over the past years, an average of three people have
And for those who don’t want to travel out of the town,
moved to Redmond every single day — a pace that is sur-
there’s so much right in Redmond. At least that’s what Dan-
passing the city’s projections.
ny Sales discovered since moving from Springfield.