T U ! ItH lny PAGE T1IK TW O The Redmond Spokesman REDMOND fll'OKKSXIvV Hotel Redmond Publishod Every Thursday at R«*«Init»nd. Oregon By the REDMOND SPOKKSM VN PIRIISIIING COMPV\Y I MU H M M ' I t ' SUBSCRIITION BATHS- Strictly in Advance: One y e a r .............................. $1.50 Three m on th s ...................... $ .50 Six m o n th s................................80 Single c o p i N ............................. 05 Enter«*«! ns second class m atter July 14. 1910, at the postofflce Redm ond. O regon, under the act o f March 3, I S ') . HARRY Ice Cold S O D ' 1 I*. W I I .S O N . P r o p r ie t o r Farmers in this district and other i*at Central Oregon are invited to m iht i n* : ' l '‘ their head.piarters while in town. > cater to their wants and desire their |*atn>n.ig>'. * '** rates for meals are reasonable. at Tho Rwlmoiul Phftrttmcy hu» put in the j || irvrfonl Smith lint» o f Syrups and ('r « ^ Fruits th«« l*s»«t mi»nuf»cturv«l our S h U s M \ l M il Jl l»0 I '• D l s i l t n I w . t . Bradshaw J util* \V A IU.II District Attorn* OFFICIAI. PIKKCTOK\ K AII.ItO AD i t ' l l « Viti* I.A- but there Is no younicor and m ore Oreiton Trunk Dully < i{< n »K m » i > n O .springer prom ising land to which he may ml- Train arrive# from north . 7 13a m «*ount> J u .I k «’ HOKF.K grate, Iu>»tng gradually the a d va n -j Train arrives from south » l« p n ,\.unt> iir r k . . Krank Hiking tag«*» that our p«*»ltton and resourc- : O .-W . R. a N.— Dally Sheriff Editorial by C. G. I.«* Masters in K*li>h Jortlgn t h e l m i t j stan dard. May “ 'There ” » h* v" *£l'*>n u* « » u * * d a '*' Train a r r iv e . from n orth. .7 I>1 p m Treasurer W II W irt« was a time when it was n.-ceaaary n o,h ,n K t*u« deeiw r w isdom and a Train arrives from sou th . . S 01 a m * u .i' kt'oruep II A Kimtgr \**«'**or for legislation in fa» or of UM work > »• • • » »ense of J w U m tow ard all || BAI K O U A«ent , . , J K. Mvjftrt School Su|»t ing class and against capital. That factors that must unite to create na- I'M T O K K Il K IIOl Its I* II |HMtnl9it»r l'a ro tirf necessit.v was met and Its icqu tre- tlonal prosperity can keep us at the Daily, except Sunday, S JO a m Surveyor KfrtJ A III**«» m e n u accom plished In doin g this, front o r even Insure us agutust . 11 » to 6 p tu. C on nu Issloners. R II lla yley, " " the pendulum o f legislative ac- o r j^ r anj econ om ic distress at Sunday. » to 9 a m llrow n Letters m ailed not later than * IS R l R l has swung hack the opposite i,.imc ' p m w ill leave here OB Hie night way so far that such legislation is THE I ' l l II tw train going north now a hindrance to the legitim ate ItlW K I.I, B IT T E «'Irvult Court Set-ond Monday In J. W. m o o r s :, t*. M investm ent o f capital in good enter- Marth. Arsi Monday In September, TELE PH O N E HOI Its prises. This .n .s action a e o n is just ju s. such su m as a . is .» Mr, K A , , u - e „ an,. (laughter Dally, except Sunday, i a m to Brst Mondât in H ... alw ays experienced A w rong arises. Fa, ïlH irt First Mot tat In the iveople are aroused and spurred Morse, being present at the joint Sunday. 8 to 9 a m .. & to 7 pm . each i t n i l i on by their enthusiasm they go to m eeting o f the ladles' clu b s o f Dow - Commissioners' Court The Bret extrem es. thus causing unother Hutte and Prlneville RATION A l Wednesday w rong to be perpetrated instead o f Miss G ladys Hayn has rem ained In ------------ July. September and November PrtnoYtlle to take charge o f the \V. correctin g the evil A few years ago K K ing office during the absence o f ................. W oodrow Wilson the hue and cry that the A-uerIcan the regular bookkeeper i I I ' Ol I H I U s w orkm an waa dow ntrodden and op- Clark Morse took in the com - . * ' ... '. \l»vnr j r i i . mi . I i nresse.t on n it s a ready resit..use in In meaCement exercises a and ***' o ° f r ‘ Treasury ,aI,‘ .................... W " K J McAdoo ,,r * n Hecordrr ' ,... D G Hur.li. X pressed f found ready response w k Alum tll ‘ Sec j it j » lu r id every heart because su ih was the Kalph Jones was one o f the vlo- Sec. o f In terior.............. K K laine Treasurer ................ J A Will«-«*» raa* Hut tim es and con d ition s Untsts in the com m encem ent or-hen- nt music for the ( r o o k C o u u t y Sec. o f L a b o r .................... W . B W ilson Count KKKAk I \U s I ' l l ItE THE Com»* m which «llstii,cU\«t tixst«* that t, ixti4l try aom»* o f th«*»«- u.-w flavor« hi THEIR IFF t REAM IS DKI.lt lot S y « ’ W ILL BE SATISFIED WITH I I . W irrt • Hrown i HB o f it. Many en terprises are being forced out o f existence sim ply be- cause legislation that might well be term ed freak legislation has been en- . . . . . . . ... . acted that has m ade it im possible for em p loyers to meet the dem ands made upon them by the laws o f the land This con dition is now begin- “ ‘ tV s * ^ E d n a Morse is attending Sum m er Norm al In Prlneville this w eek, preparatory to the teachers' - » » - I n a t i o n . next week John Luckey and fam ily vlsite«] at tht. K . , ^ Su: Earl Laughlin and R obert U ater o f Paulina, ran out In the Laughlin a “ ' ° to ,ak<* £ lark Mora* *° % % ^ ^ " W h ile on his way to the Cline Pall» plant Sunday m orning, ('h a s ^ battuck. supt o f the INuMbute. Po* to , r C o" '• the '* ht* day * lf* ter at “ the -«»ugh- M orse legislate in such a manner that cap- ital w ill not invest in enterprises, Pres, Wm Sproule o f the Southern _ „ PaclOc Co., in an interview to the press the other day said on this sub- ject hom e Mr Shatturk and son re turned for dinner in the evening . J.o h "*Vn “ 1 t1Um,d ^ » f * .S**n- ior play at P rlneville last W ednes- evening Mrs. Lindquist and son Carl were in Redm ond last Thursday, guests at ^ e l n k o ^ f ’* * ° f Ra> ' bb#> " n'‘ ' Merman Allen and J F Rice are fencing their places with rabbit w ire Dewey Johnson spent som e time last week circu latin g the rural route petition. He bad nearly 100 signers an(j q Un e a nit o f territory yet to be covered. Miss Ada Sears visited her sister Mi“ ° r“ * ' p rlnertile last Friday Mr and Mrs. E. A Hussett and ences that hinder not on ly ou r busl- raxoaily. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hussett. ness, but nearly all kinds o f busi in and Mrs. Hrown and fam ily took dln- th is cou n try. W e need to open the n*r *" Redm ond Sunday at the hom e ■“ « , . j i * H ILL PE A K S IN DESTRI AL P A R E S IS ________ • Jam es J. Hill discussing "T h e Fu- ture o f Our F oreign T ra d e” at the National Foreign T rade convention . . . . . . in W ashington intim ated the l nited States m ight be in danger o f running Into such w idespread industrial dis- tress as England now found Itself . .. . ,, • from attem pting to hold m arkets against com petitors w hile m aintain- ing a w age «-a le that d.e-s no, per- mit her to meet their prices and d o e , _ . . . not otter to capital an inducem ent to new fields o f developm en t.” He com pared the per capita value o f foreign trade o f the t'n ited States 141, to G erm any's *67, and o f the r .„ .d K ln sk oD ).' | „ 1 H. m u G erm any is constantly contem platin g English m arkets because o f the Ina- blllty o f the English m anufacturer M . ^ ,„- 1 , „ „ . s o i . . . to change h i. w orking condition s in con form ity to general con dition s T h e t'n ited States was follow in g E n glan d's exam ple. "T h e pow er o f the English trades unions becam e practically arbitrary In Axing wages, hours, and general w orkin g condition s. G erm any found that wttn with a r e advantageous *a*re tnat a m m o ore advantageous wage scale she could go Into the w orld s m arkets with prices which England cou ld not meet. Hence the enor- m ous grow th o f German exports. Hence a com petition which the t'n ited States Itself cannot m eet In m any lines, and which it could not , k „ ,,„ ,ii a .. . .. m ,M , „ n . r . .’ .* S H ." Game W a rd e n ................. W F Finely State E n g i n e e r .......... John H Lewis l ’ S. Senators. Harry laine and Geo K Cham berlain. W. C. ('ongr.MM.men. N J Slnnott, Sinn, ,, , . ... 5' "T h e r e are no hopes o f a better- ment o f businesa con dition s unless public opinion com pletely changes My hope and b elief is that the grow th o f this coun try, backed by a sense o f fair play, possessed by the Am erican people w henever they are aw ake to the situation, w ill suffice to ov ercom e the m istakes and Interfer- factories and the m ills and get the people back to w ork. W e should stop the foolish th eory that prosper- ous business is som ehow pernirous to the state. It is a childish fallacy that is dragging us into hard times. Mothers »Say That Snowflake Floi Is the BKST on the Market K i l t S A L E B Y A L L U tlM EUS o f Navjr Josephus Daniels Imtnele. It F D sSom a. F G U ^ o f A gricu lture ° K Houston k ' •* ,r ' * «’ » „ m a s t e r G eneral A Hurleson “ egular Meetings .... and 4th A ttorney G eneral J a . M cR syn old. Tuesday, o f each month - _____ - — ' . : i D'|.>M> ■ . > 'l 'l l It* I I I C M M "* * * G o v e r n o r ...................... Oswald West Vlre President Guy R Dobson o f S ta te.................. Hen W Olcott .W retary it |. Schr* * » - ••■< ■« ■ ............................. . a i “* n . . t h . .m p lo y .O . . » . I I . . I k . . « ■ p i . . h . k . . . k - „ . . . . k J I k , t k . C. a ployer for the reason that w lienever C. H S have returned hom e for va- - con d itton . are no, such th a, business can be condu cted at a reasttnable profit it w ill stop, and w ithout an em p loyer there cannot be an em- ployee. So it Is like killing the roose lavs tne the golden golden egg egg to to goose that tnat lays KKD.MONI) PH ARMACI y »•” ■— >• ^ A. (i. AIJ.INtiH.AM The new Meter a Prank butldtna * l , ’or,l4n,, *• ,u " ,*1 ...... 1 h*’ supers!ru. lure u to m fabricated at Portland Construction o f the long treaties on the line between Sluslsw and Marshfleld has begun M ines and Liquors Imported and Domestic ( i^rars N o th in g hut th»* H KST K e flm o n d . im m t iín I ut o u r pirn i )r t* K »n Firxt of all, the farmer mutt be a buiinesi man. _ ..........^ _ Farming it manufacturing food and f<»...| product# and the tn honor o'f the,'blrth* fan n a:lJ iar!n ciju ip m cn t Constitute the plant. ja y s o f Mrs. Hrown and little T h el- /• . . . , . . nia Young. v.om (>etition u keen and it requires business m ethods tu make Last Saturday Mrs Ida Morse and m on ey . ' daughter entertained the Shuinla Club o f P rlneville. and the Sorosis I he parcels po»t hat open ed the way to wuder n u t k c t. Club o f Pow ell Hutte at Hom estead R llr, l ,..|enh,>n^. . j , , , ‘ . n u tk ett. Acres. A lthough the w eather was . , ’ . * * n<^ Hiail delivery have brought unlitn- storm y both clubs were well repre­ itctl op p ortu n ity for d oin g buxine»». sented The room s were decorated You need one thing m ore— with the co lo rs o f the tw o clubs, the c o lo r plan being carried out with crepe paper and wild flowers and carnations, which the officers o f the Sorosis obtained for the occasion. ' h“ » '»e r n o o n the ladle» e » “ to K'-t higher pr.ee». slsted by Miss Allen, s e r .c d a light Y o u r »on o r daughter can I r v n m . . lunch. At i H tha g u est, departed. U ■ . . tv „ r w r ,.,.r : " ... „ , ° 1’ " ' C Mic L 1 S,ll:,h ,h,, ‘. ni r " 1,’ " r" ° ! bo' h , . ‘ J *t‘0r, t ,UC ar,J "•t ‘ J '" ,a lly be g r , „ „ g a astirally declarin g them selves in fa- buvinc»» ed u ca tion , Vor o f m ore Joint meetings. .. . . . -------------------------------- lio o k o f in struction free. PLEA SA N T it lln .E ------------ Mail thi« coupon Preaching was held at the school ! ................ ........................... ........... ......... Redmond Cafe Forn»«*rly Y«>unr*a Grill. IN D K R N EW M ANAGEM ENT 1 lie L . C . S m ith & B ro s . Typewriter X ” . X k V .f ^ , ~ ............... |Z(.,| They met the follow in g 8un- day. with a good attendance. Nsms —------------------------------- ------------ _____ o l a f Anderaon has been surveying ditches for Mr. M cFarland. p i ) _________ _______ Mr> j A C h U e v„ lu.d w)fh Mr, , r' -------------- — ------ DeKouza o f Redm ond last Thursday S ta le — w hile her daughter Etta took the 8t*> Itrade exam ination. Tu tbs L C. Ssitb & hros T/pcwrlttr U . Mr and Mrs Fix w ere callers at the Perry hom e Sunday. Antone Ahlstrom la Im proving his 306 Oak Street, place this spring by seeding a niltn- arr,>» ,r> grass. Ka*mus has been w)fh sawing Portland, Oregon lumtM. r for Peterson Mr M erarlBn(, hl, gasoline wood saw Mr. Butts o f near Deschutes, is Ir- fla stln g for Mr. Anderson. There will be an agricultural meet- Ing held at Mr. M cFarland's place on Saturday evening. June 13. All are Invited to attend Mr and Mr A nderson visited at — < •• • » ............................ . " « • » - Perry es, and. In certain lines o f m anufac- Sunday evening ture the use o f h igh ly skilled labor Norman Kagan o f R edm ond. Is and h igh ly com plicated m achines "forkin g on the Irvin place. Mr. and Mrs. F uller visited at the g ive us a tem porary advantage. hom e o f Mr and Mrs. Bray Sunday. "B u t this advantage, lik e every j Mr. Duvall Is hauling lum ber oth er exception al local con dition In from A n derson 's saw mill fo r a new the w orld trade, tends to be equal- ho,1M* he Is g oin g to build . i.rA . „ , i . . . . ______ Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Oreen o f Red- Ited and disappears. m ond, passed through this section Just such m istakes as Great M onday on their way to the Tum aln Britain has made and is m aking may P roject fo r som e horses Mr. Green c o n fro n t the Am erican w orkm an, had over there at work. W ilbur t’ atlow is busy these days with a lost Job and em pty cu pboard. fixing up the Gatlow ditch. Furniture YOU WILL BUY YOUR FURNITURE AT REDMOND. YOU CAN IX) NO BETTER ANYWHERE COME IN AND BE CONVINCED DON’T WAIT TILL YOU NEED THE GOODS. C. H. IRVIN, Furniture & Undertaking COME A N D TRY OUR M E A L S AND YOtJ WILL BE SATISFIED. BENT MEAL IN THE LARGEST AND REDMOND FOR THE money . L. ( . Stephen*« and Guy Stexenn, Proprietor». Anderson Bros.’ Saw MANUFACTURERS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED PINE LIMBER. OUR MILL IS THE NEAREST POINT THAT YOU CAN GET HIGH-GRADE LUMBER. OUR PRICKS ARE RIGHT. t'i Milet« South went of luiidlaw. McSherry’s Feed S tore ItKDMON D, Eßßs for Hatching I e rrls Htraln 8 . C. WW» |,rgln>ri*«. Per setting o f tl> Per hundred e g g s ............ •" f'onnertton with Kcdtnond I nl.,n U arctam se • om p any