al the Wheatherlya. and her broihei- tion I would have poured out for her was her eseori Aboul nine o clock I now intend to pour out for the weak Grandfather illlmau and Mr and (he fallen." ard »h o were chatting together, no “ I am so proud, so proud, of my llred Miss Alice pui on her »raps si»l brother." she murmured slip oul of the from door h i»* '»"> After that they were no longer Mr tiles later llal cam* to bid them good Gilman and Mis* Blanchard, they by and Mrs Weatherly went to the were Halfred and Alice, am! they werw door wllh Hal ai d hi» graiidmotli. r more together than Over. If possible They were an Ideal couple for mere Grandfather Oilman looked at Mr Mr Blanchard looked at brother and sister They found so Blanchard Grandfather Gilman Half an hour much to talk about that they scarcely needed other companionship, and even later Alice had not come hack Grand when (hey were with gay parties they father Gilman aud Mr. Blanchard »e r e could always be found by themselves still talking “ By George!“ said Mr Blanchard. I some place, discussing the glory of <4,,‘r self-abnegsllon as evidenced In set­ * i » h *U t *h*T«' AH«*« ii'oovrtcht by th* M. vlur* Newspaper Syndicate) "Possibly lo the depot with Hal.' tlement work, or the callousness of \Vh«>n Hal Oilman got home from man were looking out of the aide win­ pareuts who frowned upon provi­ i«p | M Grandfather «¡liman with a He has gone tu curtou« h«*»itat ton college ho ha"• blue, Indeed, and full o f expression. ment that might have altered the Neverthelew. atlffened himself |( The result of thla, at the other end hia Hlster Alice waa so deeply and ,r. The laahra above them were long and course of my entire life, but It was o f the correspondence, waa but nat­ curved T lie hair clustering about her nipped In the bud She— ” he choked revoeably attached aa this It wns his white brow was o f the exact golden up a little bit very successfully— “ she ural and logical. One day came a let­ duty to see that she attaln.-d happp ter that threw her Into a flutter of neaa, and he would do It like a mm, Shade that had let him stretch a point proved faithless." It made her gasp and He told her so “ I am sorry, brother,” ahe said, excitem ent to call It red when he waa a boy. Be­ low Ita shining waves the tip o f a pink turning her band palm upward to hold her breath and turn paje and pink They chatted very practically now ear waa revealed. Her cheeka were clasp hia strong and supple Angers by turns. Thla thrilling letter— why. I T- ,h° ""•••mn " I It was the very apotheosis o f her sacrifice rounded and creamy. Her neck was with a grip of understanding. that a woman must make carefully built-up romance 1 The stern a firm white, beautifully model -d col­ would not hare re-opened your wound when ah« * # , « up he, girlhood hom. demand It laid upon her waa a call to to make a new hom« for a noble man umn that supported her small bead for worlds.” "It la nothing.” he replied In a hol­ heroism. most gracefully. Pickles! To think HI# nearness waa such a support to They were going to Hal’s last fnnev her. Who would never have had the that be had ever called her Pickles! low voice, leaving his hand In hers. Grandfather and Grandmother Oil­ "Nothing whatever. Tha same devo­ tlon that night, aa anniversary dinner courage to take the step |f he had not The Man, the Mission and the Maid By George Randolph Chester a slowly, hesitatingly, looking from » n » to the other W hy didn t you tell me this fellow e name* Why didot i ask’ ' demanded llal but bo really was pleased There was ao lime for reply The young man had come up to them lla l turned on him savagely “ Well pevson*“ he Inquired “ llow do Gilman* said Mr person with a Jerky nod. and then held out his hands lo Alice, with an evident In­ tention to Ignore her escort from that moment on Hal stepfed bet■ ten them “ Peyion t l| glee you Just Iwo min­ utes to get out of sight," he pleasantly observed If you II remember, gave you *1 hours at cedlegs You had thing« in pack up there» You havent h e r»!” Mr Pry«,>a looked at blm rurtoualy for an Instant and moistened hie lips, then he suddenly wheeled and a mo­ ment later they saw him worming hia way through the crowd I'm sorry Alice that I ran t tell you th« details about blm ' lla l said She waa standing rsry stiff and straight herself *1 don't care tn hear I know enough I am Just praying my grail- lude that I am not to be linked tor life to any nun whom another man ronid make run without an explana­ tion ” Hal scarcely heard her Already ho waa consulting a tim etable It bad taken them three hours to make tbs trip They had started at I SO and It was now t j SO T h *r» was not an­ other train bark until three ortock In the morning, and It would not land her In Onkdale until daylight Hhe had not comprehended to the full phase of It as yet But llal swiftly derided that whaterer they did and whererer they went they could not stand there and he bundled her Into a cab It was not until they werw rolling away from the depot that she thought with a gasp of the possible m ate- quenres o f her act. and cried “ What are we to do?” ’ I pass." replied the young man aud denly and briskly losing all the dignity that had weighted hire down when hw got hia sheepskin, and reverting once more to the slang of early college days "It looks to me #« if » « » « y e in a Jam Never y«u mind, though Iteiy *»n your fo c i Ihidley H u ll put rn-igf aid mid cold cream «ml vie ■> talcum on tha faro of this thing, and don t forget It Do you know anybody here that you could visit?" "Not a soul." ahe wailed “ I only know one family, and lh«y are abroad • "Never mind." he said patting h«r hand »here it lay trembling on bla nrm You Just keep your eye on Idt- tie Willie pirai of all we are driving over to my hotel where I ehall leave my suit case and send a couple o f te|e- grams Then we’ll do a real quirk- thinking alum Iml you ever s«e mo think* It will be a positiva joy lo you “ Mha nestled confidently up io him Ills voire sound' d so good , „ d strong, and she liked him so much heller atnea ho had dropped hit age Hhe waa kind, oh’ so glad, that ha had hap­ pened . . . to com« with her’ - 'I** hM,,'l *I»1 lumped out with hia suit eg«« He left her |n the cab. hut presently ha cam# out. chuckling 1 « had two telegrams In hia hand ne of them he had not opened, but th. other he read .„ d r . w i t h avident appreciation Toud better open thla one before I «ho* vou mine," he aald. handing ,h" ..............I t i Ingram tn her ,h" " ‘ • " ‘ PHOB It tn Mrs Halfred In y r. Gilman Hhe handed It back demurely ...U 'an t for me.” .he iZ'rl'rT ^ * * or two In It It do. «n't seem ~ P .c .o a o, be f „ , ,„yh,K jri“ ir, itr,: *M t ...^ iTtoVr le;n. 1 " I T * ’ *’ * * “ “ "My dear girl." it read “ von are . »ft*m both to her * » « « r a s e . " read Grandfather « I I ,nan'« rneaaags. “ If yuo •re already ■ » d»U ' " ‘• J i n . „ lf 1 .......... ...... I P w h e y « the overtime Gun. hi Munte h I Mu, , ' *1 on hie she should cry J k \ \ XXXXXXXXXXv A London Ghojt \ \ \ \ XXXXXXxxxxxx A •ondi ■ Huai I'*« liifttt •<. doti K ijf r o . jjj, l»U of th«* hlfhuytl The Vicar ..f » - a * lca .li.« Ih. «'.urti p rn c U c ,. « tir « . the alale slid .. t . g '<">«• t , » a h h „ K ' *•» ad d le«« near by "A gentlemsb l said about the state 0( loua lo see y The elargì ■ ailing ***1 ta n , ......1 “ •« " man«t..i. . e k e t_ ^ * ■ »«tam ely sg » , , rn< ^ hurry II I » « > s I the lagy k t r l plelely disappeared The butler Im t ft oa tga aa either a ..adman sg g Joker, and %«• about g door when hta master raasr passage nod laqu red ehal K va about ' Arw you Mr — P gal* J c le r g jt n s » ' I 'hat )«* emJ rtouely III. that • .« a ere e e g J about ».Kir •< w: sad that h «| I sent for me “ ] He Jrt rit.ed the lagy sts J b ro u gh t hi-. and the gytgg J said h e ruui i not idsntuy hsr Hg| b ad no such friend eg T h e y discussed this d o o c e te p fo r a f a » tb * n the rle rg rm a a was ttrasg Coma Inside H II la vary etra n g e" (M l k r-J th a t y. u it I have bees raw J such an errw- I in suck « nywwvJ »a y Aa a mailer of fact, tbngil am p e r fe c tly o i l I havs has» 3gl bled la . - J fate sf a» ng, and I have u . a. - ialy matmjaM In g calling upon you to Ihna a m a tte r w ith you Now that . . »•- here lot • !c«*| aside this s tra n g e lactdeSL sadf W Will give me the time • * utfl Mni what ha« been on my coasskram' The clergyman vuy«d kt u lu or no. and It » « • the# «rtasgadM bla sa s acquaintance »HnuM am* • the cfcerch the nrit mors lag rat would continue their Juruku * » service He did not appear al tk* and the vicar very s nock H I»** I called to see «hat «as tb* ■»"■* i t » waa met al lb« door kt ib W * who told him that hi» a u in k iM I * m.Outre after he left Ikskmnk th » pr«vloua evening They went upstair« 1« Iks P * * where Ihe dead roan tat. »#< * 1 table In Ihe middle of Ike a portrait of the lady «HoksiPl»t* Ihe clergyman In ihe cak f t * * church A "W h o I# that *” « • » “* la bed clergyman . “ That, air." replied Ike k M » J my master a wUl . ii . 4l*d >* !• ] ago” firs t Asciai kPf. Harr M ic h ..».» » **J Inched II» a l-elpsli B f» rnai.iifarturera. I»^I | a Russian prl«*>n and is Ghetf n j coma famous aa the »..rld'SkM* ■py Ho m arrast«d ’ *fl,u* - ruary In Ihe tielghb". - d oi * I having, as he al egei tost In n fog nn.l boen «.impella* an emergency la » ^h* m military gulhorltle« « * « * »"* Ihnl his presence near !■»•!’** tlfiratlona concerned eaptouan h « Is now formally mdlclsd *■ charge The German ««' ^ has ao far tried m »• n 10 .’ * * «« f** pr release on Mtrhowskl at the lim« of hi* — over Russian tarrtt‘>ry. In an attempt to win one pf distance prise« offered by national flying endowment Life's HsrdeHIpo. , A tragic case occurred a court o f law at Ambafl. ' ^ , A young girl who «as '* t witness bagged to be »pal** deal o f having to «n ***r ^ questions with regard t® ^ Hhe had, she said, n P," l " ° * * lur and had Just and she feared tha! she * oU‘L f