THE SPOKESMAN • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 2021 P3 Happy Black Bear Diner hit with $35,000 OSHA fine Redmond, Bend locations spring allowed indoor dining while from the state deemed county was at ‘extreme risk’ virus category libraries Redmond library’s Latino services coordinator gives a bilingual look at new offerings BY MICHAEL KOHN The Bulletin The Black Bear Diner locations in Bend and Redmond were fined $35,000 for violating COVID-related restric- tions, including allowing indoor dining when Deschutes County was in the ex- treme risk category due to high corona- virus caseloads. Both diners, which are under the same ownership, “willfully” continue to potentially expose workers to the virus, despite a public health order of lim- ited or zero indoor dining, according to a release from Oregon Occupational Safety and Health. Oregon OSHA has been actively pur- suing businesses that ignored the lock- down restrictions that limited restau- rants, coffee shops and bars to takeout service only. Last month Kevista Coffee was fined $27,470 for similar violations by OSHA. Kathy Degree, the owner of the two Black Bear diners, has hired the services of Salem-based Kevin L. Mannix law firm to appeal the penalty. Degree has 30 days to appeal the ci- tation. She believes she was properly adhering to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rules and regu- lations for businesses that were permit- ted to be open at the time. “We felt that we were following all the CDC guidelines of social distancing, face masks, sanitation as all businesses that were open,” said Degree by phone. “We felt we were entitled to those same parameters. We took the safety of our employees to the highest priority, and the records will show that no employee tested positive for COVID.” Oregon OSHA conducted inspec- tions of both sites following com- plaints by the public. The restaurants, operating under the legal name of Bucc’NDulge Inc., allowed indoor din- ing on or around Jan. 13 and continued through Feb. 11, according to an OSHA statement. Degree told OSHA inspectors that she was aware of the restrictions. Each diner was given a $17,800 fine. The amount is twice the minimum penalty for willful violations. “Most employers continue to follow worker health and safety standards as part of our ongoing work to defeat this disease, and we continue to make prog- ress,” OSHA Administrator Michael Wood said in a press release. “Unfortunately some employers are choosing to defy standards and to put their workers at risk,” Wood said. “As a result, we will continue to bring our enforcement tools to bear where appro- priate.” ý Reporter: 541-617-7818, BY CARLY GARZÓN VARGAS Bookshelf for The Spokesman April is poetry month, and here are some recom- mendations in Spanish. For Kids, Milo Imagina el Mundo by Matt de La Pena, Bravo by Margarita En- gle, and Me dicen Güero by David Bowles. For teens Gabi Frag- mentos de una ado- lescente by Isabel Carly Garzón Quintero Vargas and La PoetX by Elizabeth Acevedo. I also recommend these novels written in English by Latina authors Fat Chance, Char- lie Vega by Crystal Maldo- nado, Infinite Country by Patricia Engle y Of Women and Salt by Gabriela Garcia. This year we will cele- brate El Día del Niño, El Día del Libro with a virtual program. Share with our special guest, professional ventriloquist Vikki Gasco Green along with Rodrigo and Carly. It will happen on April 24th at 1 p.m. Summer is almost here and that means Biblioteca en Camino will be out and about in Deschutes county! Find updates about our visits this summer on social media @ deschuteslibrarysvcslatinos. ••• Llegó la primavera y trae muchas cosas para celebrar. Abril es el mes de la poesía, por eso, recomiendo estos títulos de poesía en es- pañol. Para los niños Milo Imagina el Mundo por Matt de La Pena, Bravo por Mar- garita Engle, y Me dicen Güero por David Bowles. Para adolescentes Gabi Fragmentos de una ado- lescente por Isabel Quin- tero y La PoetX por Eliz- abeth Acevedo. También recomiendo estas nove- las nuevas escritas en in- gles por autores latinas Fat Chance, Charlie Vega por Crystal Maldonado, Infinite Country por Patricia Engle y Of Women and Salt por Gabriela Garcia Este año la celebración de El Día del Nino, El Día del Libro, será un pro- grama virtual. Comparta con nuestra invitada es- pecial ventrílocuo profe- sional Vikki Gasco Green junta con Rodrigo y Carly. Tomará lugar el 24 de abril a la 1 p.m. ¡Ya casi viene el verano y eso significa que estaremos “en camino”! Busca actual- izaciones de eventos y vis- itas este verano por medio de las redes sociales @de- schuteslibrarysvcslatinos. ý Carly Garzón Vargas is the Latino services coordinator at the Redmond Public Library. Contact her at More coverage Reserve titles from the Pura Belpré book list at Find us ONLINE www.redmond @RedmondSpox FIND IT in the NEWS BRIEFING SPOKESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Public forum planned for wildlife data proposal Deschutes County is plan- ning to hold a public forum on its plan to update inventories of mule deer, elk and eagles. Inventory information avail- able to wildlife officials is ap- proximately 30 years old. The first phase of the project represents only the data col- lection stage and presentation of biological info. No changes to county zoning or other reg- ulations have been proposed. A separate phase conducted at a later date would initiate the wildlife inventory. “The goal for this phase is to present the data collected by the wildlife biologists to the public, give them some back- ground on how that data was collected by our agency part- ners and consultant team, and give a sense of potential next steps,” said Tanya Saltzman, senior planner for Deschutes County Community Develop- ment. Saltzman said a public on- line survey will be an oppor- tunity for the county to gauge general interest in incorporat- ing the new data into its devel- opment code and comprehen- sive plan. The meetings, scheduled for April 15 and April 29 at 6 p.m., will be held virtually. For the April 15 meeting, participants can join by phone by dialing 346-248-7799. 923-3725 or classified@ Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Deschutes County plans to up- date inventories of mule deer, elk and eagles. For the Zoom Link, visit: wildlife-inventory-update. The webinar ID is 889-2006-9503. The passcode is 717743. RV fire kills one person in Terrebonne One person is dead follow- ing a fire in an RV early Mon- day in Terrebonne. Around 2 a.m., Redmond Fire & Rescue received a call reporting a mobile home burning on property on NE Wilcox Way near Smith Rock State Park. The RV was being used as a residence, said Redmond Fire Assistant Chief Jeff Puller. The name of the victim has not been released. The cause of the fire is under investigation. JOIN IN ON THE TOPICS WE’RE COVERING The Spokesman welcomes letters to the editor and guest columnists. Submissions may be edited or rejected for clarity, taste, libel and space. For more information, call 541-633-2166. Read and recycle