The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, July 23, 1914, Image 1

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P u blish ed a t the “ H ub C it y ” o f C en tral
No. :«
T enter forests
m : i,I M IIKIN fl
Kt-Nature Enthusiast
r II Joseph Knowles to Re­
main 30 Days
I M l.o s l l>
Thought Thla Mill Ite One Mean» of
► rom»
T H IN K *
Start Will lie Made 50 Milm
fn. m K.iilnuid — Hear Skin
Other lliden Are l’romia-
F rom W imm I h
A Itapatrh from U ra nia I’aas un
1er da •• *>f Ju ly I * saya
In (h r
» r i a t t o « • liti». Joseph K nu w ira, »
I artlal,
man ami
Of birds ami braala. w ill la k r
Ila « b • I"'» I M ,•>■ •!.»>
ntlf a month haa pa»»«it
Al that
I In»« h« und«rtak«a lu b* clothed In
uda fnahlon. lo h a»« s*ln«d hla llv-
1”% fr • "ti nalur« without h«lp, and
a JHWIa lo pul on w«ishi and sain
In i h « o r d « a l
P ro f
will remain al a headquarters
ff t t | I III
f o ! rat
In aom© loeslltlea In th« Itedinond
and Powell Hutte Dlatrlrla rablilta
have b e c o m e aurh a peat that th«
farmer» have d«termln«d fo lake the
only ntwana (hey know of lo aar«
their rropa from being destroyed
Many rahlilt drives were held during
the winter and early spring, »fid
thousands of rabbits killed, but the
little animals seem lo tie Juat aa nu­
merous aa aver, and the only solu­
tion to the problem la to fenre the
fields with rabbit fenrtng
lleallatng thla many of the farm­
ers In the above sections have pur-
rhased largw quantities of the fenc­
ing and are enclosing their fields
M'hlle the Initial expense of thla un­
dertaking la roally. the benefits to
be derived will amply repay tb«
fartn«ra In th« end
I.« .-»V 111 *r . »
/ U s a tic i hohlml « l lh o u l prtivl»l»na.
or a ainsi« weapon. leaving
^la rlo lh ra al Ih r edge of Ih «
K no w ira w ill b a lli« for hla
______ « Jtial aa Ihn rave in«n bal
lad f r ilu r la a aso before Ihn tlawn
»f hla' »rjf
Prwl m iliary » r o u t i n e
Irlpa Inin
ha W ild e rn «»» b a in arrut>l«<l hla
IflM H irins ih « f«w tiara aim-« h«
irrte * i h«rn, In rom pa n r with Prof
f. T . W a lrrm a n anil a n«w apap«r
M K . ' ••« haa chosen |h« T h r « «
TfMka «'am p tlla trlrl. w h rrn h r w ill
nit hi a k n o w In is « « f wootlrrafl and
flHIUkiiiliahlp lu Ih « trai
T h rrw h«
»III b i m s « i la l« n m from Ih « wllda
Vftfe k » ba r« hamla and aurh w«ap-
>na Sa h « ran faahlon fron» allrka
tS0 fft n«a
’• u n \ « « r llo u n ila r)
Tb * T h r « « Creeks Cam p ro u n lr r
■S st !'■ buundarr " f l»r> non ami
II la »ald lu b« aa ru m ­
ia w lld«rn«aa aa la lu b« fourni
M B » - w h ol« l'a rlflr Coaat
O ld-
Imnr» In K u u th«rn O r « s » n wbu hav«
akas s r«a l ln l«r«a l In K n o w l««' ex-
• rta » 'll, aar th «y would nul r a r « lo
tteukii a alm llar f«at
U lv «n a sun,
matrhna. »a ll and lobarro.
nd tb r would a s r «r lo alar In Ih «
all sum m er. but without th«a «
Ulna l h « r a r« dubious
«n now wagering *ha! K n o w l«»
fili St Inai hla m onth oui
T h # n a lu r« man haa picked out
hl f d i t l n g
p ia r«
Il la Indian
Next M ondar ht» w ill hand
( Is sit’ hra. w atrh. m a trh «» and ev-
rrthb< « h « pt»aa«aa«a Io atimnon«.
<i">S0, b ilh Prof W aterm an, w ill dla-
r Into Ih « wiMitla. nut to r« lu rn
s i»«
IIM iM iiM i
Heavy Black Smoke No­
ticed Coming Out at
Top Sunday
Aa we have pointed out before,
your business relations with the
Kedmond Bank of Commerce are
strictly confidential and are not dis­
cussed outside the bank In any way.
In directing any of your friends to
this bank at any time, you are at
liberty to assure them on thla Im­
portant point.
»»«re ta r) »»< lie« i>f t *uinpi*-r< lai Club
Vim In ( omniunlcaUon Mlth
Prospective Newcomer
• BBT'Ird and lo k ««p rlo »« watrh
th* t«at whlrh Know I «a haa a«l
lima*If ahall bo rnndurtod fairly,
[fe tla r Tree Ml» Malnata)
" «flK a o wl«a tlerlarea he will succeed
preliminary ]aunta Into the
1» have ahown him what It« may
In Ih« way of food from lr««a
, j M bln«», aa w «ll aa Indlrallona of
11« lovlnsly alrok«d a r«tlar
. JM »M i'll h« found, for he declare»
l# depend» upon It more than any
Xhar tree In the woods
, 4 K b .. wl«a found he knew all hut
WO nr three of the treea he haa
on hla preliminary excursions,
i amt hull ihlatlea. of whlrh he
tala the meaty heart, were plentiful
•’Sa dlati found water rreaa by the
rater rouraea and nuta anti edible
There la plenty of same In the
I - list n ' and hr eiperta to trap and
..<111 bm h aa he neetla for food
IS Wl 111 make by rubbing allrka to-
He »aid today:
" ( h a v e fourni the moat beautiful
•ounti'y In the world on my prellml-
„ nary rambles; (here la no doubt It
iboui'da In same
I am told thaï II
’ H oe* althoush I did not aee any on
my trip
Country I'nllke Maine
,a< W i l t country la different from
where I waa laal year, for
there on a almllar trip to that I
hard Juat made, I would have seen
B O lter. Mere I aaw the Irarka of
hut bite. Hut I know then» la same
that* somewhere and I ahall find It.
y experiment will be more dlf-
here than In Maine. There the
ma have srapea and other veg-
>n al their edgea where the
come to feed. Her© th© ©tlg©a
e creek» ar© rorky and full of
gravel Th « d ««r stay on th« h!gh«r
ground and therefore are not ao
«aay to find
My whole plan of ratrhlng a d e e r
will tie changed
It la barely possi­
ble that I ahall have a hand to hand
ronfllrt with some of the wild ani­
If I do. It will be worth tell­
ing about
I onra broke a deer'»
nerk by twlatlng Its head and I be­
lieve I ran do It again
I ahall try.
<»ray M.df lk ir»»'t Brighten
’‘ I have heard of a gray timber
wolf with rubs that waa aeen lately
In the mountains where I am going,
and I would like nothing ao well aa
to get that wolf
If I could. I would
have a roat made that would rival
anything I know of
They say that
she stays on the top of the moun­
tains where the deer are. and 1 am
going straight there the moment I
am free from rlvlllxallon
" I know I ran exist In thla coun­
try even If I do not aee any game.
Ilut that la not the Idea of thla ex­
I am dolnu thla to show
that the man of today la the equal
of hla anrealor. that he Is able to
rope with and kill wild animals
without the uae of modern methods
That la what I am here for; not to
ah»»w that I ran exist solely on roots
and berries and other foolish thlnga
I've my mind net on that wolf now.
and I want It I tell you If I get my
eyes on her I will bring out her pelt
•a sure aa shooting
" I find that I am aa strong aa ev­
er. even after a winter during whlrh
I prartlrally did nothing
I want to
harden my feel »«»me and that la the
reason I am waiting until Monday
lo aet out. I am anxious to grl In.
and my feeling last night aa I lay
and looked up at the stars waa one
of entire contentment, the like of
whlrh I have not experienced for
months. It la the only life, the life
In the open
"Th© drive from Grants Paaa to
ramp near the Josephine county
raves, from whlrh we start, la one of
the moat beautiful I ever took In all
my life The ride was a long succes­
sion of aurprlaea and. If I do nothing
more In the woods than study th©
wcMida and planta with which I am
not familiar. I ahall be well repaid
for my trip Into thla country I hav©
rhoaen for my experiment.
Hear Killing 1« Ka*y
"M'oodamen with whom I have
talked know I am telling the truth
when I say I ran trap a hear and kill
him with a club
M'hy, a hear ran
be aa ©sally killed aa a woodchuck
All you have lo do la to hit him on
the tioae with a club you ran awing
with one hand People aak me what
I would do If I met a hear In the
M'hy. I wouldn’t do any­
Thai old bear couldn't get
out of the way faat enough I would
rather aleep out there In the woods
with the heara than la *he finest ho­
tel anywhere.
Three Creeks Camp la St) miles
from the railroad
Six miles from
thla point Knowles will begin hla
struggle with nature. Moat of the
country he will travel Ilea In the
Kliunnth National for»*»!.
Aillo Iteming, a noted guide and
trapper of Flagstaff. Maine. In an ar­
ticle In the Boston American, says
that Knowira la a big fraud: that he
had lived comfortably In a cabin In
the Maine woods last year during
hla naked nature stunt; that he did
not aleep a single night In the open
and that he waa clothed at all Mines
except when he exposed hla b*»dy to
the sun for the acquisition of hla tan
$1.50 PER YEAR
M IT I! M O V »:* M ilo ;
ad <>n Hin Return
No Dungrr I n Apprehended Itut
I'eople in Thin Vicinity Are
Watching the Itig Kill
fo r
dirntion* of Eruption
Mt Jefferson, whlrh la located
about 4 » in I l e a northwest of here In
the Cascade Bang«, la "smoking"
again Thla waa noticed Sunday eve­
ning about 7 30 by M’. C Poland
who lives three and a half miles
south west of the city
He brought
the news to Krdmond Monday and
since that time the people here have
been waiting for the haxe to clear
from the atmosphere ao they rould
get a fair view of the mountain to
see If the smoke was still coming
Mr Poland said the smoke he
aaw coming from the top of the
mountain waa very heavy and black
and continued to pour forth until It
was too dark to see the mountain
any more
O K Olaon of this city, stated
that two years ago last December,
while on a ranch near the city, he
aaw heavy black smoke rolling out
of the top of Jefferson, and that the
smoke continued to to pour forth for
some lime
J O C«»bb. another resident of the
city, slated that several years ago
he. In company with some Portland
people, were at the base of Jefferaon
picking huckleberries, and at that
time dense smoke waa aeen coming
from the mountain top
M'hlle there la no alarm felt as to
an eruption from the mountain, still
the people here are watching old
Jefferson to aee what might happen.
HI Jefferaon la 11,000 f»“«t high,
and la situated In (he northwestern
corner of Crook county, southeast­
ern corner of Marlon and the north­
eastern corner of Linn counties
Mrs. Christ Is Severely
Injured By Scared Horse
t lo r » e
Ju iii)»»
K n ock»
H er
Down am i B re a k » llc r la»ft C ollar
Hone— IIIJure»I < M tier»* l»e
It I. Hchee. secretary of the Ked-
mond Commercial Club, Is In com­
munication with a cigar manufac­
turer lu M’ yomlng who la desirous of
coming to this city to locate and put
In a cigar factory. Mr Schee. It Is
understood, haa written him that
there la a good opening here for hla
The man In question stated be had
heard a great deal of good about
Kedmond and waa desirous of com­
ing here
He aald he would bring
two or three men with him to assist
In th« manufacture of cigars.
Mr H«-he« pointed out that Red­
mond would be the beat point In the
county for a cigar factory aa It Is In
the center of a good territory, and a
good distributing point to towns on
the railroad and the Interior.
Aside from being a cigar manu­
facturer the M'yomlng man la a band
and orchestra leader, and would be
an addition to musical circles here.
Best Acre of Corn Will
Win 2-Horse Cultivator
Exported that Offer M ill Attract
Penalty Follona Quii kl) on Heel» of The
Considerable Attention \nnmg 1lie
Crime ami Offender I» Cap­
t orn Grower» In f ount)
The Oregon-M'aahlngton Railroad
A Navigation Co this year Is giving
a 2-horse cultivator at the Crook Co.
Pair for the best acre of corn, ex­
hibit to consist of not Iras than 50
ears and 12 stalks of corn, and ac­
companied by a statement certified
to by two disinterested parties, the
exhibit to be Judged, based upon the
following score:
Pounds of grain to acre. . .30 points
Pounds of fodder to acre. .30 points
Quality of grain ...............20 points
Cost of production In hours
of man and horae. and
fertiliser, where used.. 10 points
Beet story of how crop waa
produced and h an d led ..10 points
T o t a l.........100 points
The railroad company has distrib­
uted considerable seed corn In Crook
county this spring, consepuently this
offer should attract much attention
Much Butter Shipped
From Creamery Here
t '«infirm*
(Tremí t
tured ami Lynched
A man who waa working for Bert
Hardman, a rancher at Audrey. In
Baker rounty. attempted to crimin­
ally assault the 8-year old daughter
of Hardman one day last week. He
dragged her to some bushes but the
child's screama frightened her as­
sailant away. The child told her
father and he raptured the man and
waa taking him to Baker to Jail
when two masked men took the pris­
oner away from his captor and
hanged him In a lonely canyon In
the upper Burnt River country. The
man confessed to the attempted as­
sault. The child was uninjured.
So silently and methodically did
the grim avengers work that not the
least clue to their identity was left
Hardman and his prisoner were
riding on horseback toward M’ hltney
to entrain for Baker, when confront-'
ed by the masked men. similarly
mounted. They secured i>oB»ra»lon
of the prisoner despite Hardman’s
pleadings that the law be allowed to
take Its course, and galloped away.
Reaching the lonely canyon they
placed a rope about the man's neck,
threw- one end over the branch of a
tall tree, tied his feet together so
that he could not struggle, strung
him up and then rode away.
It was believed the men who dis­
pensed summary Justice did so under
the Impression that the man had
succeeded in his purpose
A rumor
to this effect had spread through the
countryside, where Hardman is a
prominent and popular rancher.
State Knglneer Lewis announced
last Thursday that he bad received
advices that the Circuit Court of
Crook county had confirmed the
State M'ater Board's adjudication of
250 water rights on Crooked River,
the largest and most Important ad­
judication ever completed by the
The adjudication Involves 30.500
acres of land, which, with the water
rights. Is valued at f l . 000.000, and
It ends expensive litigation, which
has heretofore been carried on with
relation to the water rights on this
stream. Some of these water rights
were initiated a half century ago.
Itedniond Prtxluct Meet» With Brail)
Hale at Home anil at Out»hle Mar­
Mra Claude Chrlat. w 'fe of the
ket*—-!» High Grade Article
well known horseman and stock buy­
er of thla city, met with a aerloua ac­
cident Sunday forenoon, end If there
are any lucky accidents ah© experi­
The Redmond Creamery Is now
enced the same
shipping out weekly about 2.000
Mr. Christ waa washing a horse In pounds of high grade butter to Port­
the yard and hla wife stood on the land and other towns along the rail­
opposite aide of the fenre. During road.
The butter made by the
the progress of the work Mr» Chrlat creamery is always In good demand,
uaked her husband to lef her hold as It Is of the highest grade. This
the rop»> that was fastened to the brings In a nice sum of money every
horse. II© passed the rope to her month to the creamery, and the
and began playing the hose on the farmers, who are patrons of the
horse, when It became frightened, i plant, are thereby benefited.
Jumped the fenre and knocked Mrs
The creamery is modern through­
Chrlat down, trampling on her and out. They have their own refriger­
breaking her left collar bone and ating plant and all the latest ma­
otherwise bruising her severely.
chinery and appliances for the quick Kvery l>a> Auto Partlra stop Here
Mr. Chrlat went to hla wife's as­ and economical manufacture of but­
M'hlle K b -route t«> Some «>f the
sistance as won aa imaalble, and he ter. New patrons are being added
Nearby Summer Resort»
aald It waa the greatest wonder In to the creamery each week, and they
the world the horse did not Injure are all well satisfied ones, too.
her more, ac he was Jumping and
kicking over and all around her.
Redmond la a stopping off point
for tourists from the western and
northern parts of the state while on
A Kedmond business man who Is
their way across the mountains.
In close touch with crop conditions
In last week's Hpokeaman In giv­ In this section of the county, made Nearly every «lay one or more cars
ing the names of men In hualnena In the prediction Monday that, owing of tourists arrive In the city and re­
Kedtnond and vlrinlty the following to the short acreage of potatoes. main here from an hour or two up­
were unintentionally omitted:
Kedmond would be shipping In that
The hotels are well equipped to
Claude Christ, horse nnd stork product before Christmas
handle this class of traffic and the
Ventral Oregon Garage, one of the
M C. Conlon. horae and rattle
best equipped In the state, ran at­
tend to all auto repairs, etc.
t). A. Bradley, fine Block breeder.
With the completion of improve­
Last Saturday was an extremely
Henry Grose, tailor.
hot day In this section.
The ther ments on the McKenxIe road over
New Jersey la aald to have the mometer at the observer station a the mountains Redmond will see a
have the greatest proportion of rail­ n lie north of town, marked 9.1 in great many more tourists coming
road mileage of any state In the the shade at 1:30. and 96 at 3:3’». through, aa this city Is located right
country, or one mile of railroad to Sunday was tuly aa warm a day om the line of road necessary to go
every three square miles of territory Sunday night the weather turned off over to cross the mountains.
whlrh makes an unusual risk of for- | cc»oler and Monday waa a very cora-
Try our Classified Ads— le word.
lortable day.
eat fires aet by railroads
Many Tourists Pass
Through This City
AH Kinds of Trees
Grow Nicely Here
Thl* Soli M'ell Adapted f«»r Fruit
As Well As Shade Tree» M’ltli U t­
ile Irrigation During Summer
The soil in this section o f the
county ia particularly adapted for
the successful growing of fruit, or­
namental and shade treea. and each
year sees more of these kind of
trees set out here.
One of the fastest growing treea
In thla section is the Carolina Pop­
lar. Postmaster Moore has some of
these trees on some lots in the
northwestern part of the city that
have shown a wonderful growth,
even though they have practically
had no irrigation. Box Elder treea
do well here also, and grow fast.
M'hlle this Is not a fruit tree
growing section— growing fruit for
commercial purposes--all kinds of
fruit trees with the exception of
peach trees, do remarkably well,
and farmers and others who have
planted trees have obtained satisfac­
tory results.
M'rat Knd of Umatilla County In-
va«l«sl and Damage Is Heavy
A Pendleton dispatch of recent
date says: Not wttln the memory of
the oldest Inhabitant have grasshop­
pers been as numerous or as de­
structive as at present in the west
end of Umatilla county Reports are
that they will greatly reituee the
yield of the third cutting of alfalfa.
In some cases they have attacked or­
chards and by eating off the leaves
of the trees have stopped the growth
for thla year
Shade and ornamen­
tal trees are also suffering
The Hudson Gold Dredging Co.
will construct another dredge for
the Sumpter gold placer mines.