THE SPOKESMAN • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 2021 P3 Bethlehem Inn Chickens, horse shows and math scores in Redmond gets $2.7M in shelter funding FLASHBACK 100 years ago April 28, 1921 — Terrebonne Egg Among Largest Ever Laid What is declared by Borden Beck, Smith-Hughes agricul- turist at Redmond union high school, to be one of the largest chicken eggs ever laid in Amer- ica, is now on exhibition at the offices of the county agent. It comes from the Black Minorca flock of chickens owned by W.F. Galbraith, station agent at Ter- rebonne. The egg measures eight and one-quarter inches by six and one-half inches. In a recent na- tion-wide contest to find the largest eggs, but two were ex- hibited that were of a size larger than this. One egg in Oregon measured eight and one-half inches by six and one-half inches, and another egg laid by a hen in Utah measured the same, these two eggs being a quarter of an inch larger than the Terrebonne egg in one di- mension. Last season one hen in his flock laid nine eggs of about the size of the one now on display at Redmond, according to Gal- braith. The hen died after the ninth egg had been laid, he said. 75 years ago May 2, 1946 — Redmond Saddle Club’s 140 Members Prepare for Big Show Coming in June Planning for practice on events in the Redmond horse show was continued at the meeting of Redmond Saddle club Friday evening April 26, at the fairgrounds. The show, scheduled for June 2, the first attempt by the club to sponsor an event of this nature, and will be the first exhibition of its kind in central Oregon. Dr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Jones, Mrs. Harvey Ridgeway and Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Webb were voted to the club as new members, making a total of 140, including both adults and juniors. When Redmond Saddle club was organized in the late spring of 1944, it was built around the original group of women riders, known as the Redmond posse, of which Mrs. Arthur Teater was leader. This group con- sisted of about 20 women and a number of male helpers, known as “yard birds.” The posse later was adopted as an auxiliary of Cavalry Troop F, being the only auxiliary in the Oregon State Guard Cavalry. Following increased inter- est shown by both men and women in moonlight trips, sponsored trail rides, bear and bobcat chases, and numerous other activities, the group was merged into the larger, mixed organization known now as “Redmond Saddle Club.” In 1945 the club had a mem- bership of 70 riders, which a year later is exactly doubled. Bill Clark, veteran hunter and guide, was elected first presi- dent of the club; Gene Davis, vice president; Mrs. Dean Van Matre, secretary, and Bill Ryan, treasurer. The group met once a month in the winter and more frequently in the summer. The same officers, with the excep- tion of the secretary, remained in office until March of this year, when Al Eppenbaugh was elected president; A.L. Chaplin, vice president; Mrs. Ned Fields, secretary, and Bill Ryan was re- elected treasurer. The club is a non-profit orga- nization, with yearly dues of one dollar being used for expenses. It has participated actively in the Deschutes county fair, has do- nated toward purchase of band uniforms for Redmond high school, helped in parades and aided in many other commu- nity enterprises. Effort is being made to increase interested in better breeding of saddle horses and in the care and knowledge of horses and equipment. 50 years ago April 28, 1971 — Math scores show striking improvement Redmond High School’s scores in the Annual High School Mathematics Contest, sponsored by the Mathemati- cal Association of America and the Society of Actuaries, have shown striking improvement over the tallies of previous years. For the first time, RHS has Mrs. B. Lloyd Ellis of Powell Butte, mounted on her horse “Uncle Buck,” makes a jump with plenty to spare while practicing at Redmond fairgrounds for the horse show to be held here by Redmond Saddle club Sunday, June 2. Mrs. Ellis is in charge of the jumping event for the show. Spokesman file photo risen from the lower end of rankings among Oregon sec- ondary schools to 20th spot. Of the 19 schools reporting higher scores than Redmond, only Bend and Madras are located east of the Cascades, and the majority of the schools were in the greater Portland area. Fifty-one students from RHS were among the 7200 pupils from 125 Oregon schools to compete in the contest, which found Woodrow Wilson High School of Portland in top slot. The Redmond group con- sisted of 13 advanced math, 24 algebra II and 14 geometry students, scoring an average of 18.1 points. The previous high was made last year, when 23 ad- vanced math, 28 algebra II and five geometry students scored an average of 9.1 points--ap- proximately half the current year’s tally. This is a notable gain in the achievement by the younger group, said Ed Vigo, RHS math teacher who admin- istered the test. To achieve the school’s team score, the top three individ- ual student scores are counted. Marilyn Painter, Craig Ambro- son and Steve Greer each scored above Redmond’s previous in- dividual high, giving Redmond its best showing at state level so far. Scoring above the overall av- erage were three sophomores, Mike Mendenhall, Rick Brown and Larry Cossette. According to Charles Clem- ent, mathematics department chairman, improved perfor- mance is due to interest, abil- ity and effort on the part of the participants and general im- provement in the high school mathematics program. he com- mended the students and staff for their efforts. 25 years ago May 1, 1996 — City can sink well After years of waiting, Red- mond city officials have the go-ahead from the state Water Resources Department to sink another deep well to boost the municipal water supply. Approval of the request, an- nounced Tuesday morning, didn’t come in time for city engineers to tap underground reservoirs in time for the busy summer months this year. But the well, to be the city’s fifth, could be pumping by next summer. The city’s ability to meet wa- ter demand only becomes an issue in the summer months, Ways you can support Thelma’s Place: • Vehicle donations • Cash donations • Sponsorships • Volunteer CHILD CARE AN INTERGENERATIONAL PROGRAM Your support makes a difference! Redmond: 541-548-3049 Day Respite and Support Groups when residential use soars for watering lawns and gardens, washing cars and cooling off. Usage in recent summers has reached the brink of serious pressure loss, although manda- tory water rationing has not yet been necessary. This summer could be the first for that. The new well, requested by the city five years ago, will be drilled near the Spud Bowl in Dry Canyon. It is expected to produce 2,250 gallons a minute, or 3.24 million gallons a day. The existing four wells together produce 8.2 million gallons a day. State approval of a sixth city well is still pending. Editor’s note: The current water usage regulations in the City of Redmond are in effect from April 1-Oct. 31. Addresses ending in an odd number may water gardens or lawns on odd numbered days, and addresses ending in an even number may water on even numbered days. No watering is permitted on the 31st day of the month or between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. on any day. For more on water usage in Red- mond, visit 37-room motel to be homeless shelter From a press release Oregon Community Foun- dation announced Bethle- hem Inn will receive a Project Turnkey grant of nearly $2.7 million for the acquisition and conversion of a 37-room motel in Redmond. The property will serve emergency needs, initially providing 25 rooms of safe, stable shelter for people ex- periencing homelessness, ac- cording to a press release “Bethlehem Inn has been serving the region’s homeless population with emergency shelter services for over 20 years,” said Gwenn Wysling, executive director, Bethle- hem Inn. “The pandemic has further complicated and pro- longed economic challenges in a region, where even people who have jobs often struggle to find and keep affordable housing. We are very grateful to the city of Redmond and the community for trusting Bethlehem Inn to serve this vulnerable population.” Some key benefits of Proj- ect Turnkey-Redmond (op- erated by Bethlehem Inn) include: • An inclusive, trauma-in- formed environment to help more people move from cri- sis to stability. • Safe accommodation for up to 25 individuals initially and up to 90 individuals in the longer term. • Provision of meals, clothing, and essentials such as showers, laundry, hygiene items, etc. • Case management ser- vices and referrals to over 70 partner agencies. • Connections and access to available resources.Em- ployment and volunteer op- portunities at the shelter. “Additional shelter re- sources are needed to assist those here locally in crisis and seeking stability. The city of Redmond is proud to partner with Bethlehem Inn to establish a shelter here in Redmond,” said Mayor George Endicott, City of Redmond, “The State of Or- egon’s investment through Project Turnkey along with help from Oregon Commu- nity Foundation will make a lasting and positive impact in our community.” Located at 517 Birch Ave- nue in Redmond, Bethlehem Inn anticipates use as early as June, with plans to open a block of 25 rooms to the most vulnerable community members. Longer term, Beth- lehem Inn is working in col- laboration with the Redmond to make improvements to the property that will yield emer- gency shelter services for up to 90 individuals, 365 days a year.