Il "v _______ T H W '" Al II 211 IUI « TlIK REDMOND Hl’OKKHMAN PAGE riVE l'Y DIKKITOKY I» m h m ii : i . Redmond and Vicinity o . o . r. iM Il MW f t ' 1 'llnirsday ii I k M lu lutai week wua au otlrmiioly boi irvt’a Mal Visiting brothers ara mio In Itila aorlloii. Ubo .lay ib o llior rdlaliy In» lied •«» allant] momotar ko I iik ovar Ilio In ilio A II M V K HH. N il aliado lini li wua great growing .1 I* Ji ilINMON. H< < weather und Ilio people boro worn willing lo alami Ilio lioul ua long Ha 5 C L A S S I F IK B n u . I MN Ilio woullior benefited Ilio furtuora A dvartia* manta published under la barn] ut on « ««'iti m word for Tbo war lina affected all prices •b Ini*«' Ion No ailvarllaamant except t bnao of Ilio Homi Htoaui •arlad fio li-aa Iliuti IG l’anta Or l.nunilry Tholr prîtes romuln Ilio >ra troni oui of town muai Inform aamo. ulao ilio iiuallty of tliolr work i b o a y m i r Issues Dll' u>d i n n i n g Waul fall lowed. Initnodfalo poMcaalun l.lou Sunday aftor a trip lo !.a Pino whoro b o m n mlira woatorly from Hea ho bad boon vlalllng hla brolhor Jim hutaa. H K King. Walla Walla A buarball gamo waa ptayod baro Sunday atiarnnon botwren a nino KOI M l from Bond and tho locala Tho vUI- Home liour found Hoar town Wod tore won by a acoro of 3 to I In a There waa a good ailed laaday, A"giiai 12 Owner ran havo faat gamo am# by proving property and pay- crowd In attendance notwllhalandlng ng rba . oa t' l.linliiulal. Hod iho windy condition of the weather 711 H I. Kchee. secretary o f Iho Red- MI M I I . I . W H M 1 inumi Commercial Club, loft Satur­ day laal fur Indlanola. Iowa, and tuau t'laaalflod ada bring other polnta In that alalo for a vaca­ II*— ' y thorn don't mat unirli tion offendin g until about tho IGth It you a ani to kaop poatod taka o f September While away Mr Hchee will endeavor to Intoreat eonie of Tb# Spoil oaiiian It GO a year Iho people there In thla aertlon of m 5 T 3 b > a W M o « Oregou I ' K O l ' l i M M NTV »IlsTIlK T Mra A H Sparka. manager o f Iho rm iriM Sparka Theater of thla city, waa In i Incorporatati » Purl laud laal week on bualnoaa I Prlnovlllo. tirrgon Abotrnci Inaurano* l l e n a n luivo and llarm-y Marked Mil Inal for «'rum- P tn lr . P M . U A 4 It«IM l*%TIK\TI4 and Kali Hiver lo catch nomo big llah OK lilt U K t I « » :, t IIIHO- Ilka Iho one Tom Sharp ranghi laal PK \. K ill, u l l i l i s I ITV week at Kail Hiver Kalla The parly look g u m along and expect to kill T h a “foilow in g are unaollcltad to« •omo door and a bear or two ilmonlgla aonl to Hr w K i'aa-, For grain baga aoo Itedmund Food C h lr o p r tor. of this city, bv pa­ A Mill C o 71f líenla Vrlmui ho haa curati The Halloa. Oregon. Huy F Hobson, president o f tho Juno IG. I9u9 Kodmond Hank o f Commerça, re­ To Whom li May Concern I d o r ' o f d for tw o years with d o c ­ turned last Friday from a business tora for ronaumpflon. siepi In a lout trip to Portland by tb# I doctors' ordora In February Johnaon Hroa last week found a and IS March I t o o k 3 0 adjust m a n ia 'o f Hr W K Case and I am largo tarantulg In a buch o f bananas They now we and strong aa 1 aver was they wore about to hang up caught tho deadly Insect In a bottle W W 7.ACHAKY and have II preaorvod In alcohol. The Halloa. Oregon, Juno 7. 1900 K T It ad m on ft. who lately return­ I wri'o by |M>rmlaalun from Mra ed from l.a Pina, atated that the peo­ Zacbar> ple down there had been fighting for- Hhalanld aho ha-l noi aeon a well eal Urea Al one time the lire waa day fo| aoven years. Ilio cause being within half a mite of I -a Pine and female .ml kblnoy trouble, and rot. much apprehension was felt for the atipado i. and ao nervoua. with safety o f the town crampo ami awful pallia lhal c o m ­ pelled [her lo keep her boil noar'y A cool wave struck thla aertlon half of 'h o Hina She look i l l weeks Sunday night and the weather has adjuatn cuts from Hr W. K Case been somewhat more endurable since Ibreo fm.ut ha ago and saya "I am then. wall a » . I havo never had a cramp or pain ali ce that time " Mrs John Tinner o f this city la W W ZACIIARY visiting her daughter. Mra Kber- hardt. at McMinnville, thla slate FOR ItKNT Oood horse alfalfa paature. price fS.OO a imintli C I Hlalr, Fair Aerea, one half mile north of Hed- New grain baga. 9*4 renta for Illach Slrlpe; 9 \ cenia for Calcutta. Itedmund Feed « Mill Co 7tf H Hev W. K Kagan, past or o f the M K church here, cgpecta to leave the last o f the month to join hla fam­ IJght Plant for Hale— Tb* Spokesman has a practically ily In Michigan where they have been new gn dine lighting plant for sale. alm e leaving Hedmond some time It la up to date pressure system ago and win be sold very reasonable. tie» Haney, who haa a nice farm Reaaon or selling -changed to elec­ two mllea weal of the city, haa h id tricity good luck growing watermelons this year lie has some melons that are Tar Waakana R o p e . two feel long. Rope la often tarred to protect It f m m llie weather This la a somewhat No need lo suffer llila hot weather donMf il priirtlce. aa the arid In the go to Karlelgh'a In the postonico tar Wcii.eiis the rope to aitcb an ex- building and get som e o f their good 712 tent ¡Hint engineers eallmnle tarred Ice cream or a cool drink. rope'to la- only tw othln la na strong Mrs Prater o f Klleuaburg. Wn . la aa d e n. new rope No kind of oil here vlalllng her son. <1 W. Karris or ■ b e r prepurnlloll haa so far l>een Mra Prater la on her way home after found that will tad Injure the rope, vlalllng laal winter In California eg cep tnllow Tallow and grnpblte are n«>sl In making tranainlaelon ro|ie Mrs Karl Wood* and baby o f Sla­ and for lubricating It when In uae. — ters. left Wednesday morning for n two months' visit with relatives In R i c h Bilge Nebraska and Arkansas Crete's Long Siaga. A. J. Haney, a former resident o f C fe'c endured the longest siege on fd. beside which Troy's ten years this city, arrived here Monday night Iml a skirmish In I04H the from California for a vlalt with old friends. He may decide lo remain , attempting to rompier the la land laid siege to the capital city of J. H Shipp, a prominent lumber Oap'iln. which, however, did not aitr dealer o f Prlnevllle. was her Tu es­ pawl. ' until September, |iw;n after day on bualness for a few houra. twanty one yeara Agnln In IRSI. when the Cpetnna revolted, the defeatnt A bunch o f fellows from the co u n ­ Tnfks were aide to hold the fortified try cam e here last Saturday pretty cttlc-. "gnlnat all attacks, and many of well londed with booxe, and tw o of them were still enraptured when the their number who were looking for trouble found II when they b e g in poWcra Intervened nine years later. Warner Bro. Corsets, Guaranteed not to Rust o r Tear A Complete Stock o f Muslin lJnderwear on Sale Mid Summer Sale of Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring and and and and and Summer Dress Goods Summer Dresses, Ready to Wear Summer Tailored Suits & Coats Summer Underwear Summer Trimmed Hats This sale will close SATU R D AY, AUGUST 22. This is a splen­ did opportunity for everyone to purchase their needs at very much reduced prices. In putting on this sale there were many articles marked down even below cost, and the goods are all first class. COME IN A M ) LOOK THEM OVER. Grips and Suit Cases Our complete stock o f Suit Cases, HanJ Bags and Grips are priced less than the usual price asked for these goods. Suit Cases. 22-21 and 26 in., prices, 2.75, 3.00. 1.50, 5.00 & 5.50 Hand Itags, prices .......................................................... 1.00 to 1.50 Pure Food Department Goods Always Fresh and Clean FRESH FRI IT We are Exclusive Agents SUGAR AND SPICES CANNING AND PICKLING SEASON IS ON. GLOVES GET YOUR SUPPLY NOW. Royal Club Tomatoes, per can ............................. 15 Fountain Tomatoes, per can ............................... 12*4 German American Coffee, per lb ................... .30 German American Coffee. 31b cans.....................85 Hills Blue Can Coffee, 3Ibs.............................. 1.10 Fountain Coffee, 3 tbs ...................................... 1.00 Cleveland Baking Powder, 3tbs ..................... 1.00 Snow Flake Crackers, per pkg ........... 10 or .25 New Honey, per square ..........................................20 Rose Bud Syrup, per gal ............................... 1.15 Soda, per pound .................................... „ ............... 06 Royal White Soap, 6 b a r s .................................... 25 Hills Japan Tea. 16 oz. pkgs ............................... 50 Pacific Minced Clams, 2 cans fo r........................... 25 Aster Milk, 3 cans for ...........................................25 Bulk Rolled Oats, per tb ................................ 05 Roman Meal, per p k g ..............................................25 Uncle Sam Health Food, per pkg ......................25 LYNCH & ROBERTS THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES and LOWER PRICES We buy Butter and Eggs bothering soma of tha oltlians hara, anil wanting to scrap The tw o bail man ware arresteil by Marshal Ad­ ams after one o f them hail bean knorkeil down and hail hla aye put In motirnlng. A flna o f 916 each waa assessed on tha disturbers of tha peace One paid tha flna and tha other one Is working It out on tha street seven days. IE Y O U W A N T To rent a house To sell a house T o rent a room T o sell anything T o buy anything Use T h e Spokesman's Classified Ads. Only one cent a word. The farm house o f C. It Smith In the Pleasant Valley district, 6 miles southwest o f the city, occupied by Wilber Mallery, burned to the ground last Thursday. House and contents a total Iosa; no Insurance The Are ta supposed to have started R E D MO N D , from a stove pipe that projected thru the roof Mrs Mallory and children were alone at the time o f the Are and the only thing saved from the house was a trunk and table. W. P. Daggett returned Tuesday morning from Portland where he had been on legal business. Mass will be celebrated at the Catholic church here Sunday, Aug. 23. at 11 o'clock a. m. _____. Preaching services at the Metho­ dist church next Sunday evening. W. K. Kagan, pastor. Everything In the sm okers' line can be found at Farlelgh’s In the poatolflce building. 712 Regular services at the Presbyter­ ian church Sunday. August 23. Sun­ day school at 10 a. m.; preaching services at 11 o ’clock. The public cordially Invited. T. J. Hedges, pas tor. OREGON We close 6:30: Saturday 10:00 KII.I.KH Ititi ( 111 W \K IN .SP IK E S T R A D E H O P E J. H. Roe. proprietor o f the Red­ mond Market, this week killed a six weeks' old calf that he raised him ­ self. that weighed 180 pounds The c alf was worth 119 80. Mr. R oe said | he raised the calf to the above weight by giving It plenty o f milk, and that others could do the same with their calves If they would put the milk Into them. Secretary luine Sees Chance to lle- conae Com mercia l Mistress A Washington dispatch o f the 16th says that Secretary o f the In­ terior l.ane predicts that the war in Europe will result In a vast devel­ opment of the mineral and manufac­ turing resources o f the United States. "'It Is possible so to develop and The 1914 state wool clip totaled utllixe our mineral and m anufactur­ $2,700.000. ing resources, particularly In the west.” said the secretary, “ that the City barns will be built at P or t­ label 'Made In the United States,’ land to cost $50.000 will becom e familiar around the w orld .” The Oregon City paper Industry Is not affected by the foreign war Signor Francis Griffon o f Italy Is In Portland to locate 50,000 acres of Thirty new houses are being built land for a great cheese Industry. at Forest Grove and 10 blocks of paving. Coquille is selling $30,000 bonds for a wanter plant. A freak law that will be proposed in the legislature Is to create the o f ­ Enterprise opens bids August 21 fice o f county advlaer. for a $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 sewer system.