THE SPOKESMAN • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 2021 P3 St. Charles tops list for Central Oregon top employer BY SUZANNE ROIG The Bulletin St. Charles Health System led the pack of Central Oregon top employ- ers, a position its held for the past two decades, according to the Economic Development for Central Oregon an- nual survey. Each year the nonprofit, Economic Development for Central Oregon, ranks the top employers in the re- gion. The top five employers in 2021 include St. Charles with 4,626 em- ployees, Bright Wood Corp. regional office with 1,093 employees, Sunriver Resort with 1,000 and Les Schwab Headquarters and tire centers re- gional with 890 employees, according to the annual list. Central Oregon’s top employers in 2021 By number of employees St. Charles Health System 4,626 Bright Wood Corp. 1,093 Sunriver Resort 1,000 Les Schwab Tire 890 Source: Economic Development for Central Oregon “As the Central Oregon region grows, so grows the demand for health care services _ and that trans- lates into jobs,” said Jenn Welander, St. Charles’ chief financial officer. “Health care is a labor intensive busi- ness, with our caregivers’ salaries ac- counting for about 60% of our operat- ing costs.” The semi-isolation of Central Or- egon sets up the region for just one hospital system, said Roger Lee, Eco- nomic Development for Central Ore- gon CEO. St. Charles has four hospi- tals each located in Bend, Redmond, Prineville and Madras. The number of employees in Cen- tral Oregon has been tracked for the past 20 years and is used to paint an economic picture to lure new business to the area by EDCO. “Similar sized regions adjacent to other metros may have multiple hos- pital systems serving a broader re- gion, which has the effect of splitting that employment up over multiple employers so perhaps they don’t end up being at the No. 1 spot, but still very much being high on the list,” Lee said. Except for the No. 1 and 2 place, the list shows a lot of movement up and down. For example Les Schwab at No. 4 in 2021 was the third largest employer in 2019. And Lonza went from No. 14 in 2019 to 10th largest employer in Central Oregon. What the list does show is that many companies lost employ- ees over the past year due to shut downs from efforts to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. One example is Rosendin Electric in Redmond went from the eighth largest employer in 2019 to to the 16th. With restrictions lifting when the county moved from high to mod- erate risk for spreading COVID-19, more businesses are able to open and add employees in Central Ore- gon, according to Damon Runberg, Oregon Employment Department regional economist’s February em- ployment report. Around seven out of every 10 jobs lost during the initial COVID-19 shock were added back across the region in February, Run- berg reported. e e Reporter: 541-633-2117, FLASHBACK 1971: Forest Service helicopter expert assigned to Redmond 100 years ago April 7, 1921 — 9-year-old Boy Loses Tips Off 2 Fingers in Explosion Russel Snyder, nine-year-old Powell Butte school boy, tem- porarily lost the sight of one eye and had two fingers and the thumb of his right hand blown off at the first joint when a giant dynamite cap exploded in his hand Friday night. The dynamite cap was picked up, his parents say, in the road in front of the Powell Butte community hall while the boy was on the way home from school. After he arrived home, he took his pocket knife and be- gan to cut the cap open. It ex- ploded. The boy was hurried to the Redmond hospital where it was feared Saturday that he might not regain the sight in one of his eyes. When he left the hospital Tuesday, however, he had partially regained use of the eye, and it is believed there will be no permanent defect in his sight. Investigation is being made to determine who left the cap in the road, and, it is said, the persons responsible may be sued for damages. 75 years ago April 11, 1946 — Food Pro- gram To Reduce Meals For Cafe Diners Oregon restaurant diners are going to find that meals a la carte will include less bread, pies, pastries and fried foods, according to a report from the Oregon Food for Famine Relief committee. Cooperation of public eating establishments in the emer- gency program to conserve wheat and fats for shipment to famine-stricken countries has been pledged by state leaders of their trade associations. Letters urging full compliance with the saving measures recom- mended by the famine emer- gency committee have been sent to all members by the Or- egon Hotel association and the Oregon Restaurant association. Adoption of the measures will mean no more toast gar- nishes flanking bacon and eggs, lamb chops and simi- lar dishes; one slice of bread or one roll served with meals; corn and buckwheat cakes in- stead of wheat cakes; fruit, ice cream and puddings for desert instead of pie and cake, and boiled or broiled fish instead of fried fish. Restaurant operators have been advised that OPA re- quirements will be met by at- taching a notice to each menu that the restaurant is cooperat- ing with the famine emergency program by serving wheats and fats, and that any patron who objects will be given a reg- ular serving. Praising the willingness of the restaurant trade to cooper- ate with the food conservation program, E. Harvey Miller, state emergency food program manager, called upon house- wives to adopt similar wheat- and-fat saving measures in the home. “We are not asking anyone to make a great sacrifice, as there are plenty of other nutri- tious foods we can substitute for wheat products,” Miller de- clared. “Every pound of wheat and ounce of fat that we can spare will help save the lives of starving people. It’s a case of ‘spare a little and save a lot.’” 50 years ago April 7, 1971 — ‘Copter ex- pert, testing center added at RAC Redmond Air Center is gaining the U.S. Forest Service’s regional helicopter manage- ment specialist and the nucleus of a regional equipment devel- opment testing center. Helicopter expert Carl Yeust, a veteran of 25 years with the USFS, was reassigned to the Redmond facility last month from the Deschutes National Forest Supervisor’s Office in Bend, where he had for a year carried the dual responsibility of regional helicopter manage- ment and assistant forest dis- patcher on the Deschutes. From RAC, he will be re- sponsible for helicopter train- ing for the region, be in charge of equipment development testing, and when available, serve as alternate dispatcher for the center. And when a re- ally big fire breaks out in the region, Yeust will be the man directing the helicopter--an offensive that may include the 25 birds contracted to the re- gion plus others that may be brought in from other areas. Although the region only owns one chopper, it has be- come increasingly involved in the business of helicopters over the past five or six years, ac- cording to Yeust. And in on the effort from the beginning was Yeust, who developed the first helitack crew on the Umpqua National Forest during his 12 years as fire control officer there with the Diamond Lake District. Yeust also was the man be- hind the testing and modifi- cation of the retardant bucket used with ‘copters--the subject of a demonstration staged sev- eral years ago at Redmond Air Center. This ties in with Yeust’s sec- ond responsibility--the testing of new equipment. Although this region, comprised of Ore- gon, Washington and a portion of Idaho, has no equipment development center, a certain amount of testing has been done “by bits and pieces,” ac- cording to RAC information officer Tony Percival. With the arrival of Yeust and the current bringing in of equipment, RAC will become a nucleus of test- ing activity for the region. Already on tap for this sum- mer is a fire resistant suit that will be tested by RAC smoke- jumpers and suppression crew members. But “helicopters are my hobby,” in Yeust’s words, and probably most of his time will be devoted to that area. Like his current two-day trip to Mt. Rainier National Park, he will be training USFS personnel throughout the region on he- licopter safety and how to best utilize them for transporting cargo, personnel and fire re- tardant. Although helicopter opera- tion can be an expensive prop- osition, running from over $100 per hour for the small three-man models used by the USFS to $700 or more for the 14-man models for big fires, they serve some extremely vital functions in fighting fires. While Yeust notes that the birds are being used more and more for fire retardant drops, Percival points out the time-saving they repre- sent, whether moving men, equipment or retardant. By operating out of a highway intersection near the fire and eliminating the need for an air- port, turn-around time is re- duced substantially. So far helicopters have been used only limitedly on the east- ern side of the Cascades, and the closest available machine to RAC now is at Bend. But Yeust emphasizes that all national forests and national parks are beginning to develop helitack crews. On the smaller blazes, the choppers land two or three men where they can walk into the fire and make equipment and retardant drops, while on larger blazes they pool together to perform much the same functions. Last year by utilizing heli- copters to return smokejump- ers to RAC off the Deschutes, considerable time was saved- -enough in some cases to al- low the same jumpers to make another jump or two the same day. Yeust makes his home at Meadow View Estates in Bend with his wife, Dorothy, and children, Carla, 15, and Craig, 12. 25 years ago April 10, 1996 — Donation a tribute to Jaqua John Jaqua likes the view from his front window of a soccer field that covers and acre of so of his farm near Eu- gene, and he likes his nephew, Dave Jaqua, who lives in Red- mond and coaches youth soc- cer. That seemed reason enough for the elder Jaqua to make an unsolicited donation — of $100,000 — to support his nephew’s efforts to provide more sports fields for local youngsters. It may seem astonishing that someone would donate such a large sum of money to a proj- ect in a town far from where he lives, but John Jaqua doesn’t think so. “I’m very fond of David,” John Jaqua said, explaining his decision to help fund devel- opment of three soccer fields, a baseball field and a softball field on land across the street from Hugh Hartman Middle School. “I just decided that would be a good place to pay tribute to my nephew, and it would be a benefit to Redmond.” John Jaqua hoped the proj- ect would be named in honor of his nephew, who has been battling cancer since last fall, and last week the Redmond School Board approved. A community group is work- ing on raising funds to build the David Jaqua Sports Com- plex, and once it is finished the school district and user groups would provide maintenance of the fields. Dave Jaqua, a prominent at- torney in his community as is John, said he was overwhelmed by the donation from his un- cle, who watches his grandkids play soccer on the field at his farm. “He’s obviously a very gen- erous individual,” Dave said, “and athletics and kids are re- ally that important to him.” As president of Redmond Youth Soccer Association and the father and soccer coach of two daughters, Dave Jaqua be- gan planning the sports field a year ago. Despite his illness, he continues to work on the proj- ect and said he’s honored by the name chosen for it. “I couldn’t be more pleased to have my name associated with a youth athletic facility,” he said. “To have this happen is just tremendous for me.” Hearing loss shouldn’t keep you from sharing her big moments. Even a mild hearing loss can drive the most active person into their own world—feeling fl awed, vulnerable, and disconnected from family and friends. 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