P4 THE SPOKESMAN • WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 2021 FLASHBACK Albanian college student seeks way to stay 100 years ago May 26, 1921 — Plan Patri- otic Decoration Day Parade Monday Members of all patriotic and fraternal organizations of Redmond will participate in a Memorial day parade Mon- day morning, according to arrangements perfected yes- terday by American Legion committees. The program announced for the day provides for the pa- rade to start from the Knights of Pythias hall at 9 o’clock. The marching bodies will pass up Sixth street to “G” where trans- portation will be provided to the cemetery. It is planned that the pro- gram shall occupy but a half day, and the services at the cemetery will be short. Ar- rangements have been made to have prayer led by the Ref. J.W. Cabeen and a short address by the Rev. C.M. Brown. A firing squad from the American Legion will give a sa- lute over a grave to be prepared in honor of the unknown dead. A special invitation is ex- tended by W.I. Smith, in charge of the program for the day, to the veterans of all wars who are now living in Redmond or vicinity, and to gold-star moth- ers. 75 years ago May 30, 1946 — More to Police Work Than Pouncing on Drivers at Stop Signs, Says Chief There is a little more to be- ing a policeman in Redmond than to just sit around at some intersection and wait for an unwary driver to ignore the stop sign, according to Chief of Police Jess Edgar. Ever since the department was increased from three to four men several weeks ago it has been under scrutiny by budget makers and others, and Edgar has been called upon numerous times to explain just why it is that four men are need to fill on on the 24 -hour per day, seven-day per week schedule. Edgar explains that in the first place, the actual hours of scheduled time on patrol duty or in the office represent only part of the time that is de- manded of the officers, since they are always on standby duty and are subject to call 24 hours per day. The process of arresting peo- ple and putting them in jail is actually only a minor part of the police routine, Edgar ex- plains. The police have to be their own jailers, bailiffs and bookkeepers in each case, and have to follow through on each arrest until the case has been cleared through court and all the penalties have been en- forced. Meanwhile the officers are busy chasing dogs, running the dog pound, rounding up stray cows, horses and chickens and riding hard on peddlers. There are occasions when these ped- dlers are as hard to keep track of as a colony of ants. Some of them pretend they never heard of the city’s “Green River” or- dinance, and are sometimes at work in several parts of the res- idential districts at once before the police get tipped and start tracking them down. In their daily work the police license bicycles, inspect trailer houses, settle family fights, en- force traffic rules, building and sanitary regulations, and do a variety of work connected with state and federal law enforce- ment agencies. Redmond police are their own stenographers and book- keepers for the most part, and have to work out their own fin- ger print records, accident re- ports, receipts, complaints and other papers, and have to do SOLUTION Sudoku on Page 2 Spokesman file photo Andi Dede shows sponsor Anna Jeffrey photos of bunkers in his home- land of Albania. their own filing and indexing. These duties are all in ad- dition to their regular job of patrolling the city, Edgar ex- plains, quieting drunks, check- ing doors and lights, keeping an eye on the hobo jungles and generally enforcing the traffic ordinances. 50 years ago May 26, 1971 — Statistics dampen chances of four-lane Highway 97 Any hopes Deschutes County residents may have held for a four-lane highway between Redmond and Bend were dampened by the recent arrival of a statistical report from the Oregon State High- way Division. Cost of modernizing the 14 plus miles to full fourlane standards would cost approx- imately $8 million, according to R.L. Porter, state highway engineer, who pointed out that from 1968 through 1970 inclu- sive, only three fatal accidents occurred on the section. Two were caused by vehicles run- ning off the road at night, and a third involved a pedestrian during darkness. Porter included statis- tics showing that from 1965 through 1969, the Red- mond-Bend section of High- way 97 had experienced be- tween 1.55 and 2.78 accidents annually, compared to 2.40 to 2.98 on other primary rural nonfreeways, statewide. Average daily traffic along the stretch varied from 5600 at Redmond’s south city limits to 4550 approximately mid- way and 5300 just north of the junction with Sisters Highway near Bend. Porter listed 19 jobs, bearing comparable deficiencies, to il- lustrate the relative rate of us- age along the highways. They varied from 1700 vehicles daily along the Camas Mountain section of the Coos Bay -Rose- burg highway to 15,000 on the Santa Clara-Eugene section of the Junction City-Eugene high- way. Of the 19 jobs listed, 10 were more heavily used; nine less traveled. The report was forwarded to the Redmond Chamber of Commerce by Sen. Gordon W. McKay, who along with Rep. Sam Johnson, had contacted Porter after receiving copies of the resolutions, requesting the Highway 97 construction, which had been sent to the State Highway Division by Bend and Redmond Chambers and the Deschutes County Ad- vertising Committee. Sen. McKay pointed out that “Of course, the problem is, as in every area of highway con- struction, the lack of funds. There are many deserving and needed highway construction projects and mainly the high- way division has to rely on ba- sis of need and priority.” 25 years ago May 29, 1996 — Albanian college student seeks way to stay Andi Dede’s love of, and ex- pertise in, the English language got him to America and into Central Oregon Community College. But will it be enough to keep the Albanian student here? Dede hopes so, because get- ting an education is something he and his family value above all else. Especially a degree from an American university. But Jim and Anna Jeffrey of Redmond, his foster family this year, are unable to sponsor him next year. Dede met the Jeffreys when they were on a mission to Al- bania. He acted as their inter- preter, something he had done many times before, and they became friends. Dede took English for eight years in the European nation’s version of middle and high school. He found he not only liked foreign languages, he was good at them. His work as an interpreter gave him a chance to talk to many different English speak- ers and he got even better. And at age 19, Dede is still amazed he ever got a chance to talk to foreigners. When he was growing up, Albania was a closed, com- munist country. Because of its strategic location, due east of the heel of Italy’s boot, the country was carefully guarded and isolated from all Western nations. History and geography les- sons in school were focused on other communist nations. Watching Italian television or listening to capitalist radio stations could land one in jail. Anyone speaking a foreign language was immediately sus- pected of being a CIA agent. But in 1989 and 1990, Dede’s second year in high school, “everything changed,” he says. Borders were opened, travel was allowed, new experiences unthought of before democ- racy were possible. For Dede, the opening of the county meant the opportunity to come to America. “It’s good to live in times of change. You learn a lot,” he said, while admitting his can also be confusing. “It’s like a coin, flipping from one side to another mentally.” But for Albania, or Shqiperi, (pronounced Shiperee, the country’s real name, according to Dede,) some things haven’t changed. His family is “not at all rich,” he says, even though his mother is a doctor and chief of chemotherapy at an Alba- nian hospital and his father is a television journalist and re- searcher for the department of education. Dede says “it is very hard to find jobs in my country, and even if you work very hard, you may not have much.” And that’s one of the things he likes best about America. “If you are a very hard worker,” Dede says, “you get something.” His family, which also has a daughter in college in Albania, is a classic case — and unable to help financially with Dede’s expensive American schooling. Since the breakup of com- munism, the wealth in Albania has gone to businessmen. “They have Albania now in their hands,” he says, shaking his head. But Dede’s chin comes up when he describes the things he loves about his homeland and that he hopes will never change. Things like family. “Here at age 16 or 17, chil- dren say bye-bye to their fam- ily,” he said. “At home, we stay with our families, sometimes until we are married. Divorce is uncommon, and Dede appreciates the plight of the single parent. “How can you do it by your- self?” he asks. In addition, he says his fam- ily measures wealth differently. “You are rich if you speak two or more languages,” he said. “At home, if you don’t have school, you are nothing.” Ways you can support Thelma’s Place: SOLUTION Crossword on Page 2 • Vehicle donations • Cash donations • Sponsorships • Volunteer CHILD CARE AN INTERGENERATIONAL PROGRAM Your support makes a difference! Redmond: 541-548-3049 Day Respite and Support Groups www.thelmasplace.org Joe A Lochner Insurance Agency Inc. Joe Lochner, Agent 123 SW 5th Street Redmond, OR 97756 Bus: 541-548-6023 joe.lochner.h5mi@statefarm.com Fax: (541) 548-6024 State Farm, Bloomington, IL 1211999