Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City” o f Central Oregon ■< I. No. i:t REDMOND, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, APRII, WITH MEXICO HAS BEEN STATE ENGINEER LEWIS ■AVERTED FOB A H E AI LEASE I I I . K s |\ KM c.lltll T O IJH T • i »It T\ AGREES TO MEDIATE TUOI REE AND DICTATOR l*.%TK\T Nu. I» 1914 $1.80 PKK YEAR The Factor of Safety ORMAI,I.Y ACCEPTS PROPOSAI.—TEXT OK NOTE IS IDT MADE PI 1*1.1« HY DIPLOMATS—TENSION MM II EI.IEN ED— EUROPE URINE.S PRESSURE TO REAR ON I ERTA TO AGREE TO PEAt EUT. PROCEDURE— H«)»» Th«*rr Ila* IU*«n <• >1 liuti «Irr- »landing .%« to III« l*o«l- lloii In III r \lttttrr KM Y AND NAVY CONTINUE ACTIVE PREPARATIONS The busine*» man of to-day is becoming more and more critical in safeguarding his business interests. The bank in which he expects to keep his funds should be carefully ex­ 4 \ .ml iI nK tu ll dl«|*A<4 I» <»f \ l. ' ' ; U # f* i F orm ai t r r u p U B f « bjr ih* H^«ft R o v in i tu rn i o f Ih r ufTrr of Affari [fin*, tirati! and F h l l r to oar ttiaif p.>od oftt« na lo brlliR alimi( an n n l H } n « r i i I r m t m l o f th r «Iim«n i t y Ih*' l ‘ nitri! Htatra ami Me» 4 or p iaii n y fu hpm l o n i i h i by > Koralgn Minlatrr llu ar * abiu ri In tilt«» Ih# M u r Itnjaa* nota « a » tranamlttrd r ( io thr ihrt*(4 Hmilh A i n u rlfin di pipi *» « h o lirKin a rohforrnc«* whlft la tini far luto t h r nlghi dU f t | A f Ihr l i n i mova In th rlr |>r*cr pia» l.ti Noi Mailr t u b i l i Ifc hrr Ainhassador l(|an» nor Ihr ■>» » o u l d iimki- puliti III' M I >1 Ih.* l i n e r i a a,-* »pian- Il » < t hi>wa«ar. that Kaitor l i " ) » » r a f f , li li- i-d* « r u p i I I I * I bi offri andit i kihs Un, Houih Ani.rii an plM|| nllar an i Ih,- 8 punisti AM$ a«l«>r f«»r Ibnlr r'x*'l T. • . v i a a frfa r a n ra to * 'l h f rral «pirli o f Éft lutartijr b r t a r r f i pro plra of a •MBr rara " 5 condii Iona ara |rnt»o#rd In an Oflpr f«»r rchx I offlrra. rottarqurnf !* Ift# Ti-ply frolli M e l i c o 1*11 jr » a > noi ■ alili • |9H | »III b» roarhpil » h » n Ih.- . l i t r i fo r m u la li’ th rlr plana UH to* a k r k n n w n h o » I h r ) pro po se Ih r ...... 1 o f t V r » » lilrti h a t r ^ B i m l t l i lai s d vlr e s troni Mexico C l l .tlrrad) hall inatlr II i l r l u a l l . «• Il «in that Uanaral M u r i l a » o u l d H | ” Ihr ufTrr o f Ihr |ir«i r r u m ) « «ti form ai a n n o u n r r m m i lo n lc hl U g a i I flirth r r In r r l l r t r Ihr alat krli HPlP trnalon o f ih,- cria!» T h r nrwa I * l » r n l o l ’ rraldrnt Wilson. » h o r<-aard h lm arlf a» « r r a l l y plraard. li mi uh hr » o u l d tuakr no furlh rr Im eni. ■ 'I|iliiiiinla l o Ila«.- E u r i Eld h it» ll o u a r officiala Irt II hr » «n thal Ihey * r r r rarn ra tly de m ia o f alitimi th r South Altieri ran dlplnmala In rvrry way |>o**iblr and lhal no announrnnrnla aa to points that would hr Inalalrd upon by Ihr t'nltrd Mlalra would hr tuadr, or anythin* ralr donr. at thla llnir, which ml*hl nnbarraaa Ihrlr rfforla Throuchoul oltli lal and diplomatic rlrclra Ihr brllrf waa expressed lhal biici raa of Ihr poarrtnakrra ao far necessarily would ha«r a favorablr rff«, t upon Ihr alluaiinn; thal even thoiiKh thrlr rfforla ulUmalrly fallnl. Indlrrcl diplomatic romttiunl- cation hrtwrrn Ihr t'nltrd Stalra and Ihr llurrta government haa brrn rretored imi|Mirarlly and Ihr chancr of a hriirr undrraiandln* Infinitely Improved. Thr auccraa of Ihr Drat air pa to­ ward mediation, thr prompt arrrpt- anrr by thr t'nltrd Stalra, and thr announcement of the Spanlah Am- haaador that llurrta had accepted Ihr tender of Rood offices. produce') a frrlln* of dlatlnrt hope, which waa reflected, not only In admlnlatratlon ■luartrra. but In cnn*rraa aa well, where "war talk" *ave way to a aplnt of conciliation Euro|>e Eilt l><-« Huerta. Pressure from Germany, Great llrttaln and France advlatn* llurrta to accept thr Aral atrpa toward med­ iation and thr approvln* attitude of I.atln American countrlea to thr art- tlrmrnt of the controvrray by I'an- Amrrlcan diplomacy emphasised thr worldwide Influencra which are workln* to brlti* about peace Meanwhile thr navy and war de- parlinrnta arr prrfrdln * Ihr machln- rry of ihr army and navy for anv unexpected turn In event* Secretary Matilda announced that he had tele*rnphed the full text of the medial ton offer and Ita accept­ ance by the I'nlted State* to both Itear-Admlrala lladker and Howard, with Inalructlona to have thr com- mandera of all ahlpa on the raat and »■•at coaata apread the new* through- Contlnued on I'a *« 2 IN THIS PART OF COUNTY ft, \ST FRIDAY NEARLY ALL BUSINESS MEN AND OTHER RESIDENTS OK THIS CTTY TURNED OUT TO HELP IM­ PROVE ROADS IN DIFFERENT SECTIONS LEADING INTO THE CITY. AND MUCH GOOD WORK WAS DONE— REDMOND DISTRICT NOW HAS SOME OF THE REST ROADS IN COUNTY—( LINE FALLS ROAD IMPROVED It waa a sore and tired bunch of ■ » " i l road builders that rame In at Supper time last Friday evening sfter a 'rklng on roads In different acc­ lin i,* leading out of Redmond. Many the workers had large slieil blist­ e r » on their hands and their back* w e re nearly broken from the labor ■ bey had performed durln* the day, Which was foreign to that of their P'oilly occupations But they got there Just the same, Inud the result of their labor wa* Whown by the betterment of the Iroads they worked on. Hoads leading from the city In all Idireetlong were occupied by the lab I'T c r* during the day The principal I'diject of the Good Itomls l>»T niove- I nient waa to Improve some of the I worst places In the well traveled I load*, and thl* was done by all the I crews that were out. Gver In the Powell Hutle district considerable good work was accom­ plished by the lown people as well I a* by the Powell Hutto people. In most Instances the farmer* Joined In with the cltlsena from Redmond and worked with a will to help out In the good movement. Taken all together the eltltena of Redmond are well satlafled with the reaulta accomplished on the flrst Good Hoad* Day Inaugurated In the atate. and which wa* generally ob­ served throughout Oregon Ha* Good Itoailn Without boasting It can be safely said thal moat of the road* leading Into Redmond are now In good con­ dition a* good aa any In the county and with a little more Improve­ ment will be Just what are needed. The Cline Kails road, leading from this city lo Cline Kalla and to 81a- tera. over which a Urge amount of travel peases, haa been gceally Im­ proved during Ihe past few moniha, and road gangs are wtIII working on It. The road haa been atralghteneil out and aeveral big gradea elimin­ ated. which greatly facilitate* travel and Ihe hauling of heavy freight. Salem, Or.. April 10. amined as to the factor of safety. Kdltor Itedinond Spokeaiuau, lied- mond. Oregon. Roger W\ Rabson, in the Saturday Evening Post, in sug­ Ib-ar Sir My attention haa been gestions to the young business man selecting a bank, says: called to an Item 111 your laaur of April III, entitled "It la Now I'p to "In foreign countries the bankers talk of factors of safety tlir State (engineer." and referring particularly to Hat for patent No 6 rather than simply deposits; but in this country, owing to the It la unfortunate that my atand ignorance of most business men concerning banking methods, »Ith regard to recent requrata of the Central Oregon Irrigation Company the people can be fooled by a comparative statement of de­ abould have given rlae to any miaun- posits. * * * * The first and most important ileraiandlng of my attitude toward thla ll*i for patent, and In order that feature to note in the study of a bank statement is the factor ihi» lutaunderatandln* may be com­ pletely removed I beg leave to sub- of safety.” inll the following »lalement of facta The R E D M O N D B A N K O F COM M ERCE, with its un­ l.l»l No fi for patent wa* certified to by me In 190* and forwarded to usually strong factor of safety of 32*4 per cent, affords the the General l.and Office In the regu­ greatest security to depositors in this community. lar manner In accordance with an order of the board It waa learned W e invite your patronage. ■uh»ei|uently that the land olflre re- fuaed to take favorable action until It wa» shown by the atate that the Pilot Unite Canal, through which water wa* then delivered, could properly furnlah thla water and that Directors: there were proper water rlghta therefor Arrordlngly I prepared J. W . Brewer L. E. Smith Guy E. Dobson and tranamltted to the General l.and Office a report covering theae point* B. A. Kendall J. Barr Since that time my office, the office of the Governor and both our Sena­ tor* at Waahlngton have uaed our beat effort* to hasten thla ll*t to fi­ nal patent ao far without any great aucceaa. It la accordingly, aa It al­ ways haa been, "up to the General U n d Ofllre.” The land office haa shifted the re­ sponsibility by putting It up to the Central Oregon Irrigation Compauy to ahow that the North Canal ran de­ liver water for the Hat In question. I reported some time ago that suffi­ cient water waa delivered In 1913 through the North Canal to water the land* In queatlon, and at the last meet mg of the Desert Land Hoard I presented Mr. Howard's letter to the effect that 333 second feet had been delivered through the North Canal for one half hour, and wa* duly In­ structed to furnish a ropy of thl* letter to the General Land Office. The notice by Mr. Howard In your Issue above referred to seem* to me Hi* Desire* Farmer* to Co-operate to be only recognition of the fact With Him to Ascertain Amount that It ha» been "up to the Central 1 of Water 1'sed on Farm* Oregon Irrigation Company.” W ILLIA M HAXI.EN OF H ARNEY I'W IIIH A T K H ill HHKRIKK D AILY Yours very truly. COI NTY. VISITS HERE GAINING STRENGTH JOHN H. LEWIS. John Dubuls. Inspector of the Des­ ert Land Board, recently arrived In Bend to take up the work of irriga­ lieront A* an Efficient Peace Oflke* tion investigations in this part of the He Know* the Xeexl* o f All t'entral county in behalf of the state. Oregon anil Would W ork to Ha* the Endorsement of the He desires to get Into communica­ tion with a few farmers on the seg­ Benefit Thi* Section Voter* of the Count) regation who will co-operate with Kcpuldlcsn» Lend In Kediuond. him In the collection of data regard­ Tethemw nnil Cline lu ll* l*re- 1 ing the amount of water used on rlnctn— F rid a y 1 » l,n*t Hay various farms. This data is of great William Hanley of Burns. Harney Those who are in close touch with value to the irrigation manager, the the political situation In Crook coun­ engineer, and also the farmer, and county, candidate for I’nlted States The registration books for the ty are of the opinion that Frank El­ there Is but little available data Senator on the Progressive ticket, primary election to be held all over was here last week. While in the kins. the present sheriff, will receive that Is dependable. the atate close Krlday, May 1. at 5 This work. Mr. Dubuls says, will city Mr. Hanley said: the nomination on the Republican o'clock p. m. 8o far the registration " I shall not do much speech mak­ ticket at the primaries May 15 for require only about 10 minutes a day In Ihe Redmond. Tetherow and re-election to that office. They say for the farmer or some one of his ing on this trip for I am just going Cline Kail* precincts has been very that Mr. Elkins Is dally gaining family to read and record the to get in touch with the people, light. If you fall to register you strength In all parts of the county, amount of water turned In on his meet my friends, tell them they need will bo required to swear your vote fewer folks living in bunches and and aentlraent of the voters Is that particular farm. In on election day. Kollowlng la the In return for ths setrvtce Mr. Du­ more on the soil, more irrigation they desire to see him nominated and number of voters registered up to re-elected for the reason that he Is buls will assist In installing measur­ works and smaller land holdings and noon yesterday: and haa been an efficient official In ing devices, furnish blanks for re­ explain how far the wilderness of Redmond Precinct the position of sheriff during the ports. and make a survey of the this great land has been getting be­ Republicans. 56. present term and the other terms he farm in general, and at the end of hind the standard of modern life. Itemocrats, 40. "1 am not running against any- the season give to the farmer a copv has served. Prohibition, 6. ! body— Just putting out principles to of all this Information regarding his The tight that has been made on Progressive*. 3. hlaie a new political trail. No gov­ Mr Elkins by some county officials farm. Tetherow Precinct ernment Is working properly that It Is necessary that this work and their friends has. In a measure. Republicans, 3?. doesn't scatter Its population There It is stated, been the means of gain­ should be started Immediately, and Democrats, 32. any who choose to take advantage of j must be a big percentage of the peo­ ing friends for him who will go to Prohibition. 7. ple owning slices of the land. The the polls on May 15 and show by this opportunity should drop a post­ Progressives. 2. card right away to Mr. Dubuls at day of crude pioneering is past. Now their votes that they think he is the Cline Fall* l*reclnd Bend, stating the location and the : we must develop the country and right man for the place. Republicans. Iti. amount of cultivated acreage on hi* j give better opportunity for more The office of sheriff needs a man Democrats, 11. j persons to live in It. We need more farm. who Is a competent peace officer, and Prohibition, 1. j good roads; not only the develop- that Mr. Elkina Is that kind of an Progressive, 1. A summer resort hotel Is to go up 1 ment of transportation on the Co- official no one can deny - his record Socialist, 1. | lumbla. for Instance, but more ton­ on Tstltcoos lake, I^xne county. hears out this statement, for he is a nage for It; the opening up of the A new woodenware factory la In A soap factory at Marshfield will terror to criminals and when he goes country back of It; Irrigation, small- successful operation at Sellwood. • urn out one ton per day with five out after an offender against the — Continued on Page 2 Beaverton will have a brickyard. law he always lands him. peraona employed. Redmond Bank of Commerce REDMOND, OREGON FRANK ELKINS SEEMS Registration So Far Has Been Very Light Land Board Inspector Gathering Farm Data united : s tates senator