Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City” of Central Oregon lu i.. 4. FOUR KILLED AT CELILO CANAL The Factor of Safety No. 41 REDMOND, ( KOOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL lfi. 1914 AK IS THE HKS1 I I Ol BASE HALL GAMES PLAYED (•¡ant Steam Shovel Explodes IllY THE I .OU A US. THE HI 1ST GAME HERE SATI RDAY, Dynamite in “ Miiwted” Hole WITH THE HOME TEAM ( RIPPLED. AND THE OTHER With Tremenduoun Force ¡LAME AT $1.60 PKK YKAR REND SUNDAY AFTERNOON— Itl'SH, THE REDMOND TVYIRI.EK. STEADY AS A CLOCK IN THE DISPOSES OK THE STICKERS WITH AP­ IRIDIES AND DERRIS HURLED IN THE AIR PARENT EASE DURING THE NINE INNINGS REND LAME N The bu.sineHH man o f to-day is becoming more and more critical in safeguarding his business interests*. The bank in which he expects to keep his funds should be carefully ex­ amined as to the factor of safety. ninnimi p U iril th«lr flr*( losing ki ) ( i n . " of lha «ivimin Ual iflrrH' 1 'ill » h an lln-jr mail III.' Many K K D M O N I) - B K N I) (ìA M K Workmen Miraculously Escape From Flyini; Rock— II) Kob Itoliert* Shovel Enxineer In (¡round in Thr Itrdmond team wrnt to II and |r 1 1 Ha Irani Tim I... ala were I Si I hr aluM'tiir of a n x i a l of ttunday to play a return gamr. and p a p lllU players. aaJ that la Ih" rapturrd thr rraalon by a a r o r r of un ilial Iti» rotini? arai tram 17 to 2 In thla gamr thr loralt had «ti ..(T « l l h th» baron by a arorr tlghtrnrd up thr I r a t o by thr addl- tlon of tbr rrgular playrra, and tlioar lo a. hr .lay « a a raar and wtnity, ami » h o wlturaird tbr playlng o f thr |u inali rroa.l » aa In attorniati. •• Itrdmond aggrrgatlon wrrr « r i i aal- k ' • i ..f (lar iti« rrrnra » • ■ ■ latlr.l «U h thr artlrlr of hall put Up lluah. thr Itrdmond pltrher. « a a I. i •mur ..f thr Imala »hi. I: « righi thrrr « l l h thr gooda and put It » Mi. vlali.ira lo run ut- all ovrr thr llm d atlrkrra (' Sprlng- r r of llm d. « h o umplrrd thr gumr, K" ,»» ng la ! hr Him up « a a fair and Impaniai and gave aatla- Itralnioml fartlon to botti traina I Irlalo». lat baar Followtng la a drtallrd arrotini of I f r th rr o*. 3rd haaa> thr game: I |ranton. l n d baar Flr«l Innlng I I K lina. h. Irft (Irld Itr.linond Urtato«, thr flrat man I k l'rrry. ralrbrr up. glrurk out. T r i t i m i » hit to thlrd I |lhrh«r. ahortatop and « a a thrown out al tirai, itran- I I " , Irti flrl.1 ton Arar out to Ihlrd agan. rentar field Unni Jonra « a l k r d and waa IVrry. pit. h.-r ranghi napplng off Drat, M rKtv l'rtan H I* atrurk out. tìlbba Itew out to left. Wclgsnd. pltrher Herond Inntng I «ira. ahortatop Itrdmond lludaon « a l k r d . alolr J.lalrr, ral- hrr aerond and thlrd. and acorrd «rhrn 1. Ilrlknap. lai haar I. l’ rrry hit to drat; Prrry atolr [li Ilrlknap. 3rd haar a r r o t i '! and thlrd. and acorrd on MrKarland. 3d baar Ituah'a hit to lefi R e d ; lluah acorrd llonnry, center Belìi on thr catchrr'a rrror. Hhrllry waa Farnsworth. left tirili thrown out al tirai; A l’ rrry hit to Stevens and Roberts, right tlri.i aerond and flrat on an rrror. Thr lóame by Inning« wrnt to aerond whrn Fleming hit to tnnlnga 1 3 3 4 5 X 7 * 9 ahort. Fleming waa pili out at flrat; I Olir 1 0 0 I S 0 3 I * * the Machinery Roger W. Babson, in the Saturday Evening Post, in sug­ gestions to the young business man selecting a bank, says: “ In foreign countries the bankers talk of factors o f safety rather than simply deposits; but in this country, owing to the ignorance o f most business men concerning banking methods, k the people can be fooled by a comparative statement of de­ A terrific erpioalon at Thr Dalle*. April K, which shook thr earth for a wide radius, left dead and mangled ttodies In Its wake and wrought par­ tial destruction to nearby surface works, occurred at Thr Dallea-Celllo Canal work*, one and a half mil.* east of lllg Kddy. at II 4 0 o'clock on thr above date, whrn the U ovem - mrnt'a mammoth “ 40 " ateam exca­ vating shovel struck what la hcllcvr.l to have hern an Itnmenae charge of dynamite which. It la thought,* had "missed fire" In blasting operations Four men. Edward Readier. Alex Lind. Kd Ryan and C. Odrlrh. w eir Instantly killed by thr trrrlflc Impact of the explosion or died Immediately afterward, while other workmen were frightfully cut and bruised, though none of them. It la believed, will die The exact quantity o f dynamite exploded la not known, but It muat have been o f considerable pr opor­ tion*. Judged by Its death-dealing forre and the havoc It wrought. A large number of pitmen were at work In the face o f the excavation, j going ahead of the steam ahovel, drilling the hole* for the dynamite dmond . 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 3 Contlnued on l’ age 3 blasting, while other numbers were engaged around the ateam ahovel loading the loosened dirt that had been Mattered by the dynamite blasts or not picked up the by the ateam ahovel. Juat how the accident occurred «III not be known until the Investi­ Irctlng loia* W e rk IV rfrrta O rga n i- Song Ser* Irr « a » VI urli A p p recia te«! gation by the Coroner's Jury. f posits. • M it o « fo r A re I h r t o n iln g S c a x .n — F lerte.1 At a meeting held here last week k ■»« lnlcrr«t.-.| In •••In. n I .larball team In Itrdmond. It waa I dr.I to organit e a ball club that tmild aland a chance of winning the •nnanf o f the county for 1914 The n o e tln g waa held In Mayor Roarh'a o flirr laat Friday night Th • L llowlng offlrrra wrrr alected for Ihr nrgnnltaMoii I'rraldrnt J W. Mootr Mw Trraa l> t). Burdick. Manager W. II Shelley, f ’uptaln -Jraar Trth rrow. Manager Shelley alatrd that It was thr Intention to try and organirr x four or air clu b league In the county and play a rrgular arhedtilr o f gamra during thr araaon Th r »errrtary la now corrrapondlng with different lowna In regard to thr above and It la expected that I’ rlnrvlllr. Itrnd. Itrdmond nnd probably Madraa or Sisters will g o Into thr organlrntlon. IIA M , IJAMK II Kit K s i M *\V T h r Redm ond and I’ rlnrvlllr ball trama will play here Sunday after­ noon, April 1*. at 3 30 o'clock The locala will have a good Irani and faal hall may be expected Tlila One la IMIferent— A hatch o f 7« young chicken* from *7 rgga la reported by C. W. Taylor o f thla city. He aet ten hen« and ao far air have com e off with the re­ mili u h ahoye «fated Should thr bal­ ance hatch aa well or better than fhr «rat air, hr will have obtained about a 90 p*«r cent hatch. MAM KB r o l l M A IM Mil by lo»rg r C o n g r e g a t i» » — A b le Hrr- K ip l.w io n C a tch es A ll at W o rk . m on IM Ivererl by Itr » . lla g a n . The Kaater aervlce* at Ihe Prosby- terlati church here la*t Sunday were well attended and much appreciation ■hown for Ihe excellent aong »ervlce program rendered llev W K. Hag­ an. pant nr of thr M K. church o f this city, delivered an able aermon ap­ propriate to the oera*!on. The f o l­ lowing program was given: Selection, orchestra trio. Mrs A. B. Sparka. Mra W. H. Anderaon, J. It. Illngham Hallelujah, rhorua. Scripture reading, llrv. Ragan. I’ rayrr. Rev Itagan. Solo, J It Kobrrla. i’ lano aolo, Mr*. Anderaon Hymn No. 163, congregation. Sermon. Itrv. Itagan. Solo. Mr*. Ifobba. Anthem, R. I,. Schrr. Mr*. J. R Roberta, Mr*. C. II. Irvin. Mr. Cook. Hurt, Mr*. J. It Robert* and Mr. McKwIng. Olorloua Conqueror, choru*. Selection, orchestra trio. K n trrta lm sl F rien d «— Ml«* Livingston and Ml** Ritchie entertained about 24 young people. Including the "R and o f Hope*’ and their frlenda. at the C. H. Irvin home la*t Thur*day evening. Th« evening wu* passed In dancing. Hing­ ing nnd playing gamra. after which refreshm ent! were served. Those present were the Ml**.*« Irene and Jesse Hutchins. Myrtle Butler. Lora Smith, Lucy Campbell, Marie Au*lln, Vita Rnmaower, Claire Dunn, Mae Ritchie, Nora Livingston and Evelyn Smith, Mesdame* I’ hoenlx and Irvin; Messrs. Lynch, Cook, Chn*. Reedv. Talllaferro, Kannala, Meyer*. Hud­ son. Harr. Ordway, Long. Walter Rodman and Irvin. The Spokewman ha* the name of ery taxpayer In Crook county, with Von can sleep In the dark, but you elr poatofflce address I’ eraon* de- And ring name* for mailing or other need the light to do business irpoaea can » .c u r e «ame at Ihl* of- advertising Is the great source of business light. •e at a rea a on a b le figure. j • • The fjrat and m0st important feature to note in the study of a bank statement is the factor of safety.” The REDMOND BANK OF COMMERCE, with its un­ usually strong factor o f safety o f 32Vi per cent, affords the greatest security to depositors in this community. We invite your patronage. Directors : Guy E. Dobson J. W . Brewer B. A. Kendall L. E. Smith J. Barr Redmond Bank of Commerce REDMOND, OREGON iseball Team For the Faster Services Here 1914 Season Organized Were Well Attended O tthrra • Commercial Club Talks About New Club Rooms Officials LEGAL "BEER” IS MADE 0. See T. Railroad Better Times Ahead FROM A NEW POWDER Without warning and while all the men were at work at their various stations, a terrific roaring, a trem­ bling o f the earth and a mass of flying rock atartle.l the crews w o r k - 1 In T o u r in g T h l* FH*trtrt T h ey F in d ('• p la in « Appointent f o r ( ómm I H oad* Ing a short distance front the steam T h a t A ll K in d* o f B u*ine** Ia D ay— E xp ect S to re « t o C lo s e on shovel. Cnfortunate workmen were P ic k in g l"p— O u tlo o k B right T h a t Hay t o H e lp th e C a u se A lo n g seen to fall In their tracks or be K l'fiK N K l ’ K O S K C C T O R I N A H I,4) forcibly thrown In various directions. Hmull debris filled the air, the Im­ TO H O LD "W K T ” V IO L A T «»« W. C. Wilkes, assistant general At the regular meeting o f the mense crane and the "d ip p er s." or passenger and freight agent; F. A. scoop at the end of It. were twisted Commercial Club last evening the Bralnerd, superintendent, and J. T. and wrecked, rock efirs were lifted following members were appointed Hardy, traveling passenger and bodily front their tracka, while a Stuff Sold In Can« I« Claimed to captains for the road work on Friday. freight agent, all of the Oregon cloud of dust filled Ihe air for a con ­ April 24. which ha* been taken up- Trunk Railway, were in Redm ond Produce Jag*, but It* Handler* siderable distance. J. H. Vincent and Frank Phoenix on last Saturday and called at The The startled workmen who had south road; Al Wright. Powell Hulte Jeer at Liquor U s * Spokesman office during their stay in not been Injured hurried to the road; M. A. Lynch. Batea road; W. the city. aaslstance o f their less fortunate j o . Phoenix, the main road north. The Mr. Wilkes stated that they were brothers and a hurried appeal for j captains are to have full charge of making a tour over the district c o v ­ medical aid waa sent. “ Dry beer.” represented as capa­ ered by their lines, and he was well It was at first thought that the ,h * w or ‘l an‘1 ae" t h . y hntr* number of caanaltles would be much of men *° a** ** * el" -v,r> ble o f producing as com plete intoxi­ pleased with the o u ilo o k — that busi­ man that can get out on the above cation as the " r e a l ” article, puzxled ness was picking up in all lines, and larger than actually proved to be date Is requested to report to one j Kugene and county officers one day- he predicted a steady growth of the case. of the captains so that tools can be last week, says a dispatch from t h a t > prosperity from now on for this part Kendler. the engineer, and one of arranged for. Dr. J. Barr and L. 8. city, followin g the arrest o f C. E. o f Central Oregon. Ihe dead men. was seated in the door­ Roberts were appointed a committee Cook by a police officer as he was at- j way o f the engine room which fur­ to see the bsulness men and try to tempting to sell canned, powdered nished power to the steam ahovel. Install* FTne Furniture— get them to close their stores on the "b e e r . " He claims to have been s e l l - ! H. P. Wilson, landlord o f the Hotel The blast hurled Mm through the ab ove date. ing the material about Lane county Redm ond, this week installed a num ­ door and Into the engine room, where D. O. Burdick was appointed to for three weeks, to have 10 agents in he was caught in the coga of a big ber o f tine quarter-sawed oak chairs, . . « . , . , . ¡consult the City Council In regard to the field, and defies the officers to with Spanish leather cushions, for wheel, his body being ground Into i . . . .. . , , , having the city dump grounds moved stop him. the hotel lobby. Mr. Wilson believes thousands of piece*. It was several . . . .. further from the city limits. R. 8. Bryson, police Judge, before In patronlxing home industry, so ne minutes before anyone could reach was The club room question whom he was brought, discharged bought the chairs from C. H. Irvin, the shovel to stop the engine, during . . ... him for lack o f grounds on which to the furniture dealer of this city, who which time the machinery was grind- * v . Is to get a permanent location for hold hint. District Attorney J. M also is a believer In home produc­ Ing his body Into bit*. It was neces­ the clu b room s and fix up an agri­ Devrs attempted to hold the man. tion. for he bought the chairs from sary to reverse the engine to liber­ c u l t u r a l exhibit there A reading j hut was able to do nothing. an Oregon manufacturer In Portland. ate the horribly mangled body. room would be provided and pool and "T h er e Is on way to stop him Crniieiimn's F*ci»pc Miraculous. billiard tables installed so the mem- from selling materials with which to Bought Supplies Her«*— Lester, the cranesman. was seated j her* and their guests would have a make b«>er, stated the district attor­ Messrs. Moxley and Brummer o f at his regular post on the crane arm, place to congregate. It Is proposed ney, "p rovided he has the proper li­ Post, were in Redmond yesterday. almost directly over the "d ipper,” to have the club rooms open all day cense for peddling.” They brought In a consignment of which Is presumed to have struck 1 until midnight. The executive board and exploded the dynnmlte. Oniy The officers declare that the local chickens, sold some in this city and was given full power to act on this Portland. the fnrt that the arm o f the crane option law specifies the sale o f Intox­ shipped the balance to question as soon as the plans wet;e bought supplies was between him and the full f o r -e icating " l iq u o r s ," and this not being While here they fully worked out. o f the blast saved hi* life. A* It a liquor, it does not fall under th e' from Lynch & Roberts. W. M. and H P. Wilson of this was. hi* escape from death was little law. city. Joined the club. Are you proud o f your town and short o f miraculous. The force of Crook represents that the powder o f your business? Yes? Then ad­ Ihe explosion hurled the luckless reaches when mixed with water will make vertise your business and thereby ad­ Y our ad In this paper real "a tchollc beer.” vertise your town. every h om e o f the town. Continued on Page 3