Section 2 - Adult Novice - Black and White - Self/ Commercially printed (Includes sepia) CLASS 10031 Architecture 10032 Cats & Dogs - Domestic 10034 Character Study/Portrait 10036 Shadows/Reflections 10037 Floral 10041 Landscapes 10047 Seascape/Ocean (day shots) 10048 Patriotic 10051 Transportation - Functional, boat train, plane, etc. 10052 Texture/Pattern 10053 Waterfalls/Rapids 10054 Wild Animals or Birds 10055 Winter Scene 10056 Fences Section 3 - Adult Advanced - Color Prints CLASS 10100 Action/Sports 10101 Architecture 10102 Cats & Dogs - Domestic 10103 Intensely Magnified 10104 Character Study/Portrait 10106 Shadows/Reflections 10107 Floral 10110 Insects & Butterflies 10111 Landscapes 10113 Spring & Fall 10114 Pet/Farm Animals (no dogs, cats) 10115 Photo taken at last year’s Deschutes County Fair 10116 Bridges 10117 Seascape/Ocean (day shots) 10118 Patriotic 10120 Sunrise/Sunset 10121 Transportation - Functional, boat, train, plane, etc. 10122 Texture/Pattern 10123 Waterfalls/Rapids 10124 Wild Animals or Birds 10125 Winter Scene 10126 Fences Section 4 - Adult Advanced - Black and White - Self/ Commercially Printed (Includes sepia) CLASS 10131 Architecture 10132 Cats & Dogs - Domestic 10134 Character Study/Portrait 10136 Shadows/Reflections 10137 Floral 10141 Landscapes 10147 Seascape/Ocean (day shots) 10148 Patriotic 10151 Transportation - Functional, boat, train, plane, etc. 10152 Texture/Pattern 10153 Waterfalls/Rapids 10154 Wild Animals or Birds 10155 Winter Scene 10156 Fences Section 5 - Youth - 13 - 15 Commercial/Self Printed - Color or Black and White CLASS 10200 Action/Sports 10201 Architecture 10202 Cats & Dogs - Domestic 10203 Intensely Magnified 10204 Character Study/Portrait 10206 Shadows/Reflections 10207 Floral 10209 Barns 10210 Insects & Butterflies 10211 Landscapes 10213 Spring & Fall 10214 Pet/Farm Animals (no dogs, cats) 10215 10216 10217 10218 10220 10221 10222 10223 10224 10225 10226 Photo taken at last year’s Deschutes County Fair Bridges Seascape/Ocean (day shots) Patriotic Sunrise/Sunset Transportation - Functional, boat, train, plane, etc. Texture/Pattern Waterfalls/Rapids Wild Animals or Birds Winter Scene Fences Section 6 - Youth - 16 - 18 - Commercially-Self-Printed - Color or Black and White CLASS 10300 Action/Sports 10301 Architecture 10302 Cats & Dogs - Domestic 10303 Intensely Magnified 10304 Character Study/Portrait 10306 Shadows/Reflections 10307 Floral 10310 Insects & Butterflies 10311 Landscapes 10313 Spring & Fall 10314 Pet/Farm Animals (no dogs, cats) 10315 Photo taken at last year’s Deschutes County Fair 10316 Bridges 10317 Seascape/Ocean (day shots) 10318 Patriotic 10319 Frogs/Toads/Mushrooms 10320 Sunrise/Sunset 10321 Transportation - Functional, boat, train, plane, etc. 10322 Texture/Pattern 10323 Waterfalls/Rapids 10324 Wild Animals or Birds 10325 Winter Scene 10326 Fences DEPT. R - KIDS CORNER Superintendent: Coco Jaramillo, 541-527-0152 Assistant Superintendent: Courtney Singleton, 541-604-4489 (No calls after 8:00 pm, thank you!) Drop-off Time: Saturday, July 30, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm Premiums: First - $5 • Second - $4 • Third - $3 Dept. R – SPECIAL AWARDS Best of Show: 6 & under, 7 to 9, 10 to12, Superintendent’s Choice Theme Award: All classes and ages within the Dept. will be eligible. All Youth will be judged together for the ‘Theme’ award. Entries will be judged on originality, ability level and approximation to the theme. Indicate on the exhibitor tag that the entry is in this class by inserting the word ‘Theme’ on the tag in the upper right-hand corner. ‘Theme’ is not a class by itself. A $10 award will be given to each of the above winners: It will be included in the Premium checks. KIDS CORNER GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS Please refer to DCF General Rules & Regulations in front of Exhibitor/ Premium Book. • Exhibits must have been completed within the last 2 years and not previously exhibited at the Fair. • Exhibits are to be created especially for Fair entry. PLEASE NO ORGANIZED SCHOOL, DAYCARE, OR ART CLASS PROJECTS. Items that are obviously done in a class setting will not be judged. • Every effort is made to protect exhibits but occasional accidents may occur, exhibitors do so at their own liability. • CHILDREN MUST BE PRESENT ON DELIVERY DAY TO RECEIVE WRISTBANDS. NO WRISTBANDS WILL BE GIVEN OUT TO PARENTS OR DAY CARE PROVIDERS. NO EXCEPTIONS! (Children who exhibit in Open Class & are 12 or under as of January 1st of the current year can receive a wristband for free admission to the Fair Wristbands are non-transferable. If your child CAN NOT be present at drop off on Saturday please consider entering in another department. (See Below) Always read all Department & Section specific entry requirements. • Children may enter up an age group only if the class is not available in their age group. For example a 3 year old may enter a nature craft in Section 4. Other Departments with popular Youth classes: • Dept. I- Land Product (Tuesday Entry Day) • Dept. J- Floral (Tuesday Entry Day) • Dept. K - Baked Goods (Monday Entry Day) • Dept. M – Clothing & Textiles (Saturday Entry Day) Please read carefully. Any entries that do not follow guidelines are subject to disqualification for judging. Section Specific Instructions: Art • NO GLASS, PLEXIGLASS, WOOD, OR FRAMES OF ANY KIND WILL BE ACCEPTED. • To encourage creativity in our youth, we are not accepting paint by number, pre-printed coloring sheets, or multiple classroom art works. • When selecting a medium (class), use ONLY that medium.(i.e. A pencil drawing colored with marker would qualify as a ‘Mixed Media’ entry, not a ‘Felt Marker’ entry) • Artwork may be no larger than 12” x 18”. • Please see Mounting Instructions below. Photography • NO wood, glass, plastic, or metal framing will be accepted. • Photos (including mounting) should be no larger than 5” x 7”. • Photos must be taken by children with amateur equipment. Only amateur photos will be considered in judging. • Please see mounting Instructions below. Artwork & Photography Mounting Instructions: • To help the judges and our volunteers kindly adhere to the following instructions. • Please mount all artwork & photos on a stiff/heavy backing. Poster/foam board, the back of a cereal box is sufficient. Backing is for logistical purposes in hanging exhibits and not judged. • Name, exhibitor’s #, and age of artist should be attached to the back of each exhibit. • Entry tag should be taped in the lower right hand corner of artwork. Tape back of tag to back of exhibit, printing should be facing the front. Use a tag WITHOUT a string. • All Artwork & Photography must be able to hang with a clothespin. • Mounting examples available on Facebook ‘2018 Deschutes County Fair - Open Class Kid’s Corner’ Handcrafts • Handcraft exhibits are limited in size to NO MORE THAN 2’ x 2’ maximum. • Place small items INCLUDING beaded items, jewelry, etc. on a hard backing or paper plate, cover with plastic or Ziploc bag. We don’t want small items getting lost. • All entries must be ready for tabletop display. • Lego’s and constructs will NOT be accepted. Community Involvement Project This year the community is encouraged to bring in supplies to help support the less fortunate. We are asking for donations of non perishable food items. Other needed items are socks, hand warmers, refillable water bottles, personal hygiene items, etc. Donated items will be shared with Neighbor Impact and the Bethlehem Inn. All entries will receive a participation ribbon. Community Involvement ~ Section 11 Class 11270 Section 1 – Art (0-3 years old) CLASS 11050 Crayon, any item 11051 Pencil, any item 11052 Felt Marker, any item 11053 Watercolor, any item HTTPS://EXPO.DESCHUTES.ORG/P/FAIR/EXHIBITOR--CONTEST-GUIDEBOOK 2022 Deschutes County Fair Premium Book | 27