The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, July 23, 1914, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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T IH ’ IIHOAV. J l'I.V » , j, , ,
(Copyright by the McClure Nevrspspcr Syndicat».)
The boss barber was not. however
"Some chummy with Mr Yap from
Yapvllle." he sneered to the Manicure
“ He's a real nice little lllck, Billy,”
ahe Insisted "but he wa* as solemn
as classic music, and you know me
Any time 1 s«>»> any body look iiuh >
eyed I've got to be Busy B«*asle, the
Ch«*erful I'hlrker-up
"So I notice." said Billy "but you
usually manage to spring that gag
on the strangers "
"You u«'«Hln't worry. Billy." she re­
"Not that you've got any
mortgage on the premises but that
1 hate to see you taking nil that spite
out on the poor Dagoes v'onsldertng
the couple of hundred dollars my pel
Hick has left, he's not likely to be In
any more.”
She was mistaken
In a w«*ek he
was In again, more aggrt'sslve even
than he had b«*en the Aral time Some
way there wan a change In him The
noisy tie was gone, he had a new
hat. and he carrl«*d himself a shade
"scrappy." aa she expressed It
"H e llo !"
thought you'd gone back to the girl In
Proa perlty."
"Not yet.” he said
"1 dou't think
I'm going hack except wbeu 1 go
after the girl*'
"N o *” ahe asked
"W het's hold­
ing you*”
''Money.” he repll«*d gleefully, and
displayed a huge roil of bills
"W ho died In your family?" ahs
"It Isn't that.” he laughed "but
New York has too much loose coin
for a man to leave I've found out
how to take Its wealth away from It ”
“ G ood'" she exclaimed
"U tile old
New York needs a trimming
after It and get It good
But how
are you doing It? I'm greedy to
"Oh. Just speculating a little tn
stock and grains." he repll«»]
"Reuben. Reuben'” she gasped
"You'll be the death of me yet."
"You're mistaken In the name." he
"It s Hiram H. Hanks of
Hawkinsvllle. or possibly Josh Dill
of Picklesburg."
She surveyed him with some dis­
“ My. but I bet they miss you In
What a merry wag you
must be when you're going good "
“ Regular
“ Just for that I'll make you listen to
my real name "
From his pocket he drew a stamped
and address«*d letter and pointed to
the "James E Carroll" written In the
corner under the Belvelgh card.
"And here'a the girl.” he said,
pointing to the address with a
strange combination of diffidence
and asaertlvcnoM-
'‘Elisabeth Rulh
"lllck Isn't he nifty» Tap. 1 gu-ss'
Also a pin head and a few other
things hut Just the same he came
here to spend three hundred dollars,
and he's been here over a week ami
he'a got ghoul six hundred of II left.
I call that r«*al Marathon blood my
self If you'd go out l t d turn a few
trick* like that you could come down
to your dally toll In a bus« «agon "
lie'll be down on the Bowery l*«n
handling before he gels through
growled Billy
It did not seem to happen right at
once, however
Every time Jaiuea K
Carroll came In he looked more pros
porous, ami he told the Manicure t*lrl
each time of how much money he
was making as a grain and stock
operator" Every time It was mere
and more
He dtdn t exactly boast
about U; he was only gleeful In a
large, childish way. and It Is doubt
ful If he gloated to any one else aa
he did lo Mlsa Williams
He had
constituted her hla confidante from
the beginning, and seemed lo feel It
a solemn duty, as well ss a Joy. to
corns tn end let her know bis prog­
It wss strange, too. to see his
transition from s rountry b«»y to sn
all rounder
Ilia clothing now was
up to the minute, hta talk up to the
second and everything about hlin
was right on the dot but tn place
of the rugged pink and brown of his
cheeks he now had a massaged com­
plexion and there were pouches under
hta eyas
The Manicure Girl rams In one day
laughing and still half vexed
"Guess where I saw James E Car-
roll." ahe said to Teas "In a big red
racer with three stunning chorus girls
I was with Prank you know him.
head rusher over at Churley's
" 'It'« Plunger Jimmy Carroll,' Frank
told me
" 'Gee” | said 'Has he gnt so far
along that Broadway knows him*'
“ 'Sure,' said Frank 'He's the hot
teat member on the main atrm
Ile a
Juat Jimmy, along the line
All (bw
late places know him and all the fol
ties and Flulffea know him ‘ How s
that for a pace*"
''He got the quickest education of
anybody evert a a «." commented Teas
" If he was mine I'd have a sparkling
rock as Ipg as the h* ad of s hat pin
out of him "
“ You've had plenty of chances." re
torted Miss Williams but I don't no­
tice that Tiffany effect on you“
Mr Carroll came In the next day.
"You ought to see my new car." he
told the Manicure Girl as he sat down
at her table
"I sa » It yeslenlay." she snapped
"You were peddling a tin« load of
shrimps "
"Waren l they the class of the
When James E. Carroll, hls attire lantly Into the little drawer of her
fully keyed up to hla pink tie. » » a *
"Thank you,” she said again, still
gertql into th«* Hotel li«-.v«>lgli barber
shop, the boss barber loafing over at very sweetly.
Those » e r e the only four words
the table of Iteaaie Williams grinned
that had beeu iS’okou during .lie en­
In spite of his present ill humor
"Pipe the village cut-up," he ob­ tire event
"How did you tame him. Bess’ "
The Manicure Girl aurvajred the asked the other girl.
'M ade him s«*e the sue of hla
newcomer with a keen eye.
“ No, Billy." she replied ‘i t s the hands." explained Miss Williams with
a shrug "You can do that with any
village sport."
"Whatever he la," Insisted Billy, of them that have btg onea. and after
“ has a Hick and looking for a ten that they'll lay down and roll over
and Jump through hoops at the mere
cent shave."
of command ”
Again the girl surveyed the new­
The next day he came again, but
comer critically
"N o." she once more dissented. ''I ll with not nearly ao much assuranc«).
bet you the site of the ttp that he Again he took Billy's chair but there
»a s very little aggressiveness about
tips you "
T h e same which would be a line
"What will you have a sample o f
and wise bet for me to make I think
not." observed Billy, and added a today*" aak«*d Billy.
"Shave,” said Mr. Carroll, wearily,
forcible word or so under his breath
as he started forward, for Mr James as he lay back In the chair
When Billy turned him looae be
E Carroll, having looked down the
line of Greeks and Italians who stood went over to Miss Williams and
Invitingly at their empty chairs, gave spread out hia hand* upon her table,
a glance at the only American barber dropping opposite to her with a
In the place, and climbed Into the dead-tired air.
“ You don't want me to treat your
only chair which had no attendant
“ 111 take a round trip." he affably nails again*" she objected
"Sure.” he said
" I came In on
observed as Billy slipped the sleeves
o f the shaving apron over his arms.
"This is one of the good things you
"Shave, sir?" coldly Inquired Billy.
" I f I'd
Who. nevertheless, had understood can overdo." she told him
give those nails the full course so
perfectly t hat his customer meant.
"The w-i-ole howling hippodrome." soon you'd have to get a new set«”
He was quite dismal about It.
said you r; Mr Carroll, unabashed.
"Can't you Just fuss around with
"Do every'uing you know how "
"Just watch me make this fresh them a little bit. then*" he Inquired
wop's pocket change shrink down to “ I'm so lonesome I could go to Jail
the e»lge o f his return ticket." for company.”
"Maybe I could finish yesterday'»
growled Tilly to the Manicure Girl as
he made a pretext to go past her Job a little,” she returned. "It would
be cheating but I don't mind.” and
table for fresh towels
" I wouldn't have your ingrowing she studied tbem carefully
The fact o f the matter was that
grouch for money." laughed the girl.
"You would If you ached to fur­ Mr James E. Carroll was quite pal
nish a flat and got turned down pablv unhappy, ar.d the Manicure Girl,
every time you mentioned It." he who always wore her claws un­
sheathed for "fresh" p«*ople. could not
T told you that was barred ~ she withhold comfort from unhappy ones
"What's the matter* Hasn't New
Informed him. "I think I see myself
In an East Harlem flat, with cheese­ York been clubby with you?” she
cloth curtains on the front windows asked, as she went gingerly to work
“ No.” he complained "the town's
and a garbage can on the Are escape,
There's more fun out in
• !
counting how many Wienerwursts we too slow
Prosperity. Indiana, where I cams
get for a dime "
It was In consequent savageness from."
“ That Isn't what alls you. There's
that Billy began upon the task of
giving his country customer "a round a girl back In Prosperity "
"There's half a dozen of them.” hi
trip.” He cut that hearty young gen­
tleman's hair, and singed and sham­ grinned.
“ Y e s ’ " she Inquired and looked
pooed and dandrufflned It. he shaved
"There's only
him and massaged his head and his him over carefully
face, he put upon him drenches of one. I’ll put a little bet down on It;
every bottled thing In his possession, a bag of peanuts against a packagi
then he grinned, yanked up the chair. o f chewing gum."
He looked a long time at the ManI
Jerked off the towels and handed over
his largest check
But Mr. Carroll cure Girl's Imported pomnadour. ther
be called a boy and handed him a
was scarcely Interested.
"Is that all you can do*” he asked. quarter.
"Bring a package o f chewing gum.’
"W e have a chiropodist, but he's
not on duty Just now.” snarled Billy: he ordered.
That’s when Miss Williams begar
“ while you're waiting, though, you
not to dislike him so much.
can get manicured ''
“ Me for the manicure. I've heard
"Yes." he went on by and by
•bout 'em.” said Mr. Carroll: "and 'T h e re Is Just one girl back In Pro*
Just as a sporting proposition I'm perlty, that Is. one worth mention
going to sample a sample of every­ Ing. and I'd give a hundred dollari
thing there Is In New York.”
If she was here.”
"Just go right ahead and see if New
“ So much as a hundred left.” shi
York cares," Bill advised him.
asked. In apparent surprise; “ and yoc
“ I don't care whether New York here two days?”
cares." returned Mr. Carroll, largely,
"It does melt pretty fast," he cot»
“ and that's where I've got the best fessed, smiling, “ but I'm good for t
o f New York."
few days longer. I brought betweer
As a matter of living up to that three and four hundred dollars wltt
largeness he presented Billy with half me.”
a dollar, then he swaggered across
"G e e !" exclaimed Miss Williams
the shop to the cashier’s desk, flaunt­ '"What will they do for a ctrculatlni
ing a twenty-dollar bill In his hand medium out there?”
and glancing with speculative assur­
“ Oh. there's some left, I guess," hi
ance at the row o f manicure girls. told her. "but not among the gang
Tess. who was quite universal In her You see. I won this In a poker game
“ In a Big Red Racsr With Thres Stunning Chorus Girts."
tastes, used her large eyes freely, but the biggest one we ever had lr
with the usual negative effect. No­ town.”
Don't you think It a some
"My. what a wicked little sport!"
card?*' he laughed, and teemed quite
body could be persuaded to believe
pumpkins of a name?"
proud o f It. "That flosay blonde on
them. Instead of succumbing to the she gasped. " I guess you're the hor
"It's a shine to Elizabeth E Car- the outalde was Beauty Phillip», the
girl who owned them, Mr Carroll's ‘ rlble example In Prosperity. I guesi
roll; and for that I suppose I get
sensation of The Pink Canary ' 8he’t
gaze roved right on over her head to they won't let you come to the church
paid double."
going to star next season, and Angel
the deceptively demure Miss W il­ sociables, nor the husking bees, not
“ You sure do," he agreed.
T 'm Jimmy may back the show.”
anything. What does the girl think
writing her a dandy letter. I'm tell-
“ Mr Smarty from 8martvllle.” com­ of It’ "
"Fine for Beauty Phillips!" said the
Ing her all about the good buslneaa
“ She doesn't know anything about
mented Tess with a toss of her head
Manicure Girl, and then ahe was an­
I'm In and how much money I'm
" I don't want him,” retorted Miss It,” he returned rather soberly. “ II
grily silent for a few minutes "I,ook
Why, say, do you known
Williams. " I f I draw Johnny Fresh she found It out, I don't think she'd
here, Mr James E. CarToll." ahe sud­
H I give him the salting down of his like It very much.”
denly demanded; "when did you write
since I saw you?”
life. It’ll be a real quiet convention
Miss Williams liked him even bet
last to the girl In Prosperity?”
w e’ll hold, with me in the steam ter for the seriousness with which hi
"By George. I— I Intended to write
roller part.”
considered this phase o f the matter.
her last night,” he stammered. " I —
hat from the hook overhead.
As a preliminary to this process, >
I haven't been answering her letters
"R u n !” she exclaimed. "Get away
when Mr Carroll sat down at her gested by and by.
as promptly as I ought, and that's a
It was good to see his face light
table she spread out both his hands
fa c t”
It. or they'll take It away If they have
before her and surveyed them critic­ up.
"When — did — you — write — to
T call her Reddy, but her hair Isn't to strangle you*’
ally; then she smiled with an appar­
— her?" she Insisted.
"It's «
ent attempt to conceal It; then she really red,” he explained.
“ Well, It's been— why, confound It.
"Oh, I don't know," he said con­
looked demurely up. Mr. Carroll was dark brown, that seems to flare u{
It's over three weeks." he finally con­
Some uncomfortable thought copper colored sometimes when thl
held him silent throughout the entire sun shines through it; and she has people who <fc> gouge Ita money out
"And then III bet It waa on one
operation, checking any desire for the brownest o f brown eyes, and thl o f New York, and keep It. come from page," she snapped back at him.
conversation and killing any Inclina­
"You told her you were too buay to
tion whatsoever toward flippancy. o f white teeth, and the pinkest There's a lot more where this five write, only Just those few linns, but
When he got up to go he looked at cheeks; and—”
would write more tomorrow ”
"Sure.” she Interrupted; T know It."
the change dubiously, then at the
That time «he made him blush.
"Poor child,” she commiserated. "I
girl, then back at the change and the kind. You can And her on thl
Now,” she sternly went on, "yoa
again grew red. His dilemma was
"Maybe so," he admitted, "but let * ° rl*h* out of here and write to that
obvious. He did not know whether best sellers, and on the covers of at.
girl; and keep It up, or don't ever
or not It ..on the proper thing to tip the magazines when they haven*! me tell you, little lady, I’ll be hav­
come back ’’
a lady. Sometimes Miss Williams anything special to feature; and 1 ing the time of my life until they
“Cross my heart, hope to die If I
took tips and sometimes she refused suppose after this lonesome Uttll reach me. and If they clean me I've
don’t," he promised.
them. This time she accepted before Seelng-New York trip all by yourself made my three hundred stretch a
The next time he came In he waa
you'll go back home and marry thl long, long way.”
one was really offered
* p,r,lpu|ar,y ugly bulldog
He held hta head high and his big
very girl In the last chapter.“
"Isn't that a lovely mut?" he asked
"You bet I w ill," he returned, de shoulders square as he walked out
He pushed a quarter toward her ddedly. and when he got up to go ha and Billy anorted. but he got no satis-’ aa he tied the end of the chain to hla
(action out of the Manicure Girt.
tentatively and she swept It noncha­ was feeling a lot more cheerful.
I v \ 1 x h
- _ . ': _ -, O I ! -,
“ What'a It good for besides hill­
»***,& .
"What'a tbu matter wlth
ing *" ahe asked avelng the creature
"You l««>k IU » , ^
with supreme disfavor
.la. • threwcwtil buii. h .,f «.»w* xjf
I I I to make an already peer Ires
llM t 1
beauty look sllll more like a queen,
11« glaneed itown al hl.nssly '
he told her. complacently
"I exam
Hia « lo i hoo m i d. i
Ined something like two tons of dogs
and pressing bis ahoos nor,|.,<j ^ 1
to And this specimen
I bought It l«*
take my place In the honk waaou Ing. hls fa«'« Dssdsd sh««l..g
‘TU g lv « you four guessea '
alongside of lt«*auty I'hllllpe »b en I m
ferod. wlth au attelllpi «I ait *1
busy throwing a harpoon • »•**
wheal p it"
M U BÉBÉ I».«," ah» n « L
"Did you write that letter yet?" ahe
. , i i . l , l u t l l s t .n t ............
Besel*. «lui Ihey g»t yuu
"Yea." be answered shortly
Y »»,“ h . adnilllad, "th»
"It's about time lo write another
and lh«y got m« «««>«1
one, Isn't It***
"No.” he repllr«!, deflnntly
I m not dollar ”
"What a r. you golng tn «lo**
|tilui lo writ»* any iihmm
"I don t know * h . »»M w
She looked at him ant »m«*h ner
«if hla atl.m pt tn
fy i i
head, hut ahe eald nothing, nnd her
manfully Hier« « a i a
t >xi
very silence angered hliu
"What's the uae*" he h«*lly went vol.-* The singer waa ail >t of |
on. and ahe divined thal. after all
his anger »aa more at himself than guère "
"Oh. yea " the agreed
al her "Why should l hide the fact#
from myaelf any longer
I » » grown venir friends a r. sur. 1« help
hark OU your feel again
a »a y from l*roeper1ty ”
Phillip«, for la«lanc«s *
T should say you had." she ss reed
Hang Beauty Ph illip«' ' he <aM
" I f Proa perlty c«*uld know ho» you've
"Much language' '' ah. exr|yg
change,! for Ihe wore# It »ouldtt t
huj n «v«rth ah. secretly (, ( '
recognise you on the street
"I guesa
"tt'a not my world any more ” he ed In It. thl* tlm «
continued, pnvlng no attention to her about ready to go back to I'r- «part.
Interruption, and the people are not • he derIded
lie drew a sharp breath
of my world
"Ho you hinted before
she re­
"I d die Are;1 " he declared
minded him
but that doean t keep live some way. though
Ther ( W L
you from writing to the girl “
live." and he laughed bitterly
He heallated a moment
pa»eed a grewp of Juat such an A
"But her letters do. he finally said I may beroma. silting on the
"I got one from her yesterday
ll bench at Herald square, but I'll |
was about nothing but the new coal • ■a living I ar aure of thal
of paint on tho Baptist rhwrrb. and
lie seemed to be afraid IkW
about thore being an epidemic of would not
lie »seined In be
measles In the town, and shout
o f himself and suddenly Miss )
"That s about far enouah." she told llam* saw with a shock that ks *,
him, furiously angry
'A w fu l drivel
one o f the trngedy kind'" It
Isn’t It* I ran see the little fuol nut her to swift thought and a
there now sitting down to writ« shout bold Idea came to her
such trifling things In her ignorance
” 1 believe I know of an openlag fcgf
Bed hair I think you eald ahe had
sb* said with a auppfsmf
and red rheeka. and you called her
gasp at her own temwrlty, a |
Heddy Coarse Ignorant country per
nershlp that would he about the
eon. ao doubt
Well, I don t blame
thing you ever had offered to
you for shaking her. now that you
t'ome around and
m* next M«
have got up among Ihe real p«*opte.
day afternoon ”
real ladles like Beauty Phillips and
"What hind of a biialnees 1» <t*'|
her crowd, and real gentlemrn of the
sort that loaf around th* hotel bars asked eagerly a new light
springing In hla eye*
on Broadway You're right to rut her
Y - > muen t ash quwctlor.s
dead right now
Why. ahe might
sometime come to N r » York and If »g re e d him. because i fun I »»st|
1 feel Verv
ahe should happen to meet yeq on disappoint you
Broadway «hen you were with some though, that I can land ll for y«w
That afternoon b e tw e e n »■ rk a>
of your swell friends, and should nod
a letter, a proceed: . »k tj
to you. you’d he disgraced tor life
I’ll bet she’d be n scream on llr<«sd always made the hoes barber nrrv
i '
I..,«ever ti,*na«--,| 1
fo r "
»a y . with her funny clothee and her
n ,x n,
funny little hal and her red complex- gltn.p.e at the envelop« before
mailed and fell better about It,
ton "
"That'll be about all ” he aaid. as the letter was addressed to £ll;*M M m
he Jumped up and unwound hla dog Ru’ h Emery. Proet'erlty Indians
On .Monday n ortilng Elisabeth lUtpwve
chain, and hla fare had turned eud
denly pale
"My Ideas have rhangwd Emery and her sister arrlv««d
somewhat about things back In Pros­ Muehrth It, ith »ell
»at «town word t t a H I
perity. but I ran t stand for having ■ he would like to see Miss w m . a boi
promptly sent ,y t*w
That young lady promptly
that girl roasted even In n Joke "
ll was over a month before ha the room, and waa confronted by I
came In again, and the Manicure Girl girt almost aa pretty aa Jlminy
had mlaaed him
Now she saw at tried to describe
The two girls shook hands ane |VQ
one* that something was wrong
was nervous and abstracted, though 'here had been any distrust
bosom of Mire Edwards It melted |
he tried to he his old flippant self
a moment aa she looked Into
tilth the shrewd eyes of Miss Wit
Hams upon him he kept thinking of truthful wyre of llraale Williams
one thing while ho talked of another,
"Where Is Mr t'a rroll*" asked l# f.
asked questions without listening to rlrl from Prosperity. «1th trem' iTOtOI
the answers, then asked the same eagernru "llo w HI la he? Has
questions again
a good doctor*”
"How much did you Iona?” she
T t n hls only doctor ” respond
Anally asked him
Mias Williams "and the only
arrlptlon I've given him wna the
Ho atarrd at her In wonder
You see. It Un t
"How did you know? Where did I wrote to you
body that's sick. It's hls
you hear’ ” ho slowly questioned
"You ve been le'ila g mo over alnro Jimmy Carroll's a good boy but
a fool."
you caino In,” aho said
Mire Emery flushed a bit tnd
I expect 1 have." ho admitted.
"Wel^, they got to mo In lumps and nanlly. but her alatsr amlled
" I suspected aa much." ah* s*
For the past month 1 think 1
waa about tho only bull In a brer "I think your description la
Hs Is a to
market. I went down the grenaed In­ right. Mire Williams
cline so fast It arm-had from tba fric­ boy. and I n afraid hs Is th« rri S i
The flrat of thla weok I had
to sell both automobile# "
"I gues» he's cured o f that."
” 1 ran see the headlight and the Miss Williams, laughing "but aftfl
glimmer studded watch going next.” all. he'a no bigger fool than the cron
she commented, with n shake of hor that put him on Ihe reefn He tho
*T suppose they've about got he could play the bucket nbops
all that automobile money by now ”
no living man has ever kppt al tkd
"Suppose again,” he retorted Th ey and finished on the rosy side of
did get nearly all of It at flrst. but For about a month he thought
the market changed at last, snd I'm owned New Tork. and now be s da
»'«d o a little money since. If |'ij close and out that's all 1 tried to get Ml
out now I’d have at least three thou­ to go home, but he wouldn't go. sa
sant for the sheriff ”
"Tell me where It la and I'll go
The girl from Prosperity was
g-t It for you." offered Ihe Manicure plusred; also »he waa bonaa!
Girl, hastily. "You lake that money
” 1 don't qulla know whether
and go right bark to Prosperity. In­ thank you for Inducing me to
diana, buy Ihe vlllago dry goods em­ • hla trip or not." she said,
porium. marry that girl, sett)« down coldly
and get fat
Then thla eiperlenca
"W alt until you aee Jimtn.
will hare don« you good "
•Ponded Miss Williams .oatly ft»*
He shook hla head
ahe fell quits confident o f the
th * J
"I can never go hack thare,” ho come
»aid; 'n ever' That'a not my world
R wa# about two o'clock when k*
I tell you I'll make back th . money cam#, looking w..r»e than ever
I I oat. I've learned a few tricks In waa pale now and also shabby, a ^
the last couple of weeks.”
she Judged that maybe he was h«»
“Oh. New York will educate you." gry. loo but he was shaved and kk
ahe owned, "but, you know, «ollegn cloth es were brushed Hhn lo«.ke,t
graduate« dor.'t amount to much.”
hla hand
The ring waa gone
"Never mind.” he Insisted
" I ’vw had mads that aarrlflrs tn appear
Played this game to win before, and neatly
In case the "partner-.hH
I can do It again. Watch me *’
chance " »hnuld come out right, *nf Mtt*r
“ You'd better send at least on« l***
Hembllngly eager to know f r i j j *
thousand dollars of that money to the «he had hreiM anything favorable
girl back homo to plant under th«
She look him up to the girl frou f!® 0*
cellar atalrs,” ah« auggnatnd
Pro» peril « |ua. „ » |„.
I,.. .- W * 1
She watched him narrowly, and not he whiter when he Is dead
t h a V . d ^ Ilo
then she smiled to herself The men­ h « turned »h en h.- « « » her
- 1 ? „
tion of the girl In Prosperity did not moment ihey Junt looked and looked
seem to annoy him thla time
They Were both trembling
That I
"That much money wouldn't scar« "lowly she held out her hands to h l s ^ ^ r e
her, at any rat«." h« said, smiling
H.iddenly, with a «oh hs dropped
"She's rather well todo for a cotm
Ms I.eeee before her, there upon Ik* " T r
try town
She a an orphan and live», parlor floor, snd hurled hls head up«* -,s T ,
with her married slater
But don't
you worry «bout that thousand
Outside In the hall th « Mnnlruri
ran use that to elegant advantage Girl was dahhlng her sy«s with » gnlte
m y s e lf
pocket handkerchief .end upbraldlM » ■ ! „
The nett time she saw him waa on h *r**lf
he street. He tried to pass on by
. ó , . r * r t * , n , y I " 1 th "
W e s p ili
with a nod. bat she called to him and . W
-he »al.l Impatiently. U « d It
ka came back reluctantly.
ahe hurried foe tho elevator