THCHhUAY, JPI.V j , The Redmond Spokesman Published Every Thursday at Redmond, Oregon By the REDMOND SPOKESM AN PUBLISH ING The "Four Years Ago” stories published on the first |*age .»I this issue will bring back to the minds ol the people "h o "> i< here then some pleasant reccollections when ever) thing "*i booming in Redmond. C O M PA N Y The heartfelt sympathy o f the people of Redmond ami Un> whole section is extended to Mrs. (1. C Iruesdale ot I ow. ll Butte, Three m o n th s....................$ .50 in the sudden death at Tacoma of her daughter \ mia. and th« Single c o p ie s .......................... 05 wounding o f her other daughter. Pauline, as told m detail on it"' July 14. 1010. at the po«tofflce at first pag»* o f this issue. Death came by accident, without "a m March 3, 1879. ing. which makes Mrs. Truesdale's liereavement doubly *ml. SUBSCRIPTION R A T E S -Strictly in Advance: One y e a r ...........................$1.50 Six m onths............................ 80 Entered a» second rla*a matter Redmond. Oregon, under the act ot SAVE TH E UOOI) JU N IPE R S The majority o f Redmond people have the happy faculty ol always looking on the bright side o f things, and seeing prospetti' in the coming future. Once in a while you will find a kicker, but their kicks don't ruffle the spirit o f the go-ahead live "ire s lure to any noticeable extent. The severest kind o f punishment should I h * meleti out to the Some people do not like to have juniper trees growing on inhuman brute, in the guise o f a man. who will beat a balky horse their premises and pull them up when they begin to build or clear to death. off their land for residence purposes. There are some good looking junipers, and then» art* a whole lot o f poor looking ones. too. the poor ones predominating. Rut In addition to giving the President that white iluck suitt> when a person has a nice clean, bushy jumper tree growing on his Representative Byrnes should secure an appropriation to keep it place it seems a shame to cut it down or pull it up. A large juni­ laundered. per tree gives a good shade, and one peculiar tiling about these kind of trees— no dies or mosquitoes are ever found around them. A more rational explanation is that Eve wanted to leave the There are many tine looking juniper trees in Redmond, some Garden o f Eden so she could see what the women outside wen- o f them of very large size, probably hundreds o f years old. The wearing. finest looking lot o f these kind o f trees in the city is grow in g in the rear of C. H. Baggott's place on North 10th street. Not a Some learned institution has given Andrew Carnegie a new scrawney or scrubby tree can be found in the whole grove, which d eg ree despite the fact that the canny one could well afford to is something unusual for this variety o f tree. On the corner o f buy it. 6th and A streets there is a mammoth juniper that is as pretty a growing tree as one would want, and it makes a much nicer It now begins to look as if the Crook county farmer who har­ shade than could be obtained from many o f the highly favored vests a good crop o f potatoes will get a satisfactory price for shade or ornamental trees. them. Save the good juniper trees— you'll miss them in the future. “I Between the big crops and the $700,000,000 oil lands decis- How many people read a local weekly newspaper is a ques­ • ion the railroads ought to feel better Is*fore long. tion that very few people can answer, and this includes the pub­ lishers, also. But we know from actual knowledge that one During the heated term in Washington the president should copy of The Spokesman is read by nine different families. A permit congressmen to play on the White House lawn. subscriber told us that as soon as he got home with the paper from the postoffice, and before he or his family had read it, one o f the neighbor’s children would come over to borrow it. And the Are you getting ready for the Potato Show and Fair? paper went from family to family. Probably by the time the • ninth family secured the paper the print was nearly all read off SEVENTH J I I H M t l . DISTIIK T OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Judge..................... W. L. Bradshaw from it. And nine families got all this for only $1.50 a year— District Attorney............. W A Hell KAllJtO AD TIM E CARD and the newspaper man is the loser. Oregon Trunk— Dally Train arrives from north.. 7 23a m. The Oregon Journal persists in saying that Joe Knowles, the Train arrives from south. . 9 :10p.m. O.-W. R. a N.— Dally man who has gone naked into the woods near Grants Pass, is a Train arrives from n o r th ..7:03 p.m. fake and will not subsist by his own efforts for 30 days in the Train arrives from south.. 8:01 a.m. wilds. The Oregonian, which is printing and featuring Knowles' H. BAUKOL. Agent. dope on the first page o f that paper, claims he is all right and will POHTOFKHE H O IK S Dally, except Sunday, 8:30 a. m. deliver the goods. Time will tell, as there are two professors 6 p. m. watching Knowles do his stunt, and it does not stand to reason to Sunday, 8 to 9 a. m. Letters mailed not later than 8 16 that these men will countenance anything in the nature o f fraud p. m. will leave here on the night on the part o f Knowles. train going north. J. W. MOORE. P. M. The people o f Harney county are putting up a great big kick about the poor mail service that obtains since the new mail contracts were let in July for carrying mail in that section. The Bums news says the service is simply rotten. How different the situation is there from what it is here. Here we have four mail trains daily. But never mind, Harney county, elect Bill Hanley to the United States Senate and he will be a great big factor in alleviating your mail situation. I f you know or hear o f an interesting item in the community make it a point to see that it finds a place in the local paper. We will much appreciate your effort, and take means to ascertain or verify any lacking points. Anything which tends to brighten or better the news service o f a paper makes it of so much more value to the community, and the subscribers are the ones mostly benefited thereby. The telegraph last week told a story o f 100,000 acres o f wheat being destroyed by hail in the northern part o f North Da­ kota. How different here— no bad storms or high winds that blow the crop out o f the ground, but a climate, even with frosts, that year after year gives abundant yield o f farm produce. A farmer in the Silver Lake country put 60 acres into alfalfa and did not get a showing— hardpan too near the surface o f the soil was the cause. Nothing like that happens in this country, but on the contrary three crops o f alfalfa are harvested. Better come here to live if you want good results from farming. A while ago a bunch o f chicken thieves were caught here and put to work cleaning up the streets. More chicken thieves are operating in different parts o f the city, according to reports, and here may be another chance to get more street cleaning done— if the thieves can be rounded up. Do not be afraid that there will not be enough potatoes har­ vested in this section to make a good showing at the Fourth An­ nual Potato Show and Fair to be held here October 16 and 17. Just come to the show and you will be satisfied. What has become o f the Redmond baseball team ) For a while, early in the season, Redmond ball players put up a good article o f ball and the outlook was favorable for a three or four club league in the county. Redmond merchants report that trade has been somewhat dull the past two or three weeks. The cause: All the farmers busy in the hay fields cutting their first crop of alfalfa and clover. Three more months before general election. In about an­ other month candidates will begin to get busy and work under high presaure until election time. « ■took I o r N TV NEW STORE. NEW GOODS' We lake pleasure in announcing to the people of Redmond and surrounding country that we have opened a New Store in Redmond on the corner opposite the Hotel Redmond, and invite them to call and see us. Dry Hoods and Notions Our line of Staple Dry G« nh I* will Is* completed with a full line of up tu date Fall Dry G i * m U and Notions alatut August 15. at prices which can I n * | m » u I by all. Shoes for the Family Our line of Star Brand Shoea is complete f.-r men. women ami children. VSe have the latent styles in nil lines, as well as the serviceable work shoes and school shoes at very reasonaole prices. See them before you buy. Men’s Furnishings Our line of Men's Furnishings is of the best advertised lines, such ss Arrow Collars and Shirts, Martinique Hals. Columbia Neckwear, and other well known brands. Groceries foai We take pride in our New ami Complete Stock of Groceries, of the Best Variety and at the most Reasonable Prices. A trial order will la* convincing. Come in ami aec whut we have ami at what price. all * Two deliveries daily to any part o f '.he city. We want a portion of your business, and we are going to sell you the right goods at the right prices to prove that we art* entitled to the same, County Judge.............................. .O. Springer County Clerk ......... Warren Brown S h e r iff................................. Prank Elkins T rea su rer............................... Ralph Jordan County A tto rn ey....... . W II Wirt* Assessor .....................H. A. Poster Phone No. 505 School Supt................. J ■ Mayan C o ro n e r............. . P. II Poindexter Corner 6th and E sts. S u rveyor................... . Pred A Klee Commissioners. It II llayley, W. W Brown. THE OOCKTS Circuit Court Second Monday In March. Ilrst Monday In September, T E L E P H O N E H O I KS Dally, except Sunday. < a. m. to first Monday In December 9 p. m. Probata Oaart First Monday in * Sunday. 8 to 9 a.m., 6 to 7 p m. each month. Commissioners' Court The tlrst NATIO NAL Wednesday In January, Marrh. May. July. September and November P resid en t...............Woodrow Wilson CITY OEEKTALM Vice Prest........ Thomas K. Marshall Sac. of State................. W J Bryan M a y o r........................... J P Hosch Sec. of Treasury........W. F. McAdoo R ecord er................... D. O. Burdick Sec. of Interior............. P. K. Lane T rea su rer....................J. R Roberts Sec o f W a r ...............L. M (¡arrlson A tto rn ey ......................j. a Wlllcox Sec. of Com..............W. C. Redlleld Marshal .....................C. A Adams Sec. o f L a b o r................ W II Wilson Councllmen W. O. Phoenix. It C. Immele, H. F. DeSouia, P. G At­ Sec. of Navy........... Josephus Daniels kinson, O. W. Karris, P. M Reedy. Sec. of Agriculture. . D. P. Houston 2nd and 4th Postmaster General. . . . A. Burleson Regular Meetings Tuesdays of each month. Attorney General.. Jas. McKeynolds 1 Anderson & Taliaferro REDMOND. OR Mothers Say That c Snowflake Flour- Is the BEST on the Market FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS KEDMOND COMMEKt l\ l. t 1.1 B P resid en t.................W. 8 Hodman G o v e rn o r...................Oswald West Vlre President..........Guy E. Dobson Sec. of State..............Ben W. Olcott S ecretary.......................K. L Schee Treasurer................... Thos. B. Kay Meets first snd third Wednesdays Attorney G en eral... A. M. Crawford in each month. Supt. Pub. Instruc., J. A. Churchill State Printer...................R. A. Harris NAMES FOR MAILING [.abor Commissioner........O. P. Hoff Game Warden................W. F. Finely The Spokesman has the name of State Engineer..... John H. Lewis every taxpayer In Crook county, with U. S. Senators, Harry Lane and Geo. their postoffice address Persons de­ K. Chamberlain. siring names for mailing or other Congressmen. N. J. Sinnott, W. C. purposes ran secure same at this of­ Hawley, A. W. I^ifferty. fice at a reasonable figure. STATE A. (I. ALIJNtiHAM Hotel Redmond UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT H A R R Y P. W ILSON, Proprietor Fanners in this district and other parts of Central Oregon are invited to make this house their headquarters while in town. We cater to their wants and desire their patronage. Our rates for meals are reasonable. w Wines and Liquors Imported and Domestic Cigars Nothing hut the BEST is served at our place Redmond, • Oregon Furniture YOU W IL L BUY YOUR FU R N ITU R E A T REDMOND. YOU C A N DO NO BETTER A N YW H E R E . COME IN A N D BE CONVINCED. DON’T W A IT T IL L YOU NEED THE GOODS. Pur e Mi l k Milk and Cream delivered to any part o f the c ity ; 1» quarts for $1.00. I