THE SPOKESMAN • WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2021 P3 FLASHBACK Roberts Field reestablished as a civilian airport in 1946 100 years ago Feb. 24, 1921 — City Jail Capacity Is Doubled; $1.75 As- sures Comfort Something had to be done. Redmond ordinarily has had but few prisoners in the city jail, but last week four were registered and taxed accom- modations so heavily that some conveniences had to be borrowed for the night. So the matter has been fixed. Albert Julian, city marshal, and M.A. Cunning, city recorder, were in attendance at an auc- tion sale and bought a double bed and springs for $1.25 and paid fifty cents cartage. This was upon their own responsi- bility, but the council Tuesday night placed the “okeh” on the transaction and ordered the $1.75 be paid. With the equipment in place today the jail is able to accommo- date double the former capacity permitted by two single beds. 75 years ago Feb. 28, 1946 — Airport En- try Granted It’s Roberts field again. the city of Redmond received right of entry Tuesday afternoon to Redmond army air field, and within an hour flying activi- ties had been moved from the CAP airport four miles west of town to the big base. Piloting his Fairchild PT-23, Mayor T.J. Wells made the first landing on Roberts field, his passenger being J.R. Roberts, in whose honor the city’s municipal air- port was named. The army engineers in Port- land received authority Tuesday to grant an interim permit to the city, Roberts was advised by tele- gram from E.W. Barnes, chief of the sub-office. Barnes stated that Capt. Olson of Portland army air base will be in Redmond this afternoon or Friday morning to deliver possession of buildings and equipment. Dick Ballantine, who has operated Redmond CAP air- port since August, 1944, im- mediately moved his planes and operations to the army field. Calvin Butler, who also will operate from Roberts field, flew his Piper Cub there from Prineville later in the after- noon. The Civil Aeronautics administration was notified and designation has been re- moved from the CAP airport, which attained nation-wide publicity when it was built and used the same day through the efforts of Redmond squadron of the Civil Air patrol and Red- mond townsfolk. At present five planes are in one of the gigantic hangars, the Wells Fairchild, Ballantine’s two Interstates, Butler’s Cub and Al Miller’s Taylorcraft, but it is ex- pected other aircraft will be there soon, including a plan to be used by the CAA safety regulations district office to be opened, with J.T. Feeney as senior inspector. Until Friday, permits will be required to enter the field, Mayor Wells has announced. This will be for business pur- poses and may be obtained from J.R. Roberts or Wells. Ar- rangements for telephone, wa- ter and lights cannot be made until Capt. Olson arrives to deliver officially possession of buildings and equipment. Roberts field has two 7000- foot paved runways, two large hangars which formerly housed B-17 bombers and later fighter planes, taxiways, parking aprons, scores of buildings and other extensive operational facilities. With L.E. Davis in charge, the CAA already has a communi- cations office on the field, which takes weather observations. 50 years ago Feb. 24, 1971 — COCC to sponsor first intercollegiate rodeo at Madras The First Annual Central Or- egon Community College In- tercollegiate Rodeo will be held April 2-4 in the Madras indoor arena, according to Valerie Holt, Redmond-area chairman. The National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association event is Spokesman file photo Damon Folk, left, and Crystal Attenberry with art project at Redmond High School in 1996. expected to draw participants from Oregon State University, Eastern Oregon College, Trea- sure Valley Community Col- lege and possibly Oregon Tech- nical Institute and Southern Oregon College. Teams, composed of six boys and three girls, also will be competing from Washington, Montana and Idaho. Stock for all events will be provided by Ronnie Raymond of Double R Rodeo Co. Boys will compete in bare- back riding, saddle bronc rid- ing, bull riding, ribbon roping, bulldogging and calf roping. For girls, there will be barrel racing and the special female versions of goat tying and breakaway calf roping. Buckles will be given in each event, plus special buckles to all-around boy and girl, and a high point team trophy. The Friday performance will begin at 7:30 p.m., with Satur- day and Sunday shows sched- uled for 1:30 p.m. Highlight Saturday night will be a rodeo dance. 25 years ago Feb. 28, 1996 — Art stu- dents study human character Some unusual and even star- tling art projects are popping up at Redmond High School. The life-sized cardboard fig- ures of people often get second and third glances as they stand quietly between bookshelves or near counters. The “people” are part of a study of color and human characteristics in basic design classes at the high school. Stu- dents created characters from all walks of life, including an unemployed police officer, a hillbilly waitress and a flower child. Students developed compre- hensive biographies — with relatives and occupations — for their people. From those bi- ographies came such details as balding heads, beards and crop tops for the characters. Some, like Ivan Foster’s group, went for more of a car- toon style. Foster worked on the waitress character, “Dolores.” In addition to coffee stains and egg smears on her apron, she sports toothpick-thin arms and black combat boots. For several students, adding color to the figures was their first attempt at painting. Nikki Holm learned, “it’s really hard to make a good skin color.” she said. The distinctive “people” are now accepting visitors and can be seen in the school library. Bentz named ranking member of House water subcommittee BY GEORGE PLAVEN EO Media Group While Oregon’s freshman Republican congressman, Rep. Cliff Bentz, has only been in office for less than two months, he will serve as the GOP’s ranking member of the House Natu- ral Resources Sub- committee on Water, Oceans and Wildlife. The subcommit- tee oversees federal agencies in charge of managing water Bentz resources for irriga- tion, hydroelectricity, navigation and conservation — including the Bureau of Reclamation and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In a statement, Bentz said he will provide a “thought- ful check and balance to the Biden Administration and the Democrat majority in Congress,” pushing back against burdensome regu- lations that have hindered farms and rural communities across the West. “For more than half of my professional and political career I have stood up and fought for agriculture and communities that rely on our water resources and are feeling the effects of a real and regula- tory drought,” Bentz said. Arkansas Rep. Bruce Wes- terman, the ranking Repub- lican on the House Natural Resources Committee, said that while Bentz may be new to Congress, his experiences as an attorney specializing in water law have equipped him to be a strong voice on water issues. “As we begin this new Con- gress,” Westerman said, “I be- lieve we have the best possi- ble team ready to take on any challenge and show Ameri- cans that conservation is in- herently conservative.” Bentz was elected to the House in November, replac- ing Rep. Greg Walden, who retired after 22 years in office. As Oregon’s only congressio- nal Republican, Bentz rep- resents District 2, covering the majority of the eastern, central and southern portions of the state. During his 43 years as an attorney in Ontario, Bentz said he represented numerous farmers, ranchers and small businesses that depend on a thriving agricultural economy. “I understand their prob- lems,” he said. “They will have someone at the table to fight for what they need, if they are going to survive as families and communities.” Specifically, Bentz said the committee may be able to help fund ad- ditional water storage projects to provide greater certainty for farms feeling the ef- fects of drought, while “hopefully not putting senseless regulations back in place.” “There are lots of Clean Water Act and ESA (regu- lations) that can be brought into play,” he said. “To the ex- tent that they are, it generally plays out badly for farmers.” When asked about Idaho Rep. Mike Simpson’s proposal to breach four dams along the lower Snake River as part of a plan to save endangered salmon runs, Bentz said he is generally opposed to remov- ing dams, but looks forward to listening to communities and businesses that would be affected. “Dam removal, it’s com- munity-changing, and many would say community-de- structive,” Bentz said. “I’m anxious to listen to what the people who would be most impacted want.” Agricultural groups in Or- egon largely praised Bentz’s appointment to the water subcommittee. Barb Iverson, president of the Oregon Farm Bureau, said Bentz brings extensive expertise on water issues to the national level. April Snell, executive direc- tor of the Oregon Water Re- sources Congress, which rep- resents irrigation districts and agricultural water suppliers, said the committee will bene- fit from Bentz’s knowledge of western water law. “Through his many years in the Oregon Legislature, Congressman Bentz knows first-hand the importance of bridging the ur- ban-rural divide and support- ing common-sense solutions regardless of party,” Snell said. “His thoughtful and delibera- tive approach to complex pol- icy is needed now more than ever and we are grateful to have him in Congress working on Oregon’s behalf.”