Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ H ub C ity ” o f Central O regon ï VOL r. N<». 7 KKDMONl). ( KOOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20. 1914 $1.50 PER YEAR i. “ ROPS GOOD AROUND HERE REDMOND POTATO SHOW AND FAIR WILL HELP ÜS W— P A R T IA L L IS T O F FOURTH jV «i ■*«1 4 i u TO UK H E L D Two Months Has Been Fine (¡row- inn Weather ë) ** i X PR O IH UTS S H O W IN G U P S A T IS F A C T O R IL Y ' ' 1 falfa W ill ( Hr |.urKr Yield— W ill Get Third ( rop— h Generally Promise Good Result» I hi rlag Ihn past (wo month» (hr t « l l | w< .«ihnr In Ihl» section h »» •a all I t At could I m * tl«ilr«it Amt kind» of Trop» arr rom l^ | along a' a rapid ral«- Ihr prln I »to t M ifeal » « • batallad bj I t a a ^ B -T t t b t r I» alfalfa II yl»l<( large ihl» » .* » ' o a* lar*-- aot lar>‘ ' (ban In any previous taoa la i. « '" t i of in« Rad >nd MBirlri or the surrounding aatrjr. Wbaat and uala. though thorn la t a vary la rge acreage of Iho form' >«. wilt at* yield « e l l . and especial- . aa la t o Irrigated sections 1 ' Potato»! In (he irrlKaied districts ( o d Wbof' well laken rare of, will »Id a b. I If ul crop The polatu n m b i l l year la »maller (b an In OVtooa Oeaaona. and all Indlrallon» \|,|at to a ..... I prl'e for I lie npinU who har» (heir land un r oatar alai» lhal (hay have had •my r « Ihla »eaeon. (hough II haa •n tba dryest and holleal »unirner ■ H i ' l here for years oaa aa' reable feature In (he Irrt- .tad d ta iri'i» i» tbat tba fanaara a gsttlr..: heller familiarized with a gydlaii and hsve been using (he .(■»alar mon- Intelligently In growing air K ANNUAL RULES AND R E G U L A T IO N S P O T A T O ES $10.00 the Iteat Huahel of Hurtuinka 1 o l i o the Heat Huahel of Rural New York the Beat Huahel of Uncle Sam 10.00 the Heat Huahel of Netted (¡ema lo.oo 10.00 the Heat Huahel of Early Ohio 10.00 the Heat Huahel o f Early Roae the large st 36 Potatoe.«, any variety, Silver liv in g Cup, preaented by the Great Northern 1 $25.00 Ruitwuy, value $5.00 5.00 MO 5 oo 5.00 5.00 Continued on page 1 “ CURIOUS DISEASE IS EXPERIENCED MEN AT WAREHOUSE AT CULVER FARMERS' INSTITUTE BURNED [AST SATURDAY u b XI I’ HOKKWNIIUI K X TK H M IN \TING J t l k I It) »M I». A. m l,. I.F.GK W IL L I.IV K T A I. KM CALL tt t a MK X T TU Thousand* of A n im a l« F ie ld » , N age llru « h a n d K n it AMMIMTAXCK I 1.1,1 a n il I >WM«( r a t io n W o r k Wi l l M igli Wi n d W a« B lo w in g a t T im e o f Ik* F e a tu r e * o f M u ch In ter- F ir e a n d C itize n » F c n r e d fo r e»( to th e F a r m e r« B a la n c e o f T o w n I'nder the auspices of County Ag­ .silver riculturist A K. Inivett a aeries of Ab» t i) I M « e a s e I » e x t e r m i n â t lu g Farmer»' Institute» will lie held In irk rebb i» In that section of Silver Crook county from August 22 to The questions of sotls e h » Valley lying north of Tallita September I larsh bud north and west of the and crops, livestock on the farm and i k e Ob' him '» of thousand» of therm Insect pests of field, orchard and gar­ on g eat' I pent» are scattered thru den will be discussed by a staff of e t th* »age bruah, over the grain aperlallata from the Agricultural College. i»lda end along the road side» I'rofeaaor J. K Larson will dis­ AlthO'uh there are various titeó­ les r e * "' ling the cause nnd nature cuss the subjects of agronomy: K tf tha in.tlndy. apparently none la K Keynold« the livestock question, iufflel»n'ly Interested In the welfare and A. L. Lovett, assistant professor if Ih* Pabblt to diagnose the disease of entomology, will handle the In­ All these men )ne rep<"' ha» It that homesteader», sect pest problems m hoaa crop» have been riddled or are splendidly equipped by training and ez|ierlenre to deal with the que«- W Cou 11 II II I'll on T a g e 2 tlona that fall to their charge In a manner that la at once scientific, practical and Interektlng Fach pru­ rience ti under con­ fesaor has had experience ditions prevailing In the country. and will he able to select the sub­ jects best suited to the needs of the people. In addition to the lectures that N. A. I.yn-lt o f Tld« City, Win« a will occur In connection with every Ptflli Trlzr at IWnquet With the meeting of the aeries, field Investi­ re lte«ull gation and demonstration work will he a feature of much Interest and value to the farmers. These fea­ At [the banquet al Portland la»t tures of the series are quite Infor­ week- Buyer»' W eek" given to mal. and opportunities will be given outgtd* buyer» by the Portland Ad the farmers to make such Inquiries Club,! M A. Lynch of the geneml as their Interests demand. The Redmond date for the Insti­ mercb ' 'line firm of l.ynrh A Rob­ erta Of Ihl» city, wun one of the one tute Is Monday, August 21. I’ rofeaaor K. II. Kills, extension miaut' npeaker» who won a prize for talllag «omethlng good about hl» dairyman of the college, Is accom­ town. He won nfth prize, which call- panying Mr. Istvett In looking over e*d»ldr* o f \ a lle y A ARE h M The man who transacts his busl- neas with the Redmond Bank cf Commerce. de[oslta bis money and paya his bills by chock has a dls- tlnce advantage over the man who believes he can get along without the services of a hank. The man with a bank account haa an accurate record of bia busln<-sa transactions and Greater Serurlty with no expense. We will welcome your check ac­ count. I'RH ES FOR PRODUCTS "Th e continent wants our wheat; we have It to sell. Imok at the price of wheat, of wool, of barley, and then ask why anyone In thla countty should be downcast. The boo-n times of a few years back were artl- Aclal. based on speculation in comer lots. The business depression of IIK H M O M I last year was due largely to a reac­ tion and to universal gloom, for ITS I T N IM C K I.A H K of GREATER This Country Has Every­ thing and Europe Must Buv From Us L Thu »how room will be open for the reception and urranjr- iiiK of exhibita thr«*«* tiuyrt before opening day of «how. Ptmitivelv no exhibit will lie received after 6 o'clock p. ni.. Thursday, Oct. 1."». 2. Entries and reaervationa ft»r apace may la* made with the Secretary or by mail within 10 duya of opcninic date. 3. All articlea entered for competition muat be the property of the perann in whoae name it ia entered, and muat have been itrown or made by that party. 4. Premium« awarded at other faira are not allowed to be uaed in decorating exhibita at thia «how. 5. U|ain any article ladnir entered a card showing the claaa and entry number will be furniahed. and muat remain attached to the article during the exhibition. 1». No article entered in General Exhibit of Farm Product« or Vegetable« will la* allowed to compete for individual prize«. 7. The Judge« ahull report only those articlea for premium« in the regular liat, hut can make ea|iecial recommendation« where article.«, not bated, are deemed worthy of a premium. 8. blue rihlMjna designating first. and red ribbon« aecond, «hall la* attached to ail articlea immediately after name have been judged. 9. No article ahull la* removed from *xhihition before 6:00 p. m. of the laat day of the Show and Fair. For For For I'or For For For ÎD h e B A N K P E R S O N A L S E R V IC E A T R K t)M ()N D O C T O B E R 15 - 16 - 1 7 , 1914 Ü ist **> PR E M IU M S O F T H E At the request of State Forester Elliott that he close the game season until there Is sufficient rallfall to In­ sure that there la not much danger of forest Area starting from camp Ares built by hunters. Governor has Issued a proclamation, to take effect Monday. August 17. complying with the above request Not only did the state forester ask for a closed sea­ son. but tlmbermen and forect Are associations also made the same re­ quest. CANALS ARE DETECTIVE SAYS STATE ENGINEER FEDERAL EN G INE ER« RETORT HE W IL L ON NORTH CAN AL CNIT Com pany Asks *3 0 0 .0 0 0 fo r P ro je c t and E xp ert* May I t C ould B e NOT C E R T IF Y LA NOM FOR PA TE N T R ep o rt Says 74 P e r C ent o f W a te r in v e r te d le-ak « and le tte r B u ilt f o r 9 IH 4 .0 0 0 R ap * G o t . W est A Salem dispatch of the 12th has the following in regard to the North Canal unit of the Central Oregon Ir­ rigation Company's project: That the work on the North Canal unit of the Central Oregon Irrigation project, which the company haa of­ fered to sell to Oregon and the Catt­ ed States government for $309.000. could be built at present for $184,- 000 Is a report made to Secretary of the Interior Lane by government en­ gineers. A copy of the report has been forwarded to Governor Went Announcement was made by the company when Its offer was submit­ ted that If the deal was consummat­ ed the money would he used In com­ pleting the work on the other units. The Interior Department haa only $420,000 available tor co-operative work in Oregon and It is not proba­ ble that a deal can be made In the near future for the completion of the North Canal project through state and federal co-operation. Aa a re­ sult It will be necessary for the com­ pany to complete the Improvement or for the time being concentrate Its efforts In Improving the canals or other parts of the project Regard­ ing the offer of the company to sell the North Canal unit Governor West said: "Th e subject was submitted to Secretary Lane for investigation, with a view to completing the proj­ ect through state and federal co-op­ eration. The reporting engineers nnd the amount expended in works to be $225,000, but make no allow­ ance for preliminary surveys or oth­ er expenditures connected with the development of the project. The re­ port says that the works could be re­ produced now for $184,000. and rec- State Engineer Lewis last Wed­ nesday notlffed the State Desert Land Board that he had examined lands which the Central Oregon Irri­ gation Co. wishes to have patented, and that, because of excessive leak­ age. he would not certify them. The list comprises 6783 acres to be wat­ ered by the Pilot Butte canal In Crook county, says a dispatch from Salem. The State Engineer also wrote Governor West s letter taking ex­ ception to a communication of the executive to Secretary of the Inter­ ior Lane Mr. Lewis said in hts let­ ter: *‘ I regret to note that you take exception to the statement that 'this report l referring to one submitted to Mr. Lane regarding government and state co-operation in irrigation work) has been jointly agreed upon by the co-operating parties.' stating that ‘ this should be changed to read co-operating engineer*, as the co-op­ erating parties includes the Secre­ tary of the Interior and the governor of Oregon, neither of whom have had to do with the preparation of the report, nor have as yet approved the findings.' “ Had you taken the time to In­ quire Into this matter 1 believe you would have found that the wording to which you object is in accord with both the letter and spirit of the state law and contract thereunder." Mr. Lewis says no provision I» made in the contract for the approv­ al or disapproval by the governor. In his letter to the Desert Land Board declining to certify patents to land In the Central Oregon Irriga­ tion project, the engineer makes the startling announcement that the Continued on page 8 * Continued on page 8 Smoke From Forest Improvements At The Bonds Carry Here By Fires Blow Into Town A Vote of 35 to 15 Municipal Water Plant Not Much Intere»! Taken In the Mix Inch laiyrr o f Concrete to Be Fire* Have Been Burning in the Mountain* Around Here For Sev­ l-alit on «Iden ami Hoot’ om of Special Election Held Saturday, eral Day* Recently the Reservoir Before Fall ami Small Vole I» Tolled The special election held here last Saturday. August 15. for the pur­ pose of voting on the question of amending the city charter so as to Increase the bonded Indebtedness of the city from J35.000 to $45.000 re­ sulted In a vote of 35 for and 15 agulnst the proposition. As shown above, a very light vote was cast, as It was a foregone con­ clusion that bonds would carry and the voters did not take the trouble to go to the polls With part of the $10,000 now Total expenditures at Astoria to made available the city water plant Improve harbor facilities will total will be Improved and put In a better condition. half a million dollars this year. As soon as the sand and gravel arrives here from Avery. W n„ work will begin concreting the sides and bottom of the city reservoir on top of Forked Horn Butte. The Initial concreting of the reservoir was not deemed thick enough to stand a heavy head of water In the basin. Improvements will also be made at the pumping plant so as to get a larger stream of water flowing thru the pipe Into the reservoir. By making the above Improvements It Is estimated a considerable saving can be effected In the mainte­ nance of the plant, and the preserva­ tion of the system guaranteed. Several days last week the city was enveloped In a haze of smoke caused by fires in the mountains to the west. One of the first fires was over on the Metollus and a number of men from the city went to fight It, and the blaze was gotten under control before much dange was done to the standing timber. Other fires were started and continued to spread and last week Friday the wind from the west blew the smoke Into town nearly all day. As yet the amount of damage to standing timber haa not been ascer­ tained. It Is understood that the fires were In privately owned timber.