P4 THE SPOKESMAN • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2021 ¤ ¤ £ ¡ ¤¥ Everɖ yeaȨ mɖ familɖ decorateȮ treeȮ witǝ candɖ caneȮ. Anƿ wǃ makǃ Ɲ snowmaǾ witǝ mɖ sisteȨ. Kenleǃ G . Sagǃ Elementarɖ 4tǝ Gradǃ Christmas means to spend time with family and friends and to be grateful. Also to love the people who were with you through the hardest. My family holiday tradition is to read the note the elf left and to make piles of presents and shake them and guess what it is and to see who can stay outside in the snow the longest. Emma Sage Elementary 4th grade. 7KHPHDQLQJRI&KULVWPDVLVEHLQJZLWK\RXUIDPLO\DQG ORYHGRQHV0\IDPLO\WUDGLWLRQLVRSHQLQJDSUHVHQWRQ &KULVWPDV(YH0HUU\&KULVWPDVDQGWRDOODJRRG1HZ