P6 THE SPOKESMAN • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 2021 City helps Hood River kitchen store renovate vacant Arch Building Redmond loans $98,000 to help remodel old building, a downtown fixture since 1927 General Merchandise 234 Guns, Hunting & Fishing Central Oregon’s Largest Gun & Knife Show! April 17 & 18 Sat. 9-5 • Sun. 9-3 Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center Admission $8.00! 503-363-9564 wesknodelgunshows. com Covid Compliant Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin The exterior of the Arch Building, located at 432 SW Sixth St., in downtown Redmond, on April 7. urban renewal program, told The Bulletin. Janice Bell said she was look- ing for an up-and-coming downtown for Arome’s second location, and Redmond felt like the perfect fit. She and her husband already loved visiting Central Oregon for recreational purposes, Bell told The Bulletin. And they preferred the smaller feel — and lower real estate prices — of downtown Redmond, com- pared to downtown Bend. “I think that Redmond is just the right size: It’s accessi- ble, still easy to park, there’s room for growth,” Bell said before the meeting. “It’s also more affordable — there’s no way we could buy a building in downtown Bend. It’s just not in reach for us.” Soccer Continued from P5 “There were a lot of games this season where we felt, ‘Man, these girls deserved this win,’ but it just didn’t come through,” Sedor said. “It finally came through tonight.” Ridgeview had to come back twice in the match to earn the victory, once in regulation and once during penalty kicks. Redmond was first on the board with a goal from fresh- man Jillian Bremont midway through the first half. Less than five minutes later, Ridgeview re- sponded with a goal from Selena Gallacher. There would not be any more goals through regula- tion and two overtime periods. The game came down to penalty kicks. After the first rotation of five, the match remained tied as each team converted three of five PK attempts. McConnell made two saves, giving Rory Eldridge and Dagne Harris opportunities to win the game to place an ad call 541-385-5809 Legal Notices 200 1000 BY JACKSON HOGAN The Bulletin Since its opening in 1927, the Arch Building in down- town Redmond has housed many businesses, including a gym, a teen nightclub and a secondhand store. But for the past decade, it’s sat vacant, awaiting a new tenant and fall- ing into disrepair. A new tenant will likely ar- rive this year. Arome — a Hood River store specializing in hard-to- find kitchenware and cooking supplies — plans to open its second location in the Arch Building this fall. And the Redmond City Council voted unanimously last week to loan the company up to $98,000 to help remodel the outdated building. “I’ve seen it go downhill over the years, and I’m excited to see that building get revitalized,” Mayor George Endicott said of the Arch Building at the City Council meeting. Arome’s co-owners — mar- ried couple Janice and Nathan Bell — and Redmond city staff argue that not only will the store’s Redmond location resurrect a classic downtown building, but it will also further downtown Redmond’s status as a shopping destination. “The new (store) will create activity and feet on the street, and really help catalyze other activity around it,” Chuck Ar- nold, manager of Redmond’s Hours: Monday - Friday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Bell told the Redmond City Council on Tuesday that she expects to hire six employees to run the Arome store in Red- mond, with salaries ranging from $15 to $25 an hour. The store will also host cooking events with local chefs, and sell goods from locals, Bell said. “We love as much as possible to cater our business and make it feel like a good fit for the community,” she said. “If there’s anybody in the local community who makes cus- tom butcher blocks, or rose-se- rum coffee, those are all things we’d like to (sell) in Redmond.” The city is giving Arome two $49,000 loans to help with renovating the Arch Building, said Arnold. One must be paid back within 10 years, but the other will be forgiven as long as the property stays active as a retail operation. “What (the city) didn’t want to see is a building improved, but nothing actively happening in it,” Arnold said. The total renovation project — which includes fixing the building’s electrical, plumbing and ventilation systems, as well as adding an accessible bath- room — will cost an estimated $912,000, according to city documents. Bell already has a planned opening date for Arome’s Red- mond location: Oct. 1. “We can’t wait to get started and get working,” she said. “I think it’s going to be a fun addition to downtown Red- mond.” Ridgeview’s Selena Gallacher (10) takes a shot to score during the first half against Redmond on April 6. we did. But that’s OK, you have to find something to learn from every experience. I feel for these girls because they have never had that pressure put on them.” At the end of the week, Rid- geview beat Hood River Val- ley 2-0 in the IMC champion- ship match, while Redmond’s best season in recent memory ended abruptly. The Panthers finished 6-2-2 overall. “It is everything we wanted in a season,” Segura said af- ter the April 6 game. “Com- ing down to a battle, having to work hard, I’m just so proud of our girls because they played so hard the entire season, with no letdowns. That is the beau- tiful thing about soccer, you can work so hard and it comes down to PKs and it doesn’t end in your favor. I’m just proud of our season and what we did.” Ryan Brennecke/ The Bulletin for the Panthers. Yet, both at- tempts missed the mark. Penalty kicks are rare in high school soccer in Oregon. There is no overtime or penalty kicks in regular season games. Only in postseason matches are games decided by penalty kicks — something the Redmond players had not experienced. “I’m just telling the girls to take a deep breath and place the ball,” said Redmond coach Mar- tha Segura. “Which is not what e e e e Reporter: 541-617-7854, jhogan@bendbulletin.com Reporter: 541-383-0307, brathbone@bendbulletin.com SOLUTION Sudoku on Page 2 DID YOU KNOW that not only does newspaper media reach a HUGE Audience, they also reach an ENGAGED AUDIENCE. Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising in five states - AK, ID, MT, OR & WA. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email cecelia@cnpa.com (PNDC) 282 Community Read and recycle Worship Directory Baptist Roman Catholic Highland Baptist Church St Thomas Roman Catholic Church 3100 SW Highland Ave., Redmond 541-548-4161 Barry Campbell, Lead Pastor Sunday gathering times: 9AM Blended, 10:30AM Contemporary, 12PM Traditional Worship, masks only please 6PM Acoustic How can hbc pray for you? prayer@hbcredmond.org For the most current information for Bible study and worship: www.hbcredmond.org Non-Denominational 1720 NW 19th Street Redmond, Oregon 97756 541-923-3390 Father Todd Unger, Pastor Mass Schedule: Weekdays 8:00 am (Except Wednesdays) Wednesday 6:00 pm Saturday Vigil 5:00 pm First Saturday 8:00 am (English) Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am (English) 12:00 noon (Spanish) Confessions on Wednesdays From 5:00 to 5:45 pm and on Saturdays From 3:00 to 4:30 pm Seventh Day Adventist 945 W. Glacier Ave., Redmond, OR 541-923-0301 Sabbath School 9:30 am Worship 10:45 am Advertise your worship listing today! New advertisers get 2 weeks free. Call Rachel Liening at 541-617-7823 to place your ad today! Legal Notice Estate of Nicole G. Leatherman Notice to Interested Persons Deschutes County Circuit Court Case Number: 21PB01803 Notice: The Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of De- schutes, has ap- pointed Rory T. N. Gokan as Personal Representative of the Estate of Nicole G. Leatherman, deceased. All per- sons having claims against said estate are required to pres- ent the same, with proper vouchers to the Personal Rep- resentative at Edgel Law Group, 1800 Blankenship Road, Suite 370, West Linn, Oregon 97068, within four months from the date of first publication of this notice as stated be- low, or they may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by this pro- ceeding may obtain additional informa- tion from the records of the Court, the Personal Represen- tative, or the attor- ney for the Personal Representative. Dated and first pub- lished March 31, 2021. Rory T. N. Gokan, Per- sonal Representa- tive, c/o Edgel Law Group, 1800 Blan- kenship Road, Suite 370, West Linn, Ore- gon 97068. Michael J. Edgel, Attor- ney for the Personal Representative, Ed- gel Law Group, 1800 Blankenship Road, Suite 370, West Linn, Oregon 97068. Legal Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to ORS 130.365 that the undersigned is successor trustees to the PHILIP J. SWEE REVOCA- BLE LIVING TRUST dated December 21, 2020. A settlor of the Trust was PHIL- IP JOHN SWEE who died February 1, 2021. All per- sons having claims against settlor of the PHILIP J. SWEE REVOCABLE LIV- ING TRUST are required to present them with vouchers attached, to: NOELLE C. COOK, Successor Trustee PHILIP J. SWEE RE- VOCABLE LIVING TRUST c/o Lonn T.W. Johnston PO Box 457 Redmond OR 97756 All claims against the PHILIP J. SWEE REVOCABLE LIV- ING TRUST dated December 21, 2020 must be presented to the Successor Trustee at the above address within four (4) months after the date of first publica- tion of this notice, or such claims may be barred. Date first published: March 31, 2021 PHILIP J. SWEE RE- VOCABLE LIVING TRUST Noelle C. Cook, Successor Trustee Legal Notice NW Self Storage – Auction April 28, YOU NEED STUFF 2021 Bidding begins HAULED? I NEED April 21, 2021 at TO HAUL STUFF! www.ibid4storage. CALL THE WORKIN’ com All vehicles MAN. SPECIALIZ- in auction listings ING IN PROPERTY are not included in CLEANUP AND the sale and will ITEM REMOVAL. be towed separate- (541)610-2926 ly: 3925 SW 25th Place, Redmond ends at 9:30 am: K40 Ronald Miller, Employment K43 Robert Maldo- nado, J101 Tasnin Strode, G132 Adam Wattenbarger 1401 NW 6th St, Red- mond ends 10:00 am: 0381 Joanna CLASSIFIEDS Arce, 1050 James WHERE BUYERS & SELLERS MEET Beatty, 0380 Cindy 504 Brittsan, 1056 Travis Legal Notice Employment Opportunities Claybaugh, 0405 NOTICE – APRIL Cortney Derrick, 28, 2021 BUD- 0520 Tiffany Dooms, GET COMMITTEE 0628 Torrey Dunn, MEETING 0667 Jered Faul- A public meeting of haber, 1042 Larry the Budget Com- Gallagher, 0418 An- mittee of Redmond nette Harless, 0322 School District Christie Jones, 0704 No. 2J, Deschutes Destinee Komp, County, State of Or- Exciting outdoor job 0817 Norm Roach, egon, to discuss the fighting forest fires 0457 Ryan Shirts, budget for the fiscal includes adventure, 0511 Jessica Villag- year July 1, 2021 to travel, new friend- omez 539 NW Ma- June 30, 2022, will ships that will last ple Ave, Redmond be held on the 28th a lifetime, and don’t ends at 11:30 am: day of April, 2021, forget the $$$ OT 0221 Shelina Kanji, at 5:30pm. This Basic training class 0160 Stephen Olah, meeting will be held starts April 20th 0243 Ricardo Perez by video conference. Apply www.patrick- Jr. The purpose of the fire.net or in person meeting is to receive 1199 NE Hemlock, the budget mes- Redmond 9am-3pm Legal Notice sage. EOE NOTICE IS HEREBY Please use this link GIVEN that Jennie if you would like Black Butte School Ann Buswell has to attend the April District is hiring a been appointed 28, 2021 Budget District Clerk/Business Personal Represen- Committee meeting: Manager at .75 FTE. tative of the Estate h tt p s : / / z o o m . u s / blackbutte.k12.or.us/ of Shirley Sullivan j/93512210520?p- employment 541-595- Buswell, deceased, wd=V2dlSTRDN- 6203 Deschutes County U1uNWRDSUd- Circuit Court Case SU2gvS1FXQT09 No. 21PB02535. budget document, Real Estate The All persons having as well as clickable claims against the links for the budget For Sale estate are required committee meetings, to present the same will be available on- within four months line as of April 28, from the first date 2021 at http://www. of publication of this re d m o n d s c h o o l s. notice to the Person- o rg / d e p a r t m e n t s / al Representative fiscal-services/bud- c/o Janice E. Hat- get-information/ 719 ton at 777 High St., This is a public meet- Real Estate Wanted #300, Eugene, OR ing where deliber- 97401, or they may ation of the Budget be barred. Committee will take Wanted home in NW Any person whose place. An additional Bend. Cash buyer rights may be af- Budget Committee no commissions fected by these pro- meeting will be held no hassles. Scott ceedings may obtain at 5:30 pm on May (206)227-4614 additional informa- 12, 2021 to take pub- tion from the records lic comment. This of the above-entitled meeting will also be Recreation Court or from the held by video con- Personal Represen- ference. There will & Sports tative or from the be an opportunity to Personal Represen- present comments tative’s attorneys, on the virtual plat- Luvaas Cobb, P.C. form. Please sign DATED and first pub- up to make a public lished: April 14, 2021. comment by provid- /s/ Jennie Ann Buswell ing your full name Personal Represen- and general topic 810 tative of comment by May Aircraft, Parts & Service 12th at noon. You will have 3 minutes Public Notice Winnebago Sunstar to present your com- Auction: 2018 32YE 7300 miles ments. Eric Boutchyard Very good condition You may sign up for unit 107/142 3000.00 Down & public comments us- coBudget Storage Take over Payments ing one of the follow- Redmond Or 5419076217 ing methods: Auction will be on April • Email to: gina. 24, 2021 on b l a n c h e tt e @ r e d - bid13.com Autos & mondschools.org clearly label Transportation Please the subject line as DID YOU KNOW “Public Comment - 7 n 10 Americans or Budget” 158 million U.S. Adults • Mail to: Redmond read content from School District Bud- newspaper media get Committee each week? 145 SE Salmon Drive Redmond, OR 97756 901 Discover the Power of Please use this link the Pacific Northwest Automobiles-Trucks, if you would like to Newspaper Auto, RV, Vans attend the May 12, Advertising. 2021 Budget Com- mittee meeting: 2004 Red F250 XLT 4x4 For a free brochure h tt p s : / / z o o m . u s / crew cab. Short bed w/ call 916-288-6011 j/91766029333?p- spray on bed liner and or email wd=Y1hsb0JNYU- hard bed cover. 106k cecelia@cnpa.com wvTHlDRk1BOFgrd- miles. V10 gas. 1 owner. (PNDC) kxydz09 $11,000 (541)504-2413 500 700 SOLUTION Crossword on Page 2 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices 800 900