PAGK TWO RICHMOND THK B E ATS BEND n\ •C O B B \ AT or BASE 7 ro _• BALL in GOOD G A M E R K PM O N I» T i'k » ' ' I " Sixth Inning - " F a t t y " for tlx v ball, to first on a liner to short, went to second »ml wa* c»ugt\i ,r ' " “ hit bar • pitched and wm for« (Continued from lit Pago* fanned; Bates flew out to le ft; McKeen made a hit over short and g "t first; Gibbs hit to pitcher and retired the side. Bristow for Redmond was caught at first; Branton walked, and stole second and third; W. L. Berry hit to left and Branton Till-] O LD EST HANK IN R E D M O N D SO LICITS YOCR III s |\ k nS CoAiiervalUr Maaag^. I Treatment. Read Our Statements. In terest Bald on Drpunitn. Safety Deposit Boxes | tlur«lick‘* i'ur»t*A K ih *I« s I I hon» lUlrw tod I'hrm III to steal third; McKay fanned, retiring the side with another goose egg. Two more scores were added to the local's frame on the bui letin board in their half o f this inning. Branton hit to center. •*«* Itunluk's ( unis Xs the lUttrr Saw Them. |(r||1 State Bank of Rcdmoi REDM OND. OREGON The \lr \\a* F all of lancuat;«'. scored; Burdick made a hit and Berry was caught at second: Bur­ dick stole second; Shelley was hit by the ball and went to first and Burdick got third: Hoach went out at first, and the inning re­ sulted in one score for the locals. Third Inning— Gartell fo r Bend made a safe hit to first and The 1914 Cast 25, .15 and 10 hursepower. S«dd for rn.h I ik»* ¿to I light« h»> i U h k reached first and stole second and third and scored on a wild throw to third; W. L. Berry fanned; Burdick hit to right for a base, stole second and third and brought in a score; Moore, who took Shelley's place, was put out. and Hosch went out at first. Seventh Inning— In this inning Tetherow went into the U.x KKDMOND. ORKt.ON ( ’. H. BAUGOTTSl Quick Delivery Mi K*»**n Dull«*«! Down One. Express and Transferlat ‘ K e r r y b o tl} Was Itoirut It." stole second; Hurley flew out to third on a high flew out to short and Caldwell went out on a liner Redmond drew a goose egg in their half. A. E. first; Fleming flew out to short; Bristow made a foul; "F a tty ” to first. Perry reached three bagger. A ll Onh o Vhnnmm O rder* tiltr . P rom p t llt .1 i,« llo u i. M el. HUM. tit at Kedltionl th e P W lH The Best Hams <'»lrh«T Perry on Ihr Job. for the locals and Bend picked up their first score. McKeen got to first, stole second, advanced to third and scored; Gibbs went out on three strikes and so did Gartell. ami Hurley went out at first. Redmond added another score in their half. B ran ton Zipper! Around the Ha«- YOt CANNOT GST ANY BETTER HAMS AW WHERE III \\ THE ONES \\ K < I RE ol RSELVt> RIGHT HERE IN REDMOND AND KEEP ON SAU AT ALL TIMES AT OCR MARKET OCR I’RH'C* VRK f HE VPEK I'll \N THOSE t II \K g ED Ft* IMPORTED HAMS. LET I S SHOW YOU. Ho« h'» IU i l^oknl a. IU k as a Ti l. graph Pole to I tie Pic. her. A. E. Berry and REDMOND ‘Fatty" tkilng to First. MARKET J. It. ROE, Proprietor. and Perry was caught at the rubber trying to sneak in a run; Tetherow flew out to center. Fourth Inning— M cKay of the visitors flew out to pitcher; Ferguson went out at first; Bates hit to third and got to second on a wild throw; McKeen pounded the air three times. In Redmond’s half they added another run to their score. Wood and Iron Work I f there is anything you want in the above line call on me. | have a plant capable o f doing al! kinds o f work in wood and iron, and will -nvc y,,u money on all order* placed with me. I can make nny furniture you may want. G. W. DAVIES 11 e Old Pioneer Blacknmith o f Redmond \WIK\ (•art ell Hail H|twl to Burn. Itri-tnw W»» • ( hnh I Waiter. Branton hit to second and got first on a fumble, stole second and got third on a passed hall and scored on a wild throw to third by the catcher; W. L. Perry fanned and so did Burdick, and Shelley fouled out. Fifth Inning— In their half Bend went out in one, two, three order; Gibbs hit to short and was thrown out at first; Gartell fanned and Hurley hit to pitcher and was caught at first. Redmond picked up two scores in their half. Hosch hit \o short and got to second on a wild throw and stole third on a pass and came trotting in with a large juicy score on another passed ball; A. E. Berry went out on a liner to first; Fleming got to first on a fumble by short, advanced himself around the bases and brought in the second score o f the inning; Bristow hit to right, and was put out at third; Tetherow went out on a liner to first. Htmllr) 4tui a "Rib Koa.trr" In H m . Hfttiml. Fleming fanned; Bristow was walked, stole second and »cored on Tetherow’s h it; Tetherow hit to left for two bag* and stole third Branton flew out to right. Eighth Inning— In this inning Bend scored one on passed balls. Berry, catcher for the locals, being unable to hold Tethe­ row. Hurley went to first on a hit to center, got to second ,n<| third, and scored on a passed ball; "F a tty " was and rearh- ed third on passed balls; Caldwell hit holes in the air three tim, M cKay got to first, and Ferguson went out at first; Bates retired the side by striking out. Ninth Inning— In this frame Bend drew the regular goose Continued on Pane 3 R E E D Y 'S AT— The Brosius Bar H V F S T » « A M r n O F W IX F H . walked Redmond added a goose egg to their score in their half VV L. Perry reached first on a hit to right, stole second and was caught napping at that sack; Hudson, who took Burdick's p|,u . went out on three strikes, and Moore fouled out. PttlXKVIl.lJC — CALL ........... They Couldn't Honryfuicle the I mplre. iv Liyi ohm n i l rioA iin CENTRAL OK EGON GARAGE do We are now prepared t i r e vulcanizing »team. I * t us talk over the tin problem with you. I « t us start you right >nr the coming season with » new set o f tires. We have ., - III i it 11\ i,K t| <>|IT REEDf* ■ o f the best lines- (toodjn* and United States. CENTRAL OREGON GARAGE y K . nitOMll M, Proprietor. R E E D Y 'S r e b d U*