Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City” o f Central Oregon l o L 4. Nu. 8U KKDMONI). CROOK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, PJ14 $1.50 PER YEAR JE EXPERTS REPORT 11 v» 1 1 >K la Dir reputi o f (tir r i < iiii iiisola from ilu> Misi«, in r« l>r|isrioiniil « h o rerently su llir MMWll IllMlks kriIsml O r a , M, « . . i l «>k c ou n ir . Oracoli, (or thè por | il f ilei et Iti I II I II K lllr finis In thè «t nf SII l'isllllnsl Imi ili lllr «. !» nf • Il IO rollili f In noli» Iliade finii of orrnunlsnls. ami aitili Jlt lo Inalali ami arrange for a P S * . i'f ............ !.. ila ilrpartnienl sa ia lin i for un | l.»ptrr 3»'. U s a ni 1111 $i In» ■ nnrludrd lina »U rlili.. 1 , tini jfou barawllh, for jrour eoo | I . I l o - fi li II. » li. f »tate . • ' a Statement o f flnam lal rondl- 1 1 • f t’ rook rimilir l i n m i l i m 31. m Statement o f noatirlal ronill of Crouk m u n ir , Jannary 31. Statement nf Itnanrlal rondi [ nf l'riMik roimtjr. Krbruarr 3* Statement of l» 0 7 la» roll Reputi aa lo rontroversy ni<*r | »(Taira u bannl . n » ri I by rrrialti »irmiUlani» empio»- ) thè rounty Reputi aa lo unlfurni arate o nionthlr reporls Uespe, I f olir BllblllltfPii. JOHN li KICIIAHIHtON, K M MMITII. I teput |pa frook m u l i , O m w , Hot ontani RI nane Ini eondltlon ai i stono of Inraa lipirinlipr 31. 1913 Atsals. k I 6.231 'i5 ri ri: I f. aì . &: » .il 1..1.I 10 33 |l In i. il «.k3 » 37 rial arhool 1.699 n i II. ». boni 3«9 I« 114 I» lia n I I . p *. ’ i fair 250 no I l redem ption Mr» 101 ... 137 2* ! 11> t'oiintr I .... » i lltulp ............... hi 11 .................. 23 » ut 1 1 3 . » « » 6ll b ilities ('»landing aarranta 139 ' * 9 M I u ì . i i U p lit l i : . ........ i Note The above debt of Hie kinty la net and Inrltidea the rredlt »lieilal funda for which the kuity arta aa an a a m t only The real ramnty debt, applicable county government la detertnlnrd takltiK I he tola) of Renerai fund !d road fund oulatandlna warrants d deducting therefrom the balance hand In these funda I Statement o f financial condition al nal* of bualneaa January 31. 1914 Asset ». Mirrai fund I 2.4 4« 6« mera) road ...................... 3.036 « I . lai r o a d ........................ 3033 inly school 4.» 3 » 37 delinquen! January 1, I '«14 1 4.97« Iteport aa lo controversy over county affairs aa bused on u report made liy certain m conn (mils em­ ployed by the county. The Commissioners' Jmirnul allows tliut u tirili of urcmilitanta. A McK itali át Co . was auIboriteli to make an audit of the accounts of the county, apparently for the year 191.7 This firm rendered a report to Coun­ ty Jridice Sprinter on or about Jan­ uary 19. 1914 The report contained I Special schools .............. I.3«7 li« schedules simulili; the expenditure* High school I t i 1 1 uf the various functions of Hie county Library ¡ R | $ ami contained comments, opinions •‘ounly fair 4 4 39 snd adverse criticisms of the various School b o l l i l a ..................... 10.00U 00 county officiala 7'hls report was filed and Immedi­ Interrai on bonds 4 6 00 Homi redemption .............. 26o oo ately caused a turmoil us between 1 "• « nr, certain factions of the taipayers and ! Scalp bounty .............. 237 2» the county officials At q special meet line o f certain tax­ Institute . . . l o o «4 Trual ..................................... 23 » 0« payers and some of the county offi­ cials. thereupon called. It was stated 122.171 ».1 hy the accountants that certain offi­ cials were transaction the business i .labilities. .Outstanding warranta 1 4 « .« 2 « 62 of their departments llleically ami that the 1907 tax roll of the rounty County debt 124.666 6» was delinquent In the sum of 120.000 or therealioula. and as a result of Statement i.f BU h . ..i 1 . cluae uf bust tie»» February 2H. 1914 this meeting the accountants were authorised to continue their work on Asset*. General fund | 2.461 21 Hie lax rolls In the meantime a controversy be­ Special road .................... . 30 23 County si bilili 4.«39 37 tween the sheriff of the county and Spacial schools 1.310 6.7 one of 1 he accountants over the cus­ High school ’ l l « tody o f the rolls The sheriff desired to have the Library ............................. l i t lo County fair 44 39 rolls audited In hla office, or an office School b o n d s ...................... 10,000 00 adjolnlntc. where his deputies and the Interest on tKimls 4& on abstract people could have access lo The accountants apparently Umili r e d e m p t i o n .............. 2 6 0 0 0 them Pities .................................... 3 0 1 66 refused this request and took the Scalp bounty ...................... 237 2« rolls ami locked themselves In a room Inat II ute ............................... lOO »4 on all upper floor of the court house Trual ..................................... 23» 06 In the meantime Ihe sheriff, feeling hla responsibility for the tax rolls, had the Janitor open this door o f the I .labilities. Outstanding warrants 2 4 « . l » 6 2k room am! took some of the current tax rolls down to his own office Tills action on the part of Ihe sher­ 122.217 36 County debt 123.697 9.7 iff! caused more friction and lead a R o o d many o f the taxpayers to believe Vole The above statement of as- that the sheriff did not want hla tax sets Is of funds only and dora noi rolls amt accounts audited and that show the value of roads, road ma­ matters were not as they should be chinery and eiinlpnient or value of This was the situation In the land ami bulldltiaa owned by (he county when we arrived In Prlnevllle county An examination of the report of The delinquent tales are also not the accountants rendered on January shown In the statement for the r e t ­ 19. 1914. disclosed the fact that the ami that the amount actually r é s ili­ adverse criticism directed against able la difficult to determine certain o f Ihe county officials la mani­ The total amount of delinquent festly unfair and uncalled for taie s from 190« to 1912. Inclusive, The statutes were profusely quoted amounts to the sum of 190.H26 72 In an effort to confirm their adverse I nder the system o f accountlna a f­ criticisms whereas a close scrutiny fairs on a receipt and expetidlt lire of Ihe laws quoted by them shows basis the liabilities would be Increas­ that the rounty officials were follow- ed by the amount of claims filed l.i I hr Ihe laws (with a few minor ex­ Iiecemher. which are not approved ception s) as closely as they could and paid until the January term of Tav lti.ll». court The tax roll for the year 1907, statement o f I IMI? Tav Hull. which Is In controversy, apparently Amount of tat roll that was turned over to the sheriff In very ahould have been charn­ bad rondinoti There were numerous e l (u slier I IT 1 1 I 0.»0t II errors of extentlon and computation Sheriff s aasesments. etc 17.24« 19 and also errors of dou ble assess­ I’ etialty and Interest rol- ments The sheriff's assessments on . .1 1 I I i this 1907 roll amounted to a sum vf 117.000 The 1907 roll Is In a de­ 1129.503 03 plorable shape as Is also the 1910 tax Collected a n d turned roll Most of the old lax rolls are over lo treasurer 1101,641 32 In a bail condition Three i>er cent rebate al­ The statement of the 1907 roll as lo » e ! 2.2 7 5.61 shown In this report shows that the Krrors and wronitful as- total roll amounts to } 110,906.44 ex­ ■aMtnanta t 1,121 21 clusive of sheriff's assessments and Injunction still iT h e l»ea- other discrepancies. The amount of chuleo IrrlKstlon and the roll as shown by the county Tower Co «a roun iy. 7.6HO 49 clerk's statement was 1108,1.75 46 or Cncollecled Jan .1 191 4 4.976.70 -if 92,772.22 Wi can­ il ot account for this error unless 1129.603 03 Continued on Page 4 llalance brouKbl down aa Day After Day the Quest for Something GOOD to Eat Goes On C ikm I Conti is the three-times-a-day problem with you. Providing it at RIGHT PRICES is the all-the-time prob­ lem with this store. So, as you may have guessed, w-e should like to have you solve a good deal of your problem with our store. You will find that at all times we are in a position to serve you with the REST there is in the GROCERY LINE and ask you to give us a trial order and let us show you how well we can satisfy your wants. Our line of BAKERY GOODS will nppeal to you, for they are always fresh. Place your next order for anything you may want in the Grocery Line with us, and we are assured you will be amply satisfied with the goods and service. Hobb’s Cash Grocery and Bakery KKDMONI), OREGON A Conservatism THAT ZEALOUSLY GUARDS ITS F U N D S — TOGETHER WITH A P R O G R E S S I V E SPIRIT AND UP-TO-DATE METHODS— MAKE THE Redmond Bank of Commerce A GOOD PLACE TO DO YOUR BANKING CAPITAL $25,000.00 on papers In the county unless they allow the W. C T. V. to edit them: I "B e It resolved by the Co. W . C. T. t". In convention assembled: “ That we do not patronise by our I subscription, any longer than our present paid up time, any newspaper i in this county that refuses to publish our reports and notices and does not give us the temperance news o f the At the meeting o f the Commercial county and state at large as far as According to proclamation by the Club last night It was decided to o b ­ they can do so. City Council. Tuesday. April 7, has “ Resolution adopted.” been designated as "C lean-up Day” serve “ G ood R oa d s" Hay. April 25. and have all members o f the club in Redmond .at which time all prop­ and citlxens generally who are Inter­ F A R E W E L L SERMON AND AN- erty ow ners iu both the business and NI AI, CONGREGATION Al. ested In good roads, get out that day residence districts are expected to clean up around their premises. and work on certain roads In the vi­ MEETING This clean up proposition is inau­ cinity o f liedmond. The purpose of "G o o d R oa d s" Pay gurated as a forerunner to a cam­ (Com municated) paign that will be made against the Is to have everyone In the state, that I.ast Sunday morning at the Pres­ flies, and it is thought that by clean­ can do. get out and do at least one good day's work on the roads. Sup­ byterian church Rev. F. Harvey ing up the alleys and other places erintendent o f Public Instruction preached his farewell sermon from o f refuse and garbage much o f the Churchill Is preparing a plan under the text. " W h o is sufficient for these fly pest can be eliminated. which the school children will t a k o ( things” and " Y e are my friends." I All property owners are urged to part In the work. One o f the things "T h e Best o f Friends Must Part." | clean up on and around their premi­ proposed by Mr. Churchill Is that the Following this the regular annual ses on the above date. church meeting was held A letter children take part In dragging the was read from Rev. J. M. Cornell- main roads leading to the school son, chairman of home missions of AD VE RTISE THE 11.1 B houses. the Pendleton Presbytery, respond­ ing favorably to the request which At the Commercial Club meeting I.A Hi IK P R O P E R T Y O W N K R H E R E had been made for n regrouping of last night it was decided to have this church with another congrega­ cards printed bearing the Inscription tion. To facilitate this proposition W. M. Wilson, accompanied by his Rev. F. Harvey retires from the " W e Are Members o f the Redmond wife, arrived here last week from work at the close o f March and will Commercial C lub ." and have same Valilex. Alaska, and will remain two take a rest. The financial reports placed in the store windows o f all or three months. Mr. Wilson Is one from E. C. Park and from the La­ merchants who are members o f the This method o f advertising o f the largest property ow ners In the dles Guild and other sources showed club. city, ow ning nearly a block o f desir­ the total Income to be $600 for this the club has been done in oth er The disbursements places. J. W. Brewer stated, and has able business lots and buildings on church year. were, for pastor’s salary, home mis­ resulted in much good. Sth between K and F streets. He sions. foreign missions, relief for owns the Hotel Redmond and the aged ministers and widows. Sunday t H \It*• El> \\ ITH B \PE store building and hall on Ihe corner school literature, piano, lumber bill, of fith and F streets. Mr. Wilson has fuel nnd lighting. Rev. F. Harvey W. D. Bell of Laidlaw., was recent­ an abiding faith in the future of cordially thanks the citizens of Red­ Redmond, and stated that he was mond for their liberal and courteous ly arrested at Grants Pass on a war­ contemplating a number of Improve­ treatment and desires that his suc­ rant charging him with rape on his ments In some o f his holdings, es­ cessor may receive similar encour­ 14-year old niece. The alleged crime agement. The roll o f membership pecially the Hotel Redmond, which was revised by the Session, and E. was committed last September and he proposes to move off the present C. Park was elected a trustee for the sheriff's office has been on Bell's track ever since. Bell was bound site and replace with a modern three years. over In the sum o f $1500. pressed brick hotel building NAMES F O R MAILING The Prinevllle Commercial Club Ttt HOTPOT N E W SP A P E R S The Spokesman has the name of has made arrangements to have a The Spokesman last night receiv ­ every taxpayer in Crook county, with big 4th of July celebration. ed Ihe followin g communication in their postofflee address. Persons de­ Local talent at I-a Pine will soon the mall, with the envelope post­ siring names for mailing or other marked Culver, which leads one to purposes ran secure same at this o f ­ put on the comedy o f " M y Friend From India." i believe that a boycot Is to be placed fice at a reasonable figure. GOOD ROADS DAY Ï0 BE E "CLEAN-UP” DAY IS FIXED EOR SATURDAY