T K I ’ KMDAY. JI N K IR. m i I THE PAGE REDMOND HPOKKHMAN FIVE HOI IKI V D IR E ITORY K K K M O M I l.o lM .I I. O. O. I N». m i l ^H pls •'»•'■» Thurnliy Might in h ,iii Vlaltlai in......... I in. o o r d lh lly Int Ill'll lu iiiii'inl II W G A N T , N U LEO U R IlW A Y . V G J II D I T T E MONK. Hec’ y gig- j it m u ( ’li m i li M il M l \ H \ Its ||( M l COMPANY Kwlmonri and Vicinity With Hirin' low un ln Ihn county holding Cih o f July • «*l«*t»ruHoii« Ht»nd. I'rhi««vlil<* mit! Hl»t«*r» Hit* of l(*«duiond va IH I ihvr pl««nty of pin« cm to go Thin yi’ iir Untinomi will not <**|«brat«*, huf will I d Ho* other low un In Hie county eiiferlulu the crowtU ( I n c u r p o r all'll I II Murccsaor to llaiinr Abstract Company l ,rln »v U I*. Uri'Kim ■ «• 'la Inani mu h Tb» ) CI.AHSIFIKI) r o i.t M.N A <|v or Danti ««ut* |»u l»l l»ti«*«l ulular th l» head nt ime ■ etit u wo rd tur «M h |liaortluti Nu Mllv»rtI»«*III«'Ilt laseri tur li'aa Gian Iti t i nt a Or d » r » frulli out ut tua li in ii at liituriii H li’ ■ • " ' he It'l la In run ( * » i et town iirdvni niuat be MOOOIii panled liy i aali liilltala and tgMri unni ita » u n t a K i l t SAI.E H l i !• » r a d e piami, nearly t u » , « I I I he aulii reaauiialile un ternia, ur « I I I e . rhuiiK«' for ho km or ittiIU* In qulr«* ai Hpòksani su orti««' 4i*if fo t mal«* IVi||gn'«wl I » I I * « tot k (» I* plgn. t u hi va •• 11 O rr ftOff T he l.uillen Aid H ot let y of the M K church held their iiioulhly IlieedliK ul the home of Mm W h Alili«*) Ahotil l l ) u O ii H m und IN children were prete*tit and enjoyed a chicken pie dinner I 'rln e v ll le In udverllnliiK lurgely for her ihre»’ day celehratlon for the 4th of July lietid In offerlliR altri»«' Holm for Independence Day ami HU lern waiiin the people to com«* over Hier«« and huv«i u good Hm«’ Von f an tak»' your « hole»« o f the thr«*«* tow un and have a good time In any «»lie of them, hilt bet ter »till, take all three in American Gentleman Shoes Are Made by the Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co. 11 ami Hon-Brown’s Name on a Shoe Means Quality, Try Them LYNCH & ROBERTS The Store o f Lower Prices and Better Values If You Want to Keep Up With the Styles, Visit Our Store Kedmoiid eujoyn Hi«* dlntliictlon of having on«’ of the heat hook and Job prennuieti In the ntate ( ' I. Illalr, a form e r e m p lo y ...... . some o f the boat print MhopM In Portland IIU work U of th«’ hIgbent « hum A b i * »' 2(H) K I It «ut I'liIckpltN. 1 ! • r « t yrar old li«-*nM. Intintiti’ front 7 lo 10 wmik> old t hlrka Munì n«<11 ut I have bought out the Win. U one«* H«*«» I* W T a y lo r, lt«tdiiioinl I'h oetiit rental agency In Radmond. and Partien hnvlng hoin»««H to rent or h m h .% i>: o k tic \ i » i M wanting to rent houaea nhould nee A f r i c l l y flrni « lai»« lv««r Johnson hi tue W II Smith 4 Ut f •jrelr for » « I r for n a h or va ili tra«!«* A o t h ay, araln ur live alili k A tt A (# Alll ngham laut Thurnday 111, Terrebonue. Ore l u i ! "h itched up” hU auto and made a trip ov er to th«* Iti.»« k Hutte ranch to *»•»• frletx U ther«’ WANTEO Ch l'keiia VII kliula uf ehlrbrna |rd al the ll u le l |{ediiiutul Tup tiri p rie » paid 42tf s i li VV K it f t r a y e d frinii my premiava al In • ^ ■ i l a un Hiimlay nlabl, May 2 4. a bay m a re a l i l i a b i l e al ripe In fon- a e l a h t alluni I.VUO puntuta, idei! S s t i l i ItaI under S illa bi' rd s i l i be pali) tu une lab Ina up ur tur raturn o f anni», B A, Ca>t Ileo, li alea. Gre tilt Rtr ayed A boni May 17. Ilabl bay ■M re " basii k u l f e " brand un ahoul a e l a b l abitui f o n puundu Sull r e a a r d s i l i he pald tur ber re U n i M « ’ ('untoti. !(«*«! in un vi CHt.l dar. ghie J. F. HOSTH, ¡VI. 1). Ï PHYSICIAN - anil SURGEON OFFICE : N K. Cor ner «ita anil B St». <) reif on Reti monti. F. H. RODEMEYER PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Eyes Tt’strtl. (¿lasses Properly Fitteti Oftic e in Ehret Bros. Mock Reti monti, - Oregon DR. J. BARR Johnson Building Retlmontl. - Oregon Dr. The«. Beletski, V. S. Veterinarian T reats nil Domesticated Animal» Office: 6th str eet, opposite I ’ ost office Plume, 1910 R E I »MONI». L" - OREGON McSherry’s Feed K K D M O N I), S to re O lt K (« » ? i III ( '«IIIIIIM’lioll Utili It«'«Ian«»ft«I I film i \Vttr«*h«nisn Coin pan) Local Kord o w n e r « ur«« Hailing around the ntreetn «'iijoying their new road »m ooth em , whlcti w«*re put on by Kerry IC«*«*«Iy . We Believe in keeping up-to-date merchandise in all lines and by making a careful study of the many changes in styles we are able to serve «»ur patrons to a much better advantage. Our merchandise throughout the store is selected with great care, both for style and <|uulity. Frank llotlyfelt, who in ranching ov e r In the HUf«*m country, wun In town lant w«’«*k renewing u««iuulnt- niice with hU many frletuU Men’s and Boys’ Clothing Ja« k Delaney, who won th«* w o rld '« cham pionship for Hf«» plavlng from I'ntldy Nolan at Hi«* J o I uihou -JefTrlea fight at Iteno, wan In th«* city th«* forepart o f th«' w«*«’ k In selecting your clothes for men or boys, get a garment that is up-to-date— it costs you no more, but looks better. We have a large stock o f clothing put out by some o f the best factories and Th«* farm er» In th U aerlioit are at prices most rejtsonable. c o n g r a t u l a t i n g thetniM’ lveH on th«« due g r o w i n g w«*ather that pre valU now Home o f tli«* fa r m e r « have not yet put In t h e i r npud». c l a i m i n g that the ««« m » « iii U « t i l l l o ng enough for lliem to g r o w and matiir«* G eor ge Hobbs, t h e we l l k n o w n P o w e ll Hut t e |M*tato g r o w e r . ekp«*cfa t o | lant about next we e k The annual ( ’ hlhlren'a Day ex«*r- « Uea will he held at 11 a in.. Sun- day. Jim«* 21. nt the Re«!mond l ‘ r«*H- byterlan church A cordial Invlta lion la extended to the public. Mr and Mrs. W S. Kodmati left ear ly laat Saturday m or ning for Med- ford, where Mr. Rodm an, who U caahler o f the State llank o f lt«*d- inond. will attend the Hankers* ( ’on- vent Ion txdng held In that city thU w«*ek T he y wont by the ( ’ rater Lake route and «*xp«*ct to return by th«* M cKensle trail laiat week a «leal wan cloa«*d whereby W. II Anderson and Z Taliaferro will tak«* poaa«*aalon of the »tore on the corner of K und f»th Mtr«*«’ta. formerly occupied by Kree- berg llr«m The above named gentle- men Intend to put In a stock of g«*ti«*ral merchandise. $11.50. $12.50, $15.00. $17.50 B lu e S e r g e S u its I I D B U I I I I X I I ! Mixed Colored Worsteds, Hard Weave $12.50. $15.00, $17.50 Rough Materials, all wool $15.00. $17.50, $20.00 Boys' Suits. Long Pants $9.50. $10.50. $11.50 Boys' Suits. Knee Pants $2.50. $1.00. $1.50. $5.00 $ C 0. c i « i m LYNCH & ROBERTS THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES A N I) LOW ER W , b u y t l u t l c r a n d Ktc us well pleased with the country and expect to return with their famille® thl» fall. Mr Gray la In correspond­ ence with a number of jteople who are favorably Impressed with the J K Freeberg left th® tir»! « f the possibilities of this country. week for Surle*. N. IV, where he ex- J Clifford Ordway Inst week went to ta to engine» Hi the general mer- rhundlse business Ile has bean con­ Ml. Vernon, Wn., to visit his sister, ducting hla buatneaa here for the | Mrs «’ari lllnmun (Echo Ordway). past two venra under the name of Come all ye good dressers and Freeberg Oro» send your clothes to the Dead Steam They guarantee their Mr. and Mrs XV. M. Wilson sailed Laundry. Phone 1502 and Fred Mc- lust week for Valdex, Alaska, after work. u visit with friends In the State of CafTery will look after the rest. 5011 Washington. Mr Wilson Is one of Hot weather? Yes, but the wise the lurgest property owners In the ( ’ tty of Redmond, and has groat faith housewife patronizes the Bend Steam In the future prosperity of the city. Laundry and don’t feel the heat. Phone 1502, Hotel Redmond, and M ( ’ . ('onion left Monday for your work will be tuken care of. 50tt Lewiston. Idaho, on a business trip. Mulina Hall for rent for dances It Is possible that he may bring hack some line registered slock with him and entertainments New piano Just Installed. For terms Inquire Hotel 5014 W. L Perry Is expecting to go Into Redmond. the squab raising hustneps on a Mrs 1 W Gray arrived here last large scale He bus already made arrangements to ship to Portland. Saturday night to Join her husband, Tacoma and Seattle markets. Ills who Is local agent for the Oregon- Intentions are to raise about 2,000 Western Colonization Company. She was accompanied by her daughter-in- birds before he begins shipping law, Mrs. R. S. Gray of Cheyenne. XV. II. Hobbs has had a concrete Wyo., who will make an Indonnite sidewalk bulli around his new resi­ visit. Mr. and Mrs Gray are house­ dence on the corner of C and Eighth keeping tn the McCalTery residence stri-ets. This ts the llrst residence on the corner of 5th and F streets, concrete sidewalk to be built 111 the recently occupied by Mr. and Mrs city. The business district Is all pro­ J. E. Freeberg vided with Ill-foot concrete walks Madras Pioneer: I XX'. Gray, for­ the tirsi city in Central Oregon to merly of Wheatland. Wvo.. and now put this kind of wulks In. connected with the Orogon-Wush- I. XV. Gray had some Illinois par­ Ington Colonization Company, with lies here Iasi week looking over the headquarters at Redmond, was a Oregon-Western Colonization Com­ caller In Madras the early part of pany's lands. These gentlemen are the week, looking after his Interests R E D M O N D . O R E G O N PRICES We close 6:30: Saturday 10:00 i Rank of Commerce, spoke at the last at the home of L. E. Brandenberg ; meeting and gave a number of help­ Saturday evening. June 27. and at ful suggestions which were appreci­ least several representatives from Redmond should be at this meeting. I ated. ! Great things are expected and the I.et "a word to the wise" be suffi­ club trusts that they shall have the cient In this case. co-operatton of all tn this new work and particularly the Redmond Com­ There’s something in our job W HITE 1(0« k mercial Club. printing that appeals to the particu­ The next meeting is to be held lar man. ____ While White Rock on the Des- ( chutes river has been known for maiiy years as a watering place for j the ranger with his stock, and has j served as one of the best fishing spots in Crook county. It has been only recently that the district sur- i rounding this well known place has Improved and unimproved. 800,000 acres of fruit, alfalfa and grain lands In Central Oregon. Low prices, easy terms. become a strong factor with the If you are interested and want to locate in Central Oregon, older communities near Redmond. write or call on Those Interested tn the develop­ ment of this country have seen many changes In the White Rock district, but the community at large has now OREGON REDMOND. come to realize that through co­ operation greater progress can be made. Four weeks ago the people In this district were called together for a meeting by A. E. Lovett, county agriculturist. This meeting was held at the home of O. E. Anderson. The success of that meeting was realized and a date set for a second meeting, which was held at the home of L. W. MacFarland on Saturday. June 1.1. At this meeting a club L E A V E ORDERS OR B UNDLES AT THE was organized under the name of the HOTEL REDMOND "White Rock Improvement Club," RHONE 1502 and officers elected. Questions of road Improvements were taken up and members appoint- | ed to make arrangements for these Improvements. The first Thursday in October of each year has been WORK G U A R A N TE E D chosen as "Good Roads Day" for the entire section Guy E. Dobson of the Redmond In this section. Mr. Gray is one of the selling agents of the company. and as much of the land can he easily Improved, many new settlers are ex- peeled to he brought in during the next senson. LANDS I. W. G R A Y Bend Steam Laundry and D r y C l e a n i n g FRED McCAFFERY, Agent