TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED • 541-923-3725 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 2021 • THE REDMOND SPOKESMAN 7 Classified Telephone Hours: Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 541-385-5809 your community marketplace General Merchandise 200 204 Want to Buy or Rent Wanted $ Cash paid for vintage, fake, & fine jew- elry. Top $ paid for Gold & Silver. I buy in bulk. Honest Artist. Elizabeth 541-633-7006 210 Pets & Supplies Purebred lab pups. 3 black females, vet checked, wormed, and first shots. Ready for new home. 541-416- 1175. $600, no papers. Legal Notices 1000 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices Legal Notice CITY OF REDMOND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Redmond City Council will hold a public hearing on April 13, 2021, 6:00 p.m. via digital conference. Ques- tions, or request to obtain plans, should be directed to the Staff Contact noted below via email at: josh.hoff@redmon- . You are invited to submit comments through one of the following options on or before 4 pm on April 13, 2021: • WRITTEN COM- MENTS: Submit to Josh Hoff (Associate Planner) via email at josh.hoff@redmon- or mail to City of Redmond Planning Division, 411 SW 9 th Street, Redmond, Oregon 97756; • ORAL COMMENTS: Pre-register at Pub- licTestimony@red- to provide oral com- ments during the virtual hearing (must pre-register before 4:00 p.m. on April 13, 2021). Prior to the hearing, registrants will be provided with a “GoToMeeting” phone number from City Administration so they can join the meeting by phone to participate and pro- vide testimony. Failure to raise an issue during the hearing or in writing precludes appeal by that person to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) and that failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportuni- ty to respond to the issue precludes ap- peal to LUBA based on that issue. The Redmond City Council will receive written and oral tes- timony at this time for the application described below. Questions or con- cerns regarding this application should be directed to the staff person listed, Community Devel- opment Department, City Hall, 411 9 th St, Redmond, Oregon. A staff report will be written concerning this project and will be made available for review at no cost at least 7 days prior to the hearing and copies can be provided for free or a reasonable cost, upon request. Application Numbers: Skyline Village 711-20-000087-PLNG (MD) 711-20-000088-PLNG (ZMA) 711-20-000089-PLNG (TA) 711-20-000090-PLNG (RMP) Applicant: City of Red- mond | Deschutes County Request: Partition ap- proximately 40 acres from the parent parcel, amend the zoning, amend the urban growth bound- ary, and establish master development plan approval for 485-unit housing de- velopment with small mixed-use area Location: 1002 NE 17th St. (Tax Lot #1513000000103), Redmond, OR 97756, Deschutes County Tax Asses- sor Map Applicable Criteria: Redmond Code, Chapter 8 Develop- mental Regulations, Article I– Zoning Standards, Article II L d U P 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices II–Land Use Proce- dures, Article III – Land Division Stan- dards Staff Contact Person: Joshua Hoff, Asso- ciate Planner, 541- 923-7762 or josh. hoff@redmondore- Any interested person may appear. The public hearing can be viewed at www. redmondoregon. gov/Cit yCouncil- Live. The City does not discriminate on the basis of disabil- ity status in the ad- mission or access to, or treatment, or employment in its programs or activi- ties. Anyone need- ing accommodation to participate in the meeting must notify the ADA Coordinator as soon as possible, but a least three (3) business days pri- or to the scheduled meeting at 541-504- 3036, access@ redmondoregon. gov or through the Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) which enables peo- ple who have difficul- ty hearing or speak- ing in the telephone to communicate to standard voice tele- phone users. If any- one needs Telecom- munications Device for the Deaf (TDD) or Speech To Speech (STS) assistance, please use one of the following TRS numbers: 1-800- 735-2900 (voice or text), 1-877-735- 7525 (STS English) or 1-800-735-3896 (STS Spanish) PUBLISH: Red- mond Spokesman Wednesday, March 31, 2021 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices Legal Notice Notice is hereby given by Bruce A. Young of his intention to ex- tinguish a dormant mineral interest con- cerning his property, pursuant to ORS 517.180. Oregon & Western Colonization Co., a South Dakota cor- poration (“Compa- ny”), conveyed the following described property (“Proper- ty”) to Black Butte Land & Live Stock Co. under that cer- tain Deed No. 116 dated September 27, 1912, recorded in the records of Crook County on October 14, 1912 in Volume 28, Deeds, Page 599: North half (N½) of Section Eleven (11) Township fourteen (14) South of Range Eleven (11) East and the Southeast quar- ter (SE¼) of Sec- tion twenty-one (21) Township thirteen (13) South of Range Eleven (11) East of the Willamette Me- ridian, containing, according to the United States Gov- ernment Survey, four hundred eighty (480) acres, more or less. Together with all and singular the tene- ments, heredita- ments and appur- tenances thereto belonging, or in any- wise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title and inter- est of the said party of the first part in and to the same. Excepting and re- serving, however, all coal, iron, oil or other valuable min- erals in or upon said lands, together with the right to use so much of the surface CLASSIFIEDS as may be neces- WHERE BUYERS & SELLERS MEET sary in exploring for said minerals, or in Legal Notice mining and remov- IN THE CIRCUIT ing the same. But it COURT OF THE is agreed, that if any STATE OF ORE- surface land shall be GON taken hereunder for FOR THE COUNTY mining purposes, it OF DESCHUTES shall be paid for at In the Matter of the the rate of $--- per Estate of FREEMAN acre. LAMAR ROBIRTS, The grantor also re- Deceased serves all riparian, Case No.: 21PB01552 and water rights, NOTICE TO INTER- except such reason- ESTED PERSONS able use of water NOTICE IS HEREBY for domestic, stock, GIVEN that Teresa and irrigation pur- Schoonmaker has poses, as may be been appointed per- necessary for the sonal representative. ordinary and proper All persons having enjoyment of said claims against the premises. estate are required The Company re- to present them, with served mineral rights vouchers attached, in the Property. The to the personal rep- Company subse- resentative c/o Law quently merged into Office of Paul Heath- Davidson Company, erman PC, PO Box a Minnesota cor- 8, Bend, OR 97709, poration, in 1970, within four months which dissolved in after the date of first 1977. publication of this The holder of the notice, or the claims above-referenced may be barred. mineral interest must All persons whose submit a statement rights may be affect- of claim to the county ed by the proceed- clerk within sixty (60) ings may obtain ad- days after the date of ditional information the last publication from the records of of this Notice or the the Court, the per- mineral interest may sonal representative, be extinguished. or the lawyers for the The date of first publi- personal representa- cation of this notice tive, Paul B. Heath- is March 17, 2021. erman. Bruce A. Young Dated and first pub- c/o Paul Migchelbrink lished on March 17, Farleigh Wada Witt 2021. 121 SW Morrison /s/ Teresa Schoonmak- Street, Suite 600 er Portland, OR 97124 Teresa Schoonmaker Personal Represen- CLASSIFIEDS tative WHERE BUYERS & SELLERS MEET 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF ORE- GON FOR THE COUNTY OF DESCHUTES Probate Department In the Matter of the Es- tate of GERALD LEO PROOST, De- ceased. CaseNo.21PB01461 NOTICE TO INTER- ESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Meredith P. Johnson has been appointed Person- al Representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned attorney for the Per- sonal Represen- tative at 101 SW Washington Street, Hillsboro, Oregon 97123, within four months after the date of first publica- tion of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affect- ed by the proceed- ings may obtain ad- ditional information from the records of the court, the Per- sonal Representa- tive, or the attorneys for the Personal Representative, Ei- senstein Law Office, P.C. Dated and first pub- lished March 17, 2021. Scott L. Eisenstein, OSB #920561 Attorney for the Per- sonal Representa- tive Personal Representa- tive: Meredith P. Johnson 2322 Vining St Bellingham, WA 98229 (503) 348-5466 Attorney for Personal Representative: Scott L. Eisenstein, OSB No. 920561 101 SW Washington Street Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 503-640-6612, Fax 503-693-1874 Email: SLE@neaesq. com Legal Notice Estate of GREGG G. MCFADDEN Notice to Interested Persons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, Probate Department, Case No. 21PB01654. In the Matter of the Es- tate of Gregg G. Mc- Fadden, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Diane J. Spring- er has been appoint- ed as the personal representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to the personal repre- sentative in care of the attorney listed below, within four months after the date of first publica- tion of this notice, as stated below, or such claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings in this estate may obtain additional informa- tion from the records of the Court, the per- sonal representative or the attorney for 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices the personal repre- sentative. Dated and first pub- lished March 24, 2021. DIANE J. SPRINGER Person- al Representative DAYNA J. CHRIS- TIAN, OSB NO. 97336 Attorney for Personal Representative IMMIX LAW GROUP PC 600 NW Naito Pkwy, Suite G Port- land, OR 97209 Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF ORE- GON FOR THE COUNTY OF DE- SCHUTES Probate Depart- ment, Case No, 21PB01776 NOTICE TO INTER- ESTED PERSONS In the Matter of the Estate of SALLY L. MERIGIS, De- ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Molly L. McGrew has been appointed as the personal representa- tive of the above es- tate. All persons hav- ing claims against the estate are re- quired to present them to the under- signed attorney for the personal repre- sentative at: 6500 S Macadam Ave., Ste. 300, Portland, OR 97239-3565, within four months after the date of first publica- tion of this notice, or such claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affect- ed by the proceed- ings may obtain ad- ditional information from the records of the Court, the per- sonal representative, or the attorney for the personal repre- sentative. Dated and first pub- lished on March 24, 2021. Molly L. Mc- Grew Personal Rep- resentative Garvin Reiter, OSB #970140 Law Offices of Nay & Frieden- berg LLC Attorneys for Personal Representative 6500 S Macadam Ave., Ste. 300 Portland, OR 97239- 3565 Tel (503) 245-0894 Fax (503 245-1562 Published March 24, March 31 & April 7, 2021. Legal Notice Estate of Nicole G. Leatherman Notice to Interested Persons Deschutes County Circuit Court Case Number: 21PB01803 Notice: The Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of De- schutes, has ap- pointed Rory T. N. Gokan as Personal Representative of the Estate of Nicole G. Leatherman, deceased. All per- sons having claims against said estate are required to pres- ent the same, with proper vouchers to the Personal Rep- resentative at Edgel Law Group, 1800 Blankenship Road, Suite 370, West Linn, Oregon 97068, within four months from the date of first publication of this i d b 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices notice as stated be- low, or they may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by this pro- ceeding may obtain additional informa- tion from the records of the Court, the Personal Represen- tative, or the attor- ney for the Personal Representative. Dated and first pub- lished March 31, 2021. Rory T. N. Gokan, Per- sonal Representa- tive, c/o Edgel Law Group, 1800 Blan- kenship Road, Suite 370, West Linn, Ore- gon 97068. Michael J. Edgel, Attor- ney for the Personal Representative, Ed- gel Law Group, 1800 Blankenship Road, Suite 370, West Linn, Oregon 97068. Legal Notice SUMMONS by Publi- cation TO: KEVIN VINCENT MASSEY. You have been sued by CARRIE ELLEN MASSEY, the plain- tiff, in the District Court in and for Ada County, Idaho, Case No. CV 01 21 02120 The nature of the claim against you is for divorce. Any time after 21 days following the last publication of this Summons, the court may enter a judgment against you without further notice, unless prior to that time you have filed a written re- sponse in the proper form, including the case number, and paid any required filing fee to the Clerk of the Court at 200 W. Front Street, Boi- se, Idaho 83702, and served a copy of your response on the Petitioner, whose mailing address and telephone number are CARRIE ELLEN MASSEY, 2166 S. Covey Avenue, Me- ridian, Idaho 83642, (208) 230-0942. A copy of the Sum- mons and Petition can be obtained by contacting either the Clerk of the Court or the Petitioner. If you wish legal as- sistance, you should immediately retain and attorney to ad- vise you in this mat- ter. DATED this 16 day of February, 2021. PHIL McGRANE CLERK OF THE DIS- TRICT COURT By: Brit Charters, Dep- uty Clerk Legal Notice Notice is hereby given by Bruce A. Young of his intention to ex- tinguish a dormant mineral interest con- cerning his property, pursuant to ORS 517.180. Louise H. S. Morley reserved one-half of all mineral rights in certain property de- scribed on Exhibit A attached hereto, un- der that certain As- signment dated July 12, 1976 and record- ed in the records of Deschutes County on August 9, 1976 in Book 235, Page 369. In addition, Louise H. S. Morley reserved one-half of all min- eral rights in certain property described 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices on Exhibit B at- tached hereto, under that certain Statu- tory Warranty Deed dated October 15, 1979 and recorded in the records of De- schutes County on October 17, 1979 in Book 309, Page 625. The holder of the above-referenced mineral interest must submit a statement of claim to the county clerk within sixty (60) days after the date of the last publication of this Notice or the mineral interest may be extinguished. The date of first publi- cation of this notice is March 17, 2021. Bruce A. Young c/o Paul Migchelbrink Farleigh Wada Witt 121 SW Morrison Street, Suite 600 Portland, OR 97124 EXHIBIT A STATE OF OREGON, County of De- schutes: PARCEL1: Lot 1, the SE1/4NE1/4, SE1/4, E1/2SW1/4, NW1/4SW1/4 of Section 1; the S1/2NW1/4 and Lots 2, 3 and 4 of Section 2; the SW1/4NE1/4, NW1/4NE1/4 and the NW1/4 of Section 11; the NE1/4NE1/4 of Section 12; the E1/2NE1/4 N1/2SE1/4 of Section 15; the SE1/4SE1/4 of Section 20; the SW1/4SW1/4 of Section 21; the SE1/4NE1/4, N1/2SE1/4 and the NE1/4SW1/4 of Sec- tion 30; all being in Township 14 South, Range 11 East of the Willamette Meridian; PARCEL 2: The SW1/4NE1/4 and the SW1/4SW1/4 of Section 1; the SE1/4SE1/4 of Sec- tion 2; the E1/2NE1/4 and the NE1/4SE1/4 of Section 11; the W1/2NW1/4, NE1/4NW1/4, NW1/4SW1/4, W1/2NE1/4, and the SE1/4NE1/4 of Sec- tion 12; all being in Township 14 South, Range 11 East of the Willamette Meridian; ALSO, the NW1/4 of Section 6, Township 14 South, Range 12, East of the Willa- mette Meridian; TOGETHER With ap- purtenant Squaw Creek water right. TOGETHER With ap- purtenant Bureau of Land Management and United States Forest Service graz- ing privileges. SUBJECT To ease- ments, restrictions and rights of way of record; RESERVING unto Seller one-half of all oil and mineral rights in or upon said land together with the right to use so much of the surface as may be necessary in exploring for said minerals or in mining and removing the same. EXHIBIT B Parcel I: Lot 1, S1/2 NE1/4, N1/2 SE1/4, SE1/4 SE1/4, N1/2 SW1/4, That portion of SW1/4 SE1/4 lying north of Holmes Road, That portion of SW1/4 SW1/4 lying north of Holmes Road, That portion of SE1/4 SW1/4 lying north of H l R d 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices Holmes Road, Section One (1), Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Eleven (11) East of the Willamette Me- ridian. SE1/4 SE1/4, Section Two (2), Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Eleven (11) East of the Willa- mette Meridian, NW1/4 NW1/4, That portion of NE1/4 NW1/4 lying north of Holmes Road, That portion of NW1/4 NE1/4 lying north of Holmes Road, That portion of NE1/4 NE1/4 lying north of Holmes Road, Section Eleven (11), Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Eleven (11), East of the Willamette Me- ridian, Deschutes County, Oregon. That portion of NW1/4 NW1/4 lying north of Holmes Road, That portion of N1/2 NE1/4 lying north of Holmes Road, Section Twelve (12), Township Fourteen (14) South Range Eleven (11) East of the Willamette Me- ridian. EXCEPTING FROM PARCEL I THE FOL- LOWING: A parcel of land 50 feet by 50 feet (0.57 acres) lying in a por- tion of Section One (1) and Twelve (12), Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Eleven (11) East of the Willamette Me- ridian, Deschutes County, Oregon, more particularly de- scribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Section Twelve (12), which point is the intersection of the East line of said Section Twelve (12) and the center- line of the existing paving of Holmes Road; thence north- erly following along the East line of said Section Twelve (12), a distance of 907 feet to the True Point of Beginning for this description; thence following along the East line of said Section Twelve (12) and also extending along the East line of Section One (1), a total of 50.00 feet; thence due West 50.00 feet; thence due South 50.00 feet; thence Easterly 50.00 feet; more or less, to the Point of Beginning. Parcel II: In Township 14 South, Range 11 East of the Wil- lamette Meridian, Deschutes County, Oregon. Section 1: That por- tion of the SW1/4 of the SE1/4 lying south of Holmes Road, and that por- tion of the SE1/4 of the SW1/4 lying south of Holmes Road. Section 12: That por- tion of the NE1/4 ly- ing south of Holmes Road and the NE1/4 of the NW1/4. Parcel III: In Township 14 South, Range 11 East of the Wil- lamette Meridian, Deschutes County, Oregon. Section 2: Govern- ment Lots 2, 3, and 4 and the South 1/2 of the NW1/4. EXCEPTING FROM h b d ib d 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices the above described parcels the right of way of Holmes Road. Parcel IV: In Township 14 South, Range 11 East of the Wil- lamette Meridian, Deschutes County, Oregon. Section 11: S1/2 NW1/4, S1/2 NE1/4, NE1/4 SE1/4, that portion of the NE1/4 NW1/4 and N1/2NE1/4 lying South of Holmes Road. Section 12: NW1/4 SW1/4, SW1/4 NW1/4, that portion of NW1/4 NW1/4 of Section 12 and SW1/4 SW1/4 of Section 1 lying South of Holmes Road. Parcel IX: In Township 14 South, Range 12 East of the Wil- lamette Meridian, Deschutes County, Oregon. Section 6: NW1/4. RESERVING UNTO Grantor, her heirs, successors, and as- signs one-half of all oil and mineral rights in or upon said land together with the right to use so much of the surface as may be necessary in exploring for said minerals or in mining and removing the same. TOGETHER WITH the appurtenant wa- ter right delivered through the system of Squaw Creek Irri- gation District. Legal Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to ORS 130.365 that the undersigned is successor trustees to the PHILIP J. SWEE REVOCA- BLE LIVING TRUST dated December 21, 2020. A settlor of the Trust was PHIL- IP JOHN SWEE who died February 1, 2021. All per- sons having claims against settlor of the PHILIP J. SWEE REVOCABLE LIV- ING TRUST are required to present them with vouchers attached, to: NOELLE C. COOK, Successor Trustee PHILIP J. SWEE RE- VOCABLE LIVING TRUST c/o Lonn T.W. Johnston PO Box 457 Redmond OR 97756 All claims against the PHILIP J. SWEE REVOCABLE LIV- ING TRUST dated December 21, 2020 must be presented to the Successor Trustee at the above address within four (4) months after the date of first publica- tion of this notice, or such claims may be barred. Date first published: March 31, 2021 PHILIP J. SWEE RE- VOCABLE LIVING TRUST Noelle C. Cook, Successor Trustee CHECK YOUR AD On the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. Spellcheck and human errors do occur. Contact us ASAP so that corrections and any adjustments can be made to your ad. 541-385-5809